
July 2001
most of the more recent active stations (at)VQ9 have been via their homecalls,i would suggest checking back issues of 425 dx news for the route of VQ9IO,It is in there somewhere,i think 425DX NEWS has a search engine.
Fal mu0fal <colin to lorbert.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 22:33:24 (GMT/BST)
Just had a short sharp opening to LA1YCA in KQ10 - just popped up and got to 579 - worked about 6 stations in g then gone - great unexpected bonus.
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 21:58:02 (GMT/BST)
Sri, e-mail address should be g3sek(at)ifwtech.com More detailed version of ann. should be on vhf-dx-discuss reflector shortly.
Ian G3SEK <g3sek(at)ifwtech.com>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 21:34:55 (GMT/BST)
I will be on 50MHz from IO66 (Isle of Mull) for the two weeks from 6-18 August, and will try to be specially active in the Perseids on SSB/CW. Callsign on 6m will be GM5RP. The station is only 100W to a 3-ele, and the takeoff to the south is poor. Also it's a family holiday, not a DXpedition, so sri NO SKEDS. Preferred frequency for MS CQs will be 50.165. I will TX the odd minutes ("second" periods) with breaks on the 15 sec. Modes will be SSB or normal CW - sri no HSCW. On other propagation modes I'll use the usual frequencies, or .165 for blind CQs on odd minutes. I'll try to announce myself on the KB3CWS chat reflector when QRV. No guarantees, but hope to work some of you! 73 from Ian G3SEK
Ian, G3SEK <g3sekifwtech.com>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 21:31:35 (GMT/BST)
ssb preamp ssb electronics.
I still am lsitening in the evenings to a lot of am broadcasting noise from shortwave stations.
When i switch the preamp of its gone. have made the 12v line trough toirods. no luck. Have lookend inside for oscilations with a sccopno luck. Have a filter design from on4ant witch i can put in front or after the preamp but realy would like to now if there are more with this problem. a mail to ssb did not help now answer till sofar.
g1pie has the same but i do not know what kind a preamp he has. I just asked him hi.
Any suggestions pse mail me.
Trough it away i know already hi.
73 timon pa9kt
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 21:07:19 (GMT/BST)
I have just received email from Andy XE1/G3SVD now in Mexico for two weeks and he asked me to post announcement that he is monitoring 6 with a bcn on 50103.0 when in shack. So far he says cndx not good and no signals hrd.
Norm G3NVO <norm (at)woodtech.demon.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 19:16:53 (GMT/BST)
Enno: I think the address you quote is NOT in the USA it is "via" the USA to a military post office - Diego Garcia. Here they are called BFPO xx (British Forces Post Office) and are a way of getting mail to "troops" in the field. Diego garcia has ALWAYS been a QSL nightmare - like most "club" stations. 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 17:02:32 (GMT/BST)
GREAT NEWS for those who didn't work VU on SIX
FROM DXR Reflector
According to latest information, permission to use the following frequencies by Indian Amateurs is extended upto 31.1.2002. (It was to expire at midnight today)
3790 to 3800 khz, 10100 to 10150 khz, 50.35 & 50.55 MHz
73 de VU2JOS
ON4AOI <on4aoi(at)ping.be>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 16:27:04 (GMT/BST)
All very interesting stuff regarding DX and EU. However I know not one operator who could honestly say he has never called a new counrty out of turn or in the wrong bit of the band. Not good practice I know but it does go on especially if someone is new to the band. 6m is the sort of band where one man's DX is another man's regular chat and tune past.If the odd station does call out of turn then it only takes seconds to work them before carrying on. No hard and fast rules really you just do what you feel is right, if it goes your way great if it doesn't who cares? Ah well its only a hobby at the end of the day enjoy it while it lasts.
John G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 16:25:40 (GMT/BST)
RE: VQ9IO. This is the address Buckmaster returns: Diego Garcia A.R.C., VQ9IO PSC 466, BOX 15 FPO AP, CA. 96595-0015 USA. So, that's NOT on Diego Garcia but in the USA ! Maybe, that explains the Navy note. Anyway, Buckmaster also indicates that KD7MG is the QSL manager. That's where I send my card to. Unfortunately ... no answer yet. Keep trying everybody and keep us posted about the result (I will post it here when I receive a card).
Enno, PA5EA <cw (at) dx.nl>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 16:14:44 (GMT/BST)
I confirm what DJ3TF have experienced abou VQ9IO, I sent my QSL to the same address around mid June but still no feedback either positive or negative. I got the impression that the address is of a US military base so probably it will take some time before to get an answer.
Dante IW2CAM <dante.randi(at)italtel.it>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 15:44:46 (GMT/BST)
I confirm what DJ3TF have experienced I sent my QSL to the same address around mid June but still no feedback ether positive or negative
Dante IW2CAM <dante.randi(at)italtel.it>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 15:42:53 (GMT/BST)
Today I received my third QSL from EK6AD, this time with the help of SP3RNZ. Tnx Greg !!!
Ken SM7CMV <kenth(at)kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 15:05:01 (GMT/BST)
LX/TF3MLT Hi. I have moved from ICELAND to LUXEMBOURG
and i am setting upp my station for the operators that are missing my
QSL card please send QSO info and address by e-mail.
Olafur LX/TF3MLT <olafur_olaffsson(at)ses-astra.com>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 14:32:42 (GMT/BST)
PSC 466 BOX 15, FPO AP 96595, CHAGOS ARCHIPELAGO. The bad msg is, that I don't receive the QSL, but the good msg is, that my letter comes not back with such a Navy's notice... 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf(at)darc.de>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 14:08:56 (GMT/BST)
Hello all 6 freak's, I just want to ask if somebody got qsl from VQ9IO, May'01 openings. Send out direct card to address at Diego Garcia, but Navy post return my mail with notice that address is not active anymore...any experience with that? Please, if any 1 can help write me at add below.
Regards to all. 73& GL on magic band.
Greg SP3RNZ <greg(at)konin.lm.pl>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 13:52:25 (GMT/BST)
Paul G7PUV: I can vouch for the M2 6M7JHV. Mines at 17mH and a great performer! Good gain and a very clean sharp pattern. I do suffer from rain static though, which is strange because the elements are grounded to the boom(?) I asked Dave, N5JHV, if he noted the same but he lives in a very dry area in NM and rain is not a problem there. Any other JHV owners have rain static problems or is it just me?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cpbigpond.com>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 13:30:37 (GMT/BST)
Regarding TY - Flo,when are you planning to go there ??
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 11:48:08 (GMT/BST)
Agree with Mike et al. I won't say I NEVER work EU or even G in the DX window but I NEVER call anyone calling "Outside EU DX" - that's why it took forever to work OY. 73
Peter G8BCG/p <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 11:21:00 (GMT/BST)
The best antennas are the ones you build yourself. That way if you use YO (for example) to evaluate before you build, then you get close to what you specified. YO is also good for evaluating stacks of commercially built antennas, where you can input the design details and get a data readout.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 10:59:17 (GMT/BST)
Hi, I also stand with 'VEQ on this one. If he HAD worked the EU station there would have been another "not impressed" complaining about THAT instead.... and yes it can be difficult trying to work outside Eu with one of the rarer calls. For instance, if it's open to the Middle East from here, it's two hops, and the first always lands in JN65 (or thereabouts). "CQ 4X" always brings me something else. Even using the DX window doesn't help. I haven't gone so far as to take up knitting, but I understand why 'TEP has. I know it can be frustrating hearing a new country calling for outside Europe - for my part I have NEVER heard T7 except when he wants non-Eu DX, but I don't call him in the DX window, or when he's calling CQ NA etc. So I still need it. It won't kill me. It should be an easy QSO, I can wait, and I don't want to jump in and QRM his only chance of working 9Y or something - yet he always gets an Eu pile everytime he's on. No wonder he's rare - probably knitting and swapping patterns with 'TEP the rest of the time!
Of course the other side of the coin is that knowing hundreds of people want the new DXCC, I do spend a lot of time working new Eu stations, even when I could be keeping quiet and sifting the band for the "real DX". A bit of give and take, hopefully, makes it easier for everyone. Anyway, I can't knit. 73 all
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 10:13:53 (GMT/BST)
cn8li/b beacon 579....07,55 gmt
geert on4gg <on4gg(at)pandora.be>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 08:55:16 (GMT/BST)
Dear om,
I have a questions. Like you perhaps know, I go into Bénin TY for 3 weeks with all the radio equipements (4 stations).
I will try to do 6m with a big big interest !!
Most of the time, to check the propagation I will try to listen the european beacon.. Can you tell me whitch beacon is the strongest one in direction of Africa ???
Thanks in advance for info, see you on TY, on the magic band.
Flo, F5CWU
FLO, F5CWU soon in TY <f5cwu(at)wanadoo.fr>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 08:05:48 (GMT/BST)
Iagre with veq as to the qrm on the dx window i was calling midle east and plenty of IK coming back to me i wish oporators on six wold now what dx is ?
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 07:56:36 (GMT/BST)
Have been watching with interest the activity in Europe using WSJT and a few of us down here will also be giving it a try. Unfortunately, the group in the ZS6 area haven't been able to find someone outside tropo range to give it a try. We need some activity in western Madagascar, southern Angola, northern Mozambique. Any volunteers?
What frequency is used in Europe on 50 MHz for PSK31? Might come up on that mode during one of the next openings if there is nothing else new to be worked.
Hal ZS6WB <Halcpsdirect.co.za>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 05:40:04 (GMT/BST)
Hi Roger, and others. I think you missed the point, both comments were in reply to a previous comments. You might feel a little different if you had an extra letter in the prefix. I've often joked that i've taken up knitting rather than CQing... Sad, but true. I understand about the others who need the country, or square, but if i (or anyone else for that matter) call CQ-DX in the DX window, then an EU to EU qso isn't on the cards. And at least i put my name to comments i make. 73 de Andy GD0TEP (EI4VWZ 8th/15th August)
Andy-GDØTEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 00:21:45 (GMT/BST)
Stacking KLM KT 34XA w/ EAGLE 6M6DX. Would like to have ur opinions about distance apart two antennas in order to have nil or minimum interference between them and if I should rotate one of them.KLM (at) 18 m high (top of tower), mast above top of tower: about 4,5 m.Would appreciate your advise and if someone has this set up or similar using the same HF beam with 6 m Yagi. Tnx de Luis, CT4NH (IM59ke/IM58jr/IM66bx)
Luis Teixeira, CT4NH <ct4nh(at)mail.telepac.pt>
- Tuesday, July 31, 2001 at 00:12:47 (GMT/BST)
Tony, Andy - the groans and gripes page awaits your input - this is an anouncement page.
Roger, G4HBA <g4hba'at'6mdx.eurobell.co.uk>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 22:29:58 (GMT/BST)
GW4VEQ: Hi Tony, the same situation with G Station during a opening to W / VE on 25.May 2001 i call in CW CQ DX and which station come back ? some G Station calling me after hard ignore i give G = DX ??? then they gone away. A other opening to JA on 14.June 2001 the same game i call CQ DX and some G Station think they are DX, thats a general problem on 6m not a Austrian...
vy73 Fred oe3mws
Fred OE3MWS <oe3mws(at)kabsi.at>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 21:05:09 (GMT/BST)
Not Impressed! I have to agree with Tony/VEQ. No EU-EU qso's in the DX window. Just because it's a new dxcc/grid/wab (or what ever) you shouldn't complain when the station tells you to QSY. And next time, have the grace to sign your name. 73 de
Andy-GDØTEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 19:42:10 (GMT/BST)
Paul, make your own antenna if possible. Plenty good design software, and best value for money.
Geoff MM5AHO <geoff at cwcom.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 18:16:29 (GMT/BST)
I'm hoping to replace my Tonna soon and am trying to decide what to go for. I've had some top advice and comments about the M2-6M5X but will consider any similar performer. Is anyone using a Vine Antenna, Eagle 6m6DX and in the absence of the KLM 6M-7LD the other one on my short list is the Create CL6DX but can't find any info about them on line. The max I can go to is a single boom upto 22ft so any advice is appreciated, tia.
Paul G7PUV <paul (at) lasermagic.com>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 14:21:38 (GMT/BST)
Band open now fer 3 hours.VO1ZA bcn in and oud,up to 599
VO1GO,N1RZ,VO1TJM heard/wkd.CU3URA bcn also in
Keep listening ......
geert&on4gg <on4gg(at)pandora.be>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 13:54:27 (GMT/BST)
only managed i US STN in last nights opening,as usual seemed to be right on the edge of the opening.
RE 3V qsl why is everyone so cynical.German DX teams are excellent QSLers.
73 Colin
colin mu0fal <colin(at)***lorbert.freeserve.co.uk >
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 11:58:23 (GMT/BST)
Is FP/NN9K qsl via homecall ?
John G0EVT <john.hobanbtinternet.com>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 11:51:04 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, My spots don't seem to make it to the cluster, so here's the news: CU3URA in 559, OX3SIX in 529 (at) 10.23 Z. Looking for North America now, 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 11:28:36 (GMT/BST)
Nice opening last night to usa but missed the FP in the afternoon,gotta go out sometime Hi Hi !!
Also wrkd W5EU EM12 the day before, a BIG surprise that one !!
Ok on the 3V , I'll send the card theres a 50/50 chance !!
73 de Jamie
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv***qsl.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 10:12:14 (GMT/BST)
3V8-QSL: DL1BDF Mustapha Landoulsi, Westlinteler Weg 30 D-26506 Norden GERMANY. E-mail dl1bdf(at)darc.de 73 es gd dx on 6m
Peter DJ6XV <dj6xv(at)darc.de>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 09:39:58 (GMT/BST)
Navacarrada (Madrid) on 48 MHz is mooted to throw the big switch in two days - is someone in EA going to stand in with a solid omnidirectional beacon?
Ian ZS6BTE <ian.roberts(at)freemail.absa.co.za>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 09:14:51 (GMT/BST)
Drat, looks like I went to bed too early last night! 73 all,
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 09:11:52 (GMT/BST)
Does anybody know the address to UN0OA? The QRZ.com address looks a bit sick to me. Thanks in advance.
Bo, SM7FJE <bn****aaaaa.se>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 09:01:56 (GMT/BST)
About 45 stations hrd from NA last night! what an opening, nice to pick up some new grids again (W1234 area)
geert,ON4GG <ON4GG(at)pandora.be>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 08:31:36 (GMT/BST)
Who is "not impressed" ? Evidently the person hasn't got a backbone. For the record, I had been on 50.115 for 30 mins working NA, and was continuously called by an OE station. I politeley told him I was looking for NA in the opening, but he just kept on calling. Sometimes one has to be rather blunt to get the message accross. There's no way I would want to work an OE station in the DX portion of the band, especially when there was a good NA opening. So, "not impressed", own up and stand by your comments in future!.
Tony - GW4VEQ
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq(at)breathemail.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 08:26:51 (GMT/BST)
Good opening to N/A yesterday thanks to Bob VE1YX for the new Ome Qsl on the Way 73s all Good Dx ;-)
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 06:51:43 (GMT/BST)
FB opening here this evening, and was I ever surprised to hear & work YU1 through the S3 QRN on my end, as well as a few PA,I,G and F stations. Thanks guys, it was great! Interestingly, a few minutes before the first spot of this opening appeared and before I heard any EU here, I briefly copied a vy weak beacon I could not identify ~ 50.015 or slightly higher. SV5SIX/b seems plausible based on my beacon list and the extent of this opening, but I am unsure. Can anyone provide any info (QRG/pwr/ant) regarding this beacon, or any others in EU/ME that may occupy that freq? Thanks & 73, Dave
Dave N3DB FM18su <n3db(at)radix.net>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 06:22:39 (GMT/BST)
Nice EU opening. Reminiscent of last years July 23rd opening. From 1944z I Wkd ~ 100
Euros on CW until 2141z. from 2141z-2356z I spent tuning. G,I,EH,ON,DL,S5,PA,
EI,F,HB9QQ,YU1,LZ(3),SV1DH-wOw!,9A(3),YU7,YO(2),OK,YT1,9H,GI,GW,GD. Might
have missed something. No new ones, but a great time. Biggest signals were S57A,MI0AYR
& YT1AU (all 59), longest DX and a joy to get him was SV1DH. never did hear UX0FF or YM0KA
which others over here got. Never saw a single IS0 either. (boo hoo!) GReat time by all.
98% of the guys were not "turned off" by my fast CW, nor the fact I rarely ever gave
my grid square. Saved lots of time. A few still felt compelled to send me there name , grid, and
serial # of radio etc.(hi) but that's to be expected. Very well behaved pileups. GReat time!
WHEW! (btw no new ones......) 7 3 de Mike VE9AA
ve9aa Mike Fn65rs <ve9aaxxhotmail.com>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 01:56:52 (GMT/BST)
My e mail address came up incorrectly on last post-here it is W3CMP(at)aol.com 73
chris w3cmp <w3cmpaol.com>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 00:37:09 (GMT/BST)
GE all-
Very nice opening to EU this eveningworked several stations with 100 watts but like pulling teeth without anesthesia-had to switch amp manually to get it running (no cable for new rig in line)! Can anyone give me e mail info on HB9SJE? The e mail adddress I have for him (hb9sje(at)uska.ch) bounces-he was #97 DXCC here after a long drought. 73 Chris Patterson W3CMP
Chris W3CMP <w3cmpaol.com>
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 00:34:21 (GMT/BST)
All Headmasters should consider early retirement or just enjoy the summer holidays (June-August inclusive in Ireland) like the rest of us poor teachers
Charles EI5FK
- Monday, July 30, 2001 at 00:31:50 (GMT/BST)
Just heard a GW give a "headmaster" style lecture to an Austrian station on 50.115. His crime? Calling the GW when the GW wanted North America. The reason he called? GW was QRMing his QSO! Very poor and tatty manners OM.
Not Impressed!
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 23:05:59 (GMT/BST)
According to my records the EA4 TV transmitter at Navacerrada is due to be switched off by Wednesday. Anyone confirm that this will happen. Despite its rasping, personally I'll miss it - end of an era.
Clive G4FVP <g4fvp(at)ntlworld.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 18:26:55 (GMT/BST)
(29 August 01 (at) 1615 hrs UTC) I will be on the road again with an opportunity for contacts in EL 90 (St. Augustine, Florida, 6 Aug-10 Aug) & FM 02 (Charleston, South Carolina,11 Aug -14 Aug). Of the two, FM 02 is VERY rare as most of this grid square is Charleston Harbour & out in to the Atlantic. I'll be using 50.110, 50.125, & 50.224/5(for my French friends) in both grids. My call will be: N2NEH/port.4 (St. Augustine or Charleston Harbour)...Chris, N2NEH.
Chris..N2NEH <n2neh(at)arrl.net>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 17:13:43 (GMT/BST)
FS/N3OC can & will get on 6m. I did make sked at 11z for 14z two days ago on 40m cw, which resulted in country #110. If I understood correctly, he has to take down 1 antenna to put up another so there is no instant change to 6m. He uses 100 watts & 3 ele on 6m mounted on a table. It appears it is best to get a hold of him on low bands & encourage him to change over, he missed big Eu opening from Carib yesterday which is very unfortunate. 73
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 14:14:07 (GMT/BST)
Band open late yesterday 1645z to Eu On, G, & 9A1CMS, 9A3JI, 9A2UP. The 9A stns were first & really surprised me after hours of calling, persistance pays off. Scott W4SO got hold of FP/NN9K on 15m & they did QSY to 6m to a big pileup & many a new country(I needed QSL, wrked form NY in 1979). ON4GG & ON4ANT were louder here then the FP with his antenna on me. It may be necessary to do what Scott did to get them on 6m, there is no observable beacon running on 50102 as has been published. Sri about double post, dont know what happened. Look for late NA-EU opening. GL All
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 14:02:45 (GMT/BST)
David ZF1DC I think you know I agree with you 100%, the KP4 chatting frequency of 50110 makes it impossible for use by other Caribbean stations, not to mention US. I know of at least 1 good KP4 operator who could inform the others of our displeasure with their abuse of the DX Window(I guess this is small stuff to you Eu guys). Tnx & 73
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 13:54:14 (GMT/BST)
David ZF1DC I think you know I agree with you 100%, the KP4 chatting frequency of 50110 makes it impossible for use by other Caribbean stations, not to mention US. I know of at least 1 good KP4 operator who could inform the others of our displeasure with their abuse of the DX Window(I guess this is small stuff to you Eu guys). Tnx & 73
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 13:53:36 (GMT/BST)
LIstening for DX Now, East Coast seems to be working Europe Now, So wishing that the band opens here.50.125 ( I HOPE), 73 Ax
N8XA Axel
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 13:31:33 (GMT/BST)
Charles my oven has a 36/32/34 driver. She tends to run on the hot side and is just as loud as the 4CX1500 when on the receiving end!
John G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 10:16:28 (GMT/BST)
G0FYD, you think your grid has bad combination of letters? Try this one: JN65SH. There's my summer house down on Adriatic sea where I was /p during UKSMG contest, and winll be in a week or so :-).
(actually it's in jn65th - I checked with local Cadastre Office, hi).
Another thing. I was pretty dissapointed with TT8JE today working SSB on .095. I've asked him to qsy from CW portion, but he ignored my plea (other's reactions were more drastic - from keying QSY to calling CQ on .095). As he was well over s9, almost complete cw portion was wiped out.
He could do better than that!
Bob, 9a3ji <9a3ji**ipc.hr>
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 00:41:44 (GMT/BST)
John, whats running that oven a 36/28/34 or a 4cx-1500
and whats this about someone offering his wife...whats she like ?
Charles EI5FK
- Sunday, July 29, 2001 at 00:17:48 (GMT/BST)
Too much sun Ade? Chance would be a fine thing. Ended up fixing the fan oven due to heavy QRWife! Anyone want to swap? The oven that is :)
John G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 23:57:55 (GMT/BST)
Agree with Neil..lets stick with just the four.
I hate sending my locator as it is the most awkward series
of characters anyone could invent. (IO83LS)The bigger the dx the more the yips develop(cw only).Hw mni times are we in the situation wen the dx keeps repeating 6 characters that youv,e hrd at least 30 times previously or seen it on the cluster a thousand times, and you end up missing, or stressfully expecting that you are going to miss an essential part of the qso.
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 23:14:25 (GMT/BST)
John, JJL, I think you have had too much sun today
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 21:59:32 (GMT/BST)
I agree with Niel, after all, all of GD is in IO74 square. Perhaps i should give JUST the last two, and let the other station figure it out, hi. Like most, i could hear the TT* beacon quite well this morning, yet when he was QRV, zilch. The pile up was quite messy though. 73 de
Andy-GDØTEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 21:40:53 (GMT/BST)
We just seem to be going round in circles with this "Square" business. Let's divide each square into four triangles and start swapping them. Four triangles gets you a full square! Suggest 50.110 for "Triangle" Swapping no QSY until you have a full square! No seriously now some stations do go to the uth degree to swap this that and the other....I am sure I heard someone on 50.110MHz offering his wife!!
John, G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 21:29:53 (GMT/BST)
You are becoming paranoid! The last 2 could mean the difference between life on 6 as we know it and oblivion. ONLY JOKING!! Don't know why we even exchange the first 4 with rare dx - waste of time - get it from the qsl card.
g4hba Roger <g4hba(at)6mdx.eurobell.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 20:55:29 (GMT/BST)
Paul says "Band on the run" Mc Cartney that is and I aggree with you
Charles EI5FK <the usual>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 20:50:58 (GMT/BST)
or even "ban" ..the last two
Neil G0JHC
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 20:10:13 (GMT/BST)
Whats the obsession with collecting the "last two" letters of the grid locator? I'd like to start a campaign to band "the last two". Some prioritise this ahead of getting the call right ...its driving me crazy!!!
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 20:09:34 (GMT/BST)
Can any Fastlog afficionado please help?I lost my fastlog programme but have my log saved on floppy.How do I load the contents of the floopy back onto a new programme?Thanks
73's Gd dx Bill
Bill Gw3mfy <gw3mfy(at)btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 19:21:08 (GMT/BST)
Surprise opening to W1,3,4,5 FG5FR and FP/NN9K for a new one
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 17:58:20 (GMT/BST)
KP4's need to be taught that .110 is not for inter island chats. I cannot tell you how many time I have hear very weak EU on .110 with KP4's 59++++ on .110 chatting away. When I call QRZ I get at least 5-10 KP4's answer me like I am DX???????????????? Who are we kidding I work them 1hop!!!!!!!!!! By the time I am finished with them the EU is gone.....Surprise!!!!!!!!!! KP4's need to learn that .110 is not a net freq. I know I am not alone with this feeling. Of all of the Caribbean islands KP4 is the one DXCC enry that I hear the most complaints. Please I know there are at least(maybe) 1 good operator there please inform the rest that .110 is not a chat freq. If you review www.wa3six.com you will se my stance on KP4's and it is not pretty. Please encourage them to adopt good etiquette when it comes to 6M. The UKSMG band plan would do wonders there!!!!!!!!!!!! 73's and I hope you don't work KP4 unless it is a new DXCC
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)yahoo.com>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 07:49:20 (GMT/BST)
Gary M0CTP <g7lxk(at)hamshaq.freeserve.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 07:29:06 (GMT/BST)
EX8MLE in for the first time , was nice to work a new one after some time .
73's Philip
Philip 9H1PA <9h1pa(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 28, 2001 at 07:01:18 (GMT/BST)
PY5CC thanks Peter and PP5JD into UK at same time as 5B/G1JJE...
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 21:08:25 (GMT/BST)
Nice day with good openings. Too bad the activity is so low.
I did hear CU3URA/b for over an hour, but no CU's heard.
I've only heard this beacon 3 or 4 times before. Suddenly
FY7THF/b came in, but no south-americans heard. I tried
some cq dx calls, but no luck :-( I did work 5B/G1JJE and
YM0KA for the only dx today. But OD5SIX/b has been in for
many hours together with 4X4SIX/b and 5B4CY/b. I also
have been listening to 5B/G1JJE for many hours. Stations and
countries heard are far too many to mention. Managed to get
2 new squares today. Hope for some more luck later.
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 20:27:13 (GMT/BST)
UN0OA in and EX8MLE but hvy video qrm, X-tal filters and dsp needed to avoid video qrm
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 20:12:10 (GMT/BST)
Just hrd 3V8CB on 20m giving his QTH as 20km south of Tunis which should be JM56. Asked direct QSL via DL1DBF. GL!
Max, DK1MAX <dk1max...web.de>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 18:06:21 (GMT/BST)
3v8cb: Seems clubstation according qrz.com. The locator jm56rm.
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 17:54:33 (GMT/BST)
3V8CB gave DL1DBF as QSL manager - Buckmaster gives address in Florida - any ideas if correct??? Also gave JM53 as grid but said few KMms south of TUNIS JM56 - again any ideas?
G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 17:47:44 (GMT/BST)
Peter BCG - don't exagerate - blue moons do happen, though rarely - hi.
John G0EVT <john.hoban(at)btinternet.com>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 13:21:51 (GMT/BST)
For 4m nuts: Norman G1JJE says he will be active from WSBA of Cyprus Tuesday 31 July.
Nick G3KOX 5B4FL ZC4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 13:02:22 (GMT/BST)
3V8: Looking forward to tonight as I was unable to jojn in the fun last night. Perhaps some of the big 6m names who were heard in the pileup last night and who have already worked 3V / TS will sit back and just listen tonight. Flying pigs and blue moons are also welcome! 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:39:37 (GMT/BST)
ZF1DC rx #181 ,tnx David
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:31:27 (GMT/BST)
I fully agree with you, Clive !
A real mess again due to the fact that he didn't know what happend to him that evening...hi. Also Europe had his contribution to it !
So next time (tonight ?) "push" him into split operation so he can keep his and our bloodpressure down....
Gd DX and CUL in the pile-up.
73e Michael
Michael, PA3GST <pa3gst(at)hetnet.nl>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:21:28 (GMT/BST)
Re the opening to 3V8CB on 50120. He was in here (IO94) for ages but no hope of a QSO with the QRM. As has been said before - split frequency operating is the only useful technique for pile-up management of six metres. Numbers, call areas etc cannot cope with the rapidly fluctuating propagation.
Clive G4FVP <g4fvp(at)ntlworld.com>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:16:02 (GMT/BST)
Thought I would find out more about WSJT. Put it into the usual search engine which brought up "Tampa radio station featuring smooth jazz". This must be what 6m sounds like in W4! keep on grovvin' on the magic band. 73
Clive G4FVP <g4fvp(at)ntlworld.com>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 12:10:33 (GMT/BST)
Re “last 2 letters” etc.. surely the minimum requirement for a valid QSO is that each station confirms the other station’s callsign.
Colin, GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <c.morgan(at)wlv.ac.uk>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 11:47:13 (GMT/BST)
I had the most frustrating hour on the air ever last night - four countries I need heard, no chance of working any of them. We must all be mad, 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 09:31:08 (GMT/BST)
If I am still waiting for the A61AH qsl (forever...) others are very quick. Received yesterday HZ1MD, 7Z1SJ and today ZF1DC. Big tnx!
Alain ON4KST <on4kst(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 08:55:13 (GMT/BST)
Good propagation yesterday evening. Hard to find out where to put the antenna to. First the amazing show with 3V8CB.
It proved that "last 2 letters" is very tricky...Thought he confirmed my "ST". But there are many more like ON4KST, hi.
Glad the other ST later in the list did work for me. Also the very first time EX8MLE showed up. Was a good bet to keep the antenna in his direction. With such a huge pile up, strong video the 250 Hz CW filter did the job. At least 4 stations didn't allow me to had a clear reception of the qso confirmation. But I am in the log. Signal did never made it more than 2-3 dB above the noise. Later on FG5FR was at 599 but didn't get VP2VM that was spot at the cluster by an unknown PA0SIM!! Anyway a great evening with tropical temperatures in and outside the shack. 73,
Peter PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 08:43:05 (GMT/BST)
WOW.. wat a mes on 50.120.0.yesterday .Every one calling over each other tryng to get 3v8cb. I must say it was verry Entertaining Hi.Good Dx..Edwin
Edwin..MW1EWJ <MW1EWJ(at)btinternet>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 08:04:13 (GMT/BST)
Not bad yday: Wkd 9J2BO for my #100 at 1706z. Others wkd were YM0KA KM39, 5A1A JM62, 3V8CB JM53, FG5FR FK96, OY/DF2SS IP62. Antenna still 8 el. log-periodic for 10m-20m with funny pattern and low SWR on 6m, hi. Nothing here in JN58 from YV and EX...
Max, DK1MAX <dk1maxweb.de>
- Friday, July 27, 2001 at 06:11:53 (GMT/BST)
Somebody be kind enough to remind me of the tried and tested way to get a qsl from EK6AD???
Ken G4IGO <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 21:24:13 (GMT/BST)
3V8CB: currently on .120, under the dog-pile from hell. An example of EVERY bad operating technique (at both ends): lists, last two letter calls, now by numbers, and everyone calling over the DX, etc etc etc. Come watch the circus..... btw GW7SMV and G3IMV, you both worked him during the same QSO with "the station ending MV". Guess you'll have to sort it out with pistols at dawn as to who the contact was REALLY with, or wait for the QSL which may or may not arrive. 73 and hope you made the contact you thought you did....
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 18:24:33 (GMT/BST)
saw spot: DJ7IK-(at) (1327Z) : Look for 3V8CB on 50140 this afternoon!
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 14:32:16 (GMT/BST)
WSJT freq problemm. Hi Guys - try to read Operating Code at: www.uksmg.org/code.htm, there are IARU REG 1 50MHz Band Plan: up to .500 it is CW/SSB only. Digital mode .500-.700, .510-SSTV, .550-Fax, .600-RTTY. Try to use .520 to WSJT as centre freq and promote it ! I will start in WSJT after renovation of my flat and a radio shack of course, in beginnig of August. Cuagn from JO84CF
Jacek SP1CNV <pola(at)icmax.com.pl>
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 10:01:13 (GMT/BST)
Re. M2 6M5X anybody upgrading and selling their,s. Please email. Vine aint got any.. Thanks.Desperate of Osbaldwick
Barry G4KCT <g4kct(at)hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 09:21:40 (GMT/BST)
WSJT: Why not use 50.110 +/- 5kHz? Excellent frequency also for local and contest QSOs, especially when the band is open to other continents. Disregard bandplans and similar agreements. Have fun. Be tolerant!
Arne SM7AED <sm7aed(at)algonet.se>
- Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 07:48:44 (GMT/BST)
If I have WAZ #11 who has the others? It isn't on the CQ site yet.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcs(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 20:54:27 (GMT/BST)
WSJT: I could go for .310 maybe, any higher offers? ;o) 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 19:37:14 (GMT/BST)
Watch this one lads, it contains an attachment of about 200k and the subject varies, the message contains the following text.....
"Hi! How are you?
I send you this file in order to have your advice
See you later. Thanks"
It is ok to open these messages but dont open the attachment which can be .bat or .xls.pif or other extensions
as they contain various wormhole viruses
Worse than a season with no "F-LAYER"
Charles EI5FK <chas at indigo.ie (anti spam)>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 19:36:10 (GMT/BST)
Anyone use the tube 811A in six? I put a pair of 811A in a P.A. but I have this problem: one tube has the anode red in few second , I have a good power , but after a moment the choke on this tube blow up. I use the tubes with grids on ground, the choke are identical and also if i change the position of tubes between them, the situation is identical, tnx in advance.
MIke I7CSB <i7csb(at)libero.it>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 19:24:05 (GMT/BST)
Received 6M WAZ Award #007. Same mail contained 160 WAZ #165.
73 to all, see ya on Magic Band or Top Band.
DXCC H/R Mixed and Phone DX (at)345
160M DXCC-WAC-WAZ DX(at) 138
6M WAS-WAC-WAZ, DX (at)94
2M WAS-WAC DX (at) 35
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 18:00:25 (GMT/BST)
RE WSJT: It is a narrowband mode and therefore occupies the same bandwidth as an SSB signal, in fact it is likely to occupy less as it there are no audio mixing products like there are on SSB, there is only 1 tone present at any given instance.Who on earth would want to use it when the band is open, it is an MS mode and will be used when E's etc is not around.The TX periods are 30 secs. I personally won't use it on 6m unless specifically asked to do so by someone who needs IO93 (therefore never). It is prudent to go above 250 I think.It SHOULD NOT be stuck with WB FM data modes as this is innappropriate.The same arguments are raging on 2m, mainly by those opposed to the mode for whatever selfish reason.There also appears to be a lot of people passing comment who are obviously unaware of the nature, features and application of the mode,me I think that it is harmless fun.
Conrad G0RUZ <g0ruzbtinternet.com>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 16:41:19 (GMT/BST)
WSTJ!!!!!Should read WSJT....Seems I discovered a new mode as well. 73,
Peter PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 14:51:57 (GMT/BST)
Agreed Ray. NO digital modes (USB, LSB or whatever) under 50.200. Please remember July 7th when the band was crowded.
Imagine what would happen when a likely populair mode as WSTJ would bring. I guess WSTJ will be very populair with the younger, not DXfanatics, new hams. Better start much higher because it will be impossible to get them up later.
Have fun and 73's,
Peter PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 14:10:51 (GMT/BST)
Just imagine your neighbour, who is a fancy 50mhz op too, will start working WSJT (or whatever digital mode) on 50.110 or .210 LSB or USB. Imagine also that you are hunting for VQ9 or A45 or 3A2 on that frequencies and they are active but you can barely copy them. WOW!!! You had ALMOST worked a new one because someone was S9+++ working a digital mode. Perhaps in OH or whatever outpost for 6m it isn't is a problem as you are the only operator active in miles and miles. But how about the busy grids like KN04, JN61, JO22 or so. Worth my 0.02$ but stick to the bandplan. It's there for years and workes fine for all as long as we keep ourselves to it. Agree that the bandplan is not 100% perfect but why start messing it up even more with these proposals.
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa(at)50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 12:33:26 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, I'll be happy anywhere for WSJT so long as we can all agree where exactly. BUT I don't see why it has to be treated like a leper - no more bandwidth than any other SSB signal, after all, (and a lot less than many I've heard ...), no more or less likely to cause QRM, etc. 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 09:52:00 (GMT/BST)
Re: WSJT - Interesting to note the choice of LSB whatever the QRG. As far as I'm aware everyone on 2m has been using USB. From the WSJT FAQ page: "Because of the nature of the transmission (using four widly-spaced tones), the frequency used for a schedule, etc, is the USB dial reading frequency unlike HSCW..."
Dave EI4IX <ei4ix_at_qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 09:44:28 (GMT/BST)
WSJT: it is a narrow band mode for meteor scatter working.
I do not see the need for separating it from rest of MS-working.
The MS activity frequency is 50.200, so to my opinion 50.210
suits well. If we use LSB on 50.210, the French calling channel is not
affected. I don't see any mentioning of CW and SSB only
band sections in the band plan the version I have talks
about narrow band modes. WSJT is as narrow band as SSB or
HSCW. But as said before, I'm happy to accept any frequency
for the WSJT calling if we can agree on one.
Vesa OH3NWQ KP11WL <oh3nwq(á)sral.fi>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 08:34:57 (GMT/BST)
I'm sorry John (g6yin), but the IARU band plane declares for 50000-50500 Khz only cw/ssb mode (also rtty, psk31 and other narrow band modes not allowed here).
It is not a my opinion but a IARU's rule. We hope that in a next revision of the BP the DX qrg will be moved from 110 to 200 or 300 (see the comments put here after the IARU contest). This is an other motive for encouraging the use 50500-700 (usually free) for the digital modes. Pse, let's colonize the "up" part of the band!! Otherwise they will be used only the 50-100 kc near to the intercontinental dx qrg.
Sergio, ik0fta <ik0fta(at)sixitalia.org>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 07:56:09 (GMT/BST)
Adam: Another one in Pr4Win. The main advantage is that it is for free. Find it at: http://www.qsl.net/oe8djk/
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 07:08:05 (GMT/BST)
Four "funny" sounds yesterday on .110; why WSJT there ???? WSJT is definitely a digital mode, which fits into SSB
passband, as is PSK31, which fits into CW passbands. Why not define a frequency in the "digi"-portion of 6m. Most of
us have transceivers, where it means to push one button, to recall a memory-QRG and jump there including all
other settings. The frequency should be away from the traditionally used (and defined) SSB/CW section, but not
too high up in the band, as modern antenna designs are narrow banded around 50100 and may loose significantly gain
the further you move up the band. I propose 50375 or so. PLEASE do NOT spoil 50110 with four carriers 600 Hz apart.
That makes 1.8 KHz of valuable bandwidth useless. The band is big enough for experiments and I find WSJT
extremely useful and a state-of-the-art technique. You also should look into your licence definition: i.e. in DL only SSB and CW
is allowed, where CW counts as "clear voice". FM, AM and ALL digital modes are explicitely excluded. ... One may define personally
WSJT as SSB transmission ... Let us all enjoy WSJT (Thank you, K1JT) but let us move a bit up in the band.
73 de Christoph
DF9CY Christoph <cpe{at}df9cy.de>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 07:05:20 (GMT/BST)
Hi Gordon, will check the site, probably, this will work for me quite ok. Thanks, Adam
Adam, 9a4qv <qqq(at)www.com>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 02:58:21 (GMT/BST)
I have never been one to hide my opinions so I have 2 comments. First, my new BLU
(both/lower/upper) switch for my 8 over 8's works GRRRREAT! I highly
recommend it to anyone. (*mine is by a co. out of business now, sri-can't help u guys
there)/////Second, digital modes
on .210....ARE YOU GUYS !#(at)$&^$ Nuts? If you don't get it, you won't get it!
Forgive me, but even PSK on .290 is IMO too close to the small SSB slice we enjoy now.
Look (at) the SSTV-ers on 14.235MHz and the number of fights that has caused. Look ahead guys
look ahead. We have a large band. Why crowd all into a teeny-tiny space? OK, all for now.
Good DX and CU guys in the next pileup...Mike
ve9aa Mike <ve9aahotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 25, 2001 at 02:24:56 (GMT/BST)
Re wsjt: yes FM wideband digi needs to be away from
the CW & SSB part of the band BUT WSJT is narrow, and
i think it should be used in the CW & SSB part of the
band or is it that some people just dont like it?
john g6yin <john(at)blacksheep.org>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 23:48:46 (GMT/BST)
Hi Adam,You can try Winpack which runs under 95/98 try www.peaksys.co.uk
Gordon GI6ATZ <gi6atz(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 23:44:39 (GMT/BST)
re new digital modes... i agree with Sergio digitl modes sould be higher up the band.. 50.210 is the recognised french calling frequency... If we have a band plan we should at least use it inaccordance with the voluntary code of practice... this is just my personal view and not that of the UKSMG,,so hate mail to me please not the committee.
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***Hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 22:43:44 (GMT/BST)
Hi Pete PE1MHO.Looks like nobody reads small PRINT in RADCOM hi.
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 22:16:09 (GMT/BST)
Pse note that WSJT and all other digital mode was allocated (IARU Region 1 Band Plan) from 50500 to 50700.
From 50000 to 50500 only CW & SSB mode are allowed.
Sergio, ik0fta <ik0fta(at)sixitalia.org>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 21:50:40 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, regarding the use of 50.210 for digital modes - haven't the French been using that spot as a calling frequency for a long time? Remember, they aren't allowed under .200. Maybe it's be better to use a somewhat higher frequency? What happened to the RSGB's idea of using 50.385 =/- 5kHz? 73, Pete
Pete PE1MHO <pe1mhovrza.org>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 21:02:47 (GMT/BST)
WebPage updated
Charles EI5FK <chas at indigo,ie anti spam>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 20:38:09 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, re WSJT: LSB on .210 sounds fine to me, I'll be listening and calling later,
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 20:12:32 (GMT/BST)
Re: WSJT....count me in for LSB .210, it will make monitoring for random pings easier if I can leave it on a single frequency.
Paul <blaggard(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 19:38:12 (GMT/BST)
Hi, what I need may sound stupid but I was out of packet radio operation for last few years. So,what I need is software for my TNC2 controler for windows 95/98, www address where I can download freeware and resonably good software. Internet is not so cheap for seating all day on dx cluster. Thanks in advance. Adam
Adam, 9a4qv <qqq(at)www.ccc>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 19:24:47 (GMT/BST)
Vesa , I support using LSB for WSJT , as all other digital modes do the same :-) , i'm available for skeds as well
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 19:22:33 (GMT/BST)
I would recommend using LSB for WSJT, so the unfortunate ones having radios with
data/rtty input working only in LSB make it to this mode more easily. I use 50210 LSB
for my skeds, but would be very happy to accept almost any other frequency.
But I think 210on LSB is ok, that will leave 200 for HSCW calling.
Vesa OH3NWQ KP11WL <oh3nwq(ä)sral.fi>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 19:15:34 (GMT/BST)
Is anyone here, or does anyone know anyone who is travelling to Madagascar in the next few months. Would like to get a proper antenna out to 5R8FU, who is battling on with his vertical. Can anyone help? Antenna and goodwill supplied of course!
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 12:33:56 (GMT/BST)
EI4IX: tnx Dave - no pings rxd yet. Is there a favoured frequency for random WSJT calling? If not, should we vote? I see people on cluster CQing on various freqs around .200-.260 but haven't heard anyone yet .... I'm ready for skeds if anyone is interested, preferably 24hr notice. 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 11:07:09 (GMT/BST)
GU6AJE: Good luck with your WSJT tests Mike. One thing that might happen on your first sked is that you get strong bursts but the text decoded doesn't make any sense. If this happens check the "DF" value to check how far off frequency the received signal is, if the difference is large you might have to adjust your RX frequency before it starts to decode properly. High speed CW is more forgiving when stations aren't exactly netted to each other.
Dave EI4IX <ei4ix_at_qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 10:33:15 (GMT/BST)
EX8MLE QSL received this morning, for 5B4FL QSO, via qrz.com adr.
Nick G3KOX 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 10:00:46 (GMT/BST)
Bob, g3nsm i am using EUROWINLOG, the best of them, what I ever used. See www.eurowinlog.de. There is a demo and discription. 73 gl
Peter DJ6XV <dj6xv(at)darc.de>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 07:36:47 (GMT/BST)
Here we are again, comming up at the 4 th. tuesday in the month. The evening of the Nordic Activity Contest 17:00 - 21:00 UT. I OZ6OM will participate from JO55CE at 128 masl with a 360 deg. clear horison. Preferebly round 50.173 MHz ± QRM. I´m usually able to work both G, F and ON on flat ConDX and this time acording to Hepburn, we should have tropo over the NorthWest Europe - But I´m also avare of the start of the E´s season - care for a try ? vy 73 es hpe to see You down the log.
Matt OZ6OM <oz6om(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 24, 2001 at 01:42:55 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, I THINK I'm all go for WSJT now, just need some activity. I also found the same bug as Paul, and did the same fix with the RxWav directory. Another problem I found was after creating a shortcut on "Desktop", the programme attempts to save the RX files in "Desktop/WSJT" and also crashed (probably because it couldn't find a "Desktop/WSJT/RxWav" directory). If anyone is free for a test tomorrow morning, please e-mail with sked suggestions. 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 21:43:40 (GMT/BST)
This one is for Bob G3NSM, I am using AR-MAP for years now, it's a german program, english language also, you can look at the home-page for more info (no adress here)look in a surge program for it.
Its not only a logging program, i like the pictures, maps etc from this program!!
Johan PE9DX <pe9dx(at)amsat.org>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 21:41:44 (GMT/BST)
There was a bug in the WSJT file I downloaded and I needed to manually create a subdirectory called RxWav in the same directory as the wsjt.exe file. Without the sub directory the prog crashes after a rx period.
Paul <blaggardhotmail.com>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 19:27:16 (GMT/BST)
WEINHEIM Meeting 2001. Date: September 8th + 9th.
Location: Dietrich-Boenhoeffer-Schule (former Multschule)
in Weinheim, very close to the Astron Hotel.
73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <INFO(at)DUBUS.de>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 18:10:02 (GMT/BST)
G3SED: The first place to look for WSJT is here: http://pulsar.princeton.edu/~joe/K1JT/ which has the downloadable software and all you need to know. I'm nearly QRV, the PC's working, just need to get some plugs on wires!
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 18:02:18 (GMT/BST)
WSJT - Can someone point me in the right direction for more info on this mode ?? Thanks from an old timer G3 !!
G3SED <g3sed(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 17:32:08 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys,has anyone got the dates for weinheim/mannheim rally this year in Northern DL, I need to book my hols here (at) qrl so i dont miss out..again!!!! regards Gary
GARY M0CTP <g7lxk#hamshq.freeserve.co.uk>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 17:09:32 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all, great last days! received HZ1MD and 3G0Z qsl Card. #132-133 confirmed. Special tnx to Mohamad and Jack N6xq. Good Summer to All Sixers. Claudio Ik5rlp
Claudio IK5RLP <trestelleatmarinadigrosseto.it>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 15:50:19 (GMT/BST)
Hello All
Problem internal preamp ft920 solved. I answered those who send me mail. Thanks guys.
Tiomon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 15:04:24 (GMT/BST)
BPQ:try oz1rh(at)qsl.net - Ideally what you want is upper/lower/in-phase/counter-phase. With both antennas in counter-phase you should get the complementary vertical radiation pattern, giving you a higher radiation angle, perfect for short-skip Es
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 14:38:00 (GMT/BST)
The QSOs were yesterday of course - CU all again tonight!! 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 14:26:27 (GMT/BST)
If your call is here there is a recording of our QSO on my website: AA2DR AF2K K0FF K1MUC K2AXX K2FU K2OVS K2ZRJ K3DSP K3ZO K4TO K8MFO K8TQK K8ZES KB2WAL KC8LGL KD2I KO2OK N1FDX N1RK N1WII N2AU N2RD N2SS N8KOL N8LGP N8NYE NT1N VE2DFO VE3LBZ W1FC W1LCA W2CNS W3TC W3YX W8GB W8PAT W8WWV W9ZR WA3TTS WA8DBW WA1ECF WB8XX. http://www.qsl.net/g8bcg/2001_dx.htm Please sign the guest book! 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 14:21:34 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone (other than Mike VE9AA) used a switch to toggle between upper/lower/both
antennas in a stack ? Is there an easier way than switching in 1.5m of 70ohm co-ax when you want to use
both antennas ? Any ideas/ccts/pointers will be gratefully received. Tnx es 73
Steve, M0BPQ <stephen.buntingkcl.ac.uk>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 13:10:02 (GMT/BST)
Hello all
If you like Fastlog, you must! try Microlog
found at: http://www.qsl.net/s57ua/
It gives distance /bearing /dxcc info when typing.
jaap PA0OOS <pa0oos(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 12:58:37 (GMT/BST)
Bob, 'NSM: I would recommend VQLog from EA6VQ - draws all sorts of maps for you! I think it can be downloaded from: http://www.vqlog.com 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 11:36:31 (GMT/BST)
NSM: There are a thousand logging programs avaiable. Here's one that's simple, for free & works under DOS: http://www.sixitalia.org/software/preleva.htm . I've used FASTLOG for years, and still I found no other program giving me more.
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 10:50:54 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone suggest a computer-based method of keeping track of grid squares worked? There must be a better way than colouring in squares on a paper map as I do now.
Bob, G3NSM <mchenrymsn(at)msn.com>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 10:12:33 (GMT/BST)
Major 50 MHz StopPress page update at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/
Matt OZ6OM <oz6om(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 01:37:13 (GMT/BST)
Good News-Bad News: Good News- The group at PJ2/M0 have been vy active with loud signals working lots of US stations. Bad News is the FT-100 bit the dust, and they are using the spare rig running 10 watts. The 5 element yagi working great and they were S9+20 here at 1 hop distance. Informed them of Eu openings this afternoon and to watch out for Eu tmw. GL
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Monday, July 23, 2001 at 00:40:56 (GMT/BST)
Hello all. FT920 users pse help. When i select menu u47 and i select a2 preamp for 24mhz 28 and up it switches in the menu. When i close iit with menu and look again it has switched back to a1 the preamp for 160 to 21mhz.
All the other menu functies i can select ok. Could it be that preamp a2 is broken and there for swithes back to a1. Maybe this answers also my problem receiving broadcast 6-7 mhz stations thru my outside preamp and hearing them on six.
if the preamp for 160 til 21 is on and the ouside preamp lets through a little i go easy in the 920 hi.
Any technical guy here to tell me how to make sure preamp a2 is broken. thanks for the help and sri for the band wide.
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 22:23:07 (GMT/BST)
1 hour opening into NA, SU9ZZ/5A1A/7Q7RM/YM0KA/6W4RK in the late afternoon as well
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 22:19:31 (GMT/BST)
Vermont, Delaware, New Jersey & W. Virginia are the last four states I need for WAS. I'm QRX 50.125 all day today and ready to respond if we have any 3-hop out here on the West Coast today... Fingers crossed!
Jeff, KF6GYM <kf6gym(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 17:24:49 (GMT/BST)
Dear SIX Family: Yesterday around 21z i work GØJHC and GM7PBB, and heard also GW4VEQ. GM7PBB in IO68 is the most north station worked in the UK from here. I still need IO41,42,43,44,52,54,62,66,76,78,88,89,97, IO99, IP9Ø and JOØ3 . If you are in one of that grids please turn your antennas to Sout America. We always have good conditions after 19z until 21z. 73s see you on SIX, and mny tnx.
Peter PY5CC <PY5CC(at)50mhz.com>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 16:22:25 (GMT/BST)
update on 6 mtr operation from pj2 one radio blown up,having to work with just 10 watts,but still active.seems ft100,s dont like 6mtr,s.
luckily a hunt found a icom 50s.best 73,s from a very hot curacao.
wilf m0wlf <m0wlfatblueyonder.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 15:52:31 (GMT/BST)
INFO: I received TT8JE card yesterday from F6FNU via address in qrz.com , quick too !!!
Ps My home computer died during storms so I have very little access to my emails !!
73 de Jamie
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv***qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 08:45:03 (GMT/BST)
An AVERAGE transatlantic season so far with a definate bias to the South. An 8 minute opening with 6 G stations worked 21 July 2050-2058. Unfortunately, I think we are failing on passing out good warnings. I estimate this opening was at least 12 minutes and here we were- twiddling out thumbs :-( http://www.conknet.com/~b_mobile/diurnal.htm Best Regards & good 6m DX...
Bob, K1SIX <b_mobile(at)conknet.com>
- Sunday, July 22, 2001 at 04:38:25 (GMT/BST)
The WSJT mode seems to be working OK. I had today my 1st MS QSO using this mode
with OZ1DJJ and the second with ON4ANT. I am ready for morning skeds for the rest of
this month starting about 0830z.
Vesa OH3NWQ <oh3nwq(miaow)sral.fi>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 19:35:09 (GMT/BST)
Short opening into the USA this afternoon, TT8JE with strong signs in this morning!
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 17:10:39 (GMT/BST)
Due to very bad WX (rain and hard winds) we had to cancel the operation from JO98oa. We were at the site but decided to give up. It wasn´t fun at all, trust me. We might try later in two weeks time.
Sorry. CU...
Eric SM1TDE <very.sad.ham(at)xxx.zz>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 16:57:27 (GMT/BST)
hi ,have generated lots of interest in operating on 6,been monitoring 50.110,from 8 am till 1am curacao time,with pj2/g4fka calling in cw.will try and get some late night working done during the week,fingers crossed for working europe
best 73,s wilf.
ian/wilf pj2/m0wlf <m0wlfatblueyonder.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 16:43:57 (GMT/BST)
TT8JE : Hi Eric...many thanks for the new country on 50mhz... to coin a well used phrase..Bingo!! 73's
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail.com>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 11:20:46 (GMT/BST)
G0EVT: In 1998 he used F6FNU, so that´s where I´ve sent my card to. QRZ.COM: ANTOINE BALDECK, P.O BOX 14, ARPAJON, 91291, FRANCE
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 11:13:45 (GMT/BST)
John TT8JE manager as always is F6FNU if yo need the ad I can e-mail it to you ok 73
g1ktz Dave <d.s.robins(at)btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 11:13:19 (GMT/BST)
Hi All, does anyone have TT8JE qsl info pse?
John G0EVT <john.hoban(at)btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 10:30:34 (GMT/BST)
It looks like propagation from Caribbean is quite good this summer. As I will be on J3 and J8 in august I'm thinking of doing a bit more 6m that originally planned. The antenna will be small ( dipole only)...but 100W is available.We'll see what happens with propagation. Qrv from 3rd of august till 26th..first J3..then J8. Remeber..still low profile 6m as last 2 years experience 6m was very bad in august from there.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 09:10:30 (GMT/BST)
It is only right that I post this after my question a few days ago. Worked the PJ2 today very nice signal and excellent operators!!! I was very impressed with their operating style. Thanks to them and all who encouraged use on 6m. I worked or heard both M0AXF and G4FKA. Not a new one for me but am sure in the next 2 weeks they will make many 6m ops very happy with new DXCC entries! Hope they get into EU and make many contacts. 73's CU on 6
David ZF1DC <zf1dcqsl.net>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 07:48:16 (GMT/BST)
Spoke to D6/WB4MBO on 20 again yesterday. He heard fairly strong video a few days ago on 48.250 and 49.750 and called CQ on .110 with no results. Unfortunately he has only a dipole. He has tubing available and could build a small beam or quad. Does anyone have a simple design available. If so send to me and I will forward to him. He is on the island of Anjouan. Can anyone help with the IOTA number. Thanks for help Everything still totally dead down here on 6 but we're listening.
Hal ZS6WB <hal(at)cpsdirect.co.za>
- Saturday, July 21, 2001 at 01:21:49 (GMT/BST)
PJ2/G4FKA wrking pile of W3/4/5/8/9/0 on 50105, vy loud into Miami. GL all
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 23:15:36 (GMT/BST)
PJ2--great to hear the bristol contest group have finally fired up on PJ2 CURACAO on 6m , qsls are via the relevent homecalls of whoever is operating at the time , as far as i know there is only the HF IOTA contest special qsl ,and none specifically for 6m, i asked if they would use 6m there and M0WLF-wilf did all the pushing for me , to get them to take FT100 tcvrs instead of ft1000mp ! , they may watch this site , so thanks lads for keeping youre word and make it happen .
fingers crossed for EU too, but nice to see the NA & CARIB ops making the trip , it will give them enthusiasm im sure to keep up the pace.73 ian
m0bcg ian <m0bcg(at)btinternet.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 22:26:06 (GMT/BST)
Thanks everyone for WSJT help. I hope to be QRV pretty soon. 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 22:12:48 (GMT/BST)
PJ2/G4FKA is now on 50.105. Was 55 when worked from EM00. Excellent 6m ops. Tnx for No. 71!
aa5xe Dale <aa5xektc.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 22:02:10 (GMT/BST)
Anyone know the QSL details of the PJ2/ expo.
G7BUR Graham <grahamrobinsonxxxblueyonder.co.uk>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 21:43:57 (GMT/BST)
MIKE GU6AJE - Re WSJT. The only hardware you need between
the PC and transceiver is 2 bits of wire. Audio in from Rx
and audio out to Mic. socket. I let the VOX do the switching. Worked SM/OZ/SP on 50MHz dead band (there's no
such thing as a dead band by the way - MS rules OK!) and
I/SP/TK on 144MHz. WSJT works OK for a FSK data mode.
Great for those who can't use CW. WSJT is better on weak pings rather than continuous bursts bt works whatever. I'm also QRV HSCW with 9A4GL software and DTR recorder.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr (at) btinternet.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:57:11 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd 6D2VHF card today. Very nice setup there on ridge over the Pacific, guys. Tnx and 73, Roman! --Jeff
Jeff, KF6GYM <kf6gym(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:43:33 (GMT/BST)
Bob - Re ZD8LII, Think it is G0LII from memory
Rgds Peter G3IBI
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:38:54 (GMT/BST)
Just a short note to let you know of our confirmed callsign & license to be
used during the next activity from TA (Turkey) on 6m + 2m and HF as well.
We will be QRV on the magic band as YM0KA, QSL via TA1KA around 50.155,WWLOC KM39AT.
For further information please visit
Hoping to be able to work U.S. this year. Last year only HRD.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning, so pse no reply to this mail. Thank you es hpe
cu on the bands.
73 Andrea, HB9SUL, TA1ZK
ANDREA HB9SUL <hb9sul(at)ticino.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:36:32 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know the present callsign of ZD8LII ? He was active during cycle 22. Tnx in advance.
Bob VE1YX <cathie.billings(at)ns.sympatico.ca>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:33:21 (GMT/BST)
QED, 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 20:13:31 (GMT/BST)
Kerry LCS et all, got me thinking, had never even looked at WAZ, just did a tot up from my ZC4MK days and have 21 Zones on 6, just a few short of WAZ, OH Well, still not a bad total for then, RE trip to VP9, I had to cancel on V short notice due to my wife going into hospital, All is OK now and we have been given the all clear to expect offspring number 2 in Jan 2002, I still have the option of going to VP9 whenever I want although probably too late for this year, OH well now looking at S7 (Just for Neil)
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 19:39:24 (GMT/BST)
CLUSTER: A47 AND 3G0 on 6m tonight wow! (And TEST, RPT, QUIET, . . . . . . . still, I'm told someone out there will regard this as DX information. Not seen anyone spot that Australian guy V1DEO yet today. 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 19:31:10 (GMT/BST)
Nice to work some UK stations yesterday on 6m, and Eastern Europe on Tueasday evening. I keep a listening watch on 50.150MHz most of the day (nothing heard at all today) QSL's via home call G8APB (email:- plummerc42netcentral.co.uk but not back there until 31st July)
Active in JO07
LA/G8APB/MM <christopher.plummerhess.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:54:44 (GMT/BST)
How about this one on the cluster?!!!! Does it ring a bell?
DX de oe6kdg: 50130.0 A47XY 59 in jn77jf TEST only !! 1745Z
73's and switch off the alarms and alerts,
Peter, PA2VST <gouweleeuw(at)wanadoo.nl>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:53:32 (GMT/BST)
Nice to work some UK stations yesterday on 6m, and Eastern Europe on Tueasday evening. I keep a listening watch on 50.150MHz most of the day (nothing heard at all today) QSL's via home call G8APB (email:- plummerc42netcentral.co.uk but not back there until 31st July)
LA/G*APB/MM <christopher.plummerhess.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:49:53 (GMT/BST)
Hi all. I feel thats its fair to say that since my records have begun, back in the late 19709's this is the quietest, prolonged period, within the E's season. Even the TV carriers are virtually non existant - this could be a week in February!!
Ken G4IGO <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:41:46 (GMT/BST)
6m WAZ: OK, found it: http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/waztypes.html Seems there are some very dusty old corners on the CQ web site - but managed to find the current stuff now! 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 18:02:21 (GMT/BST)
6m WAZ: can't find any mention of a 6m WAZ on the CQ site at http://www.cq-amateur-radio.com/awardapps.html Help please! 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 17:27:30 (GMT/BST)
Charlie: Congratulations on DXCC. Guess I was one of your countries as H44PT. Only up to 66 from there - may go back next year to complete the job! Got 108 from here but only 98 confirmed so far -hope to work you soon - still need to work VR2. 73 to all in HK
Peter G8BCG / H44PT <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 17:18:31 (GMT/BST)
Hi Gary, sorry to say but WAP phones use a different mark-up language to standard web pages. Anything in HTML would need to be translated into WML. Given an active server, a bit of fool proof code (ha, ha, ha...) it would be POSSIBLE to mirror a cluster page to a WAP site. I have thought about it ... then went back to listening to the white noise. 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 17:15:36 (GMT/BST)
ADAM, Tnx for the info i dont need to access it from work because I have www access, it is only if i was away or on holiday were no www access is available, eg:Western Sahara, or some other place they havent got electricity yet like EI! or IO94 square ;o)... tnx for your pointers. But perhaps in the future we maybe able to get wap access....as for DX spots by SMS !!!!!!! i would then be very unpopular here (at) my QRL always leaving for some reason or another everytime my fone went dididitdahdahdididit I think they would guess...unless i joined the VOLOUNTARY FIRE SERVICE & told them it was my alert pager!!!!!!! (now theres a thought)
cheers GL wid dx on 6m Gary
GARY M0CTP <g7lxk#hamshaq.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 17:13:40 (GMT/BST)
Charlie - XMT congrats. BTW 6m WAZ certs are still up for grabs, rec'd #11 yesterday.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 16:59:26 (GMT/BST)
Gary, this pages are not writen for WAP (what I know), so you can not open this pages on your phone. I am also using the phone with WAP but only I can do is connect PC via cable with my phone (C35-i) and use internal modem in phone and with the speed 9600 dowload the same page.
Your idea is very nice, also some SMS dx alert will be also cool, who knows maybe in future.
Regards, Adam
Adam 9a4qv <sss(at)ff.ooo>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 16:42:18 (GMT/BST)
I'm happy to receive the DXCC certificate #333 today. A very good number indeed. It took me almost 20 years to complete .. let all six meter Dxers share my honor. 73 and look forward to hear you all again on the magic band. Charlie / VR2XMT
Charlie / VR2XMT <vr2xmt(at)50mhz.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 16:33:53 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone tried to acces this page from a WAP mobile fone??
Just swapped my old motorola for a little WAP one. Any suggestions & alos anyone tried to access oh2aq site for dx spots?? I have tried but i get the same message each time that "link failed" I can link to yahoo & msn etc but unable to link from there onto a bookmarked page....suggestion please Regards from IO93qv....Gary d:o)
GARY M0CTP <g7lxk#hamshaq.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 15:56:39 (GMT/BST)
3B6RF QSL cards will be posted at August 6th as on their pages. Anyone knows about the JW0PK cards? Waiting for 5 DXCC confirmations. Allways a challence getting them.
Have fun and 73,
Peter, PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 15:22:23 (GMT/BST)
HZ1MD and 7Z1SJ QSLs received today. Anyone got a 3B6RF card yet? Didnt a read somewhere they were hoping to have them out end of June?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 14:23:58 (GMT/BST)
GU6AJE: sri this is a much better page on the rigblaster:
EI4IX Dave <ei4ix(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 12:23:36 (GMT/BST)
GU6AJE: Hi Mike, I use an Icom IC746. If you want to homebrew the connections required see: http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/freed/projects/9A4GL/manual/manual2000.html to see how to connect the audio lines to and from the soundcard to the radio and how to switch the radio between TX/RX. OR If you want to by a commercial product see: http://www.homestead.com/ctsera/Rigblaster.html The Rigblaster is quite popular and uses jumpers so can work with any radio but its expensive.
EI4IX Dave <ei4ix(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 12:20:44 (GMT/BST)
If all turns out OK SM1TDE/P will be QRV from JO98oa from 21 july 10z until the afternoon on the 23rd. Will lsn for MS on Sundaymorning from abt 0600z on 50170 kHz, CW, 20 wpm.
Eric SM1TDE/P <xxxxxxx(at)yyy.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 12:05:10 (GMT/BST)
You're right, Peter. I'll turn my DX-less time to somehting more productive than philosophy: does anyone have any experience using an IC706 Mk1 with WSJT? It looks like an interesting mode (for these quiet times) but I have no experience with data modes, so what extra hardware would I need between the PC and the 706? Tnx for any advice.
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 11:36:19 (GMT/BST)
Hello everybody - 15 minutes to got on site, very slow speed here !! hi !
Just say sorry for all missed station's but I'll be QRV again for one month and half - propagation not so gd now beacon running all the day but busy operator.Don't send me to much E-mail.
See you soon 73 de
Eric TT8JE <TT8JE(at)I-france.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 10:38:17 (GMT/BST)
You can tell the propagation's duff - all this philosophising going on :-)
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 10:01:54 (GMT/BST)
I tend to believe that life is the opposite of entropy, and
our purpose is to be the best we can achieve, not the worst we can get away with. It is easier to tear down than to build up.
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 09:42:50 (GMT/BST)
Uffe, although I am German :-) :
I totally agree with you. Have fun on 6! 73s Joe
DL8HCZ, Joe <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 07:19:29 (GMT/BST)
The "real" world is indeed entropic. Some people are uneased by that, and hence assign a purpose to it. Unfortunately they often assume, that the world was put there to suit their needs, and not anyone elses.
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 07:03:25 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have any experience with ELLIPTICALLY POLARIZED
antennas for 6m Es/F2 propagation. I'm thinking of installing either 5 beside 5 yagis, tilted (at) 45degrees (so they are actual 90degrees from each other physically), feeding them IN PHASE for elliptical polarization ---or---
modifying my existing 8 over 8 stack, by simply rotating
the bottom one by 90 degrees (so it's vertical). I have
a BLU switch (both, lower, upper), so I could then do,
U=horizontal, L=vertical, B=elliptical. COmments?
Mike VE9AA
ve9aa mike <ve9aa(at)(at)(at)hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 20, 2001 at 03:40:24 (GMT/BST)
Mike if moral support be needed, you have mine...
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 23:16:32 (GMT/BST)
Hello all, could anyone help me with a current E-mail address for Keith VP8CMT. I used the one on the UKSMG E-mail listing and unfortunately it didn't work. I would be most grateful for any help ! Thanks
BILL W4TJ <w4tj(at)adelphia.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 21:59:29 (GMT/BST)
I will be active as XE1/G3SVD from EK09 during the period from July 27th to August 11th give or take a day or so either side. I hope to run a breakable beacon on 103 whenever I am near the rig and will primarily be beaming Eu using an IC706 100w to a 6el Cushcraft. Hope to hear some signals from Europe and work some! 73 to all Andy G3SVD
Andy G3SVD <andy.hewitt(at)talk21.com>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 21:10:19 (GMT/BST)
though = thought (sorry noise crept in). 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 18:58:03 (GMT/BST)
S'pose it's inevitable really - we spend so much time listening to noise we loose the ability to tell the difference between it (noise) and information!! Back to the DX TT8, 7Q7, 6W4 all in now - though I'd spot them here. 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 18:56:57 (GMT/BST)
Mike, I agree 100% But this is 6m, don't expect an understanding of information theory and certainly not of "the real world" - we are all broadcasters here - say what you like when you like, where you like and *!%"*! to anyone else. See you in the BS (backscatter that is!) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 18:54:15 (GMT/BST)
I always believed an important rule of efficient communications is to use the correct address. If the information is routed appropriately, then ALL routes become more efficient. But in the real world of course, there is entropy, which inevitably disorganises order, and bungs up pipes, and sooner or later someone has to build something bigger, better, and more expensive, to replace what used to work when it was used properly.
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 17:38:58 (GMT/BST)
Right-on, Noel! ALL INFO IS USEFUL TO SOMEONE. Excellent! You guys griping about the clusters should try to digest that. If certain info posted on a dx cluster sets off an alarm falsely, that's TOUGH, live with it! The alarm affair after all, is your problem, not the world's.
Bob VE1YX <cathie.billings(at)ns.sympatico.ca>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 17:26:39 (GMT/BST)
I heard via the grapevine that Stan W5ZF DM65 was heard on 6 by an OH2M?? the past week. Stan runs less than 100 Watts and
the antenna is a 17 Meter Dipole. Great feat if it's true. If so then why do we want to run KW's and Mega
Element beams. Cheers
ED N5JEH <aesitt(at)qwest.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 17:26:02 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for all the good commentary regarding my new website. I am currently soliciting suggestions for it. Please see: http://n1rz.org/whatsmissing.htm
As for spots that are intended for announcements I don't think they will effect my site if you post them with a freq of 50000.0. The mapping software is supposed to ignore them as annoucements.
I see some people who send annoucements with an actual freq, and I can't avoid mapping those...
I have high hopes for the site, and appreciate all constructive comments.
Best 73s and hope to work you ALL this YEAR :-)
48 States, and 60 DXCC, with almost 400 grids in 9 months being on 6m...am I a fanatic??? I think so...
Tim / N1RZ
N1RZ <n1rz(at)n1rz.org>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 16:28:22 (GMT/BST)
For most people the cluster is not a "page", but a 1k2 baud packet link, which is the only available backbone. On the particular case of QSL spotting, I agree with you Mike....Let's try to get well together :-)
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 12:12:25 (GMT/BST)
Re clusters: I just believe it's there for a purpose, other pages are there for other purposes. For my part, cluster abuse makes ME sick...
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 11:41:23 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for info Paul,must check it out;
Mike I agree that thanks for a QSL does screw up N1RZ(great site!) but ur probably at nothing trying to police the cluster,besides all info is of some value....one mans' meat is another mans' poison etc.... 73 Noel Ei2JC
Noel Ei2JC, ei2jc(at) <hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 11:06:10 (GMT/BST)
Beats me what the cluster is for, if not for passing information. The following "advice" has been received trough the years:
- Don't spot VHF
- Don't spot QSOs made on your CQ QRG
- Don't spot frequency of DX, but 50000.0
- Don't spot something, that I already worked
- Don't make skeds
Of course a bit of self-restraining is not bad, but all this cluster policing is making me sick ! A spot on the cluster is virtually for free, but of great value for the people who need the info passed.
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 10:35:14 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for asking, Noel, just what I've been wondering..... And can I suggest that now is the time to STOP "spotting" QSL cards on the cluster? There are plenty of other fora for that sort of thing, and for saying who's a lid, and for making skeds, or talking about the weather, or auntie Nellie's bad leg. The cluster is for spotting DX when it happens. The amount of junk that gets posted is making it less useful every day. And of course we now have the N1RZ map which is a FANTASTIC tool. But there is nothing worse than seeing that big, long line down to PY5CC, making you think the band's open, just because someone can't come to THIS page to say that he has a QSL card! Please, guys. Think before you post. (You can tell the band's dead right now, eh?) 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 10:02:24 (GMT/BST)
Hi Neil, WSJT stands for "Weak Signal communications, by K1JT. find it at http://pulsar.princeton.edu/~joe/K1JT/ It seems to be the mode of the moment!
Paul <blaggardhotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 09:56:28 (GMT/BST)
Hey Folks - what's WSJT ?
Noel Ei2JC, ei2jc(at) <hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 19, 2001 at 09:30:39 (GMT/BST)
a surprise opening to FG5FR and KP4EIT , 20minutes, peaking S8
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 21:41:42 (GMT/BST)
Ran into D6/WB4MBU on 20 this morning. He is a keen 50 MHz op and will in D6 for another 4-6 weeks installing comm equipment. He has an FT100 and an antenna for 6. Have told him when openings will most likely occur and he will watch for 48/49 Mhz video and call on 50.110 if he hears anything. If you missed D68C here is another chance. Good luck.
Hal ZS6WB <hal(at)cpsdirect.co.za>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 18:58:07 (GMT/BST)
Peter, Thanks for info re:VP9. I am sorry to hear that but hope all is OK. Family always more important than 6m. 73's till next time
David ZF1DC <zf1dc***qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 18:51:05 (GMT/BST)
Guys, I have the 6m log from HI8ROX, but only very limited amount of QSL's, so drop me a mail first b4 you send me the qsl!! (I'll hand over all qsl received to Rafael when I meet him in DR)
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 17:52:27 (GMT/BST)
Hi All; there was some mention of JW operation starting earlier this week. Has anyone heard anything more? Thanks, Trev
Trev G3ZYY <Trev(at)southwestuk.demon.co.uk>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 17:44:36 (GMT/BST)
From July 21th to July 29th, I will be on vacations making camping in the North of Argentina, I will cross locatores:GF05/06, FF96/97/98/99, FG90, FG80/81/82, FG72/73/74,(Locators without 6 meters activities).
Equip: IC706mkII(100w), antenna Biband 50/144 Comet CA285, roof mount and duplexor CF-706. I will listening in 50.110 and move to 50.125.
Alberto, LU2EG <lu2eg(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 13:52:31 (GMT/BST)
TT8JE/B in, but no operator :-(
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 09:41:40 (GMT/BST)
Im looking for I2ADN's email address. qrz.com does not work, can anyone help?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 08:14:15 (GMT/BST)
Pse any info on the location of TV R1 channel on 49665Khz?
QTF approx 60 deg from km18.
Costas SV1DH <geten1***compulink.gr>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 08:13:19 (GMT/BST)
VP9: G0KOM's trip was cancelled at the last minute for family reasons.
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 06:50:53 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone heard or worked G0KOM/VP9? Dxped supposed to have started July 14th but no reports. Just wondering if it is still a go or if it had been cancelled. Thanks
73's Hope to CU on 6m
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 18, 2001 at 02:23:45 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Bob and the others re Iaru results. I had obviously missed them and the announcement. Regret any unintented bother which I may have caused. 73 tnx.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 21:25:40 (GMT/BST)
hi chas ei5fk "why do you want a second one"73s de albert.ei6as ps i am not refering to a spelling book hi.
albert latham ei6as <alby(at)esatclear.ie>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 21:12:51 (GMT/BST)
Ooops! That didn't work - try this one: http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/1903434378.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 19:23:57 (GMT/BST)
EI5FK: Charlie - hope this helps with your quest for a Spelling Book - title seems appropriate anyway! http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/202-8741258-5854243 (You can tell there is no Dx around!) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 19:17:58 (GMT/BST)
not to forget the propagation controller
Peter HB9RUZ <schleussdataway.ch>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 19:12:31 (GMT/BST)
And a spelling book
Charles EI5FK
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 18:58:54 (GMT/BST)
Wanted rotable rohmbic to get ahead of them, hey and a 20 kw amplifier to work the locals on 50.110
Charles EI5FK <chas at indigo.ie>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 18:58:18 (GMT/BST)
GARY M0CTP <g7lxk#hamshaq.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 15:05:57 (GMT/BST)
UKSMG Contest Scores: G0VSM - those who worked us from IO70 may have been wondering where our entry was. Just confirmed with Dennis that he has it and will include it in the list - phew!! Section 5 - our claimed score 1005024 from 283c, 93m, 32dxcc, 87sq. Thanks again Dennis 73 The G0VSM Team
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 13:21:27 (GMT/BST)
I am in JP21 now, but no radio due to a busy schedule.
Will be QRV as JX7DFA from October.
Per LA7DFA <la7dfa qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 13:06:41 (GMT/BST)
Any uk with a M2 6M5X for sale, please email. thanks
Barry G4KCT <g4kct(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 12:58:17 (GMT/BST)
John, 9h1xt: As mentioned before on this pages, IARU 2000 official results can be found on my "homepage" www.qsl.net/9a3ji opened for this sole purpose only :-)
Bob, 9a3ji <9a3ji**ipc.hr>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 12:51:29 (GMT/BST)
Dennis well done on getting the provisional results out for the UKSMG contest. On another matter, I see that the Yaesu FTV1000 6M transverter has not been released in the mainland EU yet. You can get one from either of the following UKSMG sponsors: Martin Lynch and Son www.hamradio.co.uk. or Nevada www.nevada.co.uk
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxxxxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 11:55:01 (GMT/BST)
John, the final 2000 IARU results were released about 6 weeks ago. Still very late, of course, as was I with the UKSMG results last year. Dennis is obviously the man for the job, here. 73 Peter
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 11:40:11 (GMT/BST)
Ah, well I know these are claimed scores but I think the good position of 9h0o is firmly entrenched and difficult to change. Also compare the IARU Contest of LAST YEAR: we still have partial (unofficial) results. I wouldn't be surprised if this year's results are published before. The final placings of last year's UKSMG itself took a 'remarkable' time to arrive. So its credit where credit is due: well done. 73.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 11:26:35 (GMT/BST)
Congrats JH6VXP to work EX8MLT this afternoon!!
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok(at)jarl.com>
- Tuesday, July 17, 2001 at 08:50:16 (GMT/BST)
re UKSMG contest: Haven't done too much yet John 9H1XT..remember these are CLAIMED scores...not final scores.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 22:20:35 (GMT/BST)
"Maybe one of the reasons for this was the cancellation of the /p UK section." Or, perhaps that stupid rule about working /p stations. 73 de
Andy-GDØTEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 22:12:21 (GMT/BST)
That was quick. Re UKSMG contest results. Well done, very well done indeed.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 22:04:45 (GMT/BST)
UKSMG CONTEST 2001: The results are not yet there...but all the CLAIMED scores in each section are now on the website. Hope to have the final results out in september, after the holliday. Tnx for everyone who send me their contest log ( also tnx for checklogs).
check http://www.uksmg.org/2001results.htm for details.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 21:19:29 (GMT/BST)
RE Pratical wireless pic. Thanks Dave for the information. Well if it is a good pic then it will be an all time first for me... lol
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 19:28:29 (GMT/BST)
Although I find Danish a superb language, the OX3NUK site is also avaible in English: http://www.ox3nuk.vind.gl/index-eng.asp
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 14:03:27 (GMT/BST)
From VHF-DX-DISCUSS reflector .....
Hi All,
As part of the PJ2Y IOTA contest expedition we will be QRV on 6m from Curaçao, from 19th to 31st July.
IOTA ref: SA-006 Locator: FK52
Callsigns will be PJ2/Homecall.
Equipment: 100W, 5el yagi at 80 feet.
If you'd like more information about times and frequency of operation, please email me at this address and I'll get back to you when I'm on the island.
best 73s
Matthew G7ORR
Bristol Contest Group
mjeffery (at )broadgate-uk.com
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr (at) btinternet.com>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 13:24:06 (GMT/BST)
ox3nuk is a clubstation and was last month also qrv I remember. They have homepage in Danish. http://www.ox3nuk.vind.gl/
pe1gnp <pe1gnp(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 12:57:30 (GMT/BST)
Interested to see the Yanks working OX3NUK (GP44DE) early
this morning. Any details on this station?
David Butler G4ASR <g4asrbtinternet.com>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 12:44:04 (GMT/BST)
CLIFF IBELL G1IOV - nice picture of you with Peter PY5CC in latest issue (August) of Practical Wireless!
David Butler G4ASR <g4asrbtinternet.com>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 12:40:31 (GMT/BST)
50 MHz StopPress page updated with ZC4 info at, www.qsl.net/oz6om/
Matt OZ6OM <oz6om(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 12:35:30 (GMT/BST)
Help !!! How to operate legally for Greece (SV) on 6m ?????
me !!
Tom SP5XMU <t.babut(at)polish-airports.com>
- Monday, July 16, 2001 at 11:54:07 (GMT/BST)
Hello some times I try to receive at 70 MHz here using my
50Mhz ant.. helas.
Sofar the only thing received is TV cariers and
at 70.172 IW3SBR/B code ID and I think also data modulated
The burning question: is this possible?? to hear Italy at 70
The callsign is not known to me and it is not a 50MHz beacon
with breakthrough to 70 or so??
It still puzzles me..
jaap pa0oos <pa0oos(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 22:49:44 (GMT/BST)
Finally after listening for aurora the last two days, and only hearing TV-TX's by aurora, some nice aurora showed up on the band. OJ0VR popped up after a little while. I thought I would miss this chance, but finally made it to OJ0 for a new one.
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 22:44:16 (GMT/BST)
Albert all noted regarding transverters but it is just as easy to switch from 50.245 up to 70.245. I know word would have to spread re changing the 50Mhz frequency. In my experience I can always hear Euro crossbanders calling on 50.185 but then someone else starts running QSO,s right over the top. I often call on 70.200 during openings and announce I am listening above 50.200 with good results due to less QRM. Also remember that French stations cannot TX below 50.200 !! Anyway may get a bit on Au E's later.
John, G0JJL <john(at)sixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 21:13:18 (GMT/BST)
john G0JJL ref 4 metres crossband i think you answered the question ie 50.225 is out of the way .prefer to leave the xband frequency as 50.185,for one reason when using say transverters for six or and four it is easy to switch up or down from 50.185 to 70.185 as could be the case ,also you would easily find somebody on 50.185 rather than going up to an higher frequency.73s look like we could have an aurora tonite.73s de albert ei6as.
albert latham ei6as <alby(at)esatclear.ie>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 20:06:40 (GMT/BST)
Quite a bit of crossband activity this weekend from I, 9A and OM5 on 4m/6m. If you can TX on 4m even with a bit of wire or a dipole etc then give it a go. The reason is that some European ops are interested in getting a 70MHz allocation in their countries and like in the old days of 6m/10m crossbanding the initial interest in a certain band often leads to getting some spectrum for transmitting allocated by the various authorities. To end with could Euro ops please try to avoid 50.185MHz as a general chat/CQ frequency as it is allocated as the crossband activity centre. Of course it would have been better higher up the band but the bandplanners don't always think in logical terms do they?. I suggest we use 50.245 which is out of the way. What do you Euro crossbanders think? John, G0JJL
John G0JJL <john(at)sixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 13:51:10 (GMT/BST)
After missing every opening to EK6AD the last 3 years I finally worked him yesterday when he came back to my CQ. Congratz to all who worked him for a new one yesterday (a lot i noticed). Michael GST: HB0LL I worked him on 28 back in 1992 and also had troubles to get his card back then. On his card the address is: Hugo Hilti, Fürst Johannesstrasse 37, FL 9494 Schaan, Fürstentum Liechtenstein. 73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa(at)50mhz.com>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 12:19:58 (GMT/BST)
Happy to tell you all that if worked EK6AD for DXCC #100 !
It took me about 6 years to get sofar, with just 50 Watts and the last couple of years with 2 stacked 6el. beams at 15mtr ASL.
It could have been more DXCC's but since I've changed jobs a few times I didn't hat the possibility to be active during lunch time, also the work load got sometimes a bit up..late at home in the evening.
Still try to get a qsl from HB0LL, Pierre HB9QQ helps me a lot but no succes sofar. Maybe anyone of you can point me into a good direction ? GD DX on 6, CUL 73e Michael #1423
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 11:05:48 (GMT/BST)
OH0JFP - 25th July 2000!
Cannot find the QSL info. Any help pse?
Luis CT4NH <ct4nh(at)mail.telepac.pt>
- Sunday, July 15, 2001 at 09:21:05 (GMT/BST)
From the 17th. to 31st July I shall be ensconced onboard an oil production vessel out in the north sea. I will be operational on 6m as LA/G8APB/MM from QRA square JO07. Look out for me from 10:00z each day until late evening. My rotation will put me out there for the last two weeks in each month July to October.
Those who were lucky last year could have grabbed JO06, but few have as yet claimed the special QSL card. Apply via home callsign or via bureau.
Chris Plummer G8APB <plummerc42(at)netcentral.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 21:44:30 (GMT/BST)
DL8HXCZ< Glad you keep it in the family!
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 16:41:54 (GMT/BST)
Arne SM7AED.J45K was op by DL9USA in aug 1999
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 16:38:04 (GMT/BST)
Just to confirm myself and neil will be signing pj2/m0wlf and pj2/m0axf,and are very keen to operate as much on 6 as possible or as conditions allow. best 73,s wilf.
Wilf M0WLF <m0wlf at blueyonder.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 16:11:33 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know if the OJ0 exped has a central QSL route or just to each individual call?
Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm(at)emn.org.uk>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 16:01:19 (GMT/BST)
an update received says that the 6m yagi [5 ele cushcraft] is now installed at the PJ2/CCC site ,PJ2/M0WLF or PJ2/M0AXF will concentrate on the 6m activity if any openings occur .the group will work 80-6m ,these 2 hams are the main 6m ops , there are 9 ops going in total .they are very keen for 6m ,fingers crossed for condx !!!.
ian m0bcg <m0bcg***btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 13:45:42 (GMT/BST)
(at)SM7FJE: DL9USA + UDS were active as J45K in Aug. 99
from KM36. 73s Joe
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 11:54:37 (GMT/BST)
Who was active as J45K in August 1999?
Arne SM7AED <sm7aed at algonet.se>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 10:55:11 (GMT/BST)
JO49/69, JP60 & more Aug 4 th - Aug 15 th, 2001
DL3YEL will be active on 6m (and 2m CW-MS) from several locators in LA (SM). The targets are: JO49+69, JP60 from which it should be easy to get qrv. Other locators on the list : JO39, JP41, JP32 and JP42 but from those he has to find a suitable qth first. If it is not possible to be qrv from one of the "top wanted" squares DL3YEL will join Stefan, LAØBY/p in JP40 during the peak of the perseids.
73s Joe, DL8HCZ
Joe, DL8HCZ <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 10:44:29 (GMT/BST)
Obviously the 6m beam needs to be up as a prerequisite(spelling?). HK0M was the last clowns to promise 6m and not even attempt.
zf1dc David <zf1dc****qsl.net>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 04:23:13 (GMT/BST)
Are the PJ2 ops going to have time for 6m or is it to be another HF+6 operation where 6 gets no time. I am sorry if I seem harsh but have listened for too many of these HF+6 dxped only to find they never used 6m. I hope they have tremendous prop and are active as much as possible.
73's CU on 6m
David ZF1DC <zf1dc****qsl.net>
- Saturday, July 14, 2001 at 04:21:08 (GMT/BST)
a group of 9 u.k amateurs [bristol contest group] will be on PJ2 for 2 weeks stay from 19th july [ also for HF iota contest as PJ2Y], i have confirmation that they will take with them 2x FT-100 transceivers , one of which can be used for 6m .
during the stay there will be some 6m activity , the two main 6m ops will be PJ2/M0WLF WILF , and PJ2/M0AXF NEIL, plus any other ops of team who decide to use the eqpt ,signing as PJ2/HOMECALL.
the pj2 "station" website lists a 5 ele cushcraft 6m yagi as being on site but not known if installed on 54 feet tower or not , should be easy to setup somewhere if not installed.they will monitor 50110 and put out cq calls also ,will work split if heavy traffic. tnx to M0WLF for his help in persuading the group last night on our behalf , at final meeting ,to take 6m eqpt, and agree to use the band whilst there .
heres to multihop Es .73 ian
ian m0bcg <m0bcg***btinternet.com>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 23:51:26 (GMT/BST)
Tnks Bo - Thats quick!
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm(at)emn.org.uk>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 21:58:30 (GMT/BST)
Simon; Sent it to EI3IO!
Bo, SM7FJE <bn(at)aaaaa.se>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 20:59:55 (GMT/BST)
Can someone look back in their logs and see if they have qsl info for EH4BG/6 from Minorca on 9/10 July 96. It was given as OZ5SDL - can some confirm that as correct??
Simon GM4PLM chasing cards!
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm(at)emn.org.uk>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 20:35:45 (GMT/BST)
Can someone look back in their logs pse - I am looking for QSL info for EH4BG/6 who was active on Minorca on 9/10th July 96 (yes I know - long time ago!) I have his qsl details via OZ5SDL?? Can someone confirm they hold the same details. Never got a card back. Simon GM4PLM (desperately going through cards for DXCC!)
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm(at)emn.org.uk>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 20:01:15 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all 6m fanatics.I will be qrv 6m from the east part of morocco when the work permits me this.Locators will appears soon when i will be in place.I will be qrv only with a 100w/dipole.
73s & gl de cn8li.
said cn8li <cn8li(at)yahoo.fr>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 18:39:28 (GMT/BST)
9M6: I'm off to 9M6-land on 23rd July for 10 days. Main activity will be as 9M6A in the IOTA contest but may get round to some 6m while I'm there. Haven't got the 9M6BAA call renewed for this visit so if I do get on it will be with the club call 9M6AAC - QSL via N2OO. 73 Peter.
Peter G4MJS / 9M6BAA <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 18:14:07 (GMT/BST)
CU4AP GRACIOSA Is. HM69 will be QRV on 6m from 30th JULY to AUGUST 31th QSL by CU3AN ONLY DIRECT qrz.com www.qsl.net/cu3an
CU3AN <cu3an(at)hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 11:54:50 (GMT/BST)
TF/HB9VJV will be QRV on 6m from July 30th to August 12th.
73s Joe, DL8HCZ
DL8HCZ, Joe <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 10:57:46 (GMT/BST)
For GM0EFT: I think you must mean 9H3AY, QSL via G3SDG. Band dead right now, time to catch up on those QSLs ... 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 10:30:09 (GMT/BST)
I've got a card from Z22JE directly. It was a fast response.
Jan, S58J <pungarsek(at)hotmail.com>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 07:29:09 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know the direct qsl route for 9H1AY? Many thanks, 73s
Roy, GM0EFT <gmoeft(fred)btinternet.com>
- Friday, July 13, 2001 at 01:58:59 (GMT/BST)
Anyone know if Z22JE QSL is ok via buro??
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm(at)emn.org.uk>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 22:20:30 (GMT/BST)
Simon: Got an old Volvo then?? 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 19:58:17 (GMT/BST)
Hi All Try http://www.eqsl.cc
u never know may replace the dollar.73 gordon
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 16:29:07 (GMT/BST)
USA - Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 13:09:21 (GMT/BST)
never mind 50110 try 10368100!!!! Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <simoncreoch.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 12:51:14 (GMT/BST)
And don't wanna think about 432200 Rinze...don't think the car will make it that far...hi
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 12:05:26 (GMT/BST)
Car was still there...and no policemen around this morning when going to work. The car already qsy'd to 50117..and will qsy more up today.(work is not too far from my qth).
btw..it din't bring any dx so far..just think it was coincidence.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 11:52:25 (GMT/BST)
Too bad 70 Mhz is not allowed in PA-land.....it's a long drive till 144300 on your counter, Dennis.....
Rinze PA5TA <pa5ta (at) amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 10:59:56 (GMT/BST)
I enquired to the QSL Manager for Z36W about cards direct or via buro. Heres the reply. If anyone wants a card from Z36W I am sending a card off direct - happy to put a bunch together. Simon GM4PLM
For Z36W I accept only direct requests OR
via the WF5E " buro ". If you go direct
the Self Addessed Envelope is the most important
thing, IRC or some sort of payment is nice but
I will answer the request without that. You had
6M contest QSO with Venco ? Find some other
folks and send me a request for muliple folks,
that is OK.
Simon GM4PLM <simoncreoch.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 08:52:18 (GMT/BST)
Dennis PA7FM: Hope you don't go outside this morning to find your car full of policement - then you'll really know it's 50.110!!! 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 07:49:05 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone received the qsl from December-2000 FS/W2JJ operation ? No reply to mine (yet ?)
Mike, ZP5YW <mga(at)conexion.com.py>
- Thursday, July 12, 2001 at 03:06:51 (GMT/BST)
Giving them an extra set of ears and a English dictionary will probably help more....hi
PA4PA, Ray <pa4pa(at)50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 19:01:03 (GMT/BST)
I register my support for the views presented by Gogo 9A6C. Most striking comment: "A little tolerance will go a very long". Give newcomers a chance and the hobby will be more enjoyable for all.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
Xghajra, Malta - Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 18:04:47 (GMT/BST)
Came home this afternoon from work. Parking the car..gues what the km counter 'said'. 50110 km
...coincidence ??? or telephathy ??
I know what my frequency will be tonight.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 17:49:54 (GMT/BST)
Recived FR1GZ CARD today arrived quickly QSO was on 14.06.2001 73 STEWART
stewart g1hho <gordon.reeve(at)btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 16:34:39 (GMT/BST)
Does someone has circuit diagram of an sp6 preamp.
I could be something is oscilating in myy sp6
anyone has had that problem? I hear 40m hi
have to find it.
73 timon
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart..nl>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 14:53:28 (GMT/BST)
Hrd VK8MS at 1140z max. 549 in JN58sp. He came back with my cs, but couldn't get the report thru... Rig here: IC756, 8el. log-periodic for 10m-20m (LP8, Titanex). Should get a 6m antenna, hi... 73, Max. DK1MAX (ex DL4MDQ).
Max, DK1MAX <dk1max(at)web.de>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 13:13:50 (GMT/BST)
If you mean C91CF, then yes. Promt QSL from ZS6SS.
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 10:53:36 (GMT/BST)
Hi All, did anyone receive C91RF qsl via his South African adress? Thank you, Hans.
Hans DK9KX <dk9kx(at)netcologne.de>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 10:41:06 (GMT/BST)
Just rcvd HZ1MD qsl card!!Thanks dear Mohamad.GL de Renny
Renko 9A3FT <renko.kirigin(at)st.tel.hr>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 10:09:03 (GMT/BST)
I don't want to feed further polemics on contest usage of 6m band, but we all have to share this band , in spite of our different interests. Personally, I am very fond of contesting and magic of six makes it even more thrill. But I would never ask anyone not to work dx on this band during contest or anything similar. We must be aware that not all of us (me too) are No. 1 operators and that sometimes we all make mistakes. There are far too many challenges on six.
Moving all contesters above 50.200 or dxer bellow some other frequency is not a wise choice. I am not sure that all countries share the same band plan.
Some more patience and friendly help to band newcomers or people who do not always behave the way we want them to perhaps could be a better thing to do rather than offensive attitude. Band is too small and 6m community is growing rapidly. I vote for tolerance. 73!
Gogo 9A6C <grongo(at)st.tel.hr>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 10:00:21 (GMT/BST)
Willem PA0HIP.... The condx will be neither worse or better if the contests are moved above 50.200 MHz. I cannot see
any disadvantages to use the band better....Moreover, not all countries have so many and long openings as you have.
Arne SM7AED <sm7aedalgonet.se>
- Wednesday, July 11, 2001 at 08:31:46 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know the present callsign of ex TU4DH? Active during cycle 22.
Bob VE1YX <cathie.billings(at)ns.sympatico.ca>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 23:35:07 (GMT/BST)
Hello all. I have some 40m? am noise in my preamp.
This ocurs in the evening when those sigs come loud.
When is switch the preamp of it is gone. First i thougt that it was the 12v lead and i made a core to it.
It has helped a littel but i think i need a high pas through filter in front of the preamp. Where do i find this.any help is welcome to my email.
thanks Timon pa9kt jo33jf
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 21:43:40 (GMT/BST)
Hello I read at www.eham.net that icom will come with a new 756 the proII.
73 timon pa9kt
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 21:39:25 (GMT/BST)
LA/SM6CMU is qrv on 50.167 from JP89 this night.
73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 20:15:43 (GMT/BST)
jacek sp1cnv during f2 propagation the muf at times only just reaches 50 mhz.or so. sometimes w/ve stations could be 5/9 on and around .120 but the same stations moving up to say .150 were not audable as experienced during previous cycles this muf critical frequency is not so apparent during E propagation.in these situations the band would be dead around .200 .73 de albert ei6as.
albert latham ei6as <alby(at)esatclear.ie>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 19:45:23 (GMT/BST)
EX8MLE just annonced on the cluster he can only transmit outside tv-hours.
Peter, pa1six
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 19:13:48 (GMT/BST)
I just received notification by CQ Magazine that I have been awarded 50 Mhz WAZ Certificate Number 009. Still have a long way to go for all 40 Zones !!73 Mario K2ZD
Mario K2ZD <K2ZD(at)ARRL.NET>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 17:07:15 (GMT/BST)
Great opening to HZ1MD,7Z1SJ today heard him work many stations.
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 16:53:22 (GMT/BST)
JO98oa: SM1TDE/P QRV 20-22 July, CW/SSB. Let´s hope for good propagation and WX!
Eric SM1TDE <sm1tde(at)algonet.se>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 12:16:39 (GMT/BST)
So have we all finished with this contest stuff, I hope so, cos its getting really boring
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 10:57:49 (GMT/BST)
50Mhz band plan - We have 1MHz or 2 Mhz of the band. What to start to rebuild the banad plan. For ex. .000-.100 - beacons, .100-.200 - CW, .200-.500 SSB, calling freq: CW-.110, SSB-.210, DX windows: .100-.130 - CW, .200-.230 - SSB.
The change takes several years. We discuss, we are frustrating of a little more than 100kHz, sometimes very croudy, but we have much much more space ... What do you think about ?
Jacek SP1CNV <pola(at)icmax.com.pl>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 10:54:19 (GMT/BST)
Well said Willem PA0HIP !!
Noel Ei2JC, ei2jc(at) <hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 08:46:06 (GMT/BST)
Again about the contests rules...
In Italy a window of "not contest" is active since 1999. In first time we have forbidden all the qsos make under 50150. Currently we have interdicted the window 50090-50150 (for more information you can look - http://www.sixitalia.org/contest00.htm - the english version is in the below part of the page).
Such window was proposed to favor (better not disturbing) the traffic Africa-North Europe as required from many friends of the S.Africa and G, F, DL PA, SM etc..
After 3 year we have noticed that the Italian " contests man " have not had any damage from these rules.
We have seen that the Non European stations, interested to make qsos with Italians (or better with the people can run contest) have always moved in the contest window .
For other news I would suggest to read an article on Sixnews - issue 97 - November 2000 - pag. 49...
The band will be however full of stations... only a little bit UP on qrg.
Yesss... I love the contests.... above 50150 Mhz ;-)
Sergio, IK0FTA <ik0fta(at)sixitalia.org>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 08:01:12 (GMT/BST)
Hi Guys ...am getting a bit sick of you lot...Last year I read some complaints about not being good condx during a contest......today I read a lot of complaints about too good condx during a contest....Geez...why not go with the flow, and agree that we all have our frustrations....OK I agree that there were a lot of splattering balkans on the band ....and yes they were all over the DX window......but wasn't it just FUN to have so many stations QRV on the magic band?? Yes OK I missed a couple of new ones too becoz of the qrm....but my experience is ,that I will work them eventually......Please lets stop moaning and start educating the offenders....they probably didnot know better....73 Willem PA0HIP operator of PA6M (and YESSSS we stayed above 50.135)
Willem PA0HIP <wmorsink(at)wanadoo.nl>
- Tuesday, July 10, 2001 at 00:36:30 (GMT/BST)
Contest rules: Same in PA. The one and only 6m contest VERON ( dutch hamradio society) organises has such rule from the beginning (now 2 years ago). Easy....made the rules myself...hi. But more serious, we might want to try to get the national society's to include such rule.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 22:45:18 (GMT/BST)
Just to bring a personal experience, fully supporting the position of Peter, MJS. Here in Italy we have generally enforced a rule to keep clear the band below 135, following a proposal which was also published on the bullettin. Recently, a contest had allowed the use of the segment 80-90 for contesting CW, and I have filed a protest with the national 6m coordinator. This was in my opinion a step back with respect to the fairly good ruling we have. I do not know if this has brought any thought on the subject, but definitely I was not the only one and the deregulation did not propagate. I believe that the only way to help out is to show disappointment viz local clubs contest managers. An European-wise endorsed approach would be really beneficial in this respect, as very often the response is like "... but there it is allowed!". Greeting to all, and please no more "CQ contest..." on 110, please!
I0WTD <i0wtd(at)libero.it>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 22:19:14 (GMT/BST)
Contests: I asked this time last year (almost to the day) for members to look at their country's own 6m contest rules and either approach the authorities themselves or let me know contact details so I could do so, with a view to getting them to adopt the UKSMG Operating Code of Practice. For my part, I obtained RSGB's agreement to write the DX Window into their rules which came into effect at the start of 2001. Who else took the time to do this? There is no overall body who can enforce this, it has to be done at an individual country level. So, everyone who was sufficiently motivated on the subject to bring it up here, do a few minutes work and raise it with your country's contest manager - and encourage your neighbours to do the same. That's the only way that rules will change. 73 Peter
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 21:53:04 (GMT/BST)
Hear, hear, Peter. With the 2 elements (my problem), 6 was pretty much useless for a couple of hours. Non of the dx, anywhere on the band was able to compete with the stations that we had in all day, 2 days long. The contest-window should be moved up .200 (sorry for the french). Maybe we need, I hate the word, bandpolice......
Peter, pa1six
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 19:48:24 (GMT/BST)
Just thinking about getting back into Am.Rad (again!). Can anyone recommend a good 6m rig - price range around an ICOM 706 'ish.
Charlie G4TJK <malcolm.porter(at)netigy.com>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 19:37:22 (GMT/BST)
To Hal, ZS6WB - This morning safely received your qsll cards. Thanks, will reply same way. Already 30 days at home in jn75bc, but not so active as before /mm. Summer is here so will spent more time on the beach. See you. 73 Adam
Adam, 9a4qv/mm <xxxx(at)yyyy.zzz>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 17:58:22 (GMT/BST)
G8HGN: The correct URL is
http://www.radio.gov.uk/topics/economic/surveys/amateur.pdf I haven't read it yet but see the doc is 10months old. ALSO: I agree that we should ask all 6m Contest Organisers to write into their rules (as in the UKSMG rules) that no EU-EU contacts may be made in the DX Window .100-.130, with a penalty of disqualification.
Nick G3KOX 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 17:06:30 (GMT/BST)
Contesting has an active part in promoting the use of 6M CORRECT observance of the bandplan should cater for the needs of all.
above .200 as a contest window will not allow those who have restrictions on band usage above .200 to participate.likewise the French users of the band will be left with the contest in their part of the band.
seems that the reccomended no contesting in the DX window should suffice.
seems to usually work ok in UKSMG contests
a few years down the cycle and we may be glad of a contest
73 enjoy
mu0fal Fal <colin**freeserve.co.uk>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 16:31:03 (GMT/BST)
Sorry,that should be surveys, of course.
Bob H.
Bob Harrison G8HGN <robert.e.harrison(at)bt.com>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 16:27:49 (GMT/BST)
Hi All,
With reference to the £81 licence,please see the following URL:
I didn't like what I saw. your comments please.
73 Bob H.
Bob Harrison G8HGN <robert.e.harrison(at)bt.com>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 16:25:44 (GMT/BST)
Simple, never ever again a contest below 50.200 MHz.
All parties should disqualify stations ignoring bandplans
and DXWindows. I doubt someone disagree...73,
Peter, PA2VST <peterg(at)condor-post.com>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 16:00:04 (GMT/BST)
50MHz band plan - what's about to new band plan ? Smth like in HF bands. Above .200 only several stns work, in contest also - it almost always empty !
Jacek SP1CNV <pola(at)icmax.com.pl>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 15:34:39 (GMT/BST)
Hi Kerry, I'm going to Denver on Monday 16th from Dublin if thats any help
tony EI7BMB <skydigital(at)ntlworld.ie>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 14:59:00 (GMT/BST)
What a great 6m weekend! worked ZS, Z22, T9, KP2, KP4, WP4 all very loud - initially thought KP4 was a local HI! amazing condx from IO75 - what a magic band!
73 Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <simoncreoch.freeserve.co.uk>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 13:53:56 (GMT/BST)
Who could take a small transvertor to the USA for posting to Florida? This is to equip another HR station for 6 metres. Please help to help yourselves!!
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxxxxqsl.net>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 13:05:14 (GMT/BST)
Tnx, Peter! 73
ps best DX in contest was 5B/G1JJE
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 12:50:40 (GMT/BST)
Firstlist for ON will be updated. New list has been send to webmaster. Look at http://users.pandora.be/uba.nok/first.htm
Abt 188 DXCC wkd from ON....73's..Paul
Paul ON9BGP <on9bgp(at)pandora.be>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 12:13:18 (GMT/BST)
Mike: http://www.qsl.net/oh2mcn/license.htm
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 11:51:10 (GMT/BST)
Hi all,
Well, what a contest, far too many stations on the band, all in the same old squares ... no seriously, did work 10 HB9s, but due to QRM had no idea it was open transatlantic! The big Caribbean opening just went over our heads down here :-( VERY frustrating, though did hear WP4N at 41, and 9Z4BM for about five minutes at workable strength but no chance of breaking the pile.
A REQUEST: someone posted here (I think) an address for a web site with details of reciprocal licencing around the world, but I can't find it. Might have been an OH? Does anyone remember? Pse mail me if you do, thanks and 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 10:13:01 (GMT/BST)
Saturday was madness !!!, never thought I see the day when Contesters were moaned about on 6, Well Saturday soon sorted that out, Crazy Day. 2nd Neil's comments, nice to see the Pic of Ken G5KW on the Page. Adrian
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 08:21:01 (GMT/BST)
To all contest managers and test committees: Most countries have permission to use at least ONE MHz on 50 MHz.
The openings to other continents are mostly short and selective and often a weak signal work. We loose many possibilities to work
weak DX if we are QRM-ed by local contesters, especially in the DX window. Therefore if it is necessary to have contests on 6M please hold these above 50.200 MHz. If so, all are winners.
Arne SM7AED <sm7aedalgonet.se>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 08:10:10 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone confirm the QSL route for FG5BG please ?
73 de Peter
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 07:54:40 (GMT/BST)
Ken; The one in the middle, of course!
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 07:03:26 (GMT/BST)
At last, a band opening where I can hear all that famous(infamous?) European QRM and bad operating. You guys are too hard on yourselves, I find the operating practice of the Eu stns at a very high level and really an enjoyable experience working Eu stations in a pileup.
I have never hrd a better Es opening then Saturday to anywhere(only been really active 2 years on 6m). It was open for 45 mins in the morning and then for 5 hours from 1900-0101z until Pedro CT1DYX finally faded out. The morning opening was brief YT1AD was hrd and called but guess I was buried in the Eu QRM. S57A & S59A were wrked along with I,ON,F & FG5BG country #107. The afternoon started with Nick G3WOX (u mean G3KOX csg), sri for calling you Chris(WOS), you confused me, told Chris about it & he said it was ok, hope ok with you. Some of the best DX often occurs earliest, no exception this time wrking SP6ASD & SP6GZZ, YU1EU, Z32ZM #108, Z32AU, a gaggle of 9A stns(tnx guys, never knew there were so many), OE5KE #109 and the more western: S5, I, F, DL, ON, PA, G, GW, EH, EH6, CT, 9H were hrd or wrked, about 60 stns in all. I was late receiving my QSLs, so there was a delay in answering some(apologies), but those that sent direct should have there cards(still wrking on 2m). I am first receiving buro cards from June of last year(env 7/7/01), & all the buro cards should be out next week. Please be advised that this is a year to only receive the cards, so keep this in mind when you send via buro if you wish an immediate return. It is much more reasonable & I have no complaints. Tnx to all, you are a fine group 73
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH(at)aol.com>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 02:32:09 (GMT/BST)
I wonder what Ken would think looking down on us mortals getting stressed about a minor QSL issue ? Really guys there are more important things in the world to be worried about.
tony moore EI7BMB <skydigitalATntlworld.ie>
- Monday, July 09, 2001 at 00:18:26 (GMT/BST)
Nice to see a picture of Ken G5KW heading this page right now.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 22:11:06 (GMT/BST)
Bo - you on the vino - tumb??? the one on the end of your hand or around your middle!!! LOL
Ken G4IGO <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 21:13:21 (GMT/BST)
My tumb slipped! It should rerad JN96! ...and YU it is...
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 21:08:43 (GMT/BST)
If an item raised on this page is not for discusion then why put it here?
Ken G4IGO <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 21:06:49 (GMT/BST)
Bo, JN97 is HA, Do you need IO57? - also need JN96, JO98, JP79, JP 69, JP30 as easy ones - anybody oblige? - looks like we go back to the good old days of MS to get the rare ones!!! - great fun. cheers
Ken G4GO <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 21:02:34 (GMT/BST)
Disgusting treatment to use the net to crucify anyone.Who has not had a card such as this and thrown it in the bin?
gw3mfy <gw3mfy(at)btinternet.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 20:59:20 (GMT/BST)
Any one with plans for the Perseids to any of these locators: EA – IM96, IN81 // EA6 – JM29, JN20 // ER – KN38, KN48 // YU – JN97 // LZ – KN42, UR – KN49, KN55, KN68 // EW – KO22, KO31, KO34 // GM – IO69, IO79 // OH9 – KP28. I know that most of us would be happy to work those squares. (Did I mention SV/A?!?!!!!)
Bo, SM7FJE <bn***aaaaa.se>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 19:40:53 (GMT/BST)
(at)SM3BIU: CT1AYC is in IM58IR. 73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 18:33:33 (GMT/BST)
Hi there !
Anyone know the locator of CT1AYC who I wkd yesterday,
but he faded away without giving the locator.
Regards from sunny and warm Sweden.
Bas/SM3BIU <berndteric(at)swipnet.se>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 17:28:54 (GMT/BST)
For those who still haven't send their log for the UKSMG summer contest 2001. Last chance. Need to have the email tomorrow, or by normal post with postal stamp not later than 9t july.
In a couple of day's all claimed scores will be published on the UKSMG website. The final score will take some time off course.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 17:21:30 (GMT/BST)
HR1BY is not a pirate, and was partially equipped by UKSMG.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxxxxqsl.net>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 17:11:15 (GMT/BST)
Don, go to our archives section and you will find a design http://www.uksmg.org/3_ele_quad.htm
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 16:49:10 (GMT/BST)
Any UKSMG member with a view to express re the recent SWL adjudication is welcome to address them to me or any other member of the committee, but please do not use this Announcements page for such purposes, that's not what it's here for. I've absolutely no wish to stifle anyone's opinion, in fact I urge members to get in touch if they want to, every communication will be taken into consideration and answered appropriately. To repeat, this is UKSMG formal business which should not be discussed here. This will be the last posting here on this subject from me or anyone else from the Committee. Thanks.... 73 Peter G4MJS, UKSMG Chairman.
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 16:24:30 (GMT/BST)
Can any of you kind people recommend a robust cubical quad antenna to me, either dimensions for home brew or commercially made.
Please bear in mind I am in an exposed location in io88kk
Nil propagation here today
Many thanks
Don mckay MM5AJW <mckay(at)btinternet.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 15:34:37 (GMT/BST)
spectrum communications make various 70mhz [4m] transverters for either 2m or 10m input at power levels of between just a few hundred milliwatts and up to 10w i believe ,priced around £220 built , might be available in kit form or module form also .look on the site (at)
ian m0bcg <m0bcg***btinternet.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 15:04:29 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know what equipment is available or have any recommendations for 70MHz transverters, I know of M.M. but is there anything else?
Paul <blaggard(AT)hotmail.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 14:59:13 (GMT/BST)
Frustration and Extreme Joy!
I had made arrangements to go out with my family yesterday (7/7/01), we were away for 4.5hrs. You can imagine my frustration at coming home to see all the very juicy Carribean spots from an early afternoon opening on the dxcluster!. On top of this, I was starting to come down with the flu, and had arranged for a good ham-friend to visit when I came home. I need not have worried, as the magic band opened up again to the Carribean, and I worked 5 new countries yesterday evening. The log for the day looks like this:-
AM - 4X (wkd) , 7Z (hrd)
early PM - out with family
late PM - ZS, Z22, FG, KP4 (8 calls), 9Y/Z (2 calls),
W4's (8 calls), 8P9HW, CN2DX/m (IN74), KP2BH, HI8ROX,
Wasn't around for the late 22hrs opening to ZF, as the FLU had taken hold, and I slept until 13:00hrs today.
I didn't hear any trace of CO2, VP5 or 8R.
Commiserations to those stations who didn't have the advantage of the skip.....been there many times, and I know how it feels!.
Back to /h here.....cough...cough....splutter....
73 de T O N Y .. GW4VEQ
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq(at)breathemail.net>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 14:25:12 (GMT/BST)
I am appalled at the treatment of the SWL.He only cheats himself.The disturbing thing is this stick wielding.The UKSMG committee have obviously taken a vote on this and I have to say that the outcome of that vote and decision about what to do about are bizarre.IMO a bad case of Radio Star Syndrome and delusions of Grandeur. Were it not for the excellent support of Expeditions and the fact that this is the first 'blunder' they have ever made I would not be renewing my membership.The committee should be aware that this has alienated a number of well known 6m DX'ers and I urge everyone with strong feelings about this to email the UKSMG with their views.
A very exasperated Conrad
Conrad G0RUZ <g0ruzbtinternet.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 14:03:25 (GMT/BST)
Wow - just read, that because of a broken rotator ZF1DC had to work only with a vertical, yesterday... -73-
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf(at)darc.de>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 10:50:44 (GMT/BST)
I Agree with Clause. This is only a hobby.
Nil 6m DX since May 2001 from this QTH.
Nico ZS4NS <zs4nsfreemail.absa.co.za>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 10:13:37 (GMT/BST)
PA7FF, Frank: babelfish translation of IC-756-pro2 announcemenr says: - While receiving, the digital IF filter which can select filter Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, europe.
I would prefer if the filters of my rig would not contact the filters of foreign headquarters, whether allied or not, hi.
Peter, HB9RUZ <schleussdataway.ch>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 09:55:10 (GMT/BST)
I agree with Wolfgang, DJ3TF, reg. QRM in the DX window, this was not only from the east but from the west or let's say whole Europe too. I also heard DL's calling contest from 110-130 even that contesting on six is NOT allowed in DL. But have you ever tried to work DX on 144 during a contest? Boy, no one cares on 300 as a calling QRG for DX and not for contest and telling guys (kindly!) to leave this one leads to nice comments out of the dirt. While we had a nice Es to SV etc. a well known DXer just around the corner (on both six and 2) was going on and on calling "CQ test" on 300. I asked him to leave this one and so he did....to 301.5....
Udo, DK5YA <dk5yadk5ya.de>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 09:52:28 (GMT/BST)
I also agree with Claus. This treatment is way OTT. As I said to Chris - it's your qsl so you sort it out.
John G0EVT <john.hoban(at)btinternet.com>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 09:45:32 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday good condx into the caribean area here in south-Germany/JN59. Afternoon/evening hrd, but did not call 9Z, KP2, KP4’s – all not too strong, but KP4EIT was constant audible for several hours…! Wkd FG5FR with good CW-sigs (579 here) and fb operation-stile. What 50-MHz-activity within the last weeks from Guadeloupe! Then big surprise around midnight: David, ZF1DC from Grand Cayman comes up 22:13 ut, peaking S3 and I could work him as a new one! Wonder, which propagation it was that time?
BTW, big QRM from cq-contest-calling stations around .110 from east the whole day. 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf(at)darc.de>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 09:16:55 (GMT/BST)
I also agree with Claus
Dave G4RGK <g4rgk(at)hdeng.freeserve.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 08:23:45 (GMT/BST)
Frank, PA7FF, it would certainly seem so, it was initially found on a russian site, and quickly taken down
its now on the Icom Japanese site at the following url, http://www.icom.co.jp/ham/products/ic-756pro2
if you post that url into the translation site below you can see the english text, http://babelfish.altavista.com/tr
Regards, Adrian
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 08:19:15 (GMT/BST)
I do agree with Claus but when evidence is so clear, and knowing a station did before, and having heard and seen the same behaviour in the past, the now taken action is just in time and the right treatment. Over all the Dutch SWL has a good reputation and should not suffer with this as it does now. 73:>
Peter, PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 08:17:03 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone confirm whether Icom will release a Mark 2 version of the IC756PRO. 73, Frank PA7FF
Frank PA7FF <pa7ffamsat.org>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 08:08:59 (GMT/BST)
Never heard KP4 for such long time not even in cycle 22
from 1252 KP4KJJ ---- 2048! KP4EIT some of them 59+ signals
before there was ET3VSC worked 9Z4BM KP2BH HI8ROX not heard that was the only one needed for QSL (HI8W 1989 did not send cards) No new ones but a great unexpected opening.
No more to add about abuse of DX band by some contesters.
73 Jaap
jaap pa0oos <pa0oos(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 07:43:02 (GMT/BST)
Wkd yesterday 9Y4AT and ZF1DC (2 new ones for me). Also wkd
KP2BH and hrd 9z4BM and YV5DIG. It is nice activity on 50110.
As i have no FT1000MP (at)FTV1000 as receiver but a wide IC706
it is not funny on 110. Slow operators and some guys who
need to contest on 110 and around the qrg of some dx-stations i needed to keep my patience. But very happy to work the carabien stuff for a change. For the Carribien-guys. Please spread out and a bit away from 50.110
73...bert PA7MM
Bert PA7MM <berthollander(at)wxs.nl>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 06:56:34 (GMT/BST)
RW0IW/3 is qsl via who? Plenty of DX around today, none of it could be heard here :-( 73 de
Andy-GDØTEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 01:41:21 (GMT/BST)
I also agree with Claus. My letter is on it's way to the secretary.
Roger G4HBA <g4hba6mdx.eurobell.co.uk>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 01:09:00 (GMT/BST)
Nice conditions today. Es+tep link to ZS, I managed to work
ZS6AXT for a new one #75. ZS6BTE was also heard, but he seemed
a bit deaf....maybe he had some noise, but he was giving
out 519 reports to some DL stations. I also heard TT8JE on 50096 working stations. I heard
him working OH1LEU and SP8UFT. I tried to called him, but he never
came back. Then he switched to beacon mode :-( Time was about 1820z. I'm
just hoping the SSB qso was ok. Conditions yesterday weren't too bad either.
I managed to work Z22JE on another Es+tep link. 4Z4TL, OD5SX, SV9CVY, CN2DX was also heard. The ES season is picking up.
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 08, 2001 at 00:10:10 (GMT/BST)
What a day for my YL to plan her birthdayparty.....argggggg...Thanks for those who called me. Drived home GP style after a phonecall from Peter, VST to work EK6AD but as usual he was gone when i got home. Mangaged to work TT8JE instead (#128) and GM4COK/mm in IN38. At least missed 3 new ones...well let's hope 2morrow will be great too..have some catching up to do. 73
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa(at)50mhz.com>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 23:49:16 (GMT/BST)
Yes Adrian, was contesting in the dx window ( just kidding) and typing the message at the same time....
At least I'm happy with all the activity today. 2 new dxcc's for me. ZF1DC and 9Y4AT for #127 and #128.
Not a sign of KP2 and YV on my qth. But tomorrow's an other day.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 23:19:16 (GMT/BST)
John JJL CHECK which memory to take the CQ some only have room fer 599 cant remember which
MU0FAL <colinl...lorbert.freeserve.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 23:14:20 (GMT/BST)
if still needed ZF1DC 59 now on 50162.0
Guy ON4AOI <on4aoi(at)ping.be>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 23:11:28 (GMT/BST)
Yes very bad contesting in DX WINDOW should not be allowed in contest rules! 73 stewart
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve(at)btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 22:26:34 (GMT/BST)
I agree with Claus
G4IGO Ken <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 22:07:09 (GMT/BST)
One hour opening tonight from W4 land to JN53, starting at 19.20 z.
Worked 15 stations in cw , except K2RTH also SSB; locators concentrated in EL 95-96-97.
Good signals up to 579. Thanks to all guys reply me and sorry for those i lost...
73 de Marzio I5MXX
Marzio I5MXX <i5mxx(at)allstarsviaggi.it>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 22:01:31 (GMT/BST)
Is there an easy way to program the CW memory keyer on the FT920 ? My radio stays in record for about4 seconds then drops back to displaying freq in 2nd VFO where it has just had REC displayed. Does this even if you select REC then number on keypad. Works great in voice memory mode on ssb etc. I have selected EL2 in menu 20 and still does it. Any one had the same trouble?
Cheers John
John G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:58:43 (GMT/BST)
Denis PA7FM, so what your saying denis is the the UKSMG contest rules SUCK !!, only joking, we know what you really meant !!! :-)
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:50:19 (GMT/BST)
woops...sri for typo's...difficult doing several things together.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:14:01 (GMT/BST)
Anyone else using a GP15 comet vertical can tell me it this antenna cover the whole six meter band or just the higher
part from 52-54.?? or if so is it adjustable for the lower part?? This ant is a 3 band 50/144/450 mhz.
tnx any help 73's Mike ve2th
mike ve2th <ve2th(at)altavista.com>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:11:41 (GMT/BST)
6m contesting...fine. But the rules for ALL 6m contests should forbid eu-eu contests in the dx window. I know the UKSMG contest has suck rule. Also the VERON ( PA ) contest has this rule. Don't know about other contests.....but they should do the same I think.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 21:11:19 (GMT/BST)
Hallo friends. I spent 3 days in HB0 and encoutered quite good condx. Reached JY4NE, HZ1MD, CN8NK, 4Z5AX, 5B4AGM,
FG5FR, PY5CC, and a great number of stations within EU. Unfortunately no sigs from W. Due to a heavy strom and thunder
I had to go qrt. From home worked KP3EIT and TT8JE, from which I have no qsl info. So all together a fine periode althought
solar values rather low. GL and 73
Pierre HB0/HB9QQ <HB9QQ(at)USKA.CH>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 20:54:12 (GMT/BST)
HOPE WE WILL NEVER HAVE GOOD PROPAGATION DURING A CONTEST NEVER AND NEVER AGAIN. To many fools (like YU1ADN) don't respect bandplans and DX window....Arghhhh. Wish I could express my bad mood with dirty words here...Well, I have 2 new DXCC's today. Have fun,
Peter, PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 20:49:37 (GMT/BST)
for anyone thats interested.
if you are fed up with the vfo knob on youre alinco dx70 not having a finger hole in it or being very good as a spinner knob, try a vfo knob from a ic-706 icom , fits straight on there and is great , youd think its another radio.
i swapped mine on my 706mk2g and luckily my i noticed my dx70 one was loose , i saw the dx70 shaft and thought hey the 706 knob might fit, and it did ,no buttons are covered and youd think it was made for the job.
icom part # is N-239 knob [incl cover] £12 +tax from icom uk .
m0bcg ian <m0bcg***btinternet.com>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 20:00:24 (GMT/BST)
Great those contests! Especially those YU's (and others!) who are contesting in the DX-window! Cheers - Frank
Frank, ON9CFB <on9cfb(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 18:35:09 (GMT/BST)
What's a day! And more in ON: HI8ROX (heard), ZF1DC (worked #184), K2RTH, ET3VSC, ZS6WB, Z22JE... Best 73s
Alain ON4KST <on4kst(at)qsl.net>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 18:15:12 (GMT/BST)
Nice caraiben still KP4EIT, WP4KJJ, KP4FRE, WP4N, FG5FR.
Need FG in SSB..still hoping..
Paul ON9BGP <on9bgp(at)pandora.be>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 17:18:08 (GMT/BST)
could anyone give me the correct lengths of each element
and the right spacing for the a50-6s...diagram indicates that the the first director should be closer than whats indicated in the pdf download measurements....
Have al look at this very useful for monitoring movement of local thunderstorms.http://www.ee.umist.ac.uk/mcee/downloads/lmap.html
Regards Ian G0FYD
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 16:07:00 (GMT/BST)
Managed to catch some muti hop Es to Sweden today (Jul 7th)
Worked SM7's FJE & BAE. Nothing else heard.
Tony 8P9HW <tonyww(at)sunbeach.net>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 13:45:30 (GMT/BST)
Re recent adjudication. The notice Chris has published is intended merely to document the UKSMG Committee's decision on a matter raised with us by a member. The individual in question has had the opportunity to discuss this with the committee but as yet hasn't taken it up. He also has been made aware that the facts of the matter would be published. The basis behind the decision to decline awards applications from the SWL concerned and to make the decision public is to demonstrate that we take seriously the status of the UKSMG awards scheme and contest placings, and to show our members and others that if we are presented with evidence (rather than hearsay) of dishonesty then we will act. I don't wish to see this matter dragged on in a public forum, particularly not this one which is not an appropriate place. The Committee's decision is a matter of record. Any member wishing to make representations to the Committee is welcome to contact the Secretary at any stage. Peter G4MJS - UKSMG Chairman.
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs(at)blacksheep.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 12:40:28 (GMT/BST)
Altough I do not like false QSL claims I even less like to watch a public stoning. This is a hobby! If somebody cheats, then in the end they only cheat themselves. If the UKSMG starts to perform public punishments it´s a very dangerous path. What about if you make a false judgement? How can somebody appeal your decision, and how can they defend themselves if they do not agree?
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 19:19:17 (GMT/BST)
I recently received notification from Peter Bowyer G4MJS, Chairman of the UKSMG,
that an adjudication has been made with respect to my request concerning Jan Steenbergen, NL-213. You can find
details of the adjudication at http://www.uksmg.org/qsl_claim.htm Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 18:31:40 (GMT/BST)
FG5FR : Indeed...3rd day in a row, very nice. It must be a matter of activity ( although the KP4's are also not there ?? ). Concerning J87AB, Mike went QRT, if I remember well,on the 21st of November 2000, and he's now G0GPX again. So no more J8 activity on 6m. Let's hope for some other activity soon from the Caribbean as long as the propagation is there.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 09:01:50 (GMT/BST)
FG5FR yesterday 1830 was in for long time working I S5 YU
etc etc It was the 3 day that I heard him and finaly worked.
I just wonder is J87AB still active? Nothing else from the caribean very strange. The ES season is not endless...
And is VU2 still active? never hear anything from them too
greetz Jaap
jaap pa0oos <pa0oos(at)qsl.net>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 08:51:17 (GMT/BST)
Please don't forget about us in the deep South. June and July have seen 12 openings into Central and Northern Europe from Northern ZS6 (KG46).Last night (06 July) worked oz, sp1,ok2,sm7 and heard dl6,gd0,pe1 amd s55 beacon. Signals have varied from weak to strong here. 73
Paul zs6pjs <zs6pjs((at))pixie.co.za>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 05:32:49 (GMT/BST)
yo4kbj/p qrv 6m kn45bg 100w 3el yagi 7/8 july;qrv 2m 100w 16 el 4,4lambda dj9bv ;qrv 70cm 50w 25el dj9bv.team yo4rdn
yo4rfv yo/er1bl yo4rxx yo4rdk yo4cvv yo4fzt.
vali yo4rdn <yo4rdn.vali(at)usa.net>
- Saturday, July 07, 2001 at 03:27:08 (GMT/BST)
TT8JE, Eric, I could not break the beacon.... Heard you in there for over an hour this evening. My best regards
PA7MH <pa0jmh(at)xs4all.nl>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 20:09:24 (GMT/BST)
Wow! I just found the world's collection of folk who have 6M transmitters, but (apparently) no 6M receiver. They're all on 50.099 > :-)
Iain, G0RDI <g0rdi77hz.com>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 19:58:22 (GMT/BST)
George GM4COK/MM expects to be moving from IN49 into IN38 by this weekend (7/8th July) - he is only running 5W from an FT-817 into a dipole made from brazing rod + choc. block, but has wkd. many Eu countries. 73
Chris GM3WOJ <gm3woj(at)talk21.com>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 18:05:53 (GMT/BST)
Oh Yeah...Exchange serial nr and locator.
Willem PA0HIP
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 12:16:15 (GMT/BST)
Paul G4IJE (and others) it is the VERON 50 MHz contest: July 7 14.00 UTC -- july 8 14.00 UTC.73 Willem
Willem PA0HIP <wmorsink(at)wanadoo.nl>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 12:14:08 (GMT/BST)
Tnx Toni...will tell it to the PA contestmanager...73 s
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 11:36:38 (GMT/BST)
to PA7FM: logs go to I4CIL, see www.sixitalia.org 73!
Toni OE5UAL <oe5ual(at)oevsv.at>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 10:16:11 (GMT/BST)
Nice supprise yesterday when I came home. Heard G5FR weak, calling CQ. One minute later he CQed again and I got the full call out of it...FG5FR. Easy to work. New DXCC. Heard him for a hour mostly calling CQ's. Seems my black hole of the last week is vanished finally. Please note my new email adress. (***=(at)) The other one I used for many years won't be used anymore after September 30st.
Peter, PA2VST <gouweleeuw***wanadoo.nl>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 08:30:30 (GMT/BST)
Hello All sations in magic bande,
Thanks to all stations I have contacted.
Wait patiently for my QSL card because I make a new QSL.
For you give me your QSL, via Buro is OK but I prefere
via direct to : Mr FOLLET Jean-Robert
Au Calme Vélusien D.930
14 route de Rouen
Crévecoeur-Le-Grand (FRANCE)
73's to the six meters family
Have a good day for all sations, Bye.
F1ISO jean-Robert in JN19BO .
Jean-Robert F1ISO <f1iso(at)wanadoo.fr>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 05:30:23 (GMT/BST)
Also interested in info from Frank. I thought PA contest at weekend was 144 MHz and up. Believe 6m actvity from ON and OZ expected in their contests. G3SRC/P in IO91XH (180 m asl)will be qrv on 6m 1400 UTC on 7 July to 1400 on 8 July and looking for qsos. Will also be active same times on 2m, 70, 23, 13, 6 & 3cm to give away points in the variety of VHF/UHF/SHF contests this weekend. 73 de John G8IYS
John G8IYS <johns(at)connectnet.org.uk>
- Friday, July 06, 2001 at 05:11:28 (GMT/BST)
Re PA6M in contest: Can I be really dumb and ask what contest? What time is it and what is the exchange please. Many thanks ...
Paul G4IJE <paul(at)broadoak.net>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 17:25:13 (GMT/BST)
Anyone knows who did the organisation of the IARU 50 MHZ contest in June ( i.o.w. any one knows where to send the logs after cheking by the national contestmanagers ?? )
Tnx in advance.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 17:06:02 (GMT/BST)
PA6M will be qrv on 7 and 8 july during the 6 meter contest. We will be on 50.185. The qsl is ok via PA3DYS. I hope to meet you during the weekend . Operators this time will be: PE2RT, PE1MFP, PE1MZS, PA0HIP and PA3DYS. Nice pictures can be found here: http://home.wanadoo.nl/pi6btv/veld.htm
Frank PA3DYS <PA3DYS(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 16:42:16 (GMT/BST)
G8TOK Tnx for your qsl, yours is onits way Gl with the award
73 Tony
tony EI7BMB <skydigitalATntlworld.ie>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 14:43:48 (GMT/BST)
Does anybody have a suggestion for QSL route to EK6AD?
thanks Andre
pa5wx <pa5wx(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 13:57:57 (GMT/BST)
Apologies for using the announcement page, but Kerry LCS
if you see this please give me a call ASAP, Adrian
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 13:44:06 (GMT/BST)
Hello All, I have just read this on the RSGB news. I hadnt seen it mentioned on here before. 73 Fred
The Worked All Britain 50MHz Phone Contest takes place today, Sunday the 8th of July, from 0900 to 1500 UTC. Full details are available on the WAB web site, to which a link exists from the RSGB web site, or from the Contest Manager, M0BJM, whose address is correct in the RSGB Yearbook.
G4BWP <fredchhomeshack.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 12:32:00 (GMT/BST)
Well, 13 hours of EA video today, with only 2 x 10minute periods when it faded out.
KG4ZI/KG4XE reports aprox 300 6m Q's, beacon still on .102. Their amp is not working
so only 100w and the beam currently. Tear down is aprox 5-6pm local (21-22z roughly)
on Thursday night. No HV0A (they went QRT just past 19Z), but we had CN,CT,EA,VO1
and a few minutyes later KP4,then W4...another day in the 6m story. Finally got
my phase-delay box working right (I think). Ended up going back to only 90degrees delay
and seems to be functioning, though I've only heard a few signals so far, so too early to tell.
I'll keep BIP/BOP-ing along! 7 3 and see you (when u least expect it) on the MAGIC band ;-)
Mike VE9AA <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Thursday, July 05, 2001 at 03:46:50 (GMT/BST)
RE the £81 licence. Read the news pages of RadCom. It mentions that the RSGB have been fighting this proposal. You are all (UK hams) members of the RSGB aren't you?
Joe GJ0NYG <call(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 20:38:45 (GMT/BST)
Hello Six family: I need your help. Last year i work ER6A/p and ER1FF/p and send QSL's several times but didn't receive the return until now. Any idea about what to do to receive the card's from that stations ? Today i receive EK6AD qsl card. Very fast reply (40days). I send my card to him via registered mail. ( Tnx Eugene ) 73s and see you all on SIX soon.
Peter - PY5CC <PY5CC(at)50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 19:40:30 (GMT/BST)
PLEASE, if anyone reading this works HV0A, can you PLEASE ask them to stay past 19Z?
We've (W1/VE1/9) have had weak video ALL DAY since sunrise, and that usually means good prop
to EU 2130z-2200Z. To have a chance (at) HV0A would be extremely rare indeed. Pse
pass this along guys and we'll do our best to keepencouraging KG4XE and KG4ZI to keep thir beam
on EU (which they've been doing a lot on 102 CW, beaconing). Appreciate it.
Mike (need HV0A) VE9AA <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 18:54:00 (GMT/BST)
Fascinating pages, Mike 7Z5OO ! Even a black list which I was so often tempted to make up but then found many of the offenders repented. In trying for an individual HZ license once, a semi official comment was 'it will take years, it may be possible, but if you do get it, you'll wish you hadn't because of the security checks after that!
Alan KB2WF <kb2wf(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 18:36:01 (GMT/BST)
G5KW : on behalf of my mother and my sisters and brother I would like to thank you all for
your kindness and wishes on the passing of my father. Thanks
Viviane Ellis <Viviane.Ellis(at)skynet.be>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 18:28:15 (GMT/BST)
that should be http://members.aol.com/k3uoc/
Roger, G4HBA <g4hba(at)6mdx.eurobell.co.uk>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 15:03:45 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, in view of the flurry of activity from HZ/7Z you may find this site interesting.It gives a good insight into the problems involved in operating from there.
Roger, G4HBA <g4hba(at)6mdx.eurobell.co.uk>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 14:59:58 (GMT/BST)
I0CUT and myself will be in HV0A starting at 14z +- until 19z +-.
QSL via IK0FVC. Pse NO send locator! All qsos will be too fast! Our grid JN61fv.
The log will be put on internet tomorrow in www.sixitalia.org web site.
Sergio, IK0FTA <ik0fta(at)sixitalia.org>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 14:01:40 (GMT/BST)
Re working EU/EU in the DX-window. I bumped into YO2LEA on .115 today working a pile of EU's. I gave him a call and asked him politely to move out of the DX-window. He appologized and stated that he was new to 6 and wasn't aware of a Dx-window. I explained him it was .110-130 and he moved off and promised he wouldn't do it again. Sometimes it helps if you just ask, instead of yell. He went to .147 and took the pile-up with him. Well done Ursan, I hope more stations will follow your example !
Peter, pa1six
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 12:02:52 (GMT/BST)
Thank you to the southern European (I think an Italian) who advised 7Z1SJ about an hour ago there was a "G0" in his pile-up. It would have been impossible to break the "1st and 2nd hop" QSOs if you hadn't assisted. Didnt get your call but much appreciated. 73
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 09:08:22 (GMT/BST)
Does anybody have a suggestion for QSL route to RW0IW/3 ??
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Wednesday, July 04, 2001 at 08:41:06 (GMT/BST)
JAPANESE 6M OPS---I'm going to be operating for several hours on top of a 100-meter cliff right over the Pacific (CM87) from (at)2200z 3 July (today)BEAMING JA...hope to catch a good opening your way if lucky! Using 6M5x and 100 watts: will also be portable 4 July (tomorrow) as well if no propagation today...73 & Sayonara, Jeff, QRX mostly 50.110--.140 SSB only.
Jeff Cathrow KF6GYM <kf6gym(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 21:35:20 (GMT/BST)
I will get it right yet....20212T not 2021T...there!
John G0JJL <john(at)sixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 21:29:50 (GMT/BST)
Beko model number is 20212T not as first mentioned (20212T) Sorry!
John G0JJL <john(at)sixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 21:28:32 (GMT/BST)
EMC matter worth a mention if you operate on 2M as well as 6M. My next door neighbour has today purchased a BEKO 14 inch portable TV set Model number 2021T. Just 10 Watts on 2M ssb causes audio breakthrough with no TV aerial connected, the set in standby and a ferrite ring on the mains cable! All this with the TV some 50ft from my aerials! however 6M and 4M are clear even at full throttle. Luckily we are on good terms and I hope to be helping her to exchange the TV at the shop by explaining the problem to them. However if you want to avoid trouble in your own home then avoid the BEKO 20212T series.
John G0JJL <john(at)sixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 21:22:19 (GMT/BST)
Lucky me... Worked HZ1MD at 1454z. He was in for abt 8 min, then disapeared. Max sigs S5.
Thank you very much Mohamed for new one. 73 Pierre
Pierre HB9QQ <HB9QQ(at)USKA.CH>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 17:09:00 (GMT/BST)
There is truth in what Claus says, but we must continue to frown and bring pressure to bear on those who spoil it for the rest.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxxxxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 16:11:30 (GMT/BST)
Regarding working non-DX in the DX window and making blacklists. Think about John 8:7 "Let him among you who is without sin throw the first stone."
Personally I fully agree with the bandplan and I am very concious not to break it, but I would not be able to throw the first stone........
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh**qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 16:08:04 (GMT/BST)
The problem in known Nick. I'm shure it wasn't me...although I'm a PA7...hi
But many stations are doing the same nowaday's. Put something exotic on the cluster......suddenly several stations are calling CQ on that frequency,propably hoping the dx will hear them...not realizing(or they don't care) they may cause qrm to others who can hear the dx. If possible we should try to stop this....only I don't know how.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 16:04:34 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday I have received A45XR's QSL... The good thing is that Chris, send it me without my request!! What's a gentleman! Thanks very much OM and I'll reply promptly.
Dan IK1EGC <ik1egc(at)wappi.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 15:49:41 (GMT/BST)
There are so many offenders it's a joke. There are also those who think that working a rare EU-EU square in the window is ok, it isn't.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxxxxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 15:41:02 (GMT/BST)
In G (or is it M) for a few weeks. Just heard a string of G3s, and others,working an EH1 on .110. Yesterday was trying to hear Mohamad on .123 and a PA7 (not unknown to this column) was working a string of EU there. Of course I've heard many other examples in a couple of days. I've screamed at some of them and usually they move, but why 1)- don't more also ask them to move?(a spot doing so is useless). and 2)- should I compose a black list and refuse to QSL them if I go to E4 or the like?
Nick G3KOX 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 15:33:08 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys Re £81 license and CB'ers on 2mtr.from mails i have rx'd,it seems to have been removed.I have copy if You email me.My qsl's are of course free,but for this one dollar as attachments please HI 73 Gordon
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 13:33:21 (GMT/BST)
TNX All big pil-up aldays qsy on 50.110
QSL ONLY DIRECT qrz.com 100%
Gabriel CU3AN <cu3an(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 12:48:29 (GMT/BST)
Hi Mike just got into page again,takes ages to download 70 pages of PDF.If You cant find mail me I'll send.possible release of 2mtrs to cb'ers etc.73
gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 11:27:59 (GMT/BST)
Maybe their is someone who can help me...
For my trip to ZD8 i have to leaf at the 07.08 arround 2300 from Brize Norton,but my flight goes to Heathrow...same at the 15/08,when i will arrive in Brize...is their someone out who can take me maybe by Car??Its not so easy to take Antennas and Aplifires by Train...hi
Manny thank es good DX on 6 de Frank
Ps i will pay for it for sure.....
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 11:26:44 (GMT/BST)
Gordon, 'ASA: Thanks for the warning re licence fees, however the page now reads:
"Sorry, the page you are looking for has moved or does not exist.
You can use the search facility to find the page you are looking for.
Alternatively, click on the home button below to go back to our home page."
Now, if I was paranoid .... 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 11:08:30 (GMT/BST)
BIP/BOP means "Both In Phase"(normal stacking method) or "Both Out of Phase". In my case
I've gobe to 180degree phase shift, which I don't know is right yet or not. Also, not sure
how far up it'll crank my front lobe. I read from 1992 UKSMG 'letter, "Zen and the Art of
Stacking" Surely in 9 years somebody has used this arrangement, or is it just Urban Legend?HI HI!
Thanks BIP/BOP Mike
Mike BIP/BOP VE9AA <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 10:39:05 (GMT/BST)
I wkd yday SU9ZZ, whats his loc and qsl via ? Also wkd CN2DX. Hrd 4Z5AO with ant to north. I think it is success in my very noisy qth - 3 mobile phone relay stations nearby. See you in IARU III Test this weekend.
Jacek SP1CNV <pola(at)icmax.com.pl>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 09:19:41 (GMT/BST)
url ends after PDF,my typing error.73
gw8asa <gw8asa(at)ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 09:14:24 (GMT/BST)
UK Amateurs. are You guys aware of this one. If not read with care http://www.radio.gov.uk/topics/economics/surveys/amateur.pdf
£81 license.
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 09:12:11 (GMT/BST)
Very nice openings yesterday worked/heard 5 WAC
highlights were HZ1MD for #146, KP4EIT, FG5FR and
GM4COK/MM, anybody nows if there is someone
having a 6 WAC on 24 hours ??
Guy ON4AOI <on4aoiping.be>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 07:34:27 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for the reply Ben.I did know that CN2DX = HB9HLM but was unsure whether address for him was up to date.I have Andre Breguet,Beausite 18,CH2014 Bole,Switzerland.I hope this is correct.Thanks Ben & good luck on six.Mike G0IMG
Mike G0IMG <mike(at)g0img.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 07:25:30 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for your reply Ben.I did know that CN2DX = HB9HLM but was unsure whether address for him was up to date.I have Andre Breguet,Beausite18,CH2014 Bole,Switzerland.
I hope this is correct.Thanks again,Good luck on six,Mike,G0IMG
Mike G0IMG <mike(at)g0img.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 07:17:42 (GMT/BST)
CN2DX = HB9HLM 73' de Ben
Ben HB9SJV & HB9AA <hb9sjv(at)bluewin.ch>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 06:29:55 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have the qsl address for CN2DX?Buckmaster and QRZ seem to disagree.Mike G0IMG.
Mike G0IMG <mike(at)g0img.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 06:05:49 (GMT/BST)
FG5FR (FK96) and GM4COK/mm (IN49) were highlights yesterday. Looked for NA, but nothing heard.
I have put my ideas on the VE7/W7 event from 10 June on my homepage (www.df9cy.de). Also included
Jason's (VE7AGG) summary on the event. 73 de Christoph
DF9CY Christoph <cpe-at-df9cy.de>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 05:48:43 (GMT/BST)
Well, the 100% homebrew BIP/BOP switch was installed here late today (TWICE!!)
Had a brain-hiccup with phasing line lengths and such, but think I've got it straightened
out now, thank Goodness. Anyone able to model 8el, 30' booms, 35'/49' BIP/BOP patterns?
Or what can u tell me ref: personal experience with BIP/BOP.....anyone know? Time will tell of course
on this end, but would like to compare with others who've had this arrangement so I know
mine is "working". Very light DX day, but heard or-wkd I,CU3,EH,CT,KG4,CN & W4. I think
I might have been hearing T72EB/A very weakly about the time IK5JWQ was in, but think
he was probably aiming the other way. (and taking a list at that, tsk tsk) Thanks- Mike
ve9aa bip/bop Mike <ve9aa(at)(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 03:51:35 (GMT/BST)
ZP5AA beacon will be back on the air this weekend (Jul 07), after being hit by lightning. Frequency is 50.0235 running 3 watts to a 5/8 vertical with message ZP5AA FROM GG14 GG14.
Band has been absolutely quiet here these weeks.
Mike-ZP5YW <mga(at)conexion.com.py>
- Tuesday, July 03, 2001 at 02:57:47 (GMT/BST)
FG5FR. Yes, this night at 21.00 UTC I worked FG5FR in FK96.
Nice little opening for us in this neck of the wood.
Best regards
Johan - PA7MH <pa0jmh xs4all.nl>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 23:27:11 (GMT/BST)
Hi Chas ei5fk after all my typing my email was returned
your email address was not reconised any ideas?is it closed down for the hols.73s albert.
albert latham EI6AS <alby(at)esatclear.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 23:17:41 (GMT/BST)
FG5BG European Opening June 23 Summary
Georges, FG5BG "had 70 European qsos in 6 meters June 23:
DL. OE. PA. G. F. GI. GW. YO. IW. ON."
Appears 6M would have been open today from FG to Europe, seeing how KP4EIT is doing. I may re-schedule a trip to FG this fall. My daughter is doing fine now - thanks to all for the well wishes. - Jon N0JK
Jon N0JK <n0jk hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 21:51:11 (GMT/BST)
Anyone going to activate IO41 in the near future? I missed Tony's last trip as I was grafting as per usual?
Chris, G3WOS <chris(at)gare.co.uk>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 21:10:13 (GMT/BST)
Hi out there -
just had a QSO with T99A fm Grid sqre JN93CX -
Could any body tell me his Adresse pse? He`s only QSLìng direkt.
many thanks in advance de
DG9YIF - "Bob"
Burghardt "Bob" - DG9YIF <bmbreuer(at)gmx.de>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 19:31:46 (GMT/BST)
hi chas didnt want to give you any competition during your hols thats all did hear italy on the 2 metre vertical today
albert latham ei6as <alby (at)esatclear.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 19:23:20 (GMT/BST)
Albert, somebody's tryin to fool poor EI5FK !!! this can't be real, EI6AS on SSB 144mhz with a vertical, they are trying to wind me up !!! come on Albert, put me out of my misery...Uffe PA5DD thats even worse, are u guys for real ?
Charles EI5FK <chas(at)indigo.ie.antispam>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 19:17:43 (GMT/BST)
The band finally comes back to life after two weeks of dire propagation. Three new countries worked today: HB0, SU and 4X. Here's hoping for more ... 73
Mike GU6AJE / MU5MUF <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 19:02:48 (GMT/BST)
Boy - I must really have caught the bug now. Stopping in the middle of a 2m sporadic E opening, to work SV5BYR on 6m - Any known cure ?
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw(at)worldonline.nl>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 18:35:43 (GMT/BST)
Anyone reading this ever use a BIP/BOP antenna switch? I'd like to know what to expect on Es
as far as differencess in signal strenght go on AU,Es,multi-Es,BS,etc. to know if mine
is working or not. It's 100% homebrew (hi!) Hope to install it later today if my luck
holds out.
VE9AA Mike <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 18:20:27 (GMT/BST)
Received today ce0y/w7xu, very nice picture. Mny tnx Arliss!!!
Claudio ik5rlp <trestelleatmarinadigrosseto.it>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 18:17:30 (GMT/BST)
Received today ce0y/w7xu, very nice picture. Mny tnx Arliss!!!
Claudio ik5rlp <trestelleatmarinadigrosseto.it>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 18:17:29 (GMT/BST)
Re Io55 :"once ALL the beer is gone, hit the shorts" If you know where the place is, please feel free to call in... 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP "
Andy you are visiting Ireland the beer is never gone.HI Maybe see you if you have time to stop in Dublin for a beer
tony EI7BMB <skydigitalATntlworld.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 18:09:02 (GMT/BST)
Finally, a micro-opening into EU. Started to hear multiple 48/49Mhz videos ~1225Z
and by 1404Z I heard "JN52ns" gridsquare on SSB, then a few minutes later on CW.
Turned out to be IK5JWQ and by 1426 I worked him (just after super-power VE1YX, hi!)
He was in for about 30 minutes in all. When I finally did get him, there was NO VIDEO
in whatsoever. NONE. I also did hear a IK8?X on about .095 sending real real slow, but
couldn't get his attn. My thanks to SErgio IK0FTA and other Italians, who got IK5JWQ's
attn via the IZ5EME clx (I think) and asked him to listen for me. Currently I only run
100w and 2x8el(homebrew) (at) 35'/49'. RFI prohibits me from more QRO (hi) Does anyone
know this fellow and can tell me what PWR/ANT he runs. (just curious). Also, like N5JHV
I am anxious to work Siberia/UA9/UA0 etc. 73 es thanks! de Mike VE9AA.....BTW, I just put the last
solder connection on a BIP/BOP antenna switch. If WX holds, I hope to install it later
today. Wish me luck!
VE9AA Mike FN65rs <ve9aahotmail.com>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 17:50:31 (GMT/BST)
Hi Tony, es others. I'm looking forward to "playing radio" for a week, it'll be fun. I've also been told that the guinness alters in taste every day and thus, has to be tested on a regular basis, just to make sure! hi, hic.. I always follow the rule that "once ALL the beer is gone, hit the shorts" If you know where the place is, please feel free to call in... 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 17:17:33 (GMT/BST)
RE: Asiatic Russian Stations. We're getting into the time when we usually see some good multi-Es opening from western USA to JA. We frequently have Siberian TV in here S9 at those times. Can any of you provide callsigns for any UA0's (or such like)that are now active with the increasing Russian activity level. I think I did see a RW0CD spotted by a VR2 a while back, but that's it. I'm sure we can workd them if there availale and alert. TIA.
Dave, N5JHV <dnatcho(at)lascruces.com>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 15:47:40 (GMT/BST)
Would not want to share a room with murphy/guinness drinkers without good air conditioning. Stick to bacardi I say much more eco friendly Albert, the dx pedition to IO55 may not last too long if they hit the blackstuff
73 Tony
tony EI7BMB <skydigital(at)ntlworld.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 14:50:19 (GMT/BST)
hi charlie tony must prefer murphy to guinness 73s all de ei6as
albert.e.latham ei6as <alby(at)esatclear.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 13:14:08 (GMT/BST)
7zisj, early visitor into 9h today. Also wkd US0YA. We are on the look out for A61AO and A7. Any info????
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 08:58:44 (GMT/BST)
Hey Tony, and u down here working from our squares !!!! hi
hi... next thing u will be on 144 mhz !!! good luck to all, de EI5FK
EI5FK <chas at indigo anti spam>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 03:48:33 (GMT/BST)
Tony-at least they're not drinking your beer
chris w3cmp <w3cmp(at)aol.com>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 01:49:51 (GMT/BST)
I think its an absolute disgrace that the following stations G4XUM, GD0TEP, G4BVY, G4APA, G0HSS and G0AFH are coming over here to steal our rare squares, next thing they'll be driving our buses!! Seriously guys have a good trip and if you need any further help let me know, the maps are here waiting for you, take it easy on the black stuff.
73 Tony EI7BMB
tony EI7BMB <skydigital(at)ntlworld.ie>
- Monday, July 02, 2001 at 01:34:52 (GMT/BST)
Interesting to see DF7RG on HSCW... anyone fancy trying, say 1000lpm. email for a sked. 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP <(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 23:51:46 (GMT/BST)
UKSMG CONTEST 2001 : Don't forget to send in your log. There's still some time...but it's just another week before closing date ( no later than 9th july postage date). Could expecially use some more G contestlogs. I know there were much more stations active...but haven't seen than many logs yet from G. Keep sending them to my email adres, or to Dennis Robbemond, Iependaal 155 3181 AJ Rozenburg Netherlands. After closing date all claims will be posted on the UKSMG website.
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm(at)amsat.org>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 19:22:26 (GMT/BST)
I am on the west coast of Cyprus for 8 weeksish
I have FT-847 100w 5e yagi.
I am on everyday for many hours.
Please give me a call if you need the locator km64es
I will be using ZC4ATC on the other side of the Island on 30th August starting 10am until I get fedup same setup I hope.
Thanks inadvance for any calls bye all, Norman
Norman Banks 5B/G1JJE <n.banks(at)cytanet.com.cy>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 17:29:38 (GMT/BST)
HI guys,
I'm sure everyone assumed it was wrong but for the record. In my 'report' I have GW4TEQ and it should be GW4VEQ of course....you would think being a VE I would have typed that correctly!!
Jason Timmis
ve7agg <ve7agg(at)rac.ca>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 15:42:56 (GMT/BST)
Dropped all June2000- December 2000 QSL's of in Friedrichshafen for CN8LI qso's, so you can expect them via the buro (courtesey of the DARC at Hamradio 2001)
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(at)pandora.be>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 15:25:39 (GMT/BST)
OK did it! Used same icon as ON4KST does on his page (hope there is no copyright on it hi..) so who can not find it now must have s..t in his eyes. BTW VK6 not hrd in JO22....73
Ray, PA4PA <see below>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 15:04:58 (GMT/BST)
Expedition to IO54 + IO55:
This year G4XUM, GD0TEP, G4BVY, G4APA, G0HSS and G0AFH will travel to Eire to activate IO54 and IO55 during the perseids meteor shower.
We will be QRV on 50, 70 and 144Mhz, with the main emphasis being on Meteor Scatter operation, but will obviously take full advantage of other modes of propagation during our stay.
The main operation will be from Rockview Co. Sligo in IO54UB, but a trip will be made to a suitable location in IO55 during the 11th and 12th August for the peak of the shower. During this time we will run the TWO stations simultaneously in order to maximise QSO's for people who need these squares.
At this time the callsigns have not been finalised.
Operating Frequencies IO54UB:
50Mhz - 50.150Mhz - 2x6ele + 3cx800
70Mhz - 70.200Mhz - 2x7ele + 4cx250B
144Mhz - 144.160Mhz SSB/CW MS - EI Will always TX second period
144.230Mhz Tropo - 2x8874 + 2x15ele
Operating Frequencies IO55:
50Mhz - 50.170Mhz - 6ele + 4cx250B
70Mhz - Only if there is sufficient advance interest
144Mhz - 144.191Mhz RANDOM SSB ONLY - 1Min Periods EI TX Second - 2x8874 + 15ele
No skeds will be taken until we are active on site, however further information can be obtained via e-mail from G4XUM
We will be active daily on the 14.345Mhz VHF Net and also on the relevant reflectors during our stay.
DL8HCZ, Joe <DUBUS(at)web.de>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 14:40:43 (GMT/BST)
No hangover here but could'nt find the HZ1MD recordings
either on the Magic band
I have a recording of Mohamad at qsl.net/pa0oos but that was the first opening with PA with not so good signals.
Have heard him several times now since change frow the wire ant to his 2 ele beam now with much better signals.
jaap pa0oos <pa0oos(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 13:48:16 (GMT/BST)
hello all.
To the uk stns what radio's have 70mhz.
I know the ft747 has ist. The old 706 not. But the new 706?
pse info to my email tks
73 timon pa9kt
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:51:44 (GMT/BST)
hello all At 10z i wkd vk6jq in cw. I heard vk6ao/p in ssb
but did not wkd him. i rxd vk6 from 0939 for at least1 hour!
sigs where up to 559 but most 51 52.
we pa5ta pa0oos pa5wx and me listened for more but no one hi. 73 timon pa9kt jo33jf
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt(at)bart.nl>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:43:05 (GMT/BST)
Ray, PA4PA, maybe just make the Call the Hyperlink to the RA file and change the link colour to "red" maybe or some other colour that stands out on the Black background, tnx for proving the clips Ray they are very interesting
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:39:49 (GMT/BST)
I heard VK6JQ for 30 seconds (at) 10:48z this morning. Whilst the PA's were hearing him for up to one hour, this was the only time I heard him. He was calling CQ in slow'ish cw on 50.101.00, and I went back to his call but didn't complete the qso. I wasn't qrv in cycle 22, so this is the best copy I've had of a VK in cycle 23....I hope more is to come!. Worked TT8JE for a new one y/day, and Ei7BMB/P in IO42 today
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq(at)breathemail.net>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:36:32 (GMT/BST)
listen for cw beacon on 135
ken g4igo <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:17:51 (GMT/BST)
tony ei7bmb now qrv 135 for ssb ms - completed 20 mins!!
ken g4igo <g4igo(at)freeuk.com>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 12:02:33 (GMT/BST)
Hi Ade, Hrd it from more that they were hard to find. Will try to make it a little more easy to find hi...General you find the clips on the latest dx page on the date they were worked or hrd here. Agree, the 1 and 2 are easy overlooked. 73
Ray, PA4PA <see below>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 11:12:00 (GMT/BST)
Ignore that Ray, found them through that cloudy haze that was in front of my eyes
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 10:39:39 (GMT/BST)
Ray, PA4PA, is it a treasure hunt to find these RA clips of HZ1MB on your site, they are not linked from your page anywhere, ???, maybe its just my hangover !!
Adrian G0KOM <ade***50mhz.org>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 10:37:25 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have any contact with TT8JE? I just want to
be sure that it really was him calling me at 1706z today.
Else I worked a few new squares, like KN06 and KN33.
I heard OD5SIX/b, 4X4SIX/b and 5B4CY/b for a long time
today. 4 4X stations were worked, nothing heard from OD or 5B.
SV9SIX/B were heard twice, and OX3SIX was heard for
a little while. Beaming against NA didn't produce any signals :-( Let's hope for some more action.....
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, July 01, 2001 at 00:13:07 (GMT/BST)
Welcome to the UKSMG Announcement Page! We hope that you enjoy this announcement and
chat page. Just click on the e-mail address to send a personal reply to an announcement or
post a message if you think others will be interested!
Chris Gare, G3WOS <chris(at)uksmg.org>
- Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 12:57:19 (BST)
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