The UKSMG is "dedicated to encouraging amateur radio on 50MHz around the world" and one of the principle ways of achieving this goal is to sponsor beacons and 6m-oriented DXpeditions. Over the years, UKSMG is proud to have been associated with some of the best DXpeditions that have taken place giving 6m enthusiasts a string of new countries to add their totals. UKSMG is equally keen to support Beacon Projects and welcomes such requests so long as they are frequency co-ordinated. We have in the past provided antennas, complete beacon TX/keyer, PA units and assistance with shipping costs. .
Conditions for Sponsorship
If you
are planning a DXpedition and would like our help, here are the conditions we
would expect you to meet:
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The 6m station should be given at least equal priority to other bands. The UKSMG will favour DXpeditions that are either fully dedicated to 6m or at least have a dedicated 6m operator. |
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In general the UKSMG will only support DXpeditions to countries that are considered 'rare' or where 6m has not been previously activated this solar cycle. |
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The DXpedition agrees to provide UKSMG with a 50MHz focussed expedition report and / or photographs for inclusion in Six News. We would also hope to work with major expeditions regarding the possibility of a presentation at a future UKSMG event.
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The DXpedition agrees to use the UKSMG logo on their QSL card and to use the logo together with a web address/link to",
on the expedition web site.
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The DXpedition agrees to include mention of UKSMG sponsorship in pre-trip promotional material.
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The DXpedition should operate in a professional manner that does not bring the UKSMG into disrepute.
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The DXpedition should operate the 6m station in line with host country licence terms and all current and accepted 6m operating practices.
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The DXpedition agrees to abide by
the UKSMG's Voluntary Operating Code of Practice for
6m Operators in all its activities. |
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The DXpedition agrees to QSL direct all valid requests received with IRC / SAE in a timely manner. (Buro QSL optional - but clearly stated.)
If you
are planning a DXpedition and would like our help, here are the conditions we
would expect you to meet:
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The beacon should be properly licenced and frequency coordinated.
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UKSMG will only support beacons in countries / regions where none currently exist or where an existing beacon has suffered a terminal malfunction. |
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The Beacon Keeper / organiser agrees to provide UKSMG with a report and / or photographs for inclusion in Six News. |
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The Beacon Keeper / organiser agrees to include mention of UKSMG sponsorship in any publicity about the project. |
Procedure to obtain sponsorship
is the process the UKSMG will follow when it receives a sponsorship request:
1 | A formal for sponsorship should be sent to the
for sponsorship should be sent to the Sponsorship Manager. Please provide as much information about your plans as possible. The UKSMG Committee pledge to maintain confidentiality if requested.
(a) | UKSMG would expect that no publicity is undertaken about UKSMG sponsorship prior to a request being granted.
(b) | Only in exceptional circumstances will the UKSMG consider providing sponsorship retrospectively. |
2 | The request will be reviewed by the UKSMG Committee who will make an 'in principle' decision regarding sponsorship.
(a) | The UKSMG reserves the right to involve any third party that it requires to help make the sponsorship decision. |
(b) | The UKSMG reserves the right to ask the requestor for any further information it might require in coming to a decision.
3 | The Committee will send an e-mail to the requestor to inform them of the decision and, if positive, the amount / type of sponsorship offered.
(a) | The UKSMG reserves the right to withdraw the offer sponsorship if Conditions outlined above are not met.
(b) | The UKSMG has limited funds available for sponsorship in any given financial year. It is therefore possible that, even though a DXpedition meets our requirements, we may not be able to provide sponsorship if we have already exceeded our funding budget for that year. |
(c) | The UKSMG reserves
the right to decide the form that the sponsorship may take i.e. cash,
purchase or provision of equipment or provision of QSL cards. |
4 | If the UKSMG agrees to provide sponsorship the requestor will acknowledge the receipt of support and agree to the UKSMG's Conditions as provided above. If financial assistance is offered this will normally be transfered directly to the DXpedition / Beacon Keeper bank account. |