The famous 'signpost' put
up by troops during the Falklands war
As I would have expected, today was not like yesterday. However it was still pretty good! As I was alerted by yesterday's activities, I heard a couple of ZS1s (including ZS1A) calling CQ briefly in the morning but they came and went without QSOs. Later I worked a pile of European stations including IK0OKY. Right in the middle of this I was called by LU7FA in FF96 but unlike yesterday, this was on a direct path! I turned the beam but unfortunately couldn't raise any more LUs.
At about one o'clock the band
opened up to the W4 area and I worked page full of W4 stations (Listen to KD4ESV,
K2RTH and
WB2QLP and K4JBL). One of the interesting QSOs was WP4O who was only using a
vertical on his balcony! This was rounded
off by hearing PJ2/WZ8D but I couldn't break the s9 US pileup.
Interestingly, there were a number W5s in that pileup who were coming through
quite strongly. I had to go QRT shortly after this to give a two three
presentations around the island.
I suspect that there was not much propagation after this as Keith was listening on 110 for an opening but didn't hear much. Tomorrow is my last day so I wonder what that will bring? I have an early morning meeting with Councillors and later with the Governor of the Islands but after that I can get back to 6m for that crucial midday period!