

March 2002
Hello Johan ON4ANT.
Secondhand Testequipment for sale at www.helmut-singer.de.
Hope this helps.
Best 73
ROB PE9PE <pe9pewanadoo.nl>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 18:20:58 (GMT/BST)
G3WOS: Hi Chris - no problem, TNX for all ur work for this side! Happy Easter to all! 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf@darc.de>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 17:40:53 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have any info on GW3GJQ,formerly G3GJQ and 5N0/G3GJQ please? A letter to his callbook address has been returned "not at this address". 73 Bill.
Bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 16:53:00 (GMT/BST)
Still looking for Greenland and dennmark. will be pointed there most of easter sunday calling cq dx .........Trevor
en92 ..
Trevor Ve3tlt <ve3tlt@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 15:49:46 (GMT/BST)
I thought ”the Royal Swedish Envy” was a local sickness……..How stupid of me…..Happy Easter!
Bo, SM7FJE <bn (at) aaaaa.se>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:55:23 (GMT/BST)
[Sorry, Jose, here it is again!] It was a nice opening to KH6 (my first one ever in this far-west IN50qr), I consider myself lucky to have worked KH6/K6MIO and KH7R in the LP (long-path to Hawaii from here is even difficult in the 10 or 12m. bands, hi !). KH6 was my country #161 in 6m. since I made my first QSO in the "Magic Band" back in March 1999 (with ZD8PC).
Thank you all. 73 Jose CT1EEB
Jose CT1EEB <ct1eeb@mail.telepac.pt>
- Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 20:49:30 (GMT/BST)
The second time I post a mail here, the second time it gots erased, Iam not attacking anyone neither Iam being polemic in my words. And I thought that the stamp "CENSORED" ended when we kicked off the Dictator or perhaps this happens because Iam not a member of the UKSMG ? I certainly would like to know. Regards, Jose CT1EEB (4W6EB, VK8CS)
Jose CT1EEB <ct1eeb@mail.telepac.pt>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:29:56 (GMT/BST)
Sorry Wolfgang, I had no intention of taking that off twice accidentally! Congrats Claus. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos@uksmg.org>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:28:19 (GMT/BST)
I live next door to one, 200kW on 58MHz, S7 hash all over the 6m band when I beam SW at the CH2 tv tower about 6km away! Fortunately it goes away when I swing the beam to Eu or NA
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok at qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:26:01 (GMT/BST)
DJ3TF: Hi Wolfgang, and Happy Easter. I listen to DL7QY qso with KH6 last 29th March. Congrats to him for his 200th country, a great result.
73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)amsat.org>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:23:26 (GMT/BST)
Re. last spoof posting that i read, maybe the bully boys and their qro could be a topic for debate at the 6 agm, i would not like to live next door to one and try to work dx.
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:15:37 (GMT/BST)
...cannot believe, that the following should be one of the reasons "for taking off sensible comments", therefore a third time: It's a plaesure to report, that DL7QY wkd Hawaii (29.03.) and reached the 200-countries-DXCC on Six. He is the first German station, who achieved this ultimate target. Congratulations Claus! 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf@darc.de>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 10:58:56 (GMT/BST)
Am looking for EU/UK LP contacts this morning, 0900z 31 March til closing time... QRG .110 then will probably go split somewhere up the band. Good luck to anyone needing KH6, Aloha from beautiful moonlit Hawaii, Jeff NH7RO
Jeff, NH7RO
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 10:02:13 (GMT/BST)
Yes, in case any of you are in doubt and want to ask "do you really have those views?" - the answer is obviously NO! I was spoofed of course. So another morning with emails, early phone calls and wasted time editing the page. Sorry for taking off sensible comments that referred to the spoof but I have to do that. Chris
Chris, g3wos <g3wos@uksmg.org>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 09:50:49 (GMT/BST)
About the power restinction in some countries i have to tell you: let them work his DX's. Most of us can work 1 KW, and only because some wrong rules in some countries made by politcs that didnt know what they are doing, we canot recriminate our friends. This is a problem from the station and the local autorities, not our problem!.Congratulations to all that have 100 countries and a BIG congratulations to the friends that work 200. Go ahead with the nice dx's with 1 or 1000 watts. 73s and see you all on our "magic band".
Peter PY5CC / PYØFM / PWØT operator <PY5CC@50mhz.com>
- Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 02:37:01 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have any info.about GW3GJQ,formerly G3GJQ and 5N0/G3GJQ? A letter addressed to his callbook address has been returned by Royal Mail.73,Bill.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 23:35:10 (GMT/BST)
Bruce Tony et alia, EI3IO operated from 4U1ITU on six last year.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 07:45:31 (GMT/BST)
Re: 4U1ITU I think the mystery op at ITU was Dave K1ZZ, ARRL official and long time VHFer. I am sure if you get Dave as the op at ITU you will have no problem getting him to QSY to 6m as long as he has equipment. Hopefully he will make a visit during Es season 73 Bruce
Bruce K2RTH <k2rth@aol.com>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 06:44:56 (GMT/BST)
N1ZZZ/MM in last night II04 HI94 grids, ZD7 ZD8 PY ZS6 joined the night party. Most interesting skew paths noticed
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 05:53:58 (GMT/BST)
Speaking of things arriving quicker than expected, so did my new call: NH7RO (prev. KH6/KF6GYM). Will be lkg for LP EU agn 0900z onwards 29 March UTC and look forward to giving it a "road test." Jeff qsx .110/qsy.150
Jeff, NH7RO
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 03:46:11 (GMT/BST)
Better luck arrived quicker than I thought!! - thanks for the 'multimode' QS0 John (VK4FNQ) certainly proved MFSK copes with a long propagation path without any difficulty.
Must learn to stay awake a bit later in future!
ZD8DB, Dave <bonesatlantis.co.ac>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 01:29:30 (GMT/BST)
Further to LP ZD. Post event discussion indictes path open from 2030 til 0105. Hearing Dave and John ragchewing on LP like nextdoor neighbours. Will be alert for more during next few days.Good hunting on Six. peter
Peter ,vk4apg <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 01:12:37 (GMT/BST)
Africa Long Path: Hi Dave, I didn't hear you, but we did work ZD7MY in the same slot. Heavy rain here all night with no let up this morning meant really awful rain static for most stations here in Brisbane. Luckily there was the odd relief from static every now and then. I did work ZD7MY at 23:43 (2nd time as I didn't consider our first QSO was complete). We are in our LP window for your region and SA for the next 3-4 weeks. Please continue to look for other VKs. FYI I've heard/worked ZD8 21/3/00 23:25, 27/3/00 23:13 and 9/10/00 22:03. Good luck! 73
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 01:00:18 (GMT/BST)
Vk4's- nice to be able to hear some of you very briefly down here on Ascension for the first time during my time here (most were 52-53 at 2330 UTC)even if I couldn't manage to work any of you! Better luck next time I guess!
Dave, ZD8DB <zd8dbqsl.net>
- Friday, March 29, 2002 at 00:06:37 (GMT/BST)
Tony I0JX i also wkd 4u1itu on 30m...the op was OM? With a 3 letter suffix,,he seemed like a regular op at the Station if somone knows the correct call of the op mebee we could ask him more info about 6m activities.
73 Colin MU0FAL
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 23:04:39 (GMT/BST)
Peter, G8BCG/P, I too, look forward to a qso from KH6 to the UK. That's great that you heard Jim (KH6/K6MIO)last night (our local)---been hoping for that path to materialize. I went to bed early last night but am staying up late again for tonite's window of opportunity 0900z--1130z 29 March UTC. I also appreciate your comments regarding CW/SSB as yes, I am only a codeless tech(and quite happy to be one). I realize and respect the fact that CW will always be the superior mode in regards to working weak signals efficiently but I have loved SSB ever since I heard my first 20-meter Donald Duck voices coming out of my Lafayette SW receiver back around 1965... I enjoy hearing people's voices originating from far off places that I may have either travelled to or dreamed of visiting someday--that's a good part of the magic for me in the magic band, too (something that is often overlooked in the cw-ssb debate). I like to hear all the different accents and catch a bit of dialect, practicing a bit of my French or Spanish in the exchange. Everytime I work or hear a Brazilian station(which from KH6 is fairly often)I am reminded of a trip to Portugal that I once enjoyed a few years back. Or a time in Venice with every Italian contact(now almost nightly via that most magical and elusive long-path). To me, this is the essence of ham radio and being able to make so many new friends from afar is it's most rewarding aspect (lest I get too caught up in chasing grids or dxcc's for another card or certificate). Anyroad, I'll be looking for you chaps in another ten or twelve hours from now from my "great for LP EU" qth (few miles from southern tip of island @400 meters el.) on .110, qsy>>.150---so plz point your beams south (@ same qtf as ZS6, I believe)and take a listen for this Daffy Duck in the morning. 73! Jeff with the long call KH6/KF6GYM (awaiting vanity from FCC)
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7six(at)hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:42:11 (GMT/BST)
Received DXCC cerificate # 461 today. Thanks to Jack zs6ln (SK) for introducing me to 6 M and all the guys who provided early warning for me when I was at work / not at home to enable me to rush home and work the new one.73 de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at) pixie.co.za>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:40:40 (GMT/BST)
SRI - 4 incl QK ! see map www.qsl.net/g8bcg/G8BCG_major_fields_worked.htm
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:30:12 (GMT/BST)
Some months ago somebody suggested a longest QRA field line challenge - any ideas who it was? I've got 14 across (DK - QK) but only 9 down (IP - IH). just 3 to go for a full ring AK BK CK !
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 21:28:30 (GMT/BST)
Bill 'MFY: KH6 LP 28/3 09:00 - 09:15 (earlier than expected). RR on CW it IS best for weak sig - I use it when I must but it really winds me up when people imply that if you don't do code you don't belong on the band. Back to good old steam radio, blow the dust of my KT88s, Woden UM1 & UM3 and forget about this donald duck stuff - what's wrong with high level AM anyway? SSB won't catch on! 73 cu in the bs.
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:52:36 (GMT/BST)
You either hear them or you don't,but it sure makes life easier if it's cw.What time Peter and LP? Changing the subject,does anyone have a laptop whose hash key does not work at all,but works on the wrong key when keyboard is set to English(American)?Baffled! 73 Bill.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:29:16 (GMT/BST)
So, Jeff KH6/KF6GYM, I look forward to working you on SSB soon! 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:08:55 (GMT/BST)
Heard KH6/K6MIO briefly this morning in IO70 - will be looking tromorrow. (CW is best but, it seems that there are still some out there that do not understand that there are DX technician (no code) operators - it doesn't make them less committed to 6m!) 73 H44PT /
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 20:04:28 (GMT/BST)
if anyones looking to buy decent tv aerials at almost half the price youd pay from a local dealer , try these people
http://www.jwhardy.co.uk/ , ive just bought a TELEVES PRO 75 w/b [18DB GAIN TRIPLE BOOM 2250mm long ] for £52 and believe me that is cheap ,also got a TRIAX UNIX 100 WB FOR £40 [16DB GAIN 25 bay X YAGI ] which is half the price i paid for my old one 5 years ago , they also supply all types of tv aerials at all price ranges .on test i had no tvi with 6m TX , 2x 8 ele 6m yagis & 400w directed at "pro75 "@ 20m away from tower , just using simple low pass filter [rsgb tech topics" design " ] in back of tv set/video . these aerials are for fringe area reception .have a lovely tv picture too , & NO PREAMP !! .73
ian m0bcg <m0bcgatbtinternet.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 19:58:27 (GMT/BST)
Regarding the "overseas" comments. We are now really attached to Europe by dry land so not an island any more! At least is was dry when I came through it on Eurostar a few weeks ago!
Cheers John, 9H3OY Bringing Black Puddings to Malta!
John G0JJL/9H3OY <johnsliema.idps.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 18:45:47 (GMT/BST)
I can recommend the Recall-Pro program for recording direct on to your hard drive that Nick put up the other day works FB. I only wish I had it during the winter months I could at least play back all the DX qso's HI. Just got received cards from E30NA and D44TC thanks.73
Peter G3KNU <peter.jackson17(at)ntlworld.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 15:21:08 (GMT/BST)
Uffe,PA5DD - Your note reminds me of a headline in a British newspaper many years ago "Fog in Channel, Europe Isolated". Bill
G8BKF <bill_duckett(at)blueyonder.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 14:39:22 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone done tests with the JT44 software?
I see several stations on the 'higher' VHF bands using it.
(they even run it on low power EME)
Who has first hand experience with it, and how's the comparison with CW? more or less S/N needed?
73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)pandora.be>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 14:37:20 (GMT/BST)
tr8ca card arrived today very quick turn around many thanks Alain Yet again no propagation here in the north of Scotland
don mm5ajw <mckay@btinternet.com >
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 14:11:01 (GMT/BST)
hi uffe, the uk being an island means everything is overseas ,after you leave the mainland of course rivers and puddles dont count hi, and i remember even at school as a youngster of around 8 - 10yrs old being taught that uk was part of europe so ive always considered it so, no matter we're part of europe now thats for sure, all the best uffe, from overseas hi .. ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:20:40 (GMT/BST)
ITU GENEVA: I worked someone operating CW QRQ at 4U1ITU on 30 meters. I asked him to QSY on 50.102, and he apparently agreed (this meaning that some 6-meter equipment must be available there). But then he did not leave 30 meters. Is anyone planning to go there in the forecoming sporadic-E season? If so please take some power with you, as 100W would make life hard for those having to work 4U on backscatter. 73
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:17:22 (GMT/BST)
JUAN FERNANDEZ: it is the second consecutive day that CE0ZIS shows up in the evening. Good operator and nice signal, by far better one could expect. Currently propagation is very selective: only Chile (CE3SAD, XQ3SIX and CE4WJK) and just a few PY/LU
Tony. I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:10:55 (GMT/BST)
When is HB0 activating on 6m again? There is a bunch of guys here looking for this one. Also C3.
Ian ZS6BTE <itr@nanoteq.co.za>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:10:37 (GMT/BST)
E30NA qsl arrived today tnx..
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 11:03:38 (GMT/BST)
Gary M0CTP: It always puzzels me what the British mean by "overseas". If Britain is not part of Europe, what continent can I credit my G-contacts to then ?
I have a small canal of water between me and my neighbour, is he overseas too ? (Still considering claiming an IOTA number on that one).
Jokes aside - I will be there for the AGM, having my 105 QSLs checked for DXCC. 73 Uffe
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw@worldonline.nl>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 09:18:53 (GMT/BST)
Jack CP6/N6XQ was into the Med last night Wednesday, first very weak at 2145, then a good 549 around 2330, on 50.102 cw
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 07:33:38 (GMT/BST)
The 27th March 2000 I missed KH7R because I was at work. The 27th March 2002 KH6/K6MIO was in my log as a new DXCC (#205). I called several times Jeff KH6/KF6GYM unsuccessfully. Sure in CW the QSO would be done. The KH6 signal was with flutter. At the same time I heard ZS6 and Z22JE without flutter. Best 73s to all.
Alain ON4KST <on4kstqsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 06:16:30 (GMT/BST)
Jeff KH6/KF6GYM...Hrd you very weakly yesterday morning......but I don't understand why you KH6 guys keep on clg in SSB.....CW is much better for weak signals, and maybe it is the only way for us northerners to get past the Italy pile up...please listen for my poor sig way down in the pile up......Yes I wkd KH6 b4 on 6 (KH7R in 2000) but am looking for BK field 73 CU KH6 Guys IN CW!!!!
Willem PA0HIP <pa0hip@50mhz.com>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 01:30:44 (GMT/BST)
As a point of interest: on the 8th of February 1992 i worked VK6AO.. We excahnged 5/5 reports. He called CQ again and again, working the odd station.. I was running a 5 element at 20ft with 10w into a 100ft length of RG213. I guess we were using similar set ups.. 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP <@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 00:16:07 (GMT/BST)
Another FB KH6 opening to EU via LP this [UTC morning]1005z--1114z 27 March (exactly two years since another very good opening same path according to other KH6 and Italian ops).
Heard but not worked HB9RUZ, JN47 (KH6/K6MIO got him, then he vanished)and 9A8A hd me while I was working Italy...
Did manage to work: IK2GSO, I2NFW, DJ4PI (#39), IK5YJY, IW0GPN, IK0NOJ, I0CUT, IK5OEA, F6GEX (#40), EH7CD and EH5HB in that order. Seeing that this opening extended further north than last 3 or 4 and was fairly long, I may have to stay up late here much more often! Keeping the beam pointed south most evenings and the amp warmed up...
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7six(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 21:10:31 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd cards from VK4JH, JE1VOW, JF2IMU (gorgeous 10el stacked array!), PP5ZAS (cards crossed in the mail, mine should reach u any day now), 5W1SA, KP4EIT and PY2BW (tnx, Egon, it made it after all). Thank you all very much, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7six(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 20:56:29 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone a source for refurbished networkanalysers? Have a large filter project.. 30Hz to 250 Mhz would be ok
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 19:38:21 (GMT/BST)
Just rx E30NA here...tnx guys..
Paul ON5PU <on9bgppandora.be>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 16:59:44 (GMT/BST)
AGM With ref to my last enquirey on members coming from overseas to this years AGM / Conf, There was 1 posting from N5JEH & a mail from a group of ON's Along with HB9QQ. Just wondering if this is the total amount coming from overseas??
Regards Gary
M0CTP <m0ctp#yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 16:16:56 (GMT/BST)
Just an observation: I have noticed that the amount of more or less insulting announcements is reversly proportional to the solar flux. It may be worthwile considering it as a DX- and propagation monitor. By the way the same is also valid for reports on the postal service in various parts of the world.
Claus OZ1FDH <cf@kvl.dk>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 14:54:54 (GMT/BST)
Will you guys PLEASE desist from personal jibes on this Board. This is completely against our publised 'Code of Practice' and is just uncalled for. The knock on effects are considerable and such postings just brings yourselves into disrepute and drags this Annnouncement Page down with you. You really should know better. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 12:57:35 (GMT/BST)
John <vk4kk@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:55:13 (GMT/BST)
I tried to email you but did not work,HK4SAN address is ok at mdhcorre@hotmail.com,it worked for me,73 Bill gw3mfy.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 10:32:06 (GMT/BST)
Alex, I believe CE0ZIS lives on the island and may be on six occasionally. I vaguely remember reading about him during the dxpedition to Juan Fernandez last year. Hope this is of some help...perhaps others can fill you in better. GL
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7six(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 09:42:18 (GMT/BST)
Steve thanks for the address and qsl card scan..
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 08:32:13 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all,
please any info about time and dates of CE0ZIS 6m operations ? Yesterday night around 22z was in I0..unluckly I was in the bed. Well I'd like to know till he remains on the island, and which is his antenna system.
Tnx ... 73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)amsat.org>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 08:28:07 (GMT/BST)
Thanks for your comments, guys. Hope to work you all/or at least as many of you as "propagationally possible" in the remaining days and nights of Cycle 23. Nick, I'll check out that website you mentioned although I've already got my old Betamax hooked up to the audio out jack on the 1000MP...
Good for 6+ hours of CD-quality sound at a time. Just started hearing FK8CA qrzing on .110, 59 or so, got to go and hit the record button (up late agn for poss LP EU opening) 73, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7sixhotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 08:25:20 (GMT/BST)
A good program to record audio on your hard drive is RecAllPro from www.sagebrush.com - it takes as little as 3.5MB an hour so you can leave it on all day, and it timecodes the recording so you can find the QSOs (or not!) afterwards.
Nick 5B4FL ZC4FL G3KOX H2O <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 07:31:10 (GMT/BST)
After 2 "not in log" for two new ones and now TI9M, like DL7AV says, the best solution is to record the QSO's !
Lee F5NLY <f5nly@free.fr>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 05:42:43 (GMT/BST)
Jeff, I think that is probably the correct way to go. I guess at a nuts and bolts level: an honest clerical error is ok, but to know you did not get the callsign is not ok. I applaud your integrity. 6M needs more of it. Hope to hear you soon on the band. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 05:16:00 (GMT/BST)
Hello all; Setting the record straight once and for all on my recent request for info on two difficult longpath-QSO callsigns... The IS*DV station will not be sent a card as I agree with the consensus that it was not a good contact (despite how hard we both tried--I simply never got his complete call--end of story. Why did I inquire, then? Well, mostly to solve the mystery, although inintially I though of surprising the poor chap with my card--he seemed quite desparate to make the contact--but after getting a good night's rest, learning his complete call via this board and taking a break from all the late-nite dx-adrenaline--I realized that would not really be the right thing to do; no matter my kind intentions. However, the I0 station that I initially logged as a IK0 station, has my card on its way to him. Explanation? I think what happened at the time was simple--there was much qrm and I wrote down IK0 hearing this incorrect prefix in perfect-sync QSB with the I0's suffix...thus an extra letter in the call was jotted down on my scratch sheet. I could probably say more about the whole situation but I rather lay the matter to rest and get caught up with more pressing matters at hand. I thank all of you for your comments and suggestions--particularly the idea of tape recording dx sessions for later reference--simple & effective! I'm dusting off the old Sony now...and will be ready to have another go at EU via the longpath late tonite here @0800Z--@1100z>>>>27 March UTC....Cheers/Ciao/Aloha Jeff (and plz note new email address--I 86'd MSN yesterday)
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <nh7sixhotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 00:04:38 (GMT/BST)
What consitutes a qso???? Is this still a question? I guess since we have clusters, email and N1RZ chat facilities (one of the many), everything is a qso. Even if a qso is not made yourself it will count...See the lists in magazines and internet! Ham spirit is a forgotten issue. Good luck,
Peter, PA2VST <PA2VST***50mhz.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:27:53 (GMT/BST)
A great day ! The postman delivered my 6 M DXCC #462 in my
mailbox today.
Thanks to all who helped me with the contacts and QSL cards !
73 Classe
Classe, SM3GSK <sm3gsk@sk3bg.se>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 21:14:31 (GMT/BST)
What consitutes a qso, well if you believe policeman plod, any qso made by me is naturally suspect, so I have to run the gauntlet of my own DXCC scrutineers as well as the ARRL........I think the discussion has begun to transcend the code of ethics when people begin to attack each other instead of the problem. As one friend wrote tonight... "they moan about trivial things like this and yet are prepared to lie every time they fill in the rest of the log, ie power level etc . I think most qsos are about as legal as each other !!.........
Whats it you Brits say "We aren't playing for Post Offices?" ..... As Joel Pal N6AMG said in 1993 "People who live in glasshouses ALWAYS throw stones."
Steve <at wia.org>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 19:32:50 (GMT/BST)
RE: GU6AJE/MM: Mike is on the ship since the 15th or so. He asked me to keep quiet for his location. He's currently in a position where he can't operate. Will post info here as soon as I know he can be active. 73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <@50mhz.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 13:28:14 (GMT/BST)
I am still waiting HC8N and E30NA but bearing in mind the amount of cards these guys need to shift i dont lose sleep over it!
by next week the HC8N pile of cards will be even bigger HI
Anybody have any news on the latest GU6AJE/MM activity..is Mike QRV yet and where?
RE busted calls..i rx cards for GU0FAL even when the actual QSO was a correct MU0FAL exchange....
73 Colin MU0FAL
colin MU0FAL <colin to lorbert.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 12:22:56 (GMT/BST)
What constitutes a valid QSO ? Without wishing to stir things up again, I think you have to draw the line clearly - both stations should exchange callsigns and reports correctly at the time of the QSO - in the last sunspot cycle I had 4 openings on 6m to Japan, but the weak scatter-path signals, added to QSB and QRM, made for a low QSO rate - after the events I received twice as many QSL cards as stations I had worked - some were genuine errors, but others were just 'trying it on' - one station in particular went to unbelievable lengths to try to force me to QSL for a QSO that never took place. The new 'Logbook of the world' should help with this - post your log on-line and don't change it after the event. In HF contests, an error-rate (for whatever reason) of 1% is considered good, so the same probably applies to 6m logs ? 73
Chris GM3WOJ <gm3wojtalk21.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 12:01:01 (GMT/BST)
OZ7CQ - QRV in NAC 50 MHz section Tuesday March 26 th. 18:00 - 22:00 UT. We will be QRV round 50.173 MHz ± QRM. More info and pictures can be found at www.qsl.net/oz7cq/ Hope to see You down the log vy 73 de
CQ contest team - OZ7CQ <@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 11:02:41 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page updated at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 11:00:25 (GMT/BST)
tks to G0jhc and VR2xmt for help with VR2lc and BG7oh cards, also tks for words of E-encouragement from OE3mws G0img G4zun and OH3nwq. the cards have arrived . Thanks to Ken and Mars !!
tony G0OVA <tony.crake1@virgin.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 10:21:03 (GMT/BST)
Ger,I received a card from HK4CZE(Thanks Jorge)yesterday but do not know his email address,good luck,Bill.gw3mfy
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 10:06:30 (GMT/BST)
Please is AA5BT still sending cards out for HC8N from last year, or has mine got lost. thanks
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 08:43:13 (GMT/BST)
Tks Jeff. I will monitor that frequency when the band is open in your direction.
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 04:58:18 (GMT/BST)
HC8GR/B freq. is 50.035.20....kh6/kf6gym
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 04:39:15 (GMT/BST)
What is the HC8 beacon frequency? Right now I can hear the KH6 beacon, just over half way, hi!
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 04:17:16 (GMT/BST)
Ramon XE1KK is currently QRV in Galapagos HC8/XE1KK you can give them a call at their shack telephone + 593-9956-5940 if you hear the beacon give them a call !!!
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 00:43:40 (GMT/BST)
How can it be a QSO if one station gets the callsign wrong? I "lost" at least two new countries from 7Q when the other station thought I was 7Q7RM; even when giving me 599 reports. Surely each station correctly copying the other's callsign is the minimum requirement for a valid QSO.
Colin GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <c.morgan@wlv.ac.uk>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 23:15:28 (GMT/BST)
Re callsigns: It is even better to record the audio of all your QSOs (like HC8N did). With Mpeg format you seem to get down to 7 MB/hour, so no problem for your HD. I did that with all the JA openings, and in a few cases after receiving QSLs I could figure out my hearing mistakes by checking the audio. 73
Tom DL7AV <dl7avgmx.de>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 22:01:01 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know an email adr for HK4SAN? Hotmail one seems not ok.Also i'm interested to know if someone already RX his card from last dec/jan openings. Thanks in advance, 73's
Ger PE1CZG <gerhoogxs4all.nl>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 20:40:04 (GMT/BST)
As an occasional DX station, I took the shrewd advice of Jimmy, W6JKV a few years ago. That was to keep the 6m log on a sheet of paper. The reason being that it is often exceedingly difficult to pull a call out of the noise when it is very weak or subject to QRM. You can then see the thread of thought as the callsign is constructed in several scribbles. Then when it comes to QSLing you can soon see who it was you worked at the time - even if you only got part of the call and didn't give a report. When QSLing for all my recent DXpeditions, there were quite a few errors made at the time in a rush or I mis-heard in the pile-up. Some were just plain dyslexic translations while others I had plain written a wrong letter, or missed one out. When inspecting the log it pretty clear if I had a QSO with the guy and if the callsign had an obvious error - I did sent a QSL - OF COURSE I DID! Where there was nothing like to the call in the log at the time the decision was simple - "not in the log" (there wern't many of those). You have to give benefit, it would be a terrible, arrogant, attitude to take if I did anything else. I know who I worked. When I worked 7P last Sunday, I got my call twice perfectly. What did I do? Go back 5559 559 TU .. - that's all. If he made a mistake writing it down he will still know he worked me. Chris
Chris, g3wos <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 18:48:45 (GMT/BST)
Tony, you don't know who you are working if you don't get the callsign right..seems pretty cut and dry to me. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 16:58:54 (GMT/BST)
I fail to see the difference between not getting a guy's name right and failing to copy his callsign correctly.If it was a good but marginal two-way QSO, meaning both sides heard one another and knew they were working one another, then what's the fuss? These DX contacts on Six are a terrific achievement, not an examination paper requiring a hundred per cent pass percentage.
Tony G4UZN <g4uzn@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 14:36:44 (GMT/BST)
Come on guys.... How many of you havn't made a mistake by writing it in the log or were unable to deciphere there own handwriting when entering it in the PC-log. In the past with my old PB0ALN call I even get cards delivered by the buro of stations i had worked but who put PA0ALN (I have those card too because printer made an error :-) )on the card. They are in my log, the card made it to my qth but i'm not in their log....should I have written on the back PING...WRONG! TRY AGAIN! This is a hobby and we are not working as bankemployees where 1 digit wrong could cost you lots of money...worth my 0.02$.
Ray, PA4PA <@50mhz.com>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 14:24:34 (GMT/BST)
Sorry..... mailman ....
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 11:35:07 (GMT/BST)
The mailmain keeps up his good work on Mondays. Today he brought the cards from 8P9HW, C6AIE and KP2BH. Many thanks and 73 !
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 11:30:23 (GMT/BST)
Mni TNX 9U5D and SM5BFJ for QSL RX'd today 73 gd DX.
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 11:09:40 (GMT/BST)
Gee whiz, guess I've stirred things up a bit here whether I wanted to or not. Well, first of all, thanks Steve for your words of support and comments regarding missed calls and such. Right on target, Steve. Yet I also hear what David is saying about rules, ethical procedures and valid contacts. I know I may have gotten a bit over-zealous on learning who I had worked/(worked 99%)but it was "work" in every sense of the word. I struggled to make the qso perhaps because it was so difficult and that it was, indeed, a contact both ways. The auroral buzz and qrm from other eager EU stations made it all the more challenging. I don't regret anything about the situation other than a couple of calls were unresolved by the time the dx mayhem was over. The Internet/clusters are a great tool to use in conjunction with 6m dxing because the band's challenging nature practically necessitates liasons such as .885 or clusters--every bit as much as patience, perseverance and a keen ear. I am running out of page space so will "qrt" now and take another listen on the magic, crazy band we all love so dearly. More to follow in due course...
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 09:28:33 (GMT/BST)
Come on guys, don't forget to send me your subjects for possible discussion at the the UKSMG round table coming up soon! There seems to be one below methinks! Get those keyboards steaming and send me thos suggestions. Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 09:12:58 (GMT/BST)
Let him who hath no sin cast the first stone...
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 09:02:52 (GMT/BST)
YV4DDK qsl rxd via qrz address , tnx..
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 08:36:24 (GMT/BST)
7P8Z log check available at: http://www.zs4tx.co.za/logs/zs4tx_search.html
Uffe PA5DD <nouchavw@worldonline.nl>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 07:19:57 (GMT/BST)
well i have come up on the dx cluster and asked "WHO" saves spinning ant hi , also i was !**!# at the way some treated vk3six/vk3ot. steve is the main way for info on 6m now as what happened we (us) here in vk3 lose a lot of info about 6m. allan vk3pa
vk3pa <vk3pa@vk3pa.com>
Steve, I have been on the other end of the pile many times and on LP too. I know what it is like. Been on 6m since 1988 and only worked #100 last year. It has not been easy. The internet was very very expensive here until a few years ago when it became just expensive. I can honestly say that it has helped to alert me to paths but it has never helped me to finish a qso. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 05:05:21 (GMT/BST)
I'm was/am not dumping on anybody. I was expressing opinion (which I am entitled to), I did not call names or be derogatory in any way. Last I checked it was imperitive for a good contact that the callsign and report were exchanged on same freq CORRECTLY as a bare min. Jeff I know that our contact was no good on either end but using the low standards Steve suggested maybe we could have used 885 to finish it off. Maybe this explains how so many get DXCC so fast, no standards! With regard to your Q abt ZF1DG no their card would not get to me. If it did it would get marked wrong call and send back saying sorry but work me again. I was using example that I send my card to someone and got it back as not in log. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 04:15:11 (GMT/BST)
Jeff? How many do you think copied your full mouthfull of a call on 6M and did not read it off the cluster? How many copied VP6DI recently and worked him after confirming who he was, or did they know off OH2AQ. Don't be too hard on yourself, you had to copy every call under difficult conditions every time. Reverse the situation and put some of these so called dxers at the end of a long path and how mnay errors would they make, you missed two bits of a suffix.. goodness me!!!
Steve <vk3sixatwia.org.au>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 03:59:27 (GMT/BST)
Hi Jeff, Looks like the policeman have caught up with you also. I asked same thing a few months ago. You have to copy it 100% 1st time sround it appears and no coaching. The fact that people post callsigns on cluster, ask "who was trhat on 110" on the cluster and exchange information on the cluster that "pre-empts" contacts is all OK, just dont try to clarify missed calls. From my point of view there are about 5 who are NIL. ZDont sell yourself short on propping up your end of a hitherto unfound path. These EU guys forget where they came from "Their Roots" and how many contacts were corrected back in the previous cycle. It comes back to ethics and the amateur code and that we are alll human. On the subject of qsl cards and non receipt there off, VK8MS has asked me to tell those waiting, not to bagger him or abuse him. Same goes for me, posting on OH2AQ that I have pocketed dollars instead of sending out cards is just not my style and has not been my style since the beginning. Cool it a bit guys, ease up on each other and stop dumping big time. Jeff well done on the qso's. During the 1998 UKSMG meeting I showed them my mess of a log and they all agreed it was unreadable. I clarified over 885 quite a few callsigns...
Steve <vk3sixatwia.org.au>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 03:49:57 (GMT/BST)
OK, point taken (at least on the IS*DV call as incomplete qso) but if someone heard you as ZF1DG and left the qso thinking that's who they worked, wouldn't it behoove you to send them a card with the notation that a minor error had occurred? There was propagation, there was a contact made both ways, (perhaps fleetingly) and after all, to err is human, is it not? Upon reflection, I probably will not qsl the IS* unless I work him again--but will qsl I0WTD by all means. As for our recent partial contact, I had put 'heard only' in my log since that solar noise burst put an abrupt end to things before I heard my call/report coming back to me...
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 03:30:58 (GMT/BST)
Oh yeah and if I work someone who got my call as say ZF1DG, when I qsl, I expect my card returned as not in log! 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 02:10:05 (GMT/BST)
Surely that IS0*QV is not a good contact. What is this coming to. A broken call that is "deciphered" or "figured out later" (ie. I0WTD) with help of these boards can not count surely. Now I see what the complaint "another qso via internet" means. Oh well if you work me and I miss one of your letters you will not get a card from me because that will not have been a good contact! Actually we basically worked like that but you did not make it into my log. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Monday, March 25, 2002 at 02:05:59 (GMT/BST)
MANY THANKS to PA4PA, PY5CC, ON5PU and G1TDZ for your help on "deciphering" the IS0*DV call I inquired about earlier. I had tried so hard to get the first letter of Mario's suffix during FB LP KH6/EU opening I'm sure that I missed out on a good number of QSO's in the process. I really wanted to complete the contact as I could tell Mario was trying hard as he could for KH6 into his log, and I didn't want to abandon him (nor any contact for want of another, "easier" QSO). What a great bunch of guys here!
Thanks again for your help. PS: I'll be looking for EU/UK again in a few more hours>>>>@0800z 25 March VIA LP de BK29eb. Cheers, Jeff KH6/KF6GYM
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 22:31:49 (GMT/BST)
If anyone has A circuit diagram for A DATONG ASP2RF SPEECH PROCESSOR could they please EMAIL me thanks
PAUL MW0CDO <gw7lhi@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 20:53:12 (GMT/BST)
IF anyone has A circuit diagram for the DATONG ASP2 RF SPEECH PROCESSOR could they please EMAIL me thanks.
PAUL MW0CDO <gw7lhihotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 20:42:56 (GMT/BST)
V51/ZS4NS (59+40) and CX2LI in, first South America in a long time ! (not counting my PW0T qso)
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 19:07:01 (GMT/BST)
XR0X in and out for 20minutes, peaked 559 at one time.
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 16:44:32 (GMT/BST)
re KP2BH. David - I sent him a remarkably friendly (for me) e-mail but no reply.It's not right to get too excited about QSL delays, but it would be useful if anybody who has ever had a card from him would put us out of our misery. Incidentally, has anyone received cards from either EX8MLE or EX8MLT?
Tony G4UZN <g4uzn@qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 14:33:26 (GMT/BST)
To G0RUZ and anyone else waiting to get a qsl card from KP2BH. Just wondering if this ham sent you confirmation of your qso on December 26 2001? If anyone else has had a qsl card from KP2BH please let me know what route it took. Thanks guys and hope to get the AGM next month. 73....David.
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@compuserve.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 13:25:50 (GMT/BST)
Bernie (7P8Z/zs4tx) just sent me the list GW's that were lucky enough to work him last weekend. First Was GW4VEQ@13.34 then (in order), GW3MFY,GW3JXN, MW1MFY, GW8ASA, then GW7SMV@14.06. All CW.
73's Good dx Daniel
Daniel mw1mfy <daniellee@lees18.fsnet.co.uk>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 13:16:13 (GMT/BST)
Bernie, ZS4TX has emailed to advise he has put a full log search on his pages today for the 6m operation 7P8Z.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 13:15:30 (GMT/BST)
Bernie, ZS4TX has emailed to advise he has put a full log search on his pages today for the 6m operation 7P8Z.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 13:13:47 (GMT/BST)
Hi Bill and Daniel, You seem to be in trouble,I have just sent u whole page.73.
gordon gw8asa <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 12:47:59 (GMT/BST)
Need anyone JM79 on 6m ?
I will sometime be there for few days between 10.May and 25.May 2002
Fred, oe3mws <oe3mws@amateurfunk.info>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 11:44:57 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Bob K1SIX but I have the response"bad gateway etc"so what's the next move? 73 Bill.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 11:08:34 (GMT/BST)
Jeff, could Mario, IS0QDV....he's active on six. If you need adres....Box 72/c, 09045 Quartu S. E., Sardinia Island, Italy.
Paul ON5PU <on9bgppandora.be>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 09:07:49 (GMT/BST)
Jeff IS0QDV springs to mind he was /is very active on 6mts
good luck hope to work you sometime.
73 de Dave
g1ktz <d.s.robins@btinternet.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 08:48:39 (GMT/BST)
Bernie ZS4TX/7P8Z has kindly sent me his log of Gs worked last Saturday. (sri list dont inc the GWs) First was G3WZT at 1223z and last was G3CEG at 1447z.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 07:38:28 (GMT/BST)
will be pointing east - north east sunday morning from en92 in to greenland. cq dx 50.145 mhz Trevor
100 watts ft920 3 element beam !!
Trevor Ve3tlt <ve3tlt@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 05:21:11 (GMT/BST)
Re: my previous query below--scratch the IK0...figured out it was I0WTD and now have qsl info...now if I could only discover the correct call for the other station mentioned...
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 04:12:16 (GMT/BST)
Anyone know of qsl info for IK0WTD and/or have knowledge of an IS0DV (or poss. similar call, i.e.; IS0SDV or _DV active on six?)...There was quite a lot of auroral distortion on many LP sigs last night and some calls were nearly impossible to decipher despite numerous tries. Any help always appreciated and I look forward to working more of EU next opportunity. Ciao, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 02:20:34 (GMT/BST)
Great KH6>>EU LP opening again last nite/this morning from approximately 0915z to 1035z 23 March (as hoped for!) . Several KH6's worked EA, IT-IK, 5B4, CT1, CT3 and Ron, WH6O either hd or wkd a CN8. I also wkd XR0X, HC,YJ8, VK and 3D2 before LP opened via a strong TEP/backscatter session that ran off and on from 0450z thru 1040z as well. KH6SX worked CP6/N6XQ around 0300z (while I was away from shack)and I could hear lots of locals via b/s that are normally impossible to hear due to the mountainous terain here. ...Such dx excitement all crammed into one day!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 02:11:36 (GMT/BST)
The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-012 is now available at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 23:13:23 (GMT/BST)
SE Prop is a very nice utility but I'm not sure if the mapping covers areas outside the USA. SE Prop uses the (shortened skip) observer's propagation range on a lower frequency to estimate the Es MUF. It then provides an extended range circle based upon the higher frequencies approaching the MUF. "Es Predict" makes no attempt at duplicating the efforts of others (a complete waste of time IMHO). Es Predict uses repeatable diurnal characteristics as a base model to determine the best times for 6m Northern Latitude multihop paths between two points. Probability calculations are also based upon the daily summer observations of EH7KW, W3BO, K6QXY and myself. The programme uses up to five annually updated databases across high traffic multihop paths as a basis for the prediction. Try it out sometime. 73 & DX...
Bob, K1SIX
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 22:56:25 (GMT/BST)
Hi Bill. Two COMPLETELY DIFFERENT programs! Is this (SE Prop) what you are looking for? http://pw1.netcom.com/~wb9qiu/#se vy 73 & DX...
Bob, K1SIX
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 22:42:31 (GMT/BST)
The same info as K1SIX, for 144Mhz,is apparently provided by WB0QIV but I cannot find the site.Anyone help please?Thanks,Bill gw3mfy.
Bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 20:33:39 (GMT/BST)
Release 1.00 of Es_Predict.xls is now available for free download at http://www.conknet.com/~b_mobile/Es_Predict.htm. This MS Excel utility MAY help to define the best times for 6m multihop Es between two points in the NORTHERN Hemisphere and now includes Maidenhead Locator data entry. MS Excel 5.0/95 and higher is required. Comments as to accuracy, suggestions for improvement and bug reports are always welcome. This is a repost- the original was lost during the last UKSMG server crash. 73 & Gud 6m dx...
Bob, K1SIX <See Buckmaster or QRZ.com>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 14:21:10 (GMT/BST)
Greeting All.
I am as of now fully qrv on 4 Meters.25 watt transverter and a 1.5lamba long antenna.
Will call Xband for Europe 50.185/70.200ssb +- QRM
Comments,suggentions & sked to the mail box above.
Hope to see you on 4&6
73's Etienne
Etienne ZS6Y <zs6y@metroweb.co.za>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 12:54:36 (GMT/BST)
Ken VR2LC mni tnx QSL rx'd this AM 73 gd DX
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 08:51:52 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday XR0X had very nice sigs almost during all the night, from 1940Z till I went to bed at 0130Z. Intermittently beaming to all continents and monitoring .885. He has mostly a skew path to EU of 120 dg everyday, tho yesterday was multipath, nearly same strenght from 190 to 240 dg. Jack N6XQ/CP6 was in last night, wkd at 2334Z for my last continental S.Am. GL!
Jose eh7kw <ea7kw (a) ure.es>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 08:46:10 (GMT/BST)
Major 50 MHz StopPress page update at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 01:12:30 (GMT/BST)
KH6 LOOKING FOR EU via LP again tonite/morning: 23 March 0800z--1100z or so, depending on propagation/results...qrg/qsx .110, qsy>>.115/.120 GL all, Jeff in BK29 600 watts, 7 el. & good qth....
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 01:05:45 (GMT/BST)
Due to the "disappearance" of Radiomag/Radio & Comms I have been on the receiving any of some rather nasty enquires (rightfully so I guess) from radio amateurs and SWL people seeking news/info on the situation regarding the publication. I therefore, take this opportunity to announce that I am no longer involved with the magazine as the 50MHz DX contributor or any other editorial content, I no longer own shares in the publication either. So please do not hassle me over the magazine, direct your frustrations/concerns/queries etc to Chris Edmondson VK3CE/4 (VK4AA) via email, telephone etc. I don't take too kindly to rude emails about something I have nothing to do with anymore, so give me a break fellows, hassle Chris, not me.
Jack D. Haden VK2GJH <vk2gjh@yahoo.co.uk>
- Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 00:34:59 (GMT/BST)
Hi Guys, Sorry about this but as usual the PSTN shows its total lack of security with people posing as each other and casting dispersions and inuendos and being rude and nasty. Sigh! its not me on OH2AQ and if you have a problem with a card from anyone I represent, tell me about it first. I am not obliged to respond to the fringe dwellers of a packet system linked to a Public Telephone Network, where via OH2AQ input you can be any one you want to be. And yes I have 2 callsigns, one is for Wannon Falls 17 miles out VK3SIX and the other VK3OT Hamilton as reported in every callbook in the world. I could have the beacons sign /P but then I couldn't operate at the same time, so I get slugged $50 extra a year for the "PRIVILEDGE"? And that has now been shut down as I have to man the site 25% of the time which is impossible, so the unmanned beacons are OFF. Actually I have three calls, also am KL7SIX which doesn't expire for another 6 years. Scintillating stuff.
SG <atwia.org.au>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 21:26:20 (GMT/BST)
GM0EWX,Calum gt ur crd tdy, TU, CUDTL! de Ellis.
Ellis WA1RKS <wa1rks@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 21:00:31 (GMT/BST)
Greetings from Chile! Been active for a little less than a week - 40 countries and 300 qso's. One good opening to JA and to the Caribbean. High QRN to the Mediterranean, but have worked a bunch of Italians and 9H1's. Look forward to a good opening to USA and the rest of Europe! I don't know when I'll be back in my CE3 QTH, so work me now if you want the Six on Six award... Been logging and connecting to the Internet via COMPAQ iPAQ! (Wish I had a laptop...)
Saludos es 73, KB6SL/XQ3SIX
KEVIN XQ3SIX <kszot at caribe.net>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 17:22:46 (GMT/BST)
Y-day got the card from VE4CP for a QSO on January 31st. To my surprise he was a new field. His grid EO00! In the databases found he was in EN09 but glad that isn't correct :-) 73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <@50mhz.com>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 14:49:49 (GMT/BST)
D44TD and YV1DIG mni tnx QSl's arrived today 73gd DX
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 09:26:17 (GMT/BST)
ZF1DC and SV1DH we are testing the long path over M.East,HZ,
VQ9,VK,ZL and pacific ocean route daily between 0400-0500z, when EU video is heard by Central American stations.
Pse join this effort and post on this page.
Costas SV1DH <geten1***compulink.gr>
- Friday, March 22, 2002 at 06:44:56 (GMT/BST)
Freddy IZ1EPM Well done and thanks for assistance with Italian cards for 3rd Feb opening, call me on 28.885
SG <vk3sixatwia.org.au>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 23:43:25 (GMT/BST)
ON5PU QSL arrived safely thanks..just need ON5NT Ghis.
SG <vk3sixatwia.org.au>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 23:42:01 (GMT/BST)
with regret for delay i had mailed 170 qsl cards and still on hand more than 70 will reply tomorw.apologize for delay.
untile today i am reciving qsl cards specialy from japan .
futer qsl pls via qsl mgr PA2VST.
MOHAMAD -HZ1MD <hz1mdhotmail.com>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 21:57:53 (GMT/BST)
Bob 9A4K,Thanks for your help it is much appreciated.
73 Andy.
Andy G7SQW <andyandtrishwoods10.fsnet.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 20:29:28 (GMT/BST)
Andy, you can find croatian callbook at : www.hamradio.hr
Bob, 9a4k <9a4k**ipc.hr>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 20:20:42 (GMT/BST)
Looking for 9A4QV/MM qsl route please.can anyone help?
Thanks in advance. Andy - G7SQW
Andy G7SQW <andyandtrishwoods10.fsnet.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 20:08:02 (GMT/BST)
AGM/Convention update: The final lecture programme and timings are now on the website at http://www.uksmg.org/uksmg_2002_agm.htm. If you're just coming for the day, please be early as the AGM starts at 11am. Day visitors don't have to book, just turn up. If you want to stay for the dinner, and/or want overnight accomodation on the Friday and/or Saturday night, please book with RSGB as soon as possible, details are at the URL mentioned. See you there! 73 Peter
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs@blacksheep.org>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 12:45:46 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, after 10 extitant years my all call IW1DIM is expired. From today my license class is upgrated in first class and it's my new call, My personal thank's to every friends that have helped me during the distance that has carried to me until today.
CU on pileup and from now not only on Six hi hi!!!
Freddy IZ1EPM <iz1epm(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 11:45:56 (GMT/BST)
Just rcvd cards : XV3AA via JA6UHG (in 20 days), EY8MM via K1BV (in 14 days), also YV4DDK. Tnx and cuagn
Jacek SP1CNV <pola@icmax.com.pl>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 08:45:36 (GMT/BST)
Heard EH8BYR beaming 220 but he could not hear me. Also at same time tonight had 48250 video up to 59+ beaming 220 started 04Z and ended 0450Z. On Mar 8-17 every night, 48250 video QTF 210-220 at 04Z for about 1 hour. On 2 of these nights also had 48239 at 55. Many of the nights have also had 49750 up to 55. At first I though it was either Asian or Middle Eastern video. Since then 48239 came in so am convinced now that it is LP to EU. Have yet to hear any bcns but am trying (cqing .110) and watching the path.
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 05:03:13 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd cards from HP2CWB, PP8KWA,PY2CDS & PY2DSC today. Gracias/Obrigado y Aloha! Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 00:43:31 (GMT/BST)
Bridge on PSU went up in smoke. Beacon QRV agn 50.044 zs6twb/b
73 de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at)pixie.co.za>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 19:41:24 (GMT/BST)
In La Paz CP1 land now..on schedule..If everything clicks will be on from CP6 friday night 73
jack n6xq <n6xq@yahoo.com>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 18:28:42 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is now updated with VK0 & J6 info at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 17:36:38 (GMT/BST)
ZS6TWB/B (50.044 kg46rc)off the air. Will investigate to determine what problem is.73 de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at)pixie.co.za>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 16:30:59 (GMT/BST)
My EMail address is w8uv@zoomnet.net
Phil W8UV <w8uv(at)zoomnet>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 14:51:46 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone give me the Email addresses of LZ1ZX,UR5TW,and UT7GA? Also are their Post Office address correct in the call book?
Phil W8UV <w8uvzoomnet.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 14:48:48 (GMT/BST)
9U5D QSL card RX this am just 10 days round trip via SM5BFJ. TNX Gus for QSO & Lief for QSL 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 12:46:12 (GMT/BST)
All quiet in KH6 for the time being (1200z), going QRT for now.....
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 11:59:09 (GMT/BST)
Jeff: It's much better to post to the DX Cluster, most Eu etc. ops monitor that continuously, they may only see this hours later. Good Luck!
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 11:00:55 (GMT/BST)
SIX OPEN TO CT3, EH8 NOW....1048z KH6/KF6GYM and other KH6's on frequency....................................
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 10:49:05 (GMT/BST)
Allan and Graham, there was an announcement over Q-news on 14 Mhz last Sunday re Radio.mag, I understand. Didn't you know we export all our shifty VK3's?. (joke!).
SG <vk3six@wia.org.au>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 01:46:25 (GMT/BST)
QSL rcved today from F6FHR IN94 Bordeaux, my 10th confirmation from the Western Hemisphere and over 16,800 KM personal best dx worked on 6m, thank you.
SG <vk3six@wia.org.au>
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 01:44:21 (GMT/BST)
Allan, it look's like we have been ripped off by VK3CE/4 as Radiomag/Radio & Comms is likewise void here since Dec 2001 issue. I too was suckered in to the cheap subscription promotion. Sent many email to editor@radiomag.com but never received the courtesy of a reply. Sent email to Jack Haden VK2GJH and was told he no longer has anything to do with it as he now resides in Burma and to direct enquires to VK3CE/4. Likewise Len Shaw VK3ALS was emailed and said he too has "zero" to do with the publication and to contact VK3CE/4. My local newsagent says Radiomag is no longer listed on his circulation data base, it has been deleted. Allan, you may like to see additional postings on the VK VHF Reflector regarding this shocking publication, you will not be pleased by what you read. By the way, I SWL on 50MHz and have 55 countries confirmed, I use my neighbours computer and net but read this page everyday...73 Graeme (Lightning Ridge NSW).
Graeme Mitchell (VHF SWL DXer)
- Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 00:22:22 (GMT/BST)
KH6/KF6GYM here...Sorry, Kerry & anyone else who tried emailing me last two days--my email was down but is now back up AOK. I plan to be QRV tonite (@0800z>>>>1100z 20 March beaming EU/UK via LP. Hope to work more new ones!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 18:43:17 (GMT/BST)
This is an announcement for 2E1GIP.
Please contact me @ uksmg(at)toombs.co.uk re the return of the Novice Tray for the upcoming AGM. 73's Dave (G8FXM)
G8FXM <uksmg(at)toombs.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 15:47:21 (GMT/BST)
I tried to QSL T20AA years ago on several occasions via N4 call, but never succeeded in getting the card. So finally I just worked another one, oh yes on HF of course 73 Johan
johan,on4ant <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 15:11:04 (GMT/BST)
hi all, FG5FR qsl arrived this morn, thanks also to C6AIE,7Z1SJ,VP5VAC AND YY4GMG all arrived last week,
all quiet at the moment in io75 ,but i live in hope 73 all ..ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:48:15 (GMT/BST)
Jeff, tried e-mailing you first actually, but it bounced so put the note on this page. Plenty of Northern EU's on and actively seeking KH6, this next week or so is the best window I would guess. Try mailing me directly at kerry@g0lcs.freeserve.co.uk and we can continue the discussion..
Kerry Rochester <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:46:17 (GMT/BST)
I spoke Theo M0HEN/MM this morning on 6 with a good signal from JO12 with the strom of the last days in his back he has some time to spend so course more north this evening 19/3 from 19.30z qrv 50.140 JO13 and JO14.
Erwin PA3BLS <pa3bls@amsat.org>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:45:40 (GMT/BST)
Hi , has anyone received a card from EK6AD?
Ok direct or via bureau ?
73 de Jamie
Jamie GW7SMV <gw7smv@*** ***>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:29:37 (GMT/BST)
Tnx Jose CU3AN Your card arrived today 73 gd DX
gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 12:18:45 (GMT/BST)
Received E30NA qsl for 30/10/2001 qso. Tnx.
Brian/G3SYC <briangee3syc.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 10:28:30 (GMT/BST)
YV4DDK card came today 73
stewart g1hho <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 09:20:37 (GMT/BST)
P.O. BOX 64
His old QSL mgr is still listed as N4FJL but it's no longer a valid call. Send direct I suppose
73 Chip
N6CA <n6ca@ham-radio.com>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 08:18:11 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have a QSL address for Ian T20AA in Tuvalu, heard on 50MHz many years ago. Sent a card to his manager in USA only to have returned as Silent Key (manager). Please can any VK tell me what happened to Radio Comms/Radiomag, paid up a subscription last year and seen nothing since the Dec 2001 issue. On the pension here, cannot afford to waste money, cannot afford a computer, I use the local E-Cafe. Thanks in advance, Allan Phillips (retired) Newcastle, NSW.
Allan Phillips (VHF & TV SWL)
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 03:41:09 (GMT/BST)
Can some one confirm that on7wr is tke on0six beacon keeper and let me have his E-mail address. 73 de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at)pixie.co.za>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 03:30:59 (GMT/BST)
The 7P8Z operation on Saturday couldn't have been better timed with one of the best propagation days down here of the cycle. Bernie reports making 368 QSOs + 13 dupes (?) as follows: I - 78, DL = 44, LZ = 25, G = 24, YU = 245, OK = 20, PA = 17, S5 = 14, YO = 14, F = 12, ON = 11, GW = 6, SM = 3, OZ = 1. Opening lasted about 5.5 hours. Bernie plans on another weekend trip, posssibly in April so he will also be in our JA or South America window. Hope he has propagation as good next time. ZSs had a field day with our VHF contest on and all of Europe with beams pointed south. Several of our contest stations worked 200-300 European stations.
Hal ZS6WB <zs6wb@telkomsa.net>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 02:50:00 (GMT/BST)
Kerry, saw your msg re KH6>G. Am a new op on KH6 and am keen to work you fellows in the UK/EU/AF. Worked LP EU last nite (0930z-1000z)for second time (so far: UR, CT3, IT9,EH8 in the log)and stayed up til 1200z (2am local)hoping for N. EU/G's... While my younger, "nite owl" days are mostly over, I'm trying hard to stay up every other night to attempt LP DX from my great qth here near the southernmost point of Hawaii/50 states. So please look for me @0800z>>>onwards starting 20 March (for the next two weeks or so). And please keep an ear out for the other sixers currently active in KH6: KH6/K6MIO, KH6SX, NH6YK, WH6O, KH7MS, KH6IAA and KH6CCC (forgive me if I've left anyone out--KH7R is in Nevada now). Here's hoping there will be more late-night pile-ups here soon and that the UK is in the mix! UKSMG thanks for this super website, too. Aloha, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 02:07:26 (GMT/BST)
Hey Steven you've answered your own question:
Mar18 23:38 Snotel really loud, VP6DI getting louder on 10M maybe 6??? vk3six wishful hope. (
We are all wishfully hoping..knowing with 6m there is always a chance ; even if slight.
Good hunting on Six de peter.
Peter Vk4APG <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 00:00:36 (GMT/BST)
TU PA3ANV for QSL today and also emails from ON5PU et al re card situation. Just listening to debarcle with VP6DI, makes one wonder why you would spend the money to go out to some remote spot just to be the target of a frustrated dx fraternity. And after this last country then what/where? Some people should get a life. I am and I have decided not to go to VK9C.
SG <vk3six@wia.org.au>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 23:35:26 (GMT/BST)
Another interesting night: XR0X with fine signals both SSB and CW for more than one hour. Long path to JA and a lot of SA. But no VP6 yet
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 23:26:40 (GMT/BST)
KH6 was worked in G on the 27th March 2000, with the band open to here around 10.30 - 11.30z. Sure wish it had been me, but then you can't win them all. Here's to the next 2 weeks..Big Hi to Nick FL, thanks for the holiday and to all the JA's I worked while in 5B and have cards from, I will reply in a week or so.
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 21:52:33 (GMT/BST)
Convention/AGM reminder: Saturday April 6th is the date. Please book your places for the day, the dinner and overnight accomodation if you need it. Details from the link above; booking is through RSGB http://www.rsgb.org. See you there.
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs@blacksheep.org>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 21:03:46 (GMT/BST)
mni tnx QSL's TA5/M0HEN,TT8JE and FP5BU. gd DX
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 19:37:14 (GMT/BST)
A nice WE, with FR5DN/5R8FU on saturday afternoon in the log, but unfortunatly no good way for 7P8Z weak sigs here.
Sunday morning good opening to VR2's with strong sigs, and BG7OH. Hrd for my first time, WH6O, for 10 minutes but too weak for a QSO. 73 Lee.
Lee F5NLY <f5nly@free.fr>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 17:22:22 (GMT/BST)
In the mail 2day qsl from V44KAA ,tnx Winston!!
soeren oz0jx <oz0jx- AT- qsl.net>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 16:10:37 (GMT/BST)
The mailman is really in the mood on Mondays. Today he brought the QSL-cards from CO8DM, C6AGN, K3PP, 5A1A and V73AT. Many thanks everyone ! 73
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 15:59:56 (GMT/BST)
XR0X / VP6DI: after the first marginal opening on the 16th, yesterday evening we had good signals from XR0X, with the beam nearly to south. The CW note on 50.106 was a bit rough but very well readable. Much later VP6DI appeared, but I had no signal from him. PY5CC reported that VP6DI heard IT9RZR, but he apparently had no copy of the VP6. Let's try again tonight, hoping that VP6DI will show up earlier than yesterday.
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 11:36:59 (GMT/BST)
EU>>KH6 via LP so far: CT3BD, CT3IA, CT3FT 30/9!, IT9RZR, EH8BPX, VK8MS...Tnx for QSO's, guys--glad I stayed up for the thrills and new ones! Jeff (and others still qrv as I type)in KH6, almost 1am local...
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.org>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:42:29 (GMT/BST)
Steve, VK3SIX. I rec. ur card. Send one back already...so must get to you !! I can send another if it really doesn't arrive !! 73's
Paul ON5PU <on9bgppandora.be>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:24:54 (GMT/BST)
Steve, VK3SIX. I rec. ur card. Send one back already...so must get to you !! I can send another if it really doesn't arrive !! 73's
Paul ON5PU <on9bgppandora.be>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:22:22 (GMT/BST)
Art, KH6SX, Ron, WH6O, Ted, NH6YK and myself (Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM) are all now qrv beaming LP EU over S. Pole.......qsx DX window.......
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 08:12:24 (GMT/BST)
Solitary VU2LO into ZS6 Saturday evening 16.50z cw. Worked by a couple of ZS6s - strong signal S9! Accompanied by Chinese TV on ch R1 (49.75 MHz).
Ian ZS6BTE <itr@nanoteq.co.za>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 07:19:10 (GMT/BST)
Over 70 cards in from 2001/2002 openings however the following no shows:: S52AB: 9A2YD: S51DY: DL8PM: DJ7MC (incorrect call): SP2NW: ON5NT: PA3ANV: F6FHP: DK2PH: DL8AK (incorrect call): DJ2DA: SP7EXY: DL3AT: IK1RLI: ON5PU: I wont be resending.
SG <vk3sixatwia.org.au>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 00:41:40 (GMT/BST)
QST>>>EU/UK sixers...Am planning to be qrv again tonite local/EU morning 0800Z to aprox. 1100z 18 March BEAMING LP (170-190 degrees)on/around .110/.115 SSB. I missed yesterday's KH6-EU opening (WH6O & KH6SX) as I went to bed 2 hrs. earlier...but was successful prev. night with 3 5x5 qso's to UR land (BK29>KN88 27,645km LP. Running 600 watts to 7 el. here with DX Atlas & Prop Logger at my fingertips...(posting spots on OH2AQ cluster problematic for me, also my MSN email is down now). HOPE TO WORK MANY EUROPEANS tonight/IN THE MORNING! If we qso, I will gladly qsl direct pronto! Thanks in advance for beaming KH6 LP, Aloha from the Big Island of Hawaii, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Monday, March 18, 2002 at 00:10:22 (GMT/BST)
Regarding QSL card from 1A0KM Irecived mine in about 6 weeks via IK0FVC for contact in 2000 on 6,sae+1 IRC 73
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 23:09:13 (GMT/BST)
CE music 5 9 on 47.9 and 48.2 at RF70 17/02 2230
Ted ZL2IP <tedb@clear.net.nz>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 22:30:04 (GMT/BST)
AURORA WARNING: An explosion on the Sun hurled a coronal mass ejection
toward Earth late on Friday, March 15th. The CME could sweep past Earth as
early as Sunday night and trigger auroras.
John GM7PBB <johngm7pbb.co.uk>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 20:06:35 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all 6m fanatics.& specially the JAPANESE Stations.I heard u today for about one hour 11h15-12h25utc sometime s5.I called mny times and tried rtty on 50.115 but no succes.Hope work u tomorrow monday around 12h00utc.Meawhile 73s & gl de CN8LI.
said cn8li <cn8li@yahoo.fr>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 17:41:48 (GMT/BST)
Please correct : not 50 , I mean 150 deg. LP to KH6 (regarding privious announcement)
Luci 9A1Z <9a1zipc.hr>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 17:20:08 (GMT/BST)
Today work my first LP and ODX QSO with KH6SX from BK29. Signal lasted for 20 min and was from noise to 559 with flutter. Found that max. was from 50 deg. Can not heard any other station from KH which are spoted from others. Congratulations to Peter PY5CC for exelent job from PW0T.We can make conclusions: propagations qoes togather with sirious dxpeditions! Best 73 to all and GL! 6m going on!
Luci 9A1Z <9a1zipc.hr>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 17:16:38 (GMT/BST)
Re: 1a0km I wait for qsl since 03 jul 94 with 2 s.a.s.e.
qsl info ik0fvc we have to be patient...and you can look in the log at: http://www.qsl.net/ik0hbn/log.htm
VE2TH MIKE <ve2th@sympatico.ca>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 15:33:05 (GMT/BST)
Fantastic opening to the Caribean and JA last evening. Page updated with some recordings of the last weeks at http://www.qsl.net/zp5yw - Greetings
Mike-ZP5YW < (at) qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 14:30:55 (GMT/BST)
for gi6atz hi gordon please send a email to Sergio IK0FTA,he can help you surely.ciao Enrico
enrico ik2gso <ik2gso2@libero.it>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 13:41:31 (GMT/BST)
Still waiting QSLs from HV0A and 1A0KM. Have sent two direct cards with SAE +$1 to IK0FVC, who is the QSL manager, but no reply. Anybody else have any luck or us it just me. Can any Italian station help please?
Gordon GI6ATZ <gi6atzqsl.net>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 13:20:46 (GMT/BST)
That email address should be pa2vst***50mhz.com And ***=@ of course.
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
USA - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 12:53:32 (GMT/BST)
Nico, ZS4NS Guess you worked PA0LSB. No PB0LSB is known as active 50MHz operator. Good luck with the QSL collection. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <poa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 12:51:31 (GMT/BST)
KH6SX in at noise level for 30min. and WH6O peaking 58 at same moment, propagation can be quite different for a few hundred miles distance.. Johan ON4ANT
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 11:03:32 (GMT/BST)
XR0X nice opening into some of Eu and ME last night from 2220 I think, at least I think I was first and that's when I worked them. Their note was T7, not complaining tho! Thanks also to Bernie 7P8Z, he probably will be on again today, and in another two weeks.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 06:54:09 (GMT/BST)
Can anybody help looking for info on on5nt, sp5wey, s51av and pb0lsb tks.
Nico zs4ns <zs4ns(a)freemail.absa.co.za>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 05:58:07 (GMT/BST)
Hello all:
Does anyone have any e-mail address for OM3MM, or information whether the Buckmaster QTH listing is good? I am reviewing log books for needed QSL replies and I can't find anything out about this station. Thanks. 73
chris W3CMP <w3cmpaol.com>
- Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 03:43:41 (GMT/BST)
Thanks John, cu at the bar in 3 weeks!
Neil G0JHC
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 19:40:13 (GMT/BST)
Neil you got it correct - ZS4BFN/P qsl via ZS4BS.
John G0EVT <john.hoban at btinternet.com>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 19:18:20 (GMT/BST)
The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-011 is now available at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 19:14:21 (GMT/BST)
Never heard so many ZS's (ZS3456) on as today, the local contest they had sure stirred up the activity. At least 6 new stations hrd/wkd. Hrd ZR1 as well, but opening just did not extend far enough for a reasonable copy. Wonder if anyone has a list of ZS stations active on six and their grid, as ZS6WB stated, i'm running out of ZS6's to work.. 73 de Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant(@)arrl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 17:40:42 (GMT/BST)
I plan to try PSK and/or MFSK this evening once six opens up to S.Europe from ZD8. 50.290 from approx 1945z onwards if anyone is interested!
Dave ZD8DB <zd8dbqsl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 16:43:28 (GMT/BST)
7P8Z: Bernie - TNX for the new one. Would like to know how you booked the propagation for your trip - I would like to use the same travel agent ;-)) 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 16:38:41 (GMT/BST)
ZS4BFN/P gave a QSL mgr today, I forgot to write it down, but memory suggests ZS4BS. Can anyone cfm pse?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 16:28:00 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Bernie 7P8Z for giving us behind "the Med curtain" a chance. I wish more expeditions would be as concerning. He was workable here for 6 minutes.
Bo, SM7FJE <bn (at) aaaaa.se>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 16:23:28 (GMT/BST)
I have managed to gain permission from the Maltese Dept of WT to receive on 70MHz (4m) for purposes of cross-band contacts on 6m/4m. I will be set up on receive by Tuesday next week and will be listening on 70.185MHz usb/cw and calling on 50.185MHz usb. Looking especially for S Africa during evening TEP openings. Hope to hear you! John 9H3OY (G0JJL).
John, 9H3OY <9h3oysliema.idps.co.uk>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 13:30:03 (GMT/BST)
UK9AA mni Tnx QSL rx'd today,73 gd DX.
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 13:18:56 (GMT/BST)
Just worked my very first LP KH6>>EU qso's and am elated. A special thanks to UR6IM, UY9IF and UT7IY (@1049Z--1052z all .110/.120 ssb 54 to 55 sigs....Will go qrt now as it's very late here but will keep trying for PA's, G's, OH's and many others needing KH6 over the pole (the south one works for me!). 73 all and thanks for the magic voices out of the noise............Jeff in BK29
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 11:50:56 (GMT/BST)
I am over 45 years old, i stuff things up, yes, it was EX8MLE, not ey8, thanks for that, cheers graham
Graham VK6RO <vk6rohotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 11:41:54 (GMT/BST)
I just had a QSO with 7P8Z he is in KG30SR
Nico ZS4NS <zs4ns(a)freemail.absa.co.za>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 10:28:57 (GMT/BST)
Spoke to Bernie ZS4TX on the phone a few minutes ago and he was on the way expects to be set up to operate as 7P8Z shortly after 16 Mar/1000 utc. Weak 48.250 video just coming up here in Pretoria (0940), but still a bit early. Watch 50.110 (probably mostly CW) for 7P8Z. Hope the propagation cooperates today. Good luck, North Europe !
Hal ZS6WB <zs6wb@telkomsa.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 09:42:42 (GMT/BST)
Spoke to Bernie ZS4TX on the phone a few minutes ago and he was on the way expects to be set up to operate as 7P8Z shortly after 16 Mar/1000 utc. Weak 48.250 video just coming up here in Pretoria (0940), but still a bit early. Watch 50.110 (probably mostly CW) for 7P8Z. Hope the propagation cooperates today. Good luck, North Europe !
Hal ZS6WB <zs6wb@telkomsa.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 09:40:04 (GMT/BST)
Now beaming EU LP .110 ssb de BK29 Hawaii w/600 watts/7 el
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 09:34:27 (GMT/BST)
Paul <blaggard(a.t)hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 09:30:51 (GMT/BST)
Off topic but can some one please let me have the 4 m group url 73de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at)pixie.co.za>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 08:33:32 (GMT/BST)
Look under Announcements
Erwin PA3BLS <pa3bls@amsat.org>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 01:19:51 (GMT/BST)
M0HEN/MM has left Lisboa for a trip to Finland after that he is going back to Spain. All info on www.qsl.net/pa3hen/index.html
Erwin PA3BLS <pa3bls@amsat.org>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 01:17:46 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is now updated with KH9 & GJ info at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 01:00:33 (GMT/BST)
de oa4/n6xq..looking for Europe nw 50.102...had pipeline into EH8BYR last night 0030...Probably last night on until in CP6 chau
oa4/n6xq <n6xq@yahoo.com>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 23:16:24 (GMT/BST)
sri...the recordings are at www.qsl.net/zf1dc/test.htm
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 19:03:59 (GMT/BST)
Past 2 days at 1530Z have had LP openings to JA. Yesterdays lasted about 10 mins and all stations were in PL36. Today the openings was about 30mins and exteneded a little further into JA mainland. It was real exciting and signals were very strong today. I have put 2 recordings on my webpage of the opening today. One is 24min and the other is 5 min. I will split it into smaller files at a later date. Thanks to all the JA's. Will be looking again tommorow at same time. Hope to work an HL or VR6. 73
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 19:00:07 (GMT/BST)
Some really great qsl cards received this week. My thanks to VK4BLK in QG56, XV3AA in OK45VK, VR2XMT in OL72BM and UK9AA in MN41QI. Re XV3AA. Some of his qsl cards are NOT getting out of Vietnam. Postal problams in that country. However, Shim goes back to JA fairly often. He sent my "third" card from Japan which took three days to get here! This message is for Neil G0JHC. My email from Charlie VR2XMT dated March 8 mentions that he was having problams trying to contact the UKSMG membership secretary to renew his membership. Charlie asks if you have had any joy as he would love to read your article in Six News! 73 to all.
David BRS 25429 <brs 25429@ compuserve.com>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 17:42:33 (GMT/BST)
Has anybody had a qsl from A71MA for 50 mc/s, thanks.. Please email below..
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 15:32:59 (GMT/BST)
For KLM parts try M2 who are continuing to manufacture the KT34 and may be able to help with other bits. Secondly forgive me if it's off topic, but something that affects us all, I am riding from London to Milan by bicycle in 1 week starting the 13th July 2002 for the nenefit of Cancerbacup - cancer support charity www.cancerbacup.org.uk. Check out www.g0lcs.freeserve.co.uk, we are building the site at the moment, any sponsorship no matter how small (or large)would be appreciated. Also looking for accommodation in or near Milan for Sat the 20th.
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 14:53:17 (GMT/BST)
Ahem, Graham, I hate to spoil your big day, but shudn´t that be EX8MLE...? Typo? Hope you have it right on your side. Cheers from SM (not much DX here lately, apart from J28FF yesterday)
Rick SM7SCJ <sm7scj@qsl.net>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 12:27:20 (GMT/BST)
Well please send congrats, i finally got to 51 countries worked..yahoo,worked EY8MLE who was using a vertical, VK6HK now has 68 countries after 51 years on 6, i have only been on for 23 years hi.. EY7AF was into perth today for a few minutes.I also copied EY8MLE at 55 on my 1/4 wave vertical after qso on beam, so that was vertical to vertical... good conditions i reckon, cheers Graham in OF77XX
Graham VK6RO <vk6rohotmail.com>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 12:18:00 (GMT/BST)
Hi Peter, my personal tnx for great dxpedition, we are happy to have six operators as you!!!!!! Compliment guy!
Freddy IW1DIM <call@sixitalia.org>
- Friday, March 15, 2002 at 09:51:51 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, does someone have a working postal adress for 6Y5RV? Email given at qrz.com bounces. 73 Hans, DK9KX
Hans DK9KX <dk9kxatnetcologne.de>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 16:25:49 (GMT/BST)
Hi Dear 6M Friends: The fun of our PW0T Dxpedition to Trindade is over. We made more than 65.000 QSOs in all modes and all bands ( 1900 qso's on 6M ), and we firmly believe that for quite some time Trindade will be not on the most needed list of countries ( Sorry Central, North Europe and USA for the bad propagation on SIX, hi). We thank you very much to all the Ham Radio Community for being in our logs during the 12 days in the island. Now we are paying our bills. Even with the great support from the Navy, UKSMG, SMIRK, SIX ITALIA and many individual support, we already spent around U$ 25.000 dollars. We kindly ask the cooperation from our community with donations in order to minimize the losses. Dennis K7BV is our Public Relations & Fund Raising. His e-mail is K7bv@aol.com - Please contact him. If you work us please send your contribution with the QSL card. Thank you very much for your great support. See you soon on our "magic band" maybe in the future from another rare one, hi !. 73s.
Peter PY5CC / PYØFM / PWØT operator <PY5CC@50mhz.com>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 14:13:13 (GMT/BST)
During a QSO with ZS6Y last night he mentioned that he is now QRV on 4m (70Mhz)and looking for crossband contacts with stations in Europe. He only has a ground plane aerial at the moment but will be QRV with a beam from Easter weekend onwards. He will be monitoring/transmitting on 70.200MHz ssb/cw so take a listen during these excellent conditions on 50.185MHz/70.200MHz for him calling. Also any beacon keepers may wish to consider aerials directed to ZS asap. Good hunting 9H3OY/G0JJL
John, 9H3OY <9h3osliema.idps.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 12:17:51 (GMT/BST)
Just a reminder that those folks that are attending the Six Metres to Microwaves Conventions (organised by members of the RSGB VHF Committee, VHF Contests Committee, Microwave Committee and UKSMG) *MUST* book with the RSGB if you are staying overnight (Bed & Breakfast) and/or are staying for the evening DX Dinner. There are *NO* facilities for booking B&B / Dinner if you just turn up on the day. Day visitors just for the convention *CAN* pay at the door on Saturday. Please book *NOW* with the RSGB! Thank you and see you there!
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr (at) btinternet.com>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 10:32:54 (GMT/BST)
Cheers Barry, just checked my mail - no problem.... 73
Mike GU6AJE <etc>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 09:11:46 (GMT/BST)
Barry, Tnx QSO & I'll get a card off to you before I go, so long as Buckmaster or QRZ have your address, (otherwise mail me). But as I'm off tomorrow morning, any QSLs that don't arrive in TODAY's post will not be answered til summer, sorry guys.... 73 all
Mike GU6AJE <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 09:07:57 (GMT/BST)
Hallo Guy's
Anyone like me know where is possible to purchase a
new parts for my 50Mhz 11El by KLM
Tnx in advance,73 de Franco,IK8DYD
franco.IK8DYD <ik8dyd@amsat.org>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 08:09:22 (GMT/BST)
Recvd QSLs from GI6ATZ,GM7PBB, GM7NZI, MW1MFY, HB9LBC and YO4RFV this past week.Many thanks gentlemen! Posting direct to GU6AJE today. Hope U can respond before sailing Mike!
Opening from South Africa to India yesterday afternoon - worked VU2LO in New Delhi 57 on SSB. 73 Barry
Barry ZR6DXB <zr6dxb qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 05:13:00 (GMT/BST)
hi guys, is the band really that quiet that for some that they feel they must spend their time getting at each other
about this and that and whatever?... the way i see it is, on the board anything goes?.. its a forum is it not?.. so i for one am interested in who has rec cards or who has not,and as far as the web page down time goes, well this page is now as much part of the daily running of shack as all the rest of the equipment, so what if its down for a little time, its not as if its a regular thing. too many people are quick to jump when they want to moan, dont loose sight of the fact all you see on this page is provided at no cost to YOU AND IS maintained purely by volunteers giving up free time... in conclusion all i would like to say is... THANKS GUYS!! .. your time and effort are appreciated by most of us... and thanks to all that submit
any info that the rest of us find useful.. and yes the band is dead here in io75 and has been for too long now..never mind e's wont be long now.. 73 all ..ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 02:39:20 (GMT/BST)
Mike VE9AA. This is not a moan, a groan or a gripe. Just a simple question that others have been asking. Do you answer direct QSLs? Yes or No? Suggest this page be re-named the Free Speech Page.
Tony G4UZN <g4uzn@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 23:35:34 (GMT/BST)
M0CTP: I will be attending the UKSMG get together. See you there.
N5JEH <aesitt@spinn.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 23:29:30 (GMT/BST)
I think to conserve server space, we should just rename this
page the "Moan, Groan & Gripe" page and merge the two! (TIC)
73 from Propless NB (note, I included my name, call & email ;-)
VE9AA Mike <mycall@hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 22:03:43 (GMT/BST)
ps I will remember my KEY this time...
Mike GU6AJE <etc>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 20:02:54 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, I'm joining my next ship on 15th March. Look out for GU6AJE/mm over the next four months. Sorry but no advance information on destination. I'll send updates via PA4PA again. Hope to see you all from some interesting wet ones. All QSLs from last trip either replied to direct or sent via buro. Had nice openings to ZS6 for the last three days, and ZS4 too tonight 1700-1800 approx. Latest QSL was VK6JQ :-) 73
Mike GU6AJE <gu6aje***thersgb.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 20:01:37 (GMT/BST)
Bernie ZS4TX, will be QRV this coming week as 7P8Z. All QSL cards via ZS4TX QTHR or he does send cards via the buro twice annually, 73s Ted
Ted G4UPS <ted(at)g4ups.fsnet.co.uk>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 19:38:39 (GMT/BST)
Hi , yesterday I got 100+ envelopes from my former pobox (also yv1avo address, 570 kms away) corresponding to last week of january and full month of february. Almost already done with the replies and first batch going out today. Please don't resubmit qsl's , just email me. FK41 qsl's added, and recent qso's on the replies too. Mi apologies for the delay.
Paul yv1dig <yv1dig***amsat.org>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 17:14:53 (GMT/BST)
See my postings went AWOL because of the crash so here they are again for those who missed it: At this moment i'm uploading a file to my website of Jose, EH7KW, working JA's by long path on March 9th @ 0200z. Anyone interested can visit http://come.to/six (file is aprox 7 min in MP3 format, tnx Jose for the forward).
Also added some information (link on 1st page)about UN7GM QSL status including his photo, license, 50MHz permit and cards received till now. RE:shutdown:If you looked at the gap between latest post and first after "shutdown" you should have noticed that this page crashed instead of miss-assumed deliberate shutdown, that is, if you're a regular visitor. 73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <@50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 10:47:31 (GMT/BST)
Point of interest!! With the AGM being up here in the frozen wastelands of the North, It will be interesting how many of the members south of the M25 make it up there...We (Northern eskimo's) seem to make the religious journey down to home counties on a regular basis but will it be recipricated this year?? FFT....On another note is there a list of overseas visitors that are coming to the agm?? Any info will be greatly welcomed..Yours Gary
M0CTP <m0ctp#yahoo.co.uk>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 10:00:16 (GMT/BST)
PS Old IRCS are working fine here no complaints from Aussie PO.
steve <vk3sixat wia.org>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:52:29 (GMT/BST)
ZF1DC thanks for the card for our QSO 02/02/2002 at 2359z proudly next to your Dad's 5/04/1989 23:32z also in EK99hg the only two contacts with ZF1 from VK3 that I know ever happened. YZ4IZ arrived for Number 125 today also, Im quitting at that..
steve <vk3sixat wia.org>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:49:21 (GMT/BST)
I had all these emails asking what I had done this time, thanks everyone, re YV4YC this one works.. http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/yv4yc.jpg
steve <vk3sixat wia.org>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:46:19 (GMT/BST)
Personally I find the QSL requests/info useful.
More useful than the anominous posts at least.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 08:10:21 (GMT/BST)
What about WSJT? Anybody tested it on six? Worth of trying? Just downloading software. What to do next and where?
Kari, OH5YW <oh5ywsral.fi>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 06:15:46 (GMT/BST)
Paranoia jeesh! Chris thanks for explanation (not your fault) and for all of your efforts they are appreciated. Thanks to ISP also :-) Not touching the QSL thing though. 73 + GL
David ZF1DC <@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 05:15:25 (GMT/BST)
Just worked 9Z4BM, FJ5DX, KP4DX for 3 new ones during a surprise opening (KH6>>>Caribbean)in the last hour. Almost completed with ZF1DC but major noise burst landed a few seconds too soon! Also wkd PY2EL, TI5KD and heard XE1UN cqing on .110. I had just hooked up the Commander yesterday afternoon for the very first time...running it at half-power (transverter driven)but what a stroke of luck, timing and -----propagation! Glad to confirm KH6 for all who need...73 to all, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 04:47:58 (GMT/BST)
Could we please rename this page "QSL Information"
< >
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 03:16:11 (GMT/BST)
EX8MLE and EX8MLT in to Perth Tuesday 12th March for a new one for VK6'sRO,JJ and HK...they're pretty hard to come by in this part of the world, the last being about four months ago....
Don VK6HK <patndoncygnus.uwa.edu.au>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 01:16:10 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is newly updated at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 00:19:17 (GMT/BST)
...keep shutting down...? Can't remember when this page last shut down.
John G0EVT <john.hobanbtinternet.com>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 22:55:04 (GMT/BST)
Paranoia reigns OK? The page was down because the ISP's server that hosts our site ran out of memory and crashed. They host our site for no charge (thanks guys!) and had a very busy day sorting out those guys that actually do pay, hence the down time. Or, of course, maybe it got overloaded with QSL queries overflowing from the DXcluster network? WOS
Chris, G3WOS, <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 22:29:04 (GMT/BST)
why on earth, does this page keep shutting down,
i thought it was an open forum,
is there something to hide!!!!!!!!!!!
it isnt right to keep shutting the page down,after all its only a hobby, just my personal view
keith m1emc <keith.@ntlworld.zzz>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 20:22:56 (GMT/BST)
Please does anybody have a working address for YV4YC qrz/buckmaster dont agree, thanks. Please email below.
Barry g4kct <g4kct ** hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 18:54:04 (GMT/BST)
Hi Had card from C6AGN today also PJ2MI TG9NX GL 73
Peter G3KNU <peter.jackson17(at)ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 17:30:02 (GMT/BST)
Received 6M DXCC #451 yesterday. Tnx to all who helped.
73, Walt
Walt K4RWP <k4rwparrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 17:19:58 (GMT/BST)
RE IRCs: Neil, obviuosly I cannot tell you why they say so; it is up to them to explain. All I know is what is written in the official UPU page. I also went on the US mail web page (www.usps.com) and they say exactly the same thing. Maybe certain countries have taken decisions with no regard to UPU rules (certainly not the US), but I am not sure whether this would be consistent with their status of UPU signatory. I wrote an e-mail to the UPU just on this very matter; if they will answer me I will let you know. 73
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 16:12:40 (GMT/BST)
Anyone had direct QSLs from these stations please. About to do a "chase up". Thanks.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 15:44:26 (GMT/BST)
So, Tony, why are some DXped's already saying on thier web page (D44TA via Austria for example) "anyone sending the old IRC - QSL will go via the buro" ?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 13:42:54 (GMT/BST)
VK6WD and Z22JE tnx Wayne and Dudley QSL's arrived this AM
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 13:29:35 (GMT/BST)
AGAIN ON OLD IRCs: look at page http://www.upu.int/irc/en/irc_2002_version.html and you will find the statement: "old IRCs remain valid for exchange indefinitely". Showing the web page to your post office could help if they refuse to exchange old ICs. 73
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 11:34:40 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday I received the QSL from YI1DZ - worked on dec. 07,
2001. So this was a good one.
Hardy DC8TS <dc8ts(at)amsat.org>
- Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 10:37:49 (GMT/BST)
Of the series "qsl-er in distress"... struggling for 3DA0RF and 3DA0DP. Tried with SASE, e-mail... no response. Any suggestion??? Thanks de Stefano
I0WTD Stefano <i0wtdatlibero.it>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 21:09:39 (GMT/BST)
Re IRCs etc. Just an idea, a €1 coin, a QSL and an envelope seems to be under 20 gramms. Why don't we start
to use these in Europe?
Dave EI3IO <EI3IO@connogue.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 20:22:54 (GMT/BST)
Not been able to access dx summit for several days.Any suggestions please? Thanks.
Bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 19:19:28 (GMT/BST)
Not been able to access dx summit for several days.Any suggestions please? Thanks.
Bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 19:17:44 (GMT/BST)
Re: OLD IRC. Neil, here in The Netherlands the old ones are accepted. But not in every post office. At customer service they told me that they will be accepted but it will be phased out within a year. In some places they accept them and convert them to the value in Euro's. So it sure is a mess. And I don't know what will be the situation in other countries. Presently for the HZ1MD cards I do accept them for Europe mail only. For foreign countries out of Europe the value is to low. In guess currently the "green stamp" is the most certain value. Pity there is no paper Euro...
Good luck and 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 17:51:04 (GMT/BST)
ZR6DXB. Barry, rec. your card back here Tues a.m. what a turn round! If only all.......! Glad it was new square for you, same for me. Best wishes from Ipswich to Jo'burg. COLIN G8LBS
COLIN G8LBS <g8lbsatcolinranson.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 17:35:54 (GMT/BST)
Where can I find a list of what countries are STILL accepting the "old type IRC" ?
I was under the impression (reading various articles inc Radcom)that the old ones were to be phased out over a period of time (yrs), but some demand the new type only now?
Seems a mess to me.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
Has anyone an email adr for FK8CA, please?
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 12:07:25 (GMT/BST)
Matt Tnx for TI9 on 10, sorry about 6, job well done. EX8 cards in mail direct from Khirgiz today, I guess 1st VK ever, UA0SC card came and seems legit despite what some say, waiting on YZ4IZ, S52AB, S51DY and G3FPQ from December DXCC is now 124/125 and 30 zones on 6, not bad for an old Aussie. Hope to get someone up on VK9C shortly just waiting on rig to come back from Icom shop, guy lives on a boat so will have to try and get him on shore.
Steve <at wia.org>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 09:50:08 (GMT/BST)
To All: Thanks VE9AA for the nice comments! It was nice to work you from TI9M. Europe, I'm sorry, there just did not seem to be any propagation. The best chance was over the pole Scandanavian video at S9+20 late in the morning my time one day. I called and called and called but nothing. I thought for sure it was open. I guess this is around the time OX3SA heard me? I tried several times with EH7KW but nothing via the skew path. My final QSO number ended up to be 302 Q's. US, Canada, South America, Central America, Carribean, and Pacific. NOTHING to Europe, Africa, or Asia. Maybe next time.......from KP5!!!! 73's, Matt
KA0KKO <da1mh@compuserve.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 06:12:35 (GMT/BST)
To df3cb: I send my mail directly to TZ6VV--> Larry Erwin p.o. box 395 Segou Mali, and received in 2+ months.
So try this way....
PLEASE: For all Japan stations who send qsl directly. The old IRC coupons are no more vallid. All who
send old IRC coupons qsl will be via the buro. 73 from Marco S52SK
Marco/s52sk <s52sk@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 03:53:40 (GMT/BST)
To those complaining about V31PC I can tell you he does qsl (see his card and other hard ones at http://www.qsl.net/zp5yw), but it took me 2 cards sent with all the stuff. The first got "lost" in the mail, but the 2nd via registered mail did it. Only missing is FS/W2JJ. After 3 attempts, I'm sure they will not qsl. Shame on them.
Mike - ZP5YW <zp5yw (at) qsl.net>
- Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 01:45:44 (GMT/BST)
VE2TH: Regardez ici pour de l'information en français, y compris 50MHz - www.radioamateur.org 73 Peter G4MJS
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs@blacksheep.org>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 22:30:17 (GMT/BST)
Just been looking at the PW0T web page. It is reported that Peter PY5CC made a record 87 countries in his 13 days operating in Trindade. Wow! He made 1800+ qso's. Some going Peter and many congratulations from all UKSMG members. David A Whitaker BRS 25429.
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@ compuserve.com>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 22:16:53 (GMT/BST)
I still need a QSL for a 6m QSO with TZ6VV. My letter to KB0VV (Lary G.Erwin, 3850 Willomet Dr, Fort Worth, TX 76133) was returned. Can anyone help with some information or a valid QSL address? Thanks a lot, Bernd, DF3CB
Bernd, DF3CB <bernd@df3cb.com>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 21:32:05 (GMT/BST)
sorry for dupe, isp problems
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)satellite.ie>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 20:52:27 (GMT/BST)
Est-ce qu il arrive parfois qu il y a des gens qui parle francais?? Ou est ce que quelqu un peut m indiquer un endroit semblable à celui-ci mais en francais??
Merci de l'information et de l aide
73 Michel VE2TH
michel, ve2th <ve2th@sympatico.ca>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 20:31:19 (GMT/BST)
Congratulations John on DXCC, cant belive you beat Charlie to it HI. Dave EI3IO has also recently got over 100 first of many EI DXCC's I hope. See you all from IO41 Fri from 12 UTC wsjt on board.
73 Tony
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)satellite.ie>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 20:26:07 (GMT/BST)
Congratulations John on DXCC hard to believe you beat Charlie FK and Dave EI3IO who also has over 100 HI. See you from IO41 Fri from 12 UTC
Tony EI7BMB <tony (at)satellite.ie>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 20:21:35 (GMT/BST)
Worked in Jan. C6AGN, send card the same week, but nothing till now. Anyone received it yet????????
Johan PE9DX <pe9dx@amsat.org>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 19:42:30 (GMT/BST)
David ZF1DC many tnx for QSL rx'd today.
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 19:23:29 (GMT/BST)
DXCC - Just recieved 6m DXCC number 441 from the ARRL for the first EI 6m and VHF DXCC. I would just like to say thanks to all the stations (6K+ !!) that I have worked over the last 11 years that made it possible. ...73's de John, EI7GL
John, EI7GL <ei7glATqsl.net>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 18:15:49 (GMT/BST)
Big signals from ZS,ONLY open from 17.15 to 17.45 here,now SP6IXF/V51 is in.Is OH cluster down?
BILL gw3mfy <gw3mfy@sss.xxx>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 17:58:26 (GMT/BST)
I rxd a direct card from V31PC very promptly replied to my direct request last year.. 10M qso though.
as for eu buro cards Steve 2 years is a reasonable wait these days.
73 Colin MU0FAL
MU0FAL <colin to lorber.freeserve.co.uk>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 12:49:16 (GMT/BST)
callsign error in last post ..should be TA/M0HEN,
sorry theo...ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 10:49:53 (GMT/BST)
hi all, i had a qso with TA/G0HEN on 26/02/02 ,isent the qsl card off on 28/02/02 return card arrived this morning wow! , if im ever looking for a qsl manager then PA3BLS is the man for me ..great job erwin thanks ..73 all ..ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 10:44:45 (GMT/BST)
Re V31PC I heard Don on 885 the other day and when I called him he disappeared. He owes me a card and I just sent another one off. No threats but solution is to go on an expedition that someone needs, amazing how quick cards turn up (Like the HH7PV card when I was on VK9). Yes mail gets robbed, so mutilate the stamp or put on PO receipt so that collectors dont take any interest in the envelope. Most mail gets through, I just wish people would say I DONT QSL, but can you imagine the howls of protest???
vk3six <atwiadotorg>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 04:29:59 (GMT/BST)
Hope it works Al, re cards Tnx to Freddy all Italians in, 9A1CCY et al all 9As in, YU1, OM, OE, a lot of DLs outstanding and also no sign of any Slovenian cards, even EX8 cards beat the S5's. I'll reserve my judgment on TG9NX. I always read about Eu stations complaining when dx doesnt qsl, very surprised to end up being the victim of the VK sydrome (worked one worked em all) , VK3 is not VK4 or VK6 in case you havent checked the maps. When do you think you will next work VK3, (maybe 2012?). 73 PSE QSL.
vk3six <atwiadotorg>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 04:25:33 (GMT/BST)
Dear six meters friends :
Anyone received qsl from V31PC ?
I received my qsl returned via bureau with the follow :
V31PC does not QSL ! Signed by Don .
It's real ?
73 to all Dick
Dick - py5ip <py5ip@50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 04:24:00 (GMT/BST)
VP8CSA, Mark--don't know if you've got the Internet there but just want to let you know I'm looking for and calling you on .130 from time to time. Often get SA TEP from 0000z to 0430z (wkd PW0T few minutes after 0000, hd Peter another time at 0044)but am trying earlier and later than that time frame just in case... Hope you have enough time to operate six meters while you're there and that this little bit of encouragment reaches you (and tnx agn to K2RTH for relay earlier today--was barely hearing bits and pcs. ssb on .130 then) Ciao & GL!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 04:17:59 (GMT/BST)
Rec'd TI5KD card today--TNX, Keko!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 04:09:54 (GMT/BST)
Today I've got qsl direct from JT1CO for super qso in jan. 2002 becoming really good! Thanks Chak!
Silvio IW1AZJ <smrua@tiscalinet.it>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 23:40:07 (GMT/BST)
Is F6FHR QSL manager for J28EX anyone please?Thanks...
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@xxx.zzz>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 20:51:27 (GMT/BST)
QSL from Franco, TG9NX received today. Thanks! About 3 week turnaround with SAE, IRC, ! USD.
Jon N0JK <n0jk hmail.com>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 20:45:01 (GMT/BST)
Wonder how the ZD8VHF beacon sound today? Listen to the file and many others I have put on my homepage today: www.qsl.net/pa2vst 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 17:54:19 (GMT/BST)
ZD8VHF pounding since 11.25Z. Pity PW0T is not there now.
QSL card from PY8MD from GI58 received. A big enveloppe with cards for:PA3GXX, PE1MCD, PA3FSA, PA0COR, PA3DYS, PA0OOS, PA0ALO & PE1MZS. Please sent me your SASE. If not received within a month I will sent them via the bureau. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 12:19:27 (GMT/BST)
Well done Ray (wish I had such a considerate postie Hi)
don mm5ajw <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 12:16:26 (GMT/BST)
hi all, im mr happy today, rec two cards in post yy4gmg and vp5vac, now #100 confirmed so many thanks to all who made this possible, now for the card sort and application and of course the journey to #200 hi ,, thanks again all .. all quiet in io75 this morning so far .. ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 12:09:23 (GMT/BST)
Just over 2000 QSL's for CN8LI have been sent via the buro for his activity till january 2002. I'm trying to get DXCC confirmed for Said, so a QSL back would be appreciated.
Several european countries not confirmed as yet. (89 cfd).
73 de Johan ON4ANT
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant at arrl.net>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 06:16:11 (GMT/BST)
Many thanks to Steve vk3six for letting me hve his M26m25wl antenna, its up and running seems to be real good, thanks allan vk3pa
allan greening vk3pa <vgk3pa@classicmotorcycling.com>
- Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 02:15:01 (GMT/BST)
Dave: The formal AGM agenda is the same each year - a report by the officers (including financial report), election of new committee, presentation of trophies. There is also a section for questions from the floor. New this year is a separate session '6 metre forum' which is for raising and discussing non-UKSMG-specific matters. If you've a substantive item for discussion on the main agenda I would appreciate knowing it in advance, especially if such prior knowledge would help the committee prepare a suitable reponse. Please contact me by direct email if so. 73 Peter G4MJS
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs@blacksheep.org>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 23:08:22 (GMT/BST)
Re the AGM, is the agenda available or can someone tell me if there's a general agenda item for members to
raise issues? Would the committee prefer to know such issues in advance?
Dave EI3IO <EI3IO at connogue.com>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 19:30:41 (GMT/BST)
I was lucky enough to work PW0T on 24.02. at 2111z when his signal came out of the blue, weak and fluttery. You can find a recording of my and other QSOs with him on my page http://www.qsl.net/9a3ji/audio/audio.html (those sudden changes in loudness in some of the recordings are result of a bad connection somewhere in my 6m7jhv - it has to go down one of these days for a repair...). When Luci, 9a1z worked him on SSB 10 minutes later, I couldn't hear a thing (due to the fact that my antenna is at least 1WL lower than his). Heard Peter also a couple of days later when he was calling CQ and he was much louder then (also a recording on my page). Thanks to Eric, f5jkk for help with this QSO. Now when I listen to rec. I wonder how come I couldn't hear that Peter was calling me. It must have been the excitement, hi.
Bob, 9a4k <9a4k**ipc.hr>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 18:40:17 (GMT/BST)
Well now that PW0T expedition is over I wish to thank PY5CC for all his effort to work EU (north Europe). I heard him on several days, including 2 days with 40 minutes non-stop copy. A truly remarkable thing. During the first opening I even heard a PY2 call him. I heard stations calling him north of me but conditions where definitely not that good (sometimes the sequence overlapped), but seen the fact that he was 599 at F5JKK QTH when I worked him, its obvious that every km more North means even weaker signs. And no I did not make any recording of PW0T , it just never came to my mind. 73 de Johan ON4ANT http://www.qsl.net/on4ant
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant at arrl.net>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 15:42:47 (GMT/BST)
Oops- below should have added for Es propagation (sri)...
Bob, K1SIX
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 14:31:09 (GMT/BST)
Looking for mid-NORTHERN LATITUDE folks with MS Excel to test a multi-hop (E-W Path) "prediction" application. Pse e-mail if interested. 73 & Gud DX...
Bob, K1SIX <See Buckmaster or QRZ.COM>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 14:25:56 (GMT/BST)
can anyone help and provide me with an e mail address for jimmy KP2BH
Many thanks
don mm5ajw <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 10:58:16 (GMT/BST)
Bo: "No response from UKSMG" is a little unfair - we received your request less than a week ago and are considering it against our sponsorship criteria.... 73 Peter G4MJS
Peter G4MJS <g4mjs@blacksheep.org>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 10:42:22 (GMT/BST)
JH0MHE says he can not get a qsl reply from GW'S he has "worked".Any defaulters out there? Bill gw3mfy
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@vvv.fff>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 10:25:53 (GMT/BST)
I have a friend going to EP! He needs an antenna to put EP on the 6m map. Any sponsors around? (No response from UKSMG!????!)
Bo, SM7FJE <bn@aaaaa.se>
- Monday, March 04, 2002 at 07:05:31 (GMT/BST)
The 50 MHz StopPress page is now updated with A3 & D4 info at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 23:14:20 (GMT/BST)
GOOD NEWS: In checking the PW0T web page this morning, I see that they intend to operate M/M on the return voyage to activate grids on six meters (Sceduled to depart Trindade noon local time). Tnx, Peter and crew! I'm sure many will be looking for you and have a safe voyage, Muito obrigado!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 21:15:25 (GMT/BST)
QSL cards: Have a look at the new UN7GM card. Not distributed yet but allready visible at my homepage: www.qsl.net/pa2vst Also added a recording with the picture of XV3AA. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 20:31:59 (GMT/BST)
PW0T homepage/logs etc: http://www.trindade2002.com
73 /Rick
Rick SM7SCJ <sm7scj(!)qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 19:35:57 (GMT/BST)
For Gabriel ea6vq: 5U6W via I2YSG.
A reasonable list of addresses, related to active stations on 6m can be found on www.sixitalia.org - Qsl Routes page.
You can look, also, if the stations have answered to other hams (using the address writed in the list).
All update / help it will be very appreciated
Sergio, ik0fta <ik0ftasixitalia.org>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 19:34:38 (GMT/BST)
The Belgian Firstlist has been updated and made by ARRL standards now. See http://users.pandora.be/uba.nok/first.htm
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp at pandora.be>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 19:32:20 (GMT/BST)
Can you help me with the QSL manager of 5U6W ?
I was glad to work him with a 1/2 wave wire dipole two meters high on the roof...hi...Hope to be back with better conditions in the comming months.
Thanks !
Gabriel EA6VQ <ea6vq@vhfdx.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 19:05:49 (GMT/BST)
Does pw0t have an on line log?
73 de
Paul zs6nk <paulus(at)pixie.co.za>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 18:59:52 (GMT/BST)
yo fred, if you find out why sv5ts dont like you can you ask him what i did to deserve waiting from 1996 for a qsl?... and also no qsl card from c31hk despite 4 sent with irc's... if he replies now i'll throw a party, all invited of course, kidding aside ive now given up, why dont we have a qsl card blacklist? not to be nasty but seriously, if i had known that certain stations would never qsl after saying THEY WOULD then maybe i would have chosen not to call that paticular station, what i mean is that i would then have the choice to work the guy knowing im getting a card or choose not to if im not, are you following this?..
well i think it's a good idea, it would certainly stop time waisting so all you guys out there make it known if you DONT QSL then those of us that want or need the card will leave you well alone.... non of the above is intended to offend it's just common sense in my book as a country chaser
best 73 all ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 15:08:36 (GMT/BST)
Never give up on a QSL card. Confirmed yesterday PZ1AP who I worked in Dec 1989. Now I need to find out why SV5TS and SV5BYR have taken a dislike to me! 73 Fred
Fred G4BWP <fredch (at) homeshack.freeserve.co.uk>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 14:06:20 (GMT/BST)
Hi 2 all 6m Fanatics.Heard friday @12h 9Z4BM but couldn't work him & saturday heard 9Z4TL @12h S5 but no success agn.Instead of i worked 2 FM stations and 7Z1SJ.73s & gl de CN8LI.
said cn8li <cn8li@yahoo.fr>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 11:25:34 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys is really Magic Band..!! Today wkd agn 14 Jap guys and hrd DU, XW, XV VU and VK, strepitous....73's
Freddy IW1DIM <call@amsat.org>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 10:10:54 (GMT/BST)
TNX FK1TK & FK8CA for #19 (KH6 new qth, Aloha, Jeff
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 08:55:20 (GMT/BST)
Hello Peter - maybe UKSMG can fund you for a DXpedition??
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 08:32:51 (GMT/BST)
%B4FL: Congrats on YJ8UU - Oh how I wish I was in H44 right now - still need EU from there!!! 73
Peter G8BCG / H44PT <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 07:53:42 (GMT/BST)
John - there have been a few HA's on six - mainly some years ago. I and others have submitted cards for ARRL DXCC and they have been accepted. Ask no more!!
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 07:53:26 (GMT/BST)
Received my E30NA card about a week ago. Nice card.
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 01:01:29 (GMT/BST)
I had good opening last night to EU. First signal hrd 0702 and last signal heard 1130z.
I have a question for the group. I worked HA8 on SIX and I am wondering if HA is allowed on SIX?.
TNX in advance 73.s John
John VK4FNQ <vk4fnq@charters.net.au>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 00:24:03 (GMT/BST)
Jeff: Glad to see someone in the Pacific rim is working something exotic! We seem to be too far South and too far North here in the QG62 black hole... apart from TEP into JA. The VK4's that have been working EU lately are over 1000km North of here, and might as well be in a different country!
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp (at) bigpond.com>
- Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 00:13:56 (GMT/BST)
The OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #02-009 is now available at www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 19:23:33 (GMT/BST)
VE9AA yes i have a few of the ts60 but not as good as the ts50 and you are the first to notice(EAGLE EYE)
73 De Andy.
m1drk <m1drk@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 14:18:00 (GMT/BST)
M1DRK, I didn't know TS-60's covered the 20m band!! Seriously, GL with your auction. Wonder how many will notice
it's a picture of a TS-50? (BTW, there are many pix on the net of TS-60's!!)HI HI! de Mike VE9AA
VE9AA Mike <mycall@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 14:05:33 (GMT/BST)
for auction as new Kenwood TS60S.
m1drk <m1drk@aol.com>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 12:51:12 (GMT/BST)
9U5D via SM5BFJ arrived today. Reply in 6 !! days, tnx Leif.
Tjerry PBøANX <pb0anx@50mhz.com>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 11:21:15 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone tell me if ER1BL and OM3MM are good QSL's via direct route? Also, have E30NA and VP8DBL cards been sent/received yet?? I've been cleaning up log book and sow these 4 DXCC are still open. Thanks and 73
Ckl;hris W3CMP <w3cmpaol.com>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 02:06:42 (GMT/BST)
Eight days of listening to line noise and I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to have propagation anywhere anytime again...The doldrums started soon after I put up 7 elements in hopes of snagging PW0 (which I hd on 3 el beam briefly at beginning of their dxped). However, miracles never cease on six--I'm convinced. Yesterday afternoon the silence broke; started hearing bits and pcs, QRZ's and voice fragments. At 0001Z Peter's voice suddenly started booming in, "PW0T, CQ Pacific!" and he was in my log minutes later. Then TI9M appeared up on .110--in the clear and logged not even 2 hrs later! Thereafter, PY1LB, LU9EHF and CE3RR joined the commotion as I heard JA's off the back of the beam... I tried telephoning/emailing other KH6's to alert them to this bonanza to no avail. WH6O was calling TI9M w/o success, though we're only 250km apart. If this wasn't enough DX excitement for one day, cards from ZD7VC, TI2NA, TI2ALF and W7GJ awaited me at my p.o. box later that afternoon. Thank you all for the QSO's and QSL's. Now up to 18 DXCC's in a wee bit over 90 days QRV from my new QTH. Having Fun and glad to be out of the doldrums. TNX to all concerned and am continuing looking for DX with gusto!
Jeff, KH6/KF6GYM <kf6gym@arrl.net>
- Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 00:40:21 (GMT/BST)
50 MHz StopPress page update with ZK2 info now at http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 23:58:56 (GMT/BST)
Hi all,
please someone have received qsl from A25/ZS6JON active the 15/04/2001 ?? No qsl, no answer from mail(from qrz.com). Can you help me ??
73 and good dx
John IW2BSQ <iw2bsqlibero.it>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 21:03:28 (GMT/BST)
to day good opening to africa here in JO30BU, fb sigs from
D44TA-HK85, ZS6NK-KG46, ZS6AVP-KG44 and V51/SP6IXF-JG97.
V51/SP6IXF my # 157.
73 de Hans, DL8PM
Hans, DL8PM <dl8pm@darc.de>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 19:00:52 (GMT/BST)
The first FJ5DX QSO with Europe was done this morning : 11.36 9H1JN, 11.37 9H1AW S8 both side.
Phil heard and called several times EH7KW and SV1DH at 11.40
At 12.07 First 5B4/FS with 5B4FL. Thanks for infos Phil. Georges
Georges F8OP <f8op...wanadoo.fr>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 16:43:10 (GMT/BST)
Received my HC8N card yesterday together with my EX8MLE card (direct). Only outstanding card is from YB5QZ - anyone had problems with this? Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 16:14:41 (GMT/BST)
9Y4TL many thanks QSL arrived today best 73 gordon.
Gordon GW8ASA <gw8asa@ntlworld.com>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 15:19:35 (GMT/BST)
Trev G3ZYY. If you read this I have a qsl card for you from YS1RR via DJ9ZB. If you need the card direct I will ship it down to you. SAE please. If not I will put it in the Bureau system.......David BRS 25429
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@compuserve.com>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 14:47:56 (GMT/BST)
hi all, any update on the qsl card situation for HC8N" or is it still too soon to expect a card? any info?... 73 all ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 13:56:04 (GMT/BST)
Some 50MHz audiofiles updates on my homepage http://pe7two.myweb.nl. Vy 73, de Kees
Kees PA7TWO/M5TWO <m5two@amsat.org>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 11:57:13 (GMT/BST)
received this am qsl from 9U5D (wkd & qsled 22/02/02). Thats a quick qsl!
Brian/G3SYC <briangee3syc.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 10:38:03 (GMT/BST)
Re XW0X, I recvd cards back in 10 days last Nov, confirming SSB and CW QSOs. Now can anyone help with FM5AD cards? Sent mid-Jan and no reply to this or to a e-mail chaser.
G3SVD <andy.hewitttalk21.com>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 08:34:40 (GMT/BST)
PW0T: TNX Peter for #150 @21:03 last night. Recordings on my QSL Net site later today. Superb operating and perseverance from Peter meant that G6ION and G1KTZ also got him. Others will be there tonight! 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 07:24:53 (GMT/BST)
RE XW0X.. well I have no complaints at all. Sent my card to Hiroo SAE + 3 IRC got a loverly Picture card back all within 14 days. Hiroo even sent me change from the postage in the form of a 1000 ??? note. kids loved it! so thanks Hiroo for a first class service.
Cliff G1IOV <M5ACU***hotmail.com>
- Friday, March 01, 2002 at 06:06:54 (GMT/BST)
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Chris Gare, G3WOS <chris(at)uksmg.org>
- Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 12:57:19 (BST)
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