Pursuant to due
notice, the meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM Saturday, 6th
April 2002 at Reaseheath Agricultural College near Crewe, UK.
The following
committee members were present: Peter Bowyer G4MJS (Chairman), Chris
Gare G3WOS (Vice Chairman), Chris Deacon G4IFX, Dennis Robbemond
PA7FM, Clive Davies G4FVP, Trevor Day G3ZYY, Dave Toombs
G8FXM (Secretary, ex officio).
Apologies for
absence were received from the following: Iain Philipps GØRDI
(Secretary), Mike Wills G3OIL (Treasurer), Peter Kay GØKUX and
Kerry Rochester G0LCS (retiring committee members), Bob Treacher BRS32525,
Colin Fallaize MUØFAL, David Hewitt G8ZRE, Ivan Privitera 9H5IP,
Jack Braithwaite G3PWK, Brian Bower G3COJ, Jason Rhodes 2E1FUF,
Jeff Cathrow NH7RO (ex KF6GYM), Jose Perez EH7CD, Ken Willis
G8VR, Peter Schleuss HB9RUZ, Peter Scutt G3IBI, Robert Sohl
W6BYA and Ted Collins G4UPS.
The chairman
introduced Dave Toombs G8FXM, who undertook the secretary’s role at the
AGM in the absence of Iain Philipps.
1. Welcome of
The chairman
welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked in particular, the following
overseas guests: HB9QQ, N2NEH, EI3IO, EI7BMB,
YA4F (G4KUX), PA7MM, PA7FM, PA5DD and to
N5JEH to whom the Chairman offered the Group’s thanks for his assistance
with the preparation work for the AGM and Convention.
2. Approval of Minutes of
2001 AGM
On motion of
the Chairman, the minutes of the 2001 UKSMG AGM were approved as published in
‘Six News’ issue 69. Proposed by G8BCG, and seconded by G8BQX.
3. Chairman’s Report
The chairman
opened by commenting on the condition of Solar Cycle 23 over the past 12 months
and it’s so-called demise. With 19 all-time new countries since the last AGM,
Cycle 23 seems to be enjoying a second wind.
The chairman
also commented on the resource difficulties that faced the
committee over the
past 12 months, which had taken up much of the committee’s time.
The Chairman
reported that there had been a slight drop off in membership over the past 12
months. According to the membership database, the membership currently stands
at 934. The Chairman felt however the actual number is probably higher than
this, as some of the outstanding subscriptions are still out with country
managers and some subscriptions have also been received but not yet banked.
Measures to be taken this year should improve membership numbers.
New initiatives
During the last
year, the six-metre community have benefited from on line resources such as DX
Clusters providing information who is on, when and where. This has contributed
greatly to DX being worked, furthering our understanding of the conditions that
favour DX working. As a result of this, the group is turning its attention more
to electronic tools on the web site. Members will be invited to put forwarded
their suggestions and views on the type of services that should be offered in
the coming months.
The Chairman
praised Chris Gare, G3WOS for the marvellous job done so far on
establishing and marinating the group’s website. A new committee position of
Webmaster has been created to take the website further and create the new
services previously mentioned. There are many new membership services in the
planning stage at present, which will require the skills of a Webmaster to
The Chairman
thanked G4CCZ for his continued support in providing hosting facilities
for the UKSMG web site.
The Chairman
stated that sponsorship had received relatively little attention over the past
12 months. The group had however provided the following:
This year
sponsorship had already been agreed or paid towards the costs of PW0T,
TI9M and 8Q7XX. Other proposals were in the pipeline.
The committee
has created the position of DXpedition and Sponsorship Manager to ensure that a
greater focus is applied to this area. Clive Davies G4FVP is fulfilling
this new role.
Other issues
The Chairman
thanked all the country managers for their continued support over the past 12
months, and accepted with regret the resignation of VK4CP. The Chairman
and the Committee thanked VK4CP for his work as Country Manager. This
position is now vacant and the committee will be seeking a replacement. All
liaison via the Secretary.
Iain Phillips,
GØRDI’s illness over the past 12 months had meant that he could not
devote as much time as he would have liked to the role of Secretary.
Consequently, the more proactive functions of the secretary’s role had been put
on the back burner. The issues surrounding collections in local currency have
now been greatly simplified for EU countries with the arrival of the Euro.
The committee will review in the coming months options such as centralised
Payment via
credit card direct from the web site had been suggested, but on further
investigation proved too costly to run.
The Chairman
mentioned the passing of G5KW (membership #1), and advised that the
committee had decided to mark Ken’s outstanding contribution with the
establishment of the G5KW Memorial trophy, donated by committee to be
awarded for the best article to appear in ‘Six News’.
4. Treasurers Report
Trevor Day, G3ZYY
presented the Treasurer’s Report on behalf of the Treasurer as follows:
2001 Report
The report
shows a small surplus on the year and a considerable improvement on budget.
However, the following should be noted:
There are
variations in income and expenditure compared with budget caused by the form of
last years' AGM that were not anticipated at the time
of producing the budget. However the differences balance out positively
There was a
£1000 underspend on DX support
Bank Balances
at 2nd April 2002:
Current account
Deposit account
2002 Budget
at approximately the same level as this year – No subscription increase.
Other income
and sponsorships decreased in line with the requirements of this year’s AGM.
revenue will increase.
Postage and
‘Six News’ production costs increased.
Sponsorship of
DXpeditions and other support has been increased to £1,200, of which
approximately half has already been committed.
Travel costs
are lower as the speakers at this year’s AGM have paid their own travel costs.
AGM budget is a
reserve to cover the financial uncertainty of this new form of AGM.
The forecast
result is negative, as the Committee has decided to use some of the reserve for
DX support at this time in the Sunspot cycle.
On the motion
of the Treasurer Mike Wills, G3OIL (in absentia) to keep subscriptions at
the same level for 2002. Proposed by Trevor Day G3ZYY, seconded by Chris
Gare G3WOS. The motion was carried.
The 2001 event in Bletchley was
not well received by those who attended, due to car parking problems etc. There
was however a good UKSMG audience. The group was approached by the
R.S.G.B. to run some kind of event this year, which spawned this year’s
event. The Convention finances are self supporting, door revenue will pay for
most costs.
A motion to accept the
financial report for 2001 was carried, proposed by Conrad Farlow GØRUZ,
seconded by John Hoban GØEVT.
5. Election of Officers
The Chairman thanked outgoing
committee members Peter Kay, GØKUX and Kerry Rochester, GØLCS for
their outstanding contribution to the Group and continued support.
Chris Gare, G3WOS will be
stepping down from managing the website. This has created new openings in the
committee and the following new positions have been created: Webmaster and
DXpedition & Sponsorship Manager.
Nominations for the committee
had been received by email as follows:
Callsign |
Position |
Proposed |
Seconded |
Chairman |
Vice Chairman |
Treasurer |
Secretary |
Editor |
DXpedition & Sponsorship Manager |
Committee Member |
Contest Manager |
Webmaster |
Awards Manager |
The Chairman asked if
there were any further nominations before a vote was taken. No further
nominations were proposed, the vote was taken and the above were elected to the
committee unopposed.
The Chairman thanked all
committee members and retiring members for their support and hard work for the
6. Presentation of Awards
Peter, G8BCG receives the Ellis Cup on behalf of the G0VSM contest group |
Pierre, HB9QQ (left) presents the Richardson Cup to G0RMG |
The Chairman introduced HB9QQ
who presented the awards as follows:
Award |
Winner |
Presented at AGM |
Richardson Cup |
Summer Contest UK Single-op |
* |
Treasurer's Tray |
Summer Contest SWL |
BRS 32525 |
Novice Tray |
Summer Contest Novice |
2E1FUF |
Ellis Challenge Cup |
Summer Contest UK Multi-op |
* |
(Received by G8BCG) |
Secretary's Salver |
Summer Contest QRP Award |
The Jersey Trophy |
Outstanding Services to 50 MHz |
* |
G8VR Shield |
Summer Contest Rest of World |
KF6GYM/6 |
Cup |
Summer Contest Rest of Europe |
Cup |
Summer Contest Europe Multi-op |
9HØO |
G5KW Memorial Trophy |
Best Original Article in ‘Six News’ |
G8VR |
* |
(Received by 2E1JIM) |
2E1JIM receives the G5KW Memorial Trophy on behalf of Ken Willis, G8VR |
G4IFX (right) receives the Jersey Trophy from HB9QQ |
The Chairman made a special
mention of the 9HØO team (9H5NB, 9H1PA, 9H1PI, 9H1EI and
9H1MR) who have won the
Summer Contest Europe Multi-op two years running.
The G5KW Memorial Award has
been awarded this year to G8VR for his outstanding series of articles entitled
"50 Years of 50 MHz”. As Ken couldn’t make it to the AGM, James 2E1JIM received
the award on his behalf. A second presentation will take place after the AGM
where James will present the award to Ken personally.
7. Group Strategy
Clive Davies,
G4FVP presented
the new five-year strategy for the UKSMG, which follows on from the previous
three-year strategy 1999 - 2001.
This strategy outlines
direction that group will follow for the next five years. There are a lot of
similarities to the previous strategy and it aims to sustain the valuable work
of the Group as the present sunspot cycle declines. The Group aims to remain
international in nature. A summary of the new strategy follows:
Encourage wider use of the six-metre
band especially in countries with few or no resident operators (such as Asia,
Russia etc.) and be a strong advocate for maintaining and extending band
Provide topical and vital
information that extends enjoyment and learning from the six-metre band
Encourage and
publish research into propagation and technical developments
Provide a ‘hobby group’ for all
those interested in the use of the six-metre band and maximise opportunities for
members to be involved in the running of the Group
Encourage good practice in the use
of the six-metre band
Development of Six Metres
Implement projects that are a
vehicle for the development of six metres as an exciting aspect of the amateur
radio hobby by, for example, promoting and supporting beacons etc
Promote and support DXpeditions
Promote fixed
station operation
Encourage more
contact with the scientific fraternity for the purpose of participation and
sharing current learning and encourage our members to take part in this research
Produce or support the publication
of articles, books and other publications either directly as the UKSMG or in
partnership with others
Projects will be prioritised on the
principle of ‘best return for effort’
Maintain the
membership at least at the level at January 2002 and to increase membership
Seek the enthusiasts who wish to
make a long-term commitment to the UKSMG
Achieve and
retain an international membership base
Produce a
broadly balanced budget over the life-span of the strategy
Invest group
funds in our development strategy
Provide a subsidised
and/or free membership service to enthusiastic radio amateurs in developing
Be open and
accountable in the provision of financial information
Promote the UKSMG for the purposes
of attracting new members, retaining existing members and in due course to
encourage members to serve on the UKSMG committee
Raise awareness of six metres
and the potential of the band
Raise awareness
amongst national societies and telecomm administrations
Organise forums, meetings and
seminars with six-metres as the main focus
Good operating practice
Membership Services
Provide both a
high quality and a diverse range of services for members
Continue the
long-term commitment to ‘Six News’
Maintain a high
quality web site on the Internet, providing a range of information services and
A full copy of the strategy is
available on the UKSMG website at http://www.uksmg.org/uksmg_strategy.htm
8. Questions
Bernard Jayne,
G8BFL raised the
issue of the beacon allocation in the current band plan. US CW operators get
upset as they operate in the beacon section of band. In the discussion that
followed, it was agreed that the band plan is not regulated and was in fact a
gentleman’s agreement. Further discussion on this topic was deferred to the
open forum later in the day.
Conrad Farlow,
GØRUZ suggested
that to promote six metres to ITU administrations is a great idea but how do we
do it? Clive Davies, G4FVP advised that the Group does not normally take a
unilateral approach although it had done so on occasion in the past, for
instance with Egypt, which led to the current Egyptian activity.
9. Any other Business
Pre - advised items:
EI3IO asked if there were any
sanctions that the group could impose on recipients of group sponsorship who
refuse to QSL. Clive Davies, G4FVP responded that this point is more of a
historical issue. This issue has highlighted the point that the Group does have DXpedition guidelines but has not had guidelines for the sponsorship of fixed
stations. Clive indicated that he would put a policy in place for fixed station
sponsorship. He further commented that the Committee has to take risks
sometimes but will ensure that recent problems are not repeated. Specific
examples were discussed.
MUØFAL asked what the Group
could do to assist with the legalisation of six metres in Russia. G4FVP replied
that the Group will try to help where it can, but there is no one group in
Russia that could assist.
There being no further
business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.
Summary of motions carried
Motion |
Proposed |
Seconded |
Agree the minutes of 2001 AGM |
Subscriptions to remain unchanged for 2002 |
Accept the
Treasurers financial report for 2001 |