UKSMG publishes articles from past editions of Six News on the web site and links to the various categories can be found on the right. The full edition of Six News is available to members of UKSMG, there are several issues published each year, and members who use the web site can download a copy in Adobe Acrobat PDF format hot off the presses!
For those of you who have recently become interested in operating on the 6M band and have missed the past 10 years or so of Six News editions, there is a wealth of information and resource to be found on these pages, and on the UKSMG web site in general. We hope these pages help to demonstrate what pleasure 6M is capable of giving you as an amateur operator.
Once you have read some of the articles published here you will be able to appreciate for yourself that Six News is essential reading for anyone interested in operating on the 6M band. We look forward to welcoming you as a member of UKSMG and providing you with many more excellent and fascinating articles! There are links on the left to pages which will give you more information on the UKSMG and membership, if you are convinced already and don't want to waste any more time you can become a member here
Complimentary Issue of Six News issues now available for free downloadUKSMG are pleased to announce that a complimentary issue of Six News is now available for free download as Adobe PDF documents available in both high and low resolution versions. These can easily be read on a Computer, and readers for the most popular operating systems are included so you can start to read the issues straight away! Your free complimentary issue may be downloaded from one the links below.
Six News issues now available on CD
Six News Categories... |