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Anyone heard SP1MVA/MM since JM36VV?Next,which 6m antenna is
the current favourite amongst you DXrs? Listening to CU3URA/SIX while writing this.Only
signal on the band!!!! Where is everybody tonite? Sorry its all questions,73 Bill GW3MFY.
lkll Bill,GW3MFY <bill.gw3mfy@which.net> - Monday, May 31, 1999 at 21:14:03 (BST) have any one info about cept class 2 licence in dl can work on 6m? hear a lot of
station (od5,eh7,py5 and more). pse info for 6m licence for cept class 2 in germany. BY BY
from horst Band open to now (17:45) to 5H3US & no takers in UK! Chris To Neil G0JHC - Was on the band also yesterday copying during 1 hour LU8MB FF57 (59)
nothing to CE3 FF46 - Any info on antennas system of G4FUF for personal interest? Congrats to all non EU southeners for such a great opening to SA. LU's pileup from
this end sounded like a P51 could be !!, amazing. Bravo for the 5H3US Eric ! still
wondering how we got him in the .110 mess. I would like to suggest to anyone hrg/wkg the
CE to take him to quiet waters, far way from the hordes of CQers freq ... yesterday was
impossible to hear him, need a 40 dB F/B beam !!!. 73 de Jose (still recovering from the
A61 shock ...) Hello. Last two months worked 40 DXCC countries:
LA,LU,LZ,OK,OM,OZ,PA,PY,S5,SM,SP,SV2,RK6,UT2,V51,VQ9,YO, YU,Z22,Z32,ZD7,ZP6,ZS (about 300
qso). I am using for IC-746 transceiver with 2 el. wires quad beaming to AFRICA and
dual-band 20m./30m. INVERTED "V" antennas. Last two evenings 29.05-30.05 very
strong TV carriers, yesturday 30.05 just short distance conditions: at 16:00 UTC 5B4CY/B
579 SV1SIX/B 569 at abt. 18:00 heared on 50.110 cq of Ron, 7Q7RM abt.569 73 from KM72MW. Next step will be to defer dupers to the The Hague court. Always put yourself this
question before threatening or blaming people: am I authoritative enough I can afford
being authoritarian having no authority? 73 The evening DX MENU of Sunday 30/5/99 in JO33 Starter CN8LI/beacon or EH8BPX 1735ut
Main: CX1DDO well done 59 1752ut In a strong sauce of qrm spickeld with EH and CT. Heavy
dressing of EA TV + backscatter + splatter. + Several LU's from GF05 very busy working
G's. desert: Sorry no CE today... Hi guys, Nice opening yesterday evening. I managed to work to 2 new ones. Worked
LU1DMA at 18.12z for # 93 rst 5/2 - 5/4 GF05 and CX1DDO at 18.29z for # 94 rst 5/7 - 5/5
GF15 Further heard with much weaker sigs 5/1 max were: LW4DIR, LU8MB, LU8DIO, LU9AEA,
LU2FFD, LU7DZ and LU2EG. Just one grid south of me in JO21 they were giving those guys 5/7
- 5/9 and I could just hear them talking. same in the UK where i saw reports of CX1DDO
coming in 5/9 +30 !!! I saw also PY beeing reported but nothing here in JO22QD. For the
EU's who read this 'let a OM make a complete QSO and stop calling on top of the report and
PSE KEEP THE DX WINDOW FREE OF EU CQ (what is the use of 400+ people calling CQ DX in 30
kc?) and EU QSO as I heard many do yesterday' . I even heard PE1xxx calling CQ for about
15 min. on top of EH8BPX. Thanks for your time and 73 de First LU/CX opening to reach me in IO83 (54 north) last evening since 1991!. Worked
6 new LU and 2 CX, but left alone the 4 I heard but worked 8 yrs back. A few LU's peaked
at S9 but mainly 52-55, CX1DDO and CX7BBR were 20 over 9 for long periods here. Never
heard the two I really wanted, LU8MB and the CE. Its a strange band, stations in IO73
worked virtually nothing, While I didnt have to call more than twice for anything. Guess
I'll pay the price for that...probably wont hear them again for another 9 yrs hi. Another great day for 6m people! I heard lots of stations working some real good DX!
LU's CX's CE's etc. But that's all i heard, people working the DX, NOT THE DX!! So, it
didn't reach IO74 square. Guess i'll just have to keep listening. great day again and it's not closed - CU8AO on with nice signal like yesterday with
KP4's - North America during 2 hours (spécial 9A3NC/MM GN61) between FN31-GN16 lot of
beacon (VO1ZA/B-FP5XAB/B-W1RA/B-VE1SMU/B-VE9MS/B) and fews minutes after propagation
change lot of South America station's - no new square missed CE3 - but my happiness was
full working 5H3US for new one (spotted by EH7KW tks Jose !) Also rare grid SP1MVA/MM
JM36VV. This is the magic band 73 all Sixshooter de CE was heard at this QTH in IO90 along with 5H3US . Many congratulations to Almurr
A61AH for working into southern Europe today on 6 mtrs - keep up the good work ! 73 all I noticed at the DXC the ongoing opening to South America tonight. Nothing was heard
here (JO55), does any body know how high up north they were reported ? would be nice to
know if thing is aproving for us guy at the high lattitudes vy 73 de Hello 6M friends. A very nice openning today. Work into LZ, YO, S5, 9A and I. Work
about 35 stations. If you work PP5BC, his name is INGO and Qth Locator is GG52. He is
about 300 Km south of my Qth(Im in GG54re). Sorry he is NOT in GG55. There is no station
in GG55 now active on 6M. 73s Amazing opening here this evening, the best for a long, long time. Loads of LUs and
a few CXs, haven't heard anything like this since 1991. Regarding Jim G0OFE's comments, I
know what you mean - I am also finding it harder and harder to work the DX, I guess there
are more people on and more of them are running higher power. I'll let you into my secret
(!)...get on CW, 4 LUs in the bag tonight first or second call, yet as usual couldn't
break any of the SSB pile-ups. Don't tell everyone, though ;-) Anyone hear or work CE3BFZ in FF46 this evening? Chris Another nice opening to LU this evening, the second in a fortnight and probably over
20 in all since i came on the band in 1987. Unfurtunately I have still never worked it,
despite a 6-ele at 40 feet and 100w these days. But i do have a poor take-off to the SW.
One of the main problems is that every time i call, there seems to be one of the "big
guns", and better sited than I, who have to work the LU's in every opening. Can I
make a plea? Please consider leaving some of this type of DX (if you have already worked
it) to those of us whu are not so fortunately well sited as you. Thank you. LW and CX worked in France 6:12 UTC 73 de Jean-Michel Almurr's email adr is in the UKSMG email list. It was good to work him (after asking
a VK to stand by!). 73 Nick Today May,30 1048z A61AH (LL75) was 59+30 dB in JM78. Qsl info : Almur Al Mehairi -
POB 4800 - Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES He wkd also EH,EH9,I and some other countries. Bad
manners from some novice IW9/IT9 op., what's 2 last letters of your grid ?, what's your
name, your city, your qsl info..etc ? Pse Almur your e-mail here. Tnx new DXCC. 73' Tony
IW9CER Remember: The International DX calling frequency 50.110 MHz should not be used for
calling within European Part of Region 1 at any time." Thanks in advance for your
active support. Regarding OZ50MHz DX Bulletin and OZ6OM. Well Chris, thanks for the roses of the
bulletin. About the the link, You´re right, we have discussed this before ;-) but with
Your demand for a fixed adress You are putting the work on me instead. The most convinient
to me must be regardet aswell, as my work with the bulletin is every weekend - and the
family demand their time too. So I kindly ask You to link to my front page, from here the
latest bulletin is only ONE click away. I would realy apriciate it. To the mysterious
"Gxxxx", well now You got half the explanation, the other half is, I used to
have a link from GJ4ICD´s site, but it seam that my former announcements of the OZ50MHz
DX Bulletin offended somebody, this or these gent´s complained to Geoff - and the link
was gone, NONE of these have send me any note regarding the matter. So, I have stopped
annoncing the bulletin here, unfortunally it havent brought back the link. By the way, I
maintain a link to both UKSMG and GJ4ICD from my site. As Chriss suggest, You are very
welcome to send me a mail, but maybe You should send him one if You think he should link
to http://www.qsl.net/oz6om If this starts a debate I do hope, either we take it in
"moans and gripes" or via email, with CC: to involved parities. Lets not spoil
this formidable room and DX info, Good DX all ... Yesterday heard that Angelo I2ADN was again on a little expedition on IE9 JM68, is
there any info if he's activate more rare squares this summer?? And is there someone
planning to be active from 3B this year, or still no 6 m permit?? 73's John. With regard to Matt's newsletter, it is really great and I usually read it every
week. I have asked Matt several times if he would like me to link to it from this page,
however, I have one request which he seems not to be very keen about for some reason. With
Geoff and Arne I link straight to their current issue so that with 'one click' you go
straight to the latest issue. This is a fundamental convenience for users I believe. This
approach requires that Matt uses the same name all the time for the current issue (such as
"current.html") and when a new issue comes out he renames the old one and
archives it to something like "may99.htm" (as I, Arne and Geoff do). All I can
do at present is link to his home page. If he is not prepared to do this I would need to
edit the URL every week. Matt, how about it? Why not e-mail Matt with your views?
< oz6om@qsl.net > I wonder who this mysterious
G0xxx is? Chris Just saw OZ6OM´s bulletin, and wonder why there are no link as to GJ4ICD and SM7AED
? - it´s at quite informative site, with some fine beacon lists too. Is it something
"political" ? Personally I find He´s doing a fine job for the rest of us ... Hi all, just been reading the latest comments and a bit dismayed at references to
the boys in the SW of UK (re dupes). As far as we are concerned, the SW is anything west
of Exeter, and I know pretty much all of them! Our small 6m community make it a policy not
to dupe, and do not wish to be associated with those who do. G6ION, G8BCG, G7BXS, G1KTZ,
G4ALY and me G3ZYY (note the e-mail address). 73 Trev ...-.- HELP wid UK TV !!! Hello, I have an ALBA TV model ctv3400 made in the UK ~1994. What
I need to know is: What freq am I tuned to on channel 0,1,2 please? I gather there is no
longer any channel 0 in the UK (?), but what qrg is the TV tuned to if I am sitting on
channel 0, etc.? I presume this is a "PAL" system TV. Have been getting
conflicting reports. Any help appreciated. Hooked it up today and am hoping to view some
video from across the pond. Mike ve9aa Hello: Heard yesterday video on 48252.2. Any information about the QTH ? 73s Square chasers!nice one JM36VV in the shape of SP1MVA/MM this afternoon.Power supply
had just been restored after electrical storm had taken me out of circulation.These
overhead lines on wooden poles should be QRT by now.We can fly to the moon but cannot
organise our power supplies yet!Good hunting,Bill GW3MFY. nice day again with europe, yes by the way, but also Africa 7Q7 and Caraibe KP4EIT
& KP4BZ in the same frequency of CU8AO HM49kl - 73 GQRP will be plesed to be meeting point at Federickhafen for 6mtr ops. Will have
some G4DDK 6mtr transverters on display plus some h/b multiband 10-2 tcvrs. Sheldon GW8ELR Hello Chris, GM3WOJ, As far as I know the V51VHF beacon is operational as per ur
spec. If you would like me to double-check I will 'phone V51DM who is the beaconkeeper.
Let me know. de Pleased to report that the ZD7VC card has arrived today from ON4ANT. By the way I
had almost no feedback to my proposal to gather 6-meter enthusiasts at the
Friedrichschafen hamfest. Anyway, if anyone wishes to get in contact once there, call my
mobile phone +39-335-384315. 73 DX stations - PLEASE PLEASE WORK SPLIT FREQUENCY ! I spend a lot of time on 15m and
the easiest DX stations to work are those that work split - it's a lot less stressful for
the DX station as well - just send/say 'UP' and you'll notice the difference immediately !
Can anyone confirm what power + antenna the V51VHF beacon is using - my ancient beacon
list says 60W to 5/8 but I remember that it used to run QRO in the past (?) - I was
copying it for 3 hours last Monday evening (24/5/99) but no other signals from Africa. 73 Mike, GU6AJE. It's the same here near Amsterdam. No QRL-No DX. For the coming
weekend you can go to any place in the world. This because I am planning a long weekend at
home and in the shack. Anyway, I am trying to find a way to fool Murphy. I'll keep you
informed, 73- 6W4RK was on the air 2 days ago around 19.30 GMT (while TZ6VV also) first in CW
working DL station then SSB with I stations. No possible to break. Signal was 57 max. in
JN86.Nice but slow work. Best 73. For six meters - all QSL requests go to Larry Erwin, BP 395, Segou, Mali not AA0GL.
Also I will try to adjust operating to work as many "first-timers" as possible.
73s, Larry For six meters - all QSL requests go to Larry Erwin, BP 395, Segou, Mali not AA0GL.
Also I will try to adjust operating to work as many "first-timers" as possible.
73s, Larry Just put this on the cluster network: Considerable debate as it was decided that it
condoned the practice of dupe QSOs whenever a rare country appreared on the band. We are
sorry that this was not stated in the latest Six News due to lack of communication. To
many, this came to a head last night when TZ6VV came through and NUMEROUS well known G3s
and G4s (and others) duped him. Larry later said that 25% of his QSOs were dupes. Of
course, it was later learned that there were many low-power stations desperately still
trying to work him for the first time and failed. Duping by big guns did not help. The
recommendation of the UKSMG is pretty obvious and will not be stated here. Annual tables taken off the UKSMG web site. No excuse now for duping eh? Chris Obviously wasn't in the right place last night ... heard the pile up working WT3A/mm
from IO70/80 etc, but not a squeak with me. Must have been too close to the E cloud - I
did hear EH9IB working him (qso in Spanish - the "local type" qso someone
reported perhaps?). Just selective Es. THEN up popped TZ6VV, again I didn't work him
because of the pile up, again certain south coast stations can't tell when to TX and when
to RX, and think their call sign matches every one Larry tried to work. I'm not griping,
honest, but as far as I know there's still been no GU-TZ on six, and he never knows I'm
calling him, he just gets the same stations in the same squares in the same countries.
Also 5H3US wasn't audible here or the LU, again must have been too close to the cloud.
5H3US grid is KI93 for whoever asked. This is a gripe - how come there's no Es when I take
a day off work. Drat! 73 and good dx (but only once please) WT3A/MM was on 115 at the same time as 5H3US on 110 yesterday evening . WT3A was in
IM96 . what grid is 5H3US ? 73 de Peter Wasn't in yesterday...SH..Must be a little war than! Why did so many DX stations
(HH7, V47 and W's) work split when we (PA's)got the permit in '88? I remember quite well
because I used an old FT301 without 2nd VFO. Now with those modern RTX's it is simple and
nobody want to use it. At least it will gave thos new ones more chances. It worked in
'88-'91 so why not in this cycle with thousands of stations? No matter if it is SSB or CW.
As Enno said:"Don't worry be happy" 73, TZ6VV up to S9 here for 25 minutes here last night, and I still couldnt crack the
pile up, wkg split would help immensely. I fought hard and did not press the TX for TZ6VV, I tried to let some one else who
needed him know the band was open (by telephone)However I was quilty of duping PY5CC the
night previous so appologies to any one who failed to work Peter. One question WHO was on
.115 Speaking Spanish (I think) sounded like a local type qso-same time as TZ6 beam
heading a few degree's further west than TZ6. EH8, 3c? Another G and I could not attract
there attention. Anyone got an Email address for Dave ,5H3US . Nothing listed on website . thanks de
Peter As the very last comment on this issue: I have just received an e-mail from Larry
stating the dupe rate last night was 25% ... So Larry is aware of the problem. I adviced
to work split and he will consider it, although it is not his preferred way of working. Chris, thanks !! As you see your this page gets still more and more attention, which
is the best compliment you can get. Soon we may have to queue for it, like in a real
pile-up ... So I'd better stop duping it now (sic). Cheers. Thanks for quick response Chris. Sorry, let me be explicit. The UKSMG annual table is no more. Chris About the annual listing. Due to incompetance & lazyness I didn't get round to
talking with G4IFX about the annual table in Six News. Sorry guys! I also didn't take it
off the web site. I will do this tonight. We have lots of problems on 6m but it is
demonstrated here that there were at least two guys trying to break the pile-up for a
first. If dupers are preventing these QSOs then this is more than sad. I know it is
difficult to resist the TX button (I should know!) BUT WE HAVE TO! Chris Could bang my head against the wall last night (didn't) Listened to LU8MB thinking
it was 5H3US wich I worked last weak. So just moved up the band looking for something new.
Until someone asked me if I did work the LU8.... #$%^&$^*$^&*$ at that moment he
was only just readable (up to 57 before) and unable to work him. Would be a new one for
me.... When will be next opening to LU pse ..... ?? 20 min TZ6VV in here...no sign of
PY5CC. VP2E , PJ and V4 expedition in august. Info on
www.muurkrant.com/pi4com/tour99/index.html Good point Enno. I was under the impression from previous comments on here, that the
UKSMG had decided to drop the yearly table? ...so I was rather surprised to see the table
published (although the worst dupe offenders never enter it!), and dismayed to read the
plea for more entries ahhhhh!!!! What's the "official" line Committee? In view of the dupe issue, I thought the annual listings were about to be stopped
(see discussion in the April 15 timeframe on this page). However, the annual listing still
exists and there was even a call for entries in the May 1999 issue of Six News, which hit
the mailbox a couple of days ago. If the annual listings are still encouraged then stop
moaning about dupes, otherwise stop annual listings (my preferrence). For all other
aspects of our mutual 6m addiction: don't worry, be happy. Chris I also heard the TZ6VV and tried to work him last night for a new one, and the
pile up was enormous. I also think you should name names of people dupe'ing. I only run 25
watts to a HB9CV so to you dups, give me a chance. Chris & Neil, Like the DX window debarcle, 'dupe boys' are a world wide
phenomina. Shame that here in VK4 a couple of them have the hide to work every opening
then openly ridicule anyone else for trying to work the same DX. It takes a 'thick hide'
at times, but I feel that when you consider your own strategy for working DX this cycle,
and maintain your operations to achieve that goal, then what they do is totally
superfluos! The only consideration then is to ensure that you achieve your own goals!!
Selfish... yes, but they don't care either! Chris & Neil, Like the DX window debarcle, 'dupe boys' are a world wide
phenomina. Shame that here in VK4 a couple of them have the hide to work every opening
then openly ridicule anyone else for trying to work the same DX. It takes a 'thick hide'
at times, but I feel that when you consider your own strategy for working DX this cycle,
and maintain your operations to achieve that goal, then what they do is totally
superfluos! The only consideration then is to ensure that you achieve your own goals!!
Selfish... yes, but they don't care either! Name names Chris! TZ6VV was 59+20 for 30 minutes up here in IO83 (although hardly
heard in io93 - selective as usual). I worked Larry last October, so just listened. A
great shame that the "ego trips" could not do the same. Last October I got a
list of G's worked. Last night I listened to at least 4 of them QSO him again under very
heavy pile-up conditions (they cant use the one "but no-one was going back to
him" last night!) At least two of them (from SW UK) log on here often so hope they
are proud of themselves? Why did one of you call for over 10 minutes, when you have his
QSL!? I also heard an LU on cw and 6W, both around 110, but no chance of a QSO as one of
the SW dupe Boys, spent the entire hour "CQ DX" on 110 over the top of 'em.
..and they wonder why they are not popular! After missing him three times last year, at last a new one: TZ6VV !! So no duping
from this end. Got him when he boomed in with 59 and just before hell broke out ... Missed
the opening to PY due to celebrating the new one with an appropriate amount of beer (PY5CC
would have been a dupe anyway). Cheers (& beers), Enno. Greetings all nice to see some good dx rolling up on the cluster(think i'll move
further south next time IO70/IO80 perhaps)still need TZ6VV, PY5CC hrd tonight in noise!,6W
V51 & the likes but did get 7Q7RM after 3 years!! aswell as 54FL (hi NICK) thanks to
mates on the LL alert net here in the Frozen waste of the north................ Right that
o'er I'm going to EI in July 10th >14th where i will be located in IO53GA!! qrv on 6m +
2m 100w each band from my uncles pad near ENNIS, DYSART O DEA to be exact so all those
needing this sq I will endeavour to make MS skeds when I can (coz xyl & 1st harmonic
wid me */~#'?.)so limited time available THIS IS OFCOURSE IF MY PERMIT COMES BACK IN
TIME!!!!!!!!! otherwise 2m only..... CHEERS TO ALL AND GOOD DX PLEASE LISTEN FOR OUR
SQUEAKY SIGNALS FROM IO93 SQ ALL YOU DX STATIONS OUT THERE 73 GARY G7LXK -.- -. Nice DX this evening : worked LU8MB FF57OC with 5/7 at 19.00 Then heard TZ6VV for 6
minutes with 5/8.No QSO due to enormous pile up.He is still on my "want"
list.Funny to hear others working him for the second/thirth time Well,next time better.
And finaly at around 20.00 PY5CC with 5/9. Good DX for all,Ger PE1CZG It probably wouldn't be if it wern't for the many G3 / G4 (shall I name names?) who
duped him yet AGAIN! It never ceases to surprise me... Chris TZ6VV into the UK abt 10 mins ago, peaked S7 here in IO81. What a pile up and, no, I
didn't break it, guess 50W just ain't enough these days. Now must be correct Active stations from Estonia on 50 MHz KO29
ES1CW,MW,II,RF/3,AJ,ES2NA,RJ,WX,QH,QN KO38 ES4NG KO18 ES0HD KO28 ES3BR KO37 ES6PZ All this horrible E's stuff..... when will we get something better, so we can work
DX!! Active stations from Estonia on 50 MHz KO29 KO38 KO18 KO28 KO37 ES1 ES2 ES4NG ES0HD
ES3BR ES6PZ CW NA MW RJ II WX RF/3 QH AJ QN Nice E yesterday evening to OH and SM. Wkd new squares. Later on at @20.15Z PY5CC.
No mess, so QRP and moderate stations were able to work Peter. Seems most stations worked
Peter to often, hi. So, it's getting better and better. 73 and have fun, Regarding the use of the DX window 50.100 50.130 Listening on the band on Monday,
there was station in the window, tut tut! But there was one good thing. This was the first
time i've seen people spread out!!! Stations all very strong, all the way up to 50.300 So
there has been an improvement! Just not 100% Yes, i know, there is a new op on GD, or MD?
and he does not know, but he will when i see him next. :-) One point: There's a station on
50.105 on SSB, he's in a square you need, on on your continent..... Do you work him, or
ask him to QSY?? 73 de Andy GD0TEP I think that this may be part of the problem. Great evening ! no copy hr from northem activity when WAS called by Alain F6HRP.
PY3ARL/B LU9EHF was readable from IN88 es IN87, some LU was wkd by Alain. 6W4RK was wkd
after from IK26LD - Also PY5CC was heard with nice signal - May be the west France black
hole !! 73 All Sixshooter's need a portable receiver to trace qrn on 6m, must have ssb capability.If anyone has
something suitable for sale at a reasonable price please email me.Any handheld tranceiver
exist with ssb?thanks and 73,bill. Hello Andy GD0TEP: Impossible to send you a mail. Is your internet adress OK ? I
have F1MOZ infos. Sorry, nothing about IK7 and IZ7. Georges. DOes anyone have the address for Tom, DF2JQ, who is an active Six and Two meter
operator out of Moer, Germany? Tnx Well the address on my HH7PV card is Patrick de Verteuil, Abricots via Jeremie,
Haiti (WI). Don't know whether that is still current. Chris Seeking advice from you seasoned DX'peditioners, what's the most portable set-up to
take abroad bearing in mind hand luggage restrictions? My TS690+PSU is no go, too heavy, I
took an FT690 to Cyprus several years back but not enough 'oommph'. Is there a 240v
powered light-ish 6m radio? My trip to V2 next month is on. Need information to contact HH7PV for a QSL card exchange. Can find no address for
this operator. If you know of an address where he will receive a card or can direct me to
a source for this info I would GREATLY appreciate it. Thanks and 73 - Bill..... Hello ! Any news on C56A QSL card - nothing here ! Please info on other way to get
this card - I've DL5NAM ??? thank's and gd DX - 73 Nice opening yesterday evening between 19-20 UTC. Have heard a couple France and
Spain stations. Unfortunately nobody heard me with 10W and dipole... Best one I heard was
2375km.!! Signals where not very strong and comes like a waves - in and out each 4-5
minutes. Hope today will be better in NAC/LYAC 6 meters contest. 73! Glad to hear someone worked some DX last night . We still have Europeans working
Europeans in the "DX widow" despite subtle hints to QSY up . Please educate the
newcomers to resist the temptation to answer . Here in IO90 we had an opening to EA8 at
the sametime the V51 and 7Q7 beacons were in but not a hope in hell of hearing anything
through the QRM of European qsos from 100 up to 130 . Finally anyone heard or worked EK6AD
this season - still need him. Hi Georges - F8OP - Nice to see you again, es tnx info. Perhaps this is not the
place to ask, but i've tried all other sites: I need Address's for IK7MOI IZ7CTE and F1MOZ
Any info appreciated, or a point in the right direction! Band quiet right now. Was open
'til 24z(ish) last night. 73 de Andy GD0TEP Wow, nice Es opening on 24th. Worked EH, IS0, IT9, 9H5, I, DL, OK, OE, OZ, SM, SP
and heard LZ. A few new squares and a lot of fun. Hope for mote tonight. I usually call CQ
around 50.175 if you still need GU! 73 and good dx to everyone! Nice day yesterday. The only day with NO qrl this weekend, AND good
propagation/activity. Good to see so many new F stations. It was also fun working so many
above .200. Best DX was CT3FT. Also lot of activity in CW below .100. Seems it's getting
better this year. Haven't heard any complaints on the band. .110 was most of the time
"free". No real DX yet. Except the V51 beacon later in the evening around 20.30.
Good DX and 73, Hello Andy, GD0TEP Yes the 6 meters activity is increasing in F, because we have
since decembre 1997, a new regulation. Before this date, we had to ask for a special
licence to be able to use 6 metres. You had to wait a very long time (about one year or
more) to get the licence... Now, it is more simple: If you live in an allowed department,
you can work on 6 without a special licence. So many, many new stations are now QRV on
50MHz and the number increases every month.Georges It's 23:35 and I am Still hearing very strong eu stations on 10 mtr's. Via E-skip.
Did not hear any video today. The e-skip muf did not get that high. This is the latest i
have heard e-skip on ten from eu. Will be on at 11:00z tomorrow beaming eu on six. Looks
like it might be a good day. 73 Mick W1JJM 24-May - Worked a few new ones today, sounded like more French stations now have
access to 50mhz? Any one confirm? Also, i used to have a URL for QSL routes in EU (DL I
etc.) Can some one point me in the right direction pse. Cheers, 73 de Andy GD0TEP Thirth SIX Meter Meeting in the Netherlands As before in 1996 and 1997, the VERON
department Centrum organizes the thirth SIX-Meter Meeting in the Netherlands. This meeting
has an international character and we will welcome everybody from all over the world. The
Meeting will take place in Utrecht -in the center of the country (JO22NC) at Fort the
Gagel on 10 and 11 July 1999. We will erect a huge tower, with a huge beam on top of it
(12 m) and participate in the vhf contest on 50 MHz with full legal output. Saturday
evening 10 July, there will be a Bar-B-Q. On Sunday 11 July, the department will organize
a flea market in the distance of the SIX-Meter meeting. Also there is some space to
overnight, let me know if you want so. If you are not able to come to the Netherlands,
please listen for us on 50 MHz, we will cq on 50.135 and 50.098 MHz +/- qrm. If you like
to enjoy the Bar-B-Q please let me know A.S.A.P. by E-mail or packet. This to anticipate
in the amount of meat to buy. Also, send an E-mail for a route description. E-mail:
pe1ouc@sfinx.demon.nl Packet: pe1ouc@pi8wno.#utr.nld.eu Phone: +31 346-578024 Someone pointed me towards this site earlier today. Its to do with electronic
keyers/beacon keyers. If you have any interest in CW take a look here.
http://members.aol.com/k1el/index.html I have just ordered two! 73 Trev Re the QRM eliminator message earlier, I have checked the file sizes and they total
around 500K (sorry!) I have two responses so far and will bulk mail at 1900 UTC today. Any
requests after that will have to wait a few weeks! 73 Trev ...-.- I hear from Robby VY2SS that the DXpedition to St. Paul Island VY9SS, June 6-14 is
definitely on. They plan on a big effort with special attention to Europe, including a
beacon. Danish beacon OZ7IGY. The beacon is listed on 50.021 but has a long time been about
1.5 kHz higher in frequency. Permanent change? For FR5DN re QRM eliminators, I designed one for 6m which is currently on the UK6MG
web pages; I have an updated version taking up some 250K of jpg files which I can e-mail
to you if you wish. Will e-mail to any other interested party if you drop me a line at the
address below. Deadline Tomorrow 1900Z I am working away from Monday! Trev ...-.- The rules of the 1999 UKSMG summer contest acn be found at:
http://www.uksmg.org/sporadic.htm Chris For those who find beacon list of use - I have just uploaded an updated 50 MHz
continental split beaconlist at my homepage http://www.qsl.net/oz6om/ It's all quiet again here in SW England. For those that missed the LUs earlier in
the week they are here>>> http://www.qsl.net/g8bcg/page5.html 73 CU on 6 Nick .. think you misheard that call, it should be GSMEOHM... I hear a lot of strange calls from the UK lately, 2C6 etc etc, tonight I worked
G3EOHM, is this comemerating something? Hi All - I wonder if anyone has tested commercial products designed to eliminate QRN
(with sense antenna and 180° out of phase with gain control ? Can you tell what are the
results - I suffer very high QRN in winter and that makes it impossible to get a S9 signal
readable. For now i know the band is openned, but i have +20db of qrn, all i have to do is
switch off the tx, sry. Tks for reply and info, and GL on 6 - Phil. Every year I go to the Friedricshafen hamfest, but I never succeded to find the
European 50-MHz aficionados. Can anyone propose a date, time and place where to meet
there? 73 Just to let you all know that I will NOT be going to EI this year (1999). Following
great success from IO41UV last year, I had hoped to operate from IO43 this year, but this
will not be possible. Maybe I'll try next year ... 73 de Paul G4IJE. Is there really nobody who can help with the address to Z23JOR? Erol TA7V, one of our Turkish hosts during the YM7PA expedition in 1997, will be
active on 6 metres this summer. Using the callsign YM7KA, Erol will be active from June
1st - Sept 1st from his home QTH in Trabzon, located at the Black Sea coast in Eastern
Turkey. Within the hour, the F2-MUF has gone down to "normal" levels again. The F2-Fo (MUF in F2 layer) is extremely high above northern Africa. Much higher
than any day this year! Where is the ES to extend the path. During todays Es to EA/CT (20/5) ct0ww 599, but ct0six appeared to have a keying
fault. Anyone else noted this ? Or am I being daft again ? CU all sn, steve Udo, the only transatlantic opening with NA this year reported in VE/W was last
17th. Avelino, eh8bpx, worked into New England. As far as I know no EU/NA Es QSO happened
yet. 73 Peter I hrd S52CO on cw last night, I only stopped on his signal 'cos it sounded
less than "typical" Es, think he had an unstable supply line. I'm not saying
this is who you heard, but just a thought. Reference Mike's comments and "hoax"
spotting, I think your going to see a lot of this from the UK this summer. Its not
intentional, there's just a lot of folk new to 6m this side that have little experience of
prefixes. For example last night I listened to a local work a 9A station, and log him as a
5A, then tell all his mates later he'd worked Libya! This happens around my way virtually
daily, so it must be fairly widespread and i'm sure some of these "mistakes"
find their way onto the cluster too! During the E yesterday evening 21.15Z, with many very strong northern Italian
stations, I have been called by a very weak CW station. After some time with all filters
in, suddenly it came out of the noise and identified as ZS2CO. No QSO and lost it again in
the noise. It was very TEP like propagation. I don't know this station or something like
this call. Who knows? 73, I saw those spots too + one from MM0-land I think. I was listening the entire time.
Saw no spots on the local YCCC packetcluster which covers w1,2,3/ve1/9, etc. No reports on
the 50MHz prop logger. No one on ICQ alerting me. No WB3LB station found in either the QRZ
or Buckmaster databases. I would put my money on a hoax. Seems like a lot of phoney 6m
spots during the last year. SOme guys sure have a weird sense of humour. Don't worry, we
have them 'over here' as well ! CU on SIX!! - Mike ve9aa/p fn76 Found spots frm Italy wkn stateside at 22.10 UT this evening, May 19th. Joke or
truth? Is anyone interesed by JN14 square ? is I have enough request I may QSY /P in this
square in the beginning of june. please repply directly with JN14 as subject. 73's &
tnx. Nice Es opening last few days - it was nice to work many Eu stations with only 10W
and dipole antenna. But so many was missed due to no attention to my weak sigs... Re DK5YA. Tnx Udo, but no, this one doesn't show the regional variations. Right now
ES is reported in Eu and the map is showing nothing. So, it must be based on non-measured
inputs. A general idea, but totally useless for 28 MHz and up. I may not be DX but to put your mind at rest georges F8OP, I Put out regular cq
calls above 50.200 and get a few calls back from your fellow country men! I only run 10
watts but have had some excellent qso's for upto 20 minutes at times as far south as
Marseilles. So we do listen here in "G" land for you if nobody else
does....cheers, Mike G8NVX Understand from various sources that 5X1T visited the Dayton Conference and will
travel to Kosovo after that. So this one is not QRV for the moment. Hello Rinze, PA5TA, Sorry about your QSO with TK. The DL expedition seems to be
illegal. Not any licence is delivered by the french A.R.T. in Corsica. The 6 meters is
forbidden in the Island. Sorry ! Re:PA1SIX: http://holly.cc.uleth.ca/solar/www/foe.html is the only one I know, isn't
that much helpfull I guess. 73 Does anyone know a (few) homepage(s) where to find current/on-line info on the MUF
(or critical frequency) in the E-layer above Europe ? Re: PA7KW. You're wrong ! -- Eu magnetometers starting to move violently. 17 May 17.00 GMT : 5H3US 5/9+ ! for 20 minutes.Pitty he cannot handle big pile up's
(this is what you can expect after 6 months of white noise for most) Also 7Q7RM hammering
in for hours!! (only CW?) Well it's a nice start of the Es season. Aurora next !? Oh, how easily 5H3US slipped out of my grasp. If only he didn't have to spend half
the opening telling the idiots to shut up he'd be able to work twice as many. For what
it's worth you were 59 in Guernsey, too, Dave. Maybe tonight instead? Wow-wee! It all happens at once. Six months of white noise and then a qso with S57
UUD in Slovenia. All with 20 watts and an extremely poorly located dipole in the spare
room. Did anyone else hear me at 17.40 hours? Long may it continue. 73's and good DX. Great to hear the band open from ZS6 to further north in EU during late afternoon
& early evening of the 16th, really the first decent opening this season. Heard many
old friends, but ZS6EZ is in close proximity to my QTH and only one of us can operate at a
time. Can anyone help me with QSL info for ER1AAZ (new one!!) and 2S7OIN? Thanks. If you can't beat 'em: join 'em. Too quiet in VK. Please look for me in EU & USA
during June & July. I##/M0AYW/P or mobile then W#/VK4APG in South Dakota and Iowa.
Don't use up all the E's in the mean time. 73's Peter. Was eating birthday cake while all the Big Guns were busy working LU on Sunday
16th.I thought the unwritten law was "let the other guys have a look-in"???? Bet
the 6 meter traffic wardens were gnashing their teeth!Thanks to all who made useful
suggestions for tracing my qrn,much appreciated.GW3MFY. Sorry, about the bouncing mail uksmg.com address, I am looking into it. Chris Hallo SIXers, have yesterday work Z23JOR (new dxcc for me). Can anybody help me with
a adress? Vy 73 de Andreas Hello ! Would like to get in contact with Chris (G3WOS), but have tried to reach him
at g3wos(at)uksmg.org, but all msgs since May 12 returned as undeliverable ! Did he change
address ?? Chris pse contact me at : pa2tab@amsat.org tnx 73, Arie /PA2TAB We are all happy now! All the Es we've missed the last month in one day! Worked ZS,
7Q, and TK as new ones. (Does anybody know if the TK/DL expedition is legal?) Too bad
5H3US wasn't able to cope with the pile up. I hope he's gonna work split next time instead
of working numbers. Like 3C5I did last year. It's very frustrating to hear a new country
with a big sig and not being allowed to work him! I hope to meet hi again soon. 73's Finally the Es has broken in GU! Missed the real DX, but did work a string of 17 GM
stations, including IO67 and 68 for new ones. Bet condxns won't come back for the IO66
expedition though, hi. Also IK4 off the back of the ant and SP4 in KO14. I can now keep an
eye on the OH cluster from work, so any reports of GB3IOJ would be helpful if you want GU
to point in your direction! It's good to break that 6 months of white noise at last. 73
and happy hunting. Wow - how easily 6m restores our faith! We forget the months and years of listening
to locals calling CQ on 50.110 and the white noise! 6m open to Africa from here in the N
of Scotland (IO77WS) 16/5/99 1530-1850UTC Wkd. 3xZS6, Z23, 7Q, 5B, 4X. Heard 5H3US at 1815
on 50.105 - also missed OD5SX and Z32ZM. Eu just faded away and there was the DX - CW
rules !! 73 Chris Hi Chris, glad u have worked 5H already that's one less in the pile up for 5H3US,
heard @ 19.00 in North London (16/05) Regards to all Kerry G0LCS from dxlc.com: Flare activity increased suddenly during the latter half of May 16.
Region 8534 produced two impulsive M1 flares, the first an M1.2/1N event at 13:50 UTC, the
second an M1.1 event at 17:25 UTC. Region 8541 was the source of an M1.0 impulsive flare
at 22:33 UTC. No significant coronal mass ejections were observed with any of the minor M
flares. First time outside Eu this year! I heard/wkd ZS6BTE, ZS6PJS, ZS6EZ, ZS6AXT, Z23JOR
(can anybody help me with his address?), 7Q7RM, 5H3US and 4X1IF. I agree with George,
F8OP, there is a lot of Eu-Eu activity on 50,110 MHz, even by old timers who should know
MUCH better. Hello 6 meters fans, We had yesterday the first big ES opening on six. We worked EU
stations, 4x4, 5B4. Around 15.30 UTC, there was a small TEP opening, with several ZS
calling between 50.110 and 50.130 about S2 to S3. Unfortunalty, impossible to call them:
the International Calling frequencies were plenty of EU (YO, F, G, SV, IW8, LZ, ES,
a.s.o.) calling and calling CQ. Just a question: why the EU operators don't QSY up. For
Europe, the propagation is exactly the same on 50.110 than on 50.150 or 50.220 !!! I have
a proposal: PLEASE DON'T ANSWER THE EU CQ BETWEEN 50.110 and 50.130 during an ES opening
or quickly ask for a QSY up (as I do !) Perhaps it will be the best way to stop EU
"pollution" around the International Calling frequency. 73 and hope to work you
(50.200 and up, which are clear frequencies, without splatters and QRM) Georges
F8OP@HB9IAP.SROM.CHE.EU Just noticed that it was 10 years to the day since I worked 5H1HK - 18:12 @ 16/5/89
- an amazing band isn't it? csg All about the Caribbean tour 1999 160 - 6 m on www.igr.nl/users/pa1aw/tour99 Nice
openings today ( 5H3US for a new one ) see you on 6m. Hello Hatsuo, I am planning to work into Okinawa in the next few days, sun sand
wine-tasting and yl watching permitting, also some time to be spent preparing myself for
the shock of returning to UK. Thanks to all for QSOs Nick. Nice TEP+ES opening to Africa. 5H3US,ZS6,Z23,7Q7. Aswell as OD and several EU in ES
and backscatter. Nice opening to LU. Unfurtunately I still need LU all time, despite catching
probably 20 or so openings over 10 years. Now that's frustrating. Anyone got a large
digger to remove several million tons of earth 100 yards from my qth in the direction of
LU? Jim Well, that was very pleasant breaking a dead patch of a few months - lots of LUs,
though localised to GF05 Chris Congratulations on VR2, Nick! Please advise when you will work into Okinawa as next
DX. 73, Almost forgot, my friend ve1rg reported hearing zd8vhf/b yesterday about 1900z for
10-12 minutes. Of course, no ZD8's!! Mike Nice DX to LU/CX earlier today. 2nd real DX this cycle. suspect Es-F linkup. Shame
there were no OA/ZP/HC/VP8 or CE stations on, hi! 73-Mike Hi All, The ZS1 Six Metre Homepage now has my original set of articles on converting
a CB rig to 50MHz with photo's and drawings added formatted to html. Have a look and let
me know what you think. (http://homepages.infoseek.com/~zr1ev/index.html) Enjoy. 73 de Hi again all, The ZS1 Six metre page has now got my original set of articles on
converting a CB to Six metres from a link on the main page
(http://homepages.infoseek.com/~zr1ev/index.html). There are photo's and drawings added to
the original text that I had sent out over the packet network a few years ago. Have a look
and let me know what you think and maybe some comments for improvements etc? Enjoy. 73 de In the lattest DUBUS is a very good article where LZ1AG try to explane why the Es is
so rare the last years on 144 mHz. Maybe there is a little bit of true in it. Try to get a
copy of it. It's 14 may, and i have also never seen such a bad ES on 6-meter as this
year!!! Six open all round Scotland on TROPO this evening. Have worked from IO87 to IO83
even. Counted 11 stations active. No Es spotted this far north yet though. Very Nice, Tony. Congratulations. I had VK8MS at 0944, believe I heard him two hours
later, too. Later several YCs from 1444 to about 1600. Also Es to Eu, but just single hop.
And it's ALMOST Friday 13th! GL all; 1353z LU7XP was 59 in JM78, he worked also some SV1. Buckmaster reports he's located
in FD55UE ,Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego. Hi Nick, not a bad day...... Just worked Eugene EK6AD on 28 MHz CW. He hasn't had any Es openings into Europe
yet, just one QSO with an ER1 station. Today he hrd SV1DH. He expects the Es to the west
will improve very soon, so if you stille need this one, stay tuned. Last year he was
active mostly on 50110 in CW. Previous post was altered along the way somehow, take II, Oceania 2000 Dx plans
please visit\comment: http://winsoft.net.au/~vk2qf/expo.htm 73 de Nev VK2QF UKSMG #1809 Forget JR6/EH7/9H/PY5 ..lets all move to 5B4!! just finished contact with 5B4FL calling and listening now on 50110 for any stations
in this region Anybody plagued by spluttery QRN on six?If so have they identified the source?Had it
for years out here in the country,nearest neighbour 100m away but farmyard within 60m.Can
be quiet for couple of days then the torment begins again.Give me neat white noise any
time.Could an electric fence cause this?Any experts with info please?73,Bill GW3MFY. When *~!? pffffff. Thanks Peter! ---10.144Mhz---I'll have a listen. CU on 6m! -Mike try "km1h@juno.com" Anyone has experience KM1H modified SB-200 for 6mtr ? any info for 572B on 6 ? PWR ?
best 73's ... Yes Mike, 10.144 MHz is the QRG. WWV is a problem here, so I listen to than one most
of the time. David, thanks for info. Oceania expedition plans for six metres next year see: >73 Nev. Hi David, et al. Can u pse give me the QRG of DK0WCY? I haven't tuned for it in
years and have lost the freq. Seems to me it was something like 10.144 & 18.069??????
(hi) thanks much, Mike ve9aa/p fn76oc....look fwd to hearing you lads soon on Es ! Peter, Re DK0WCY, It has made this error on several occasions recently. I think it
is meant to be sending a K of 1 but for some reason sends 6. Wanted information of reception of VK3SIX reported by 8Q7TT to VK5 this week Event
was about two weeks ago. Or did he hear V73SIX. Date time callsign sequence frequency
speed of morse and grid square id on callsign. No leg pulling please. DK0WCY (Kiel, DL) is giving k=6. This is not supported by the magnetometers >
error on DK0WCY REALAUDIO: 6M 8 may 1999 16:40 7Q7RM finaly DX the first DX since 7/11/98 (tr8ca)!
http://home.wish.net/~pa0oos/7q7rm.ra Now we need is propagation as well........ It looks like the Fo-F2 could become quite high again today Does anyone have an Email adress for GM0ICF ? Thanks Does anybody know who L6AMI is. I worked this station on Sun and would very much
like to confirm the contact. gud DX de gm1wkr - Mike I have for sale a Realistic HTX-100 and a pair of Eimac 4CX250. If you can use
either mail me direct. 73 X-Ray event BEG 9 May 1999 17:53 MAX 9 May 1999 18:07 END 9 May 1999 18:15 UT, good
fr nice aurora on 11/12. May. Gd luck. Not even a squeak on 48.250, no matter what the SFI. Tried Beaming LU direction ...
Also nothing, even though the MUF was almost 46MHz halfway. Seems we have to rely on
"old fasioned" methods like "listen... listen... and listen some more. (I
have heard a pileup on 50 once in the past 15yrs!). Don't moan about bad lattitudes :-) de
Again, F2Fo over Afr way up Hi All, A short note to let everyone know that the ZS1 Six Metre Page has been
updated and the News page is up and running again. Interesting news can be e-mailed to me
at the adress below. Shortly, the ZS1 70MHz beacon is now also operational and full
details can be found on the ZS News Page. The URL again is:
http://homepages.infoseek.com/~zr1ev/index.html. The link to the "Realtime M.U.F.
Map" is also updated to the new URL and is working. 73 and enjoy de from DXLC.COM: Comment added at 18:03 UTC on May 9: The geomagnetic field has been
quiet today. The last of a total of 3 M flares today is currently in progress. It is a
major flare and has reached the M6.3 level as I write this. More information on this flare
will be posted when images have been studied. Yesterday(8th)saw 7Q,Z2 & CX8BE into North London (7Q & Z2
around16.45z,CX8BE 18.45z. The prop drought is over??As for CX8BE your 5&3 also hi hi
Happy hunting 73 Kerry G0LCS XU1YY (JA6HOR/3D2YY/5W1GP/ZK3YY), Yama is expected to be active on 6m during the
stay in Cambodia for a business from 10th to the end of May when he can spare the time.
Request to ja6hor@jarl.com QSL to his home QTH or via buro. QRA: Mr. Yoshiyuki Yamasaki,
QTH: 21-15-401, Toyotama-kita 2, Nerima-ku, Tokyo 176-0012, JAPAN, 73 It is with some regret that I announce that I will be packing up my station tomorrow
morning(Monday 0800Z) and leaving in the afternoon. It is remotely possible that I may
return in three weeks, however it looks like I will be off to a new location with the UN.
I will advise of the new location and call when available. Thanks to all the six metre ops
I have worked on both 6 and 885 and sorry to all those whom I missed. A special thanks to
Dani ZP6CU and Doug ZP6CW who have supported me very well while here. Any outstanding QSLs
please send to Dani as I won't be in position to answer them. Best 73s - Ross
VK1UN/ZS1UN/CN2UN/S07UN ex-XU0UN/C91UN/9A9UN Durung the my summer holiday, in August, I will be active from JM89HO square, in
south Italy. If you is interested to contact this square, please contact me via e-mail. 73
de iw0dgl Giorgio good day for northem Europe band was full Es and TEP/Es - Add new one after working
Duddley from many countries TT8 TL8 TA5 - #102 Z22JE - 73 all Sixshooter's For those who are interested ! - the OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #99-018 is now uploaded at
my website http://www.qsl.net/oz6om vy 73 es gd DX on SIX de OZ6OM They are only simultaniously visuable at US-daytime No propagation? Wanna see solar flares ? look at (1)
http://solar.sec.noaa.gov/rt_plots/xray_1m.cgi and
(2)http://vtt.sunspot.noao.edu/gifs/video/sunnow.jpg at the same time. A big flare in the
graph(1) you can find visually on the sun(2) aswell. Right now 2 areas are flaring: one at
10 o'clock (near the edge, and one at 3 o'clock near the edge. If the flare shows on the
plot it shows on the solarpicture aswell, just look carefully and you'll see. The F2- Fo over N-Africa again way above normal tonight. If you look at
http://www.ips.gov.au/asfc/current/rworldmap.gif you can clearly see why the northern I's
are getting Africa on TE now. Just a note. If anyone has any 6m prop they wanna sell, pse send to North-Eastern NA
! Have to look for a local beacon just to make sure my antenna is still connected. :-)
Have fun guys. Whom else to blame but Murphy, it sounds like something close to one of his many
laws. I love all this sick-meter humour!! It's better than what's happening here - not
even an I station!! QUIZ: Who said "Into each life some rain must fall, some days
must be dark and dreary." (It's from my calendar for May, and honest, he is not a 6m
addict!) How about a cheap monitor creating auroral sounds on 6 ? SFI 141 and rising...Sounds promissing. Jaap, PA0OOS I have a nice 486/50 MHz PC. It
creates activity on 6. Interested? 73, To me it feels like that this 6 meterband never was ment for us, up here in the
arctic zones. The ES openings to south-EU that undoubtedly take place later this year are
only there to inform us about how booming the DX signals where on the rusty dipoles.
Question: Does one have a low noise QTH, if the only thing that can be heard is noise? 73
i love sickmeters jaap The Fo above N-Af about 2 MHz (up to 15 MHZ = = MUF way above 50 MHz) higher than
what we've seen in the past few weeks. Looks like there could be some Au tonight. Increase in protons. The magnetometers
started moving after something impacted the earth just before 16:00 UTC. 6 has picked up today Chris, look at the DX Cluster. (life in the old dog yet). No problems Peter, just go to the UKSMG streamer page when you are down and listen
to 9G with a glass of wine. I've written my initials in the dust of the tuning knob on my
radio. Even work is more interesting than six at the moment! Chris 9G1BJ QRT.....Shhhhh...Pitty I didn't make a recording while he was S7 here during a
good opening. Heard him working south Europe, NO qso...Now nothing....Grrr. But it's only
a hobby! 73, Lack off propagation makes some HAMS aggressive !?* The remark "it's only a
hobby" should be typed more often. Re Geoff, he behaves like another
"collegue" down there. It must be the air or so. Adam et all re: Letter received from Sam Goda WA6JRA: Notice of the paper, I've
requested info from this guy as well with no success, at least you got a reply!, he seems
to slate ALL 50MHz radio's and gives them all minus points in his reviews, however, when I
said I'd publish his findings he pounced on me not to do so!(these were printed on the
50MHz Bulletin) Mind you, it shows how serious HE is abt 50MHz, nobody has hrd him on the
air!! He goes under the name of Goda Labs, many say Goda H???, don't worry abt it.
Geoff/ICD Hal, re Ray S79RH, better he calls cq a lot on 110.5 CW, or can he set up his own
beacon on 105 or something? Well finally a little six activity. Managed to contact EA3ADW 2004Z, CT1DYX,CT1DNF
and CT1CJJ 2130Z. Maybe things will pick up. Letter received from Sam Goda WA6JRA: Notice of the paper, "IMPROVING THE
FT-847 FOR SERIOUS 50 MHZ OPERATION". Having received many vague letters and strange
phone calls, these are my observations: from not serious 50MHz amateurs, the ownership of
the FT-847 is questioned, none seem to be skilled, most all are unable to write which
indicated their possible inability to read. This paper contains now 22 pages of detailed
engineering data, propietry information, analyses, and tests data. The 22 pages can not
possibly fit into a legal size envelope with a 33c stamp. Most all amateurs seem to think
that the paper is free. One copy released can easily result in six or more copies
reproduced throughout the 6M world. Based on above and previous situation, the paper is
withdrawn, and it will not be available to anybody at any price. Sorry. I am returning
your two IRCs, and I am enclosing the 4/1/98, "RECOMMENDED 50MHZ DX BAND PLAN"
---ends--- What a jerk. Who does this guy think he is? Repeated runs of the LASCO movie indicates the presence of a full halo CME. This
makes it highly probable that earth will receive an impact, most probably on May 5 or
maybe even May 6. Active to major storming, perhaps even severe storming is possible from
the time of the impact and 12-24 hours afterwards. Ray, S79RH left South Africa for home last Saturday and will be on Six as time
allows this week using 100w into a dipole. He is leaving there on another business trip
this coming Saturday. I asked him to watch for 5B4 & SV beacons and call on 50.110 if
he hears anything. Good hunting!!! Finally, a major (M-class) flare again. Maybe this one can stirr thing up bit. Peter PY5CC was worked by many 9A stations during ES extendet TEP opening on 01.05
18.00 to 18.25 GMT. Signal was 59 + No any other call from south america. Best 73 ! today 1745z to 1815z PY3ARL/B and LU1DMA/LU8DIO/LU9AEA - Strongs sigs in QSB - 73
Eric Worked AP2WAP on 50.110 CW at 0816z this evening for the first time from JA!! Sergio
was RST529 with QSB. Sergio should be active from AP at least until early June. 6m is
alive in Okinawa paradise. FB DX, Tks Sergio, the site http://www.sixitalia.org/qsl_nw_1/qsl_addr.htm you suggest is
good! I would encourage others to add adrs to this site, eg 8Q7QQ (HB9QQ) ZD7VC 3B9R ZP6CW
5U7DG etc and make it a reference for us all 73 Nick last in ref to m1bjr, not "ajr". OOPS! RE: ve6-G SWL report by m1ajr. He never replied to my direct Email. Does anyone know
this fellow? I know what you mean by "reverse FSK". My bcns on 2,6 & 10m are
also FSK and sound pretty weird on reverse. Sometimes a few characters come through and
sound like something else. I have no idea if the op knows CW or not so don't know what to
make of it.............Hmmmmmmm -de ve9aa/Mike....still scratchin my head (hi) i have a mfj 9406 six meter radio in my truck.today i installed a horz.loop.my
question is:anyone had any advice on a amp? please e mail me! thanks No VE6 beacon here - but there is the "wrong end" of GB3MCB's FSK, of
course. Anyway, as the F layer always switches "off" when my RX is switched
"on", I could well have missed yet another bit of unexpected DX. 73 Mike RE: VE6-G swl report.....Can anyone else validate this? May I also be as so bold (no
offense intended Steve) Do you know CW? -Mike Worked some 9H stations two nights ago.. Are still QRV tonight and tomorrow night
then off again on mission. Meanwhile Peter Casier 5X1T has also gotten one station up with
5 ele 100W so listen out for us. 73 de Mats 5X1Z Hearing VE6EMU, slightly lower than GB3MCB in St Austell at the moment, is this
unusual on six, can't hear much else! 73 Neil G0JHC check netscape mail pse. Welcome to the UKSMG announcement page! We hope that you enjoy this announcement and
chat page. Just click on the e-mail address to send a personal reply to an announcement or
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