When I received an invite from Cable
& Wireless' country manager in the Falkland Islands to visit them and talk
to various parties about e-commerce and the Internet I proverbially leapt down
his throat! I had always wanted to visit the islands, not only for the 6m radio
possibilities, but because it was such an unusual and remote place to visit.
Although this was primarily a business trip, I was sure that I would be able to
devote some time to 6m. What more could one ask for?
The Falkland Islands are a l-o-n-g
w-a-y south!
Before I left the UK I managed to
organise my local call, VP8DBL (a call that cost me just £20 and lasts for
life!) and with the help of Ian, M0BCG, I made telephone and e-mail contact with
Keith, VP8CMT. Ian had been trying to get a 5-element beam down to Keith so I
agreed to buy one, take it down and leave it. Keith agreed that I could use his
shack and tower while in the Falklands making the organisation of the 6m side of
the trip even
Ascension Island,
looking north
I would be staying in a hotel in Stanley
(one of the only two) and it seemed that Keith's house was only a five-minute
walk from the hotel. Stanley is only the size of an English village anyway and
everything is within 10 minutes walk, the pubs, the Post Office, the power
station etc.
I wrote the following review of events
at the end of each day so to capture events as they happen. You will read later
that things got pretty exciting as the week went on!