UKSMG Announcement page
'Code of Practice' [
v1.0 July 1999 ]
This Announcement Page is a unique resource
supported and managed by the UK Six Metre Group (UKSMG) on behalf of 6m
enthusiasts around the world for their exclusive benefit.
Unlike a web-based newsletter, such as those that can be
accessed from the Announcement Page, anyone can post comments, messages and
information themselves with minimum effort. We run the page this way to encourage
maximum communication and to make the page THE page to go to every day to find out
what is going on - and what has gone on - on 6m. We want
to encourage you all to come to page several times a day.
Because of this flexibility and openness, the UKSMG places
its trust in both members and non-members to treat the page and its
readers with respect and not to abuse the facility. This Code of Practice
provides you with guidelines for postings which we hope all of you will
abide by. If not, you risk the UKSMG taking the page down which would remove one
the most important resources available to you to help you work 6m DX.
This Announcement Page is read by several thousand
people around the world every day. Many are reading it for the first time so
please lets create a positive image for amateur radio in general, the UKSMG and
6m in particular. We want to encourage new operators onto the band not discourage
Remember, this page is read my many thousands of your
6m colleagues daily. Your personal reputation and image around the world will be
determined by the nature of your postings. Do you want to create a poor image
for yourself? If not, then please abide then by the
guidelines below.
Guidelines and etiquette
/ spirit for users.
- This page is intended to be used for
sharing information concerned with 6m DX activity world-wide. This includes DXpedition
activity, QSL information, information on 6m openings, thank you messages,
beacon info, "wow, 6m is fantastic" messages etc. If you have
information that others will find interesting then post it!
- Please keep your posting SHORT and certainly no more
than ten lines of text.
- This page is NOT intended to compete with web-based (1)
DXclusters or (2) e-mail based 6m discussion reflectors or (3) USENET
amateur radio discussion groups. Please think about your post and decide whether one of these other mechanisms is a better way of disseminating
your views or issues.
- DO NOT make personal attacks on individuals or post
rumour or comment that could upset a fellow 6m operator. This will only
create problems for all of us.
- This page is NOT intended to be used for extended
debate on a particular issue. If there is an issue you would like to air,
then use one of the 6m e-mail reflectors which is a suitable mechanism for
long discussion threads.
- DO NOT use the announcement page for moans, groans,
bickering, griping, propaganda, innuendo or argumentative attacks. We have
specifically set up a "moans, groans and gripes page" for
this activity. If you wish to post a mail on this page send a mail with the
Subject as "moans, groans and gripes". Don't forget to say whether
the posting should be anonymous or attributed.
- DO NOT use bad language and DO NOT use character
strings such as " !!"£$%% " in their place.
- DO NOT post anonymous messages.
- Do not place your comments concerning information
posted on other 6m web pages which have a 'no right of reply' capability.
- If someone does post a message that breaks one of the
above guidelines DO NOT 'rise to the bait' and post a response as this will
just inflame the issue and make it worse. Count to ten and then have a cup
of tea or a beer instead!
Our rights as the UKSMG
- The opinions expressed on the page are those of the
posters alone and NOT those of the UKSMG.
- The Manager of the UKSMG web site reserves the right to delete with or without comment, discussion or
debate any posting that he deems is not in line with the etiquette and spirit
of the page.
- For persistent offenders, the Manager of the UKSMG web
site can and will block access to the site.
- The Manager of the UKSMG web site
reserves the right to remove the Announcement Page from the web at any time without notice if
an unacceptable thread of debate persists despite warnings or removal.
Return to the
announcement page click here