
November 2001
David, there is eskip every year to work, 3hop to 4 hop (8000km) should be common ! caribean should be able to get into europe june july in years of low sunspot activity, that is if you look for europe. I'm pretty sure you'll enjoy F2 DX in next 2 perhaps 3 years to come
73 Johan
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 19:45:27 (GMT/BST)
good to see condx picking up again .. long may it last ...thanks charlie(vr2xmt) rec qsl card this morning and also to pavel(od5/ok1mu) your card arrived yesterday.
cant wait to see what tomorrow brings .... 73 all ..ray
Ray Gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 18:41:07 (GMT/BST)
Wondering if some of the OT's could help me on this. Even though I have had 6m since the mid 80's most of my experience(listening time) has occured in the past 3-4 years. I have heard that the 2 years after the peak in the solar cycle provides decent condx, both Es and F2. Is this true? If so would indicate next year should be good also. I know what the run up to a peak is like but am interested in finding out how the downhill slide is compared to the up hill side. About the same, worse, whatever? Asking because am thinking of making some improvements but do not want to spend the time and money if the next couple years are expected to be relatively quiet. Thanks. 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc qsl.net>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 18:22:18 (GMT/BST)
The current AUSSIE vs US Dollar exchange rate and the use of 2 IRC's to send 3 QSL cards airmail post card rate, I rarely if ever us the dollars for postage but for replenishing the stock of qsl cards. And given that many US stations often send US$2 which cashes in for $A4.00 there is always a surplus of fundsd and in my case (can't speak for others) the surplus is used to send cards back to those with an SAE and no contents, the rest go via the bureau if possible. A certain ET dxer bought a DX3 amp with his US dollar proceeds ($A5000). For the record I am 100% qsl and honour bound to do just that. As for YU1 or whoever boycott them, posting about it is pretty pointless because if he won't qsl he is not likely to defend it here.
vk3six <call at qsl.net>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 16:52:27 (GMT/BST)
Re USD$ and qsling, real source of concern. If in doubt pay the price and send registered. Re the tiring re-occurence of email born viruses, from hams including JA1KAW and K9KL so far this week my NAV 2002 firewall swatted them. Like the qsl debate, if hams use PC;s they have to practice safe computing it is fundamental, mandatory and not worth the words, there is no short cut and should be part of your bag of tricks unless you eventually want to trash a hard drive. If I lost all the 4W6UN logs on my PC and you didn't get a card because of it, can I imagine what would be said here? enuff sed.
vk3six <call at qsl.net>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 16:44:57 (GMT/BST)
Re: Virus. Recently a DX station sent to me a vacant e-mail with attached file: CARD.DOC.pif(40kB) and ATT0000xx.txt(0kB). Its subject was re:xxxx. xxxx was one which I sent to him.I never thought it was a virus and opened it but fortunately my browser and mailer software are robust enough as my final device. If you are using IE, download IE 5.5 Internet Service Pack 2 or IE 6.0 at Microsoft's site to avoid any trouble. Besides e-mail, he sent to me a QSL of new entity via air mail. Thanks for new one.
Han JE1BMJ <callsign(at)jarl.com>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 15:39:34 (GMT/BST)
To All My computer got infected with a visrus a few days ago. I hope it did not harm your pc!.
Thanks to pa5wx who helped me to clean my pc and to change
to newer software.I hope it wont happen again!!!!!!
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt@bart.nl>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 13:34:04 (GMT/BST)
Some of my friends told me that they had received a QSL from YU1EU. They all sent their QSL with $1. It seems that it took a little long time to receive a reply. (about 3 months)
Hiro JG3LEB <jg3leb(at)mxp.mesh.ne.jp>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 03:58:54 (GMT/BST)
Timing!!! I was about to send off YU1EU a QSL today... I'll wait and see before I waste my money. Any other YU's want to exchange cards direct?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Friday, November 30, 2001 at 01:40:37 (GMT/BST)
Worked 9G5FH on 50MHz and 28MHz today. Fred Hanscombe G4BWP and the group will be active on 50MHz Friday and Saturday. They leave for the UK on Sunday. They are in IJ95VN Accra Ghana. QSL via G4BWP.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr(at)btinternet.com>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 20:25:55 (GMT/BST)
Today XV3AA qsl with the post. Very fast within 14 days!
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 17:45:07 (GMT/BST)
RCVD QSL from HP2CWB very fast - TNX & 73
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf@darc.de>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 16:06:20 (GMT/BST)
RE IRC debate: Dont forget that in some countries getting green stamps via the mail is illegal.. for example XW. Otherwise i compleatly agree. SAE and Green stamp every time!
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 13:01:52 (GMT/BST)
XW0X card arrived in the post today. Great card Hiroo thanks!
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 12:58:17 (GMT/BST)
Could anyone tell me a way to get in touch with YU1EU. I worked him in July and sent cards, and green stamps, twice. Still no QSL, just wondering if they are getting to him. Does he have e-mail ?? Thanks
Bill W4TJ <w4tj@adelphia.net>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 12:24:13 (GMT/BST)
Adam, try a smaller post office or agency, if they are busy, they dont look!! they just give me the goodies, maybe they vote for the little bloke that wears glasses and believe anything.
cheers from hot 33c Perth
Graham VK6RO <vk6rohotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 11:01:04 (GMT/BST)
Jacek, qsp fm Ed, 73's!
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 09:45:41 (GMT/BST)
Just rcvd qsl from DU1EV - qso Oct 27th - after 4,5 week. Of course direct and green stamp, no IRC. Sent from DU Nov 19th. Tnx Eddie, Cuagn
Jacek SP1CNV <pola@icmax.com.pl>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 09:16:01 (GMT/BST)
We do not particularly like to receive IRC's here in DU. It is quite a problem to get the local PO's to accept them. Green stamps rule!
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 07:20:07 (GMT/BST)
Re IRC. Here in HB its even more compleX. We pay Sfr 1.80 fon an IRC but it is only valid Sfr 1.30 which is not even enough for an ordinary mail outside EU. Otherwise no problems using IRC's here. 73
- Thursday, November 29, 2001 at 06:44:04 (GMT/BST)
The Telecommunications dept said the confusion was because he had paid the fees late. Which of course is OK. 73's
david ZF1DC <zf1dc qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 23:24:15 (GMT/BST)
My apologies. The Telecommunication Dept here called me back this afternoon to say that the information THEY had provide me with regarding ZF2NT's licence was incorrect. He has in fact paid up for 2001 so all contacts this year are VALID. I am very sorry to all whom I gave a heart attack to. Also am sorry to ZF2NT whom I have never met so this was not personal. Congrats to all who worked him. 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 23:22:51 (GMT/BST)
The postal service in SU is VERY slow but SU1SK will reply once he gets your card . Post from UK to Cairo is 7 days and from Cairo to UK can be anything up to 14days !!
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 21:27:33 (GMT/BST)
Well today is the day that I received my DXCC-qsl #100, thanks to 9V1uv !
Still waiting for a few to come.
But the qsl that's worries me is SU1SK.
I've been sending him more that one e-mail but no reply, besides the one with confirmation on his address right after our qso.
Does anyone has any clue how to reach him via e-mail ?
For now GD DX on the MAGIC band, cul in pile-ups !
Michael, PA3GST <pa3gst@hetnet.nl>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 20:20:20 (GMT/BST)
Re IRC's if the postal authorities read their standing orders the IRC is subject to the vagaries of each post office, so if you get hassled go to another BIGGER post office. I have processed over 100,000 IRCs in 20 years and never had a problem even with expired ones ten years old.... even the ones where they have stuck on extra stamps. And yes Hams do horse trade IRC's es in HF dxing, they have for decades, they even sell them to each other. Next to the greenback it is a universal currency. In Australia one IRC will get you a first step airmail stamp ($1.50) and sending out card rate ($1.00) with the flap tucked in you can amass a surplus to send out cards without sufficient funds. You can even avoid the hassle where some PO counter staff claim if the IRC is issued in Japan you can't get a stamp for Europe. 1 IRC in VK will get a card back anywhere in the world AIRMAIL.
vk3six <call at qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 20:12:58 (GMT/BST)
Virus: Thanks guys, let's lay the virus messages to rest here now. There has been, and there is continuing to be, a plague of WORM_BADTRANS.B infected mails but I guess we all know about it now and there are better pages to go to for info. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 18:47:47 (GMT/BST)
Timon -- P A 9 K T -- is sending Re:---- messages containing a VIRUS. DO NOT OPEN THESE MESSAGES BUT THROW THEM AWAY (SHIFT+DELETE)
peter, pa1six <no@mail>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 18:40:05 (GMT/BST)
pablo OA4DJW: Great to work you yesterday. tried e- mailing you but got: One or more of the recipients of your message did not receive it because they would have exceeded their mailbox size limit. User quota exceeded: SMTP Pse check my website for recording of our QSO. 73 Peter
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcgqsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 18:17:24 (GMT/BST)
Tnx all for my 32 Country in less than 2 months, I´m qrv every day from 12.30 to 15.30 UTC and 18.30 to 05.00 UTC.
Working condition 100 wats and 3 elem. short yagui.I said... TNX Jack!! N6XQ for give me your IC 706 for work 6 mts is a nice band!!!.I hope give to all one chance for work OA. My QSL ok via bureau or qrz.com.
73 de Pablo OA4DJW
Pablo OA4DJW <oa4djwqsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 16:48:33 (GMT/BST)
Regarding INTERNATIONAL REPLY COUPONS,I have found that most of the post offices I get them from do not know that they have to be stamped on the left hand box, the newer ones have GREAT BRITAIN marked on the left hand box.73
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 16:32:59 (GMT/BST)
well..Just received a phone call saying that ZF2NT has not renewed his license for 2001. That means all contacts made during this year should be considered invalid. Contacts made in 2000 are valid. This is the second time he has not bothered to renew his license. Last time was for a few years prior to 2000. If you look at his website even he admits it is easy to obtain and renew licenses. For some reason he does not think he needs to. It maybe because he is cheap(it cost $20/year)? or just lazy(can be done through mail/fax or in person)? These people give us a bad name!
David ZF1DC <zf1dc qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 16:31:12 (GMT/BST)
re IRC's.
It's even more strange in my qth. They have no idea about any stamp on an IRC. So also with stamped on the right side of the IRC is accepted here...or both, or not stamped at all.
But Ray..every postoffice in PA has to accept IRC's as it's an official piece of paper. And as long as PA in in the international postal union they will have to accept it. But since oktober 1st they won't give you a stamp anymore. but they will pay you the value of it in money, that's the new rule in PA. They also won't sell you one stamp, just in a minimun package of 5 stamps. so exchange 5 IRC's in a time...you'll get 5 priority stamps. ( Or at least they should do so ).
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm@amsat.org>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 16:28:27 (GMT/BST)
Anyone knows the route for VP5/K5CM ? Thanks and 73's everybody!
Chris 4X1RF <4x1rf@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 15:30:36 (GMT/BST)
I regret to inform everyone that Clare Sutton - W8CMS, one of the great original 6 meter DXers, passed away this past Sunday at age 94. Clare made many "first USA QSOs" with several countries. Even at age 94 he was still on the air until recently. Clare was fine gentleman and I feel honored to have known him. Some of the local hamfests will just not be the same with his passing. RIP Clare.
Don K8MFO <k8mfo@aol.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 14:57:37 (GMT/BST)
PA4PA ... hi always there is some PO people to say so...
but they always find IRC good if you contact them chief's
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 14:24:13 (GMT/BST)
IRC's: Remember K2RTH's MSG here in this board at November 04, 2001 at 16:26:56 (GMT/BST): "(...snip...) By the way, it is the PO who have made the errors in the first place, we paid real money for their foulups, so dont feel like you are getting something for nothing (...snip...)" PSE read the full MSG from Bruce yourself. I fully agree with him. 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf@darc.de>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 14:01:22 (GMT/BST)
RE:IRC, They are considered valid here in PA even without the left side stamped. The only thing they pay attention to here is that the right side is not stamped. Right side have to be stamped when the PO is accepting them. The problem I got here is that my local PO announced they will no longer accept them in the future. So if any of you want to QSL me direct (or for the UN7GM QSL) don't put IRC's in there, PLEASE.
73 Ray
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa@50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 13:39:09 (GMT/BST)
Peter - No tickee no laundry!
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 13:17:52 (GMT/BST)
Chris: I know this isn't the gripes page but... I've had lots of QSLs from the recent big F2 openings to USA - may without envelope and several QSLs sent as postcards - how quaint! It's weird that these very cards are the ones that say - need your card to confirm new country or new sq etc :-) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcgqsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 12:18:33 (GMT/BST)
I have sent most of the VP8 cards out and they are still trickling in. YET AGAIN, I'm amazed that there are at least 6 that did not include an addressed envelope - all are US stations. I have had an email from at least one chasing my card as he is on @ 99 confirmed! These, I'm afraid are sitting on a corner of my desk as I don't like writing envelopes. Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <g3wos(at)uksmg>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 12:04:49 (GMT/BST)
Everyone got one Neil - we all share the title this week! Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <g3wos(at)uksmg>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 11:57:50 (GMT/BST)
Neil: The year's not over, it's quite likely someone else will take over the title. The so-called G8ASO is not the real one BTW.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 10:11:17 (GMT/BST)
IRC's - Senders of IRCs should ensure the left box is stamped by the originating P.O. otherwise they are worthless. I have received many lately for VK4CP/P cards and clearly some have been passed on... like a hot potato! The final courtesy (just after the QSL itself) is to make sure the IRC is valid!!!
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 09:59:01 (GMT/BST)
Nick/5B4FL (and maybe others) use my hotmail.com address as a back up. "JANET" playing up. I'll try and route out your mail inbetween all the Rubbish. Was I the only one lucky enough to win the G8ASO "c**t of the week award on 6m" last week, or did we all get it? I was hoping Id been singled out, but maybe not?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk ...when it works!>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 08:41:27 (GMT/BST)
Interesting afternoon here in the south west UK: P49MR 59+++, OA4DJW (#139) loud on top of HC2FG on .110 (sorry Gus), then HC8N SSB .110 and finally VP5/K5CM on top of HC8N S9+++. Asked VP5 to QSY and had a nice S9 chat with VP5s K5CM and N5KW. Virtually no backscatter - just noise floor and BIG DX. More please :-) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 06:55:19 (GMT/BST)
QSL: around 10% of the direct QSL requests I get after a good opening are proven to be ”optimistic”. It could be me being a poor operator but many of the requests are dated on a date when I was not QRV or at a time when the opening was long gone. The “very typical optimist” always reports, on his card, sending 319 or 339 to me…….. Occasionally I hear people operating “in stereo”. If I fail to catch the unlucky one, I always make a note in my log for future reference. SWL: A SWL reporting only date and time of a single QSO, without any further info will always have a hard time to get my QSL. E-mail request: The new “trial and error method” to get a new DXCC confirmed is to send a mail saying: “Did you copy me???” In this case more then 50% are “optimists”. Cluster/web: Some guys ask: “Who was the station in JO65 I worked??” others spot “tnx QSO sent 559 JO65”. Well, it’s only a hobby……………………..
Bo, SM7FJE <bn****aaaaa.se>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 06:39:48 (GMT/BST)
Neil: Have you put me on your stop list? Or is your Mail server sick again? (for days....) Is this the only way I can congratulate you on wkg OA4DJW (and mention I did so too (YEAH!!!!!)
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 06:07:42 (GMT/BST)
David/ASR, perhaps they were all at work (like me!). I have
calculated I've missed about a dozen possible countries
just in November alone! I can't complain though. 15 new ones
in the last year has me sitting @ 115 and working Hawaii a week or so ago for W.A.S. was a 10 year dream come true!
When I retire in 30 years, I think I'll go for 200 countries, hi hi!! Mike VE9AA
Mike VE9AA <see prev. msg>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 02:27:41 (GMT/BST)
> If anyone got an Email from me today, don't open ANY attachements. It's a virus! (from some 6m mailing list I think) My AV never picked it up til I updated it with the most recent updates. SORRY!
ve9aa Mike <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 02:24:14 (GMT/BST)
PY0FM: QSL card for October contacts were all issued until yesterday to whom sent me SASE properly. 73,
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok@jarl.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 00:24:53 (GMT/BST)
Hola from Quito. HC8N worked ZD8, J6, J8, KP4, YV and JA last night. A YV qrp mobile was 59 per N1KI! We taped many of the EU and JA QSOs as a running .mp3 file and at some point parts of it may be posted on the web. N5KO and KM3T leave Nov. 28. Many of the EU stations and JAs were 20 over 9. de N0JK
Jon N0JK <n0jk at hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 28, 2001 at 00:06:51 (GMT/BST)
RE D68C, just seen a post on the Cluster informing everyone that they are still being processed, over 160,000 QSO's so Im sure if you sent cards you will receive your return eventually
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 20:35:34 (GMT/BST)
Cheers David, heard my first VK 13 years ago and still haven't got one in the log: heard VK for the first time this cycle only a week ago (VK6RSX bcn). It ain't all bad though, never imagined I'd get XW or 9M2 in the log :-) Magic band indeed.
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvqfatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 20:19:26 (GMT/BST)
Received HP1AC's card yesterday via EA5KB. That's within 10 days turnaround ! I wish all QSL manager were as fast as this guy. Super ! Today I worked OA4DJW for DXCC #185 (missed the OA8 4 times in the last cycle)in a 5 minute opening. So, there flows the beer again ...
Enno, PA5EA <cw(at)dx.nl>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 19:58:53 (GMT/BST)
Not worked VK on 6M yet? Well read on. Don't give up hope just yet. Propagation at the moment reminds me very much of that which occurred in 1989. VK's in October and then February. This continued in 1990 - 1991 - 1992. On 8 February 1992 running 8W from a Mutek transverter into a small 5-element Tonna I worked VK6HK, VK6YU, VK6KZ, VK6AKT, VK6SQ, VK6JJ, VK6HK, VK6KRC, VK6WD & VK6RO, all with 59 signals bothways. The next few equinox periods will hopefully be very good for worldwide DX.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asrbtinternet.com>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 19:38:54 (GMT/BST)
ON4ANT, I think you should send NOT IN LOG instead swl
confirmation,still you don't have proof he hrd you!?
Sometimes I also receive strange qsl request's like IT9
stn on 2m ....
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 19:35:13 (GMT/BST)
Raj VU2ZAP appeared on 50.110MHz at S9 between 1102-1115z today. He called CQ for ages but I didnt hear him working anyone alse apart from myself. Strange propagation...
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr at btinternet.com>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 19:26:13 (GMT/BST)
I don't get it, again a JQ3 qsl request for his first ON, but he was not in the log. Strangely enough my brother ON4GG got the same qsl request last week, and other ON's got the same. I've turned my log up side down for a busted call, but alas not in the log. So i'll send him a SWL confirmation because thats all it can be...
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 17:26:16 (GMT/BST)
A number of people mentioned getting virus'd even though they have scanning software.
You MUST have file scans set to scan compressed files - if you don't you won't catch em!
anyone who is on BT Openworld will already have received the virus - BT kindly emailed it to all their OW customers!
For the sake of a few pounds - invest in some AV software - it will save you heartache in the long run!
Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plmemn.org.uk>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 17:16:08 (GMT/BST)
I got D68C card at least 6 weeks ago! Also very fast service from V73AT,QSL came here yesterday /3 weeks!/.
Rys&SP5EWY <rtym@ippt.gov.pl>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 16:27:21 (GMT/BST)
On D68 cards, had mine back a few months ago for a 160m contact, no 6m - sigh!
Kerry G0LCS <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 14:24:17 (GMT/BST)
VE3BW Joe, make sure e-mail protection is configured under norton antivirus, it normally has to be setup for ur server, also get latest dat files using "live Update"
Virus removal tools available for specific virus's at http://www.symantec.com/avcenter/tools.list.html
Sorry Chris...Chas 73's
Charles EI5FK <chas_at_yahoo_dot_com>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 13:04:33 (GMT/BST)
Got hit with magistr virus Saturday, Norton had no effect !
Nil condx on 6 from FN03
Joe VE3BW <ve3bw@sympatico.ca>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 12:33:43 (GMT/BST)
Any information about D68C QSL cards? I did send them directly 5 mounths ago (no rush, just a little bit worried).
Jan, S58J <pungarsek@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 12:15:32 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone give me a valid email address for Graham G0VNW, the qrz.com one does not work.Thankyou
Conrad G0RUZ <g0ruzbtinternet.com>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 03:17:29 (GMT/BST)
Can someone help with information where we can get this part.
Our club OY6FRA has a Yaesu FT 726R V/UHF TXRX.
The tube in the display unit is burnt-out.
Yaesu part nr. is G6090031 ( FIP12A5A )
Nil conds. on 6m since nov 22
Regards Jon, OY9JD
Jon, OY9JD <jon-dam@post.olivant.fo>
- Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 02:05:14 (GMT/BST)
ZD8KW now qrv 6m again from today , ts660 and hl66v amp into short 7 ele yagi , he is monitoring 50110 ssb , no beacon running on zd8 yet but parcel containing temporary beacon tcvr arrived this week , hopefully david zd8db will setup in next few weeks or sooner, a temp beacon running 5w power .
ian m0bcg <m0bcg@btinternet.com>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 22:23:47 (GMT/BST)
VIRUS: PS - both Norton and McAffee sites seem to be grinding to a halt with the enquiry load!
Peter G8BCG <g8bcgqsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 21:05:08 (GMT/BST)
VIRUS: Another warning - the "W32.Badtrans.B@mm" virus is spreading like crazy - I've received over 20 blank infected e-mails this afternoon and the rate is speeding up. If you don'y have current virus protection watch out!
Peter G8BCG <g8bcgqsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 21:04:08 (GMT/BST)
OZ6OM - QRV in NAC 50 MHz section Tuesday November 27 th. 18:00 - 22:00 UT. I will be QRV round 50.173 MHz ± QRM. More info and pictures can be found at www.qsl.net/oz6om/nac6oz6om.html Hope to see You down the log vy 73 de
Matt OZ6OM <oz6om@qsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 20:08:43 (GMT/BST)
David ZF1DC: As far as I know you can only look back 1000 or 10000 spots on DXsummit through the spot database search. By the way not all spots that were transmitted are shown there. 73
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 19:46:35 (GMT/BST)
More Firsts updates now done. www.g4igo.freeuk.com/
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 19:29:55 (GMT/BST)
Just Received J28FF QSL direct via F6ITD today. Thanks Henri..
Cliff G1IOV <M5ACU***hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 19:25:23 (GMT/BST)
(26 Nov.01 @1845hrs UTC) Congrats to UKSMG member Martyn (G6IVC)for passing his CW Test...jolly good show!(Chris..N2NEH)
Chris (N2NEH) <n2neh@arrl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 18:44:49 (GMT/BST)
Sri for multiple posts today. Have noticed in some qsl address databases that ZF1RC is via a mgr. This is INCORRECT!!! Qsl for ZF1RC is direct only. QRZ.com has correct address as well as my page www.qsl.net/zf1dc/ 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 17:33:55 (GMT/BST)
About the TY expedition QSL’s, be patient, please. The printer is late. As soon as the cards arrive, they will be mailed. It’s nothing to worry about !
73 Georges
Georges F8OP <f8op@wanadoo.fr>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 16:47:12 (GMT/BST)
Anyone know a link to look at all spots for 6m from DXsummit for the prior day or 24hrs? I know it exists cause I stumbled across it some time ago but did not boomark, doh! 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 16:36:13 (GMT/BST)
Last couple of days I have received QSL from 9M6US, VU2ZAP,
AA1ON and DU1EV. Thanks everyone !
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 15:21:00 (GMT/BST)
PJ2MI said qsl via W2CQ. 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 15:09:34 (GMT/BST)
who is in fk58?
jan pe1gnp
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 14:48:47 (GMT/BST)
Today de 12.35 UTC to 12.57 UTC nice opening to KP4. I wkd KP4EIT, WP4KJJ, WP4G, WP4Q and KP4EOR from FK58,FK68 and FK78. Nice Signals 59 -59++ in JO30BU. 73 and best dx de Hans
Hans, DL8PM <dl8pm@darc.de>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 14:24:53 (GMT/BST)
As last night (Sunday) HC8N has made 2,800 QSO's on about 40 countries and 3 more days to go.
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 14:09:49 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, can anyone help me about PJ2MI qsl route????
Tnx in advance and 73's
Freddy IW1DIM <call@amsta.org>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 11:39:13 (GMT/BST)
A bit of topic (sri Chris) but : For those on the USA 50MHz reflector, don't open the files attached to the emails!, they look look like MP3 recordings of the 50MHz opening to NA, but if you look close its amp3.scr and its a virus. So don't flood the fellow 6m ops with the virus mails, delete them.
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 09:03:24 (GMT/BST)
go to the World all time country standings table and their you find a TAB send your scores today! click on it and it appears
Guy - ON4AOI <on4aoiping.be>
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 08:45:02 (GMT/BST)
Pse, where can I get "the form on the standings page" ? (G3WOS). Mni tnx
- Monday, November 26, 2001 at 08:08:51 (GMT/BST)
I have updated the firsts pages - not scans or photostats - later. Please check and advise. Thanks to all.
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 21:17:13 (GMT/BST)
Silvio - try K1SG
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 21:14:39 (GMT/BST)
Graet opening yesterday with Carribean! Does anyone know qsl address of N1DJB/KP2 (e.g. via home call or manager)?
thanks a lot ... it was my #119 for DXCC.
Silvio IW1AZJ <smrua@tiscalinet.it>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 20:32:30 (GMT/BST)
9U5D worked again after quite a long time, says he is QRV for 3 months.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 19:48:18 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have a good QSL route for Lawrence GJ3RAX?
Tnx Kevin WB8XX wb8xx@go-concepts.com
Kevin WB8XX <wb8xx@go-concepts.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 19:38:36 (GMT/BST)
6m been quiet most of the day, but opened from 12:20z-14:30, qso's with PP8KWA, TI2ALF, HC8/N0JK & Pablo OA4DJW in FH17. There were two OA's on, both 55 fr abt 45 mins. Also hrd J85I & an FM5 stn. No sign of 6Y or PJ2/P49 2day hr.
Tony GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 17:21:14 (GMT/BST)
Good luck Nicolas ON1NS....hope to hear you in the pile up...Paul..ON5PU, 50MHz bandmanager UBA.
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp@pandora.be>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 17:15:42 (GMT/BST)
Yes I agree with G0HVQ...stange conditions on 6m last evening..I was working Aurora most of the afternoon then suddenly at about 1625 the band was open to WP4..signals peaked here in IO83 at about 1645/1700 (57-59),also heard most of the europeans via backscatter, then the band closed at 1800...they don`t call this the magic band for nothing !!!!!! 73 DE GW0PRM
Brian Goodier GW0PRM <bdg@med14.freeserve.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 17:14:28 (GMT/BST)
Sorry, my fault. Gain is 10.4dBd according to spec. 73 de ON1NS Nicolas
Nicolas ON1NS <on2biv@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 13:50:15 (GMT/BST)
ON1NS sri but 10.4 db gain for a 4 Elem is impossible, the max is abt 8 dbd in perfect cdx
Guy ON4AOI <on4aoiping.be>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 13:47:08 (GMT/BST)
S92DX via KA0KKO who moved to Mo. recently. His Father is K0GUV.
Axel N8XA
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 12:50:06 (GMT/BST)
Now I'm QRV with 45 Watts and a 4 ele beam 10.4 dB gain. Many thanks to all persons who helped me a lot by giving advise on the antenna's and building amps. Hope to work you all on six! Good DX de ON1NS Nicolas
Nicolas ON1NS <on2biv@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 12:12:37 (GMT/BST)
Dear 6 meters friends
Please help me receive the qsls follow stations
HB9KNA - FS/W2JJ - S92DX & V31PC.
It's NEW Ones for me . I send direct Qsl to adresses showed in QRZ & Buckmaster, IRCs but no results.
Your attention to me will be greated appreciated.
Sincerely : Dick PY5IP
Dick PY5IP <py5ip@50mhz.com>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 12:03:00 (GMT/BST)
PLEASE, PLEASE use the form supplied on the standings page rather than an e-mail when submitting your updates. If you don't, it creates a LOT more work for me and I'm not happy about that. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 11:11:09 (GMT/BST)
Just now; X1,2 flare.
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 10:01:36 (GMT/BST)
Yeah, one of the strangest days ever on 6m yesterday, very strong aurora in the afternoon, one of the strongest this cycle here in IO81, then an hour later Caribbean stations popped up all over the band including 6Y5, P43, loads of WP4s - thought auroras were meant to kill F2?
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvqFatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 08:59:11 (GMT/BST)
Conditions have been very poor down this way lately (and no one in Europe turns antenna south these days anyway)so have been catching up on QSL admin. Have been working towards the WAB Silver requiring 200 WAB areas confirmed and am now at 158 confirmed, but have an additional 157 G QSLs that do not show WAB info. If you have sent me a QSL and know that it does not have WAB info it would be appreciated very much if you would stick another in the bureau that has the info on it. I received about 20 G cards recently via the bureau and only about a third had WAB info. If anyone has a card long outstanding from me please let me know by e-mail and I will get another into bureau for you. Thanks for the help.
Hal ZS6WB <zs6wbfreemail.absa.co.za>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 02:23:12 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #01-047 is now available at www.qsl.net/oz6om/
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 01:05:07 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone heard from Iain G0RDI, I have been unable to raise him via e-mail or Packet (he is showing as logged on to the cluster)Iain I have e-mailed you a few times in the last couple of months with no response, hope all is well
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Sunday, November 25, 2001 at 00:30:41 (GMT/BST)
Don't hold your breath David,likewise those waiting for C31 qsl,promises.promises,wonder what he does with all the ircs etc?
GW3MFY <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 22:01:53 (GMT/BST)
Strange band conditions in IO93 square! Switched on 15.10z to find a very strong Aurora on 6m. Lasted about an hour in which I heard 25 Locator Squares in 10 countries. Then a pause followed by many stations in Cenral America and the Caribbean being worked. But alas no copy at this QTH. Many signals on BS. How frustrating! Yet D44BS was literally booming at 17.07z. Usual chaos on the calling channel with K2KW/6Y5 and HR1BY fighting it out! Yet there was plenty of space 5Khz to 80 Khz up. Counties "spotted" besides the 6Y5 and HR were FM, KP2, KP4, YV, FG, YS, PJ2, P4, ZF to name a few. Tomorrow all these stations will visit IO93!
David BRS 25429 <brs25429 @ compuserve. com>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 20:44:40 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, Jim Rabbitts, GM8LFB has asked me to tell you that he now has internet access (via his TV) and his e-mail address is gm8lfb@bushinternet.com 73
Chris Deacon <cdeacon at compuserve.com>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 19:53:33 (GMT/BST)
Unbelievable ....FM,6Y5,HR,P4,PJ2,WP4,D44,KP2..all hrd/wkd. DXCC at 119 and rising.......good DX next days.
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp@pandora.be>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 19:45:30 (GMT/BST)
just wkd D44BS , november have been GREAT ,16 new ones this mounth magic magic magic
soeren oz0jx <oz0jx- AT- qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 18:47:20 (GMT/BST)
Raj it sounds as if we now write "Money Enclosed" we will surely get the mail delivered hahaha... Bruce
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 15:52:18 (GMT/BST)
A lot of G stations are forgetting to write the country on the SAE. I have noticed some in
todays mail, I wonder how many end up in the dead letter office?
Thanks to the anthrax scare a lot of airmail is now arriving unopened and intact.
The postal criminals must be really scared!
Raj VU2ZAP <callsign@arrl.net>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 11:10:31 (GMT/BST)
Re: D68 card, got mine about a week ago, the QSL manager is going thru them in the order received so don't give up yet. And regarding C31 QSL, sorry to be controversial guys but nobody is obliged to QSL just because they are a ham, imagine being on the DX station end and receiving 100s or 1000s of QSLs per week in the Es season, must take ages to process, no wonder he's given up as he is the only C31 on 6m. We'll all be so much better off when some form of e-QSL is recognised by the various award organisations (apologies for getting on my hobby horse but even my small number of QSLs seems to take ages to process, there must be a better way).
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvqfatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 09:27:43 (GMT/BST)
In 1999 C31HK was on air with QSL provided by UKSMG. QSL was no problem. Could be a problem nowadays. I guess he doesn't like QSL....I got mine in august 1999. Paul..ex-ON9BGP
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp@pandora.be>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 08:24:55 (GMT/BST)
The past 4 weeks best ever on 6m, thought I was on 10m. About 450 Eu QSOs in 39 Eu countries including 10 new ones ER, ES, HV, IS0, OH, OH0, OM, SV9, T7, YL. It was a pleasure operating in the pileups with the Eu ops, when I called for a certain stn, all stood by, cw or ssb...tnx guys(& gals), fb ops. 73 Bruce EL95TQ Miami, Fl
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH@aol.com>
- Saturday, November 24, 2001 at 03:44:21 (GMT/BST)
Thanks all for qsl infor T72EB/A - sorry for typo 73
Dave WB5HJV <wb5hjv@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 23:38:36 (GMT/BST)
I recived card from C31HK FOR A 6metre contact A few years back no problem 73
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 21:46:39 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Gordon,all the best Bill
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 19:59:59 (GMT/BST)
You will be VERY lucky if you receive a card from C31HK he hates them,told me so but promised me one.Ha Ha what a sense of humour he has."We are all cast in the same mould,but some are mouldier than others".He seems such a nice guy in a qso.Wonder if he reads this page? No hard feelings.Said he was the only legal 6m op in C31.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 19:55:26 (GMT/BST)
Bill & David I have him as KG9D .......I thought it was just my CW..... glad to know someone else had problems
Gordon GI6ATZ <gi6atzqsl.net>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 19:00:29 (GMT/BST)
Still waiting for D68C qsl card.Does anybody rcvd?Send loooong
time ago.Thanks in advance.
Gl es DX de 9A6R Renko
Renko 9A6R <renko.kirigin@st.tel.hr>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 18:57:30 (GMT/BST)
VE1YX: Bob, don’t react to a DL0SIX who wants to be anonymous and not give an e-mail ad.
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 18:47:23 (GMT/BST)
GW3MFY: Bill,sri I have only just come back to the shack.
I have him in log as KG9B,but his cw left something to be
David G3FPQ <G3FPQ@hotpop.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 18:24:58 (GMT/BST)
K7ET/DU7........anybody have his qsl address??
Jack VE6JW <ve6jw@compusmart.ab.ca>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 18:24:10 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to Norm G3NVO, Dan IK1EGC and Peter PA2VST. I now have the telephone manual. 73
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 17:51:52 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to Norm G3NVO, Dan IK1EGC and Peter PA2VST. I now have the telephone manual. 73
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 17:47:41 (GMT/BST)
K4LQ:for OH0JFP and other OH's try SRAL OH callbook at http://oh-callbook.sral.fi/cgi-bin/sral.pl
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 17:27:34 (GMT/BST)
G0JJL - I rxd a qsl card for you with mine from VU2RM. Email a $ (hi) and your postal address to me and I'll post it to you.
John G0EVT <john.hoban(at)btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 17:15:54 (GMT/BST)
Bill, MFY, I heard the KG9 here but quite weak, I think it was KG9D.
david MM0AMW <mm0amw@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 17:00:32 (GMT/BST)
Looking for qsl information for T77EB/A - thanks in advance!
Dave WB5HJV <wb5hjv@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 16:38:21 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have QSL route for OH0JFP? Worked him for a new one on Nov 20, but unable to find QSL route elsewhere on the intenet. Thanks.
Fred K4LQ <k4lq@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 16:37:49 (GMT/BST)
To D44BS. Rec your card today. Very much appr. Thank you very much Angelo. Good DX 73 Pierre
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 16:32:13 (GMT/BST)
I could NOT read the callsign of a KG9 on .o98 in FN53 at 15.34 today,maybe it was his "fist",he was 579,or maybe I had a mental block.G3FPQ David you worked him as well,what did you make of it? 73 Bill.
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 16:26:33 (GMT/BST)
Is anyone using the Siemens Euroset 805s telephone please?
Just had to give my last spare one (bomb proof on six)to a neighbour, he wants a manual, I cant find it ...
If you have one please email me.
Im also looking for some Siemens Euroset 805s, it went out of production 1 year ago and is now replaced with the 2005s at twice the price (of course!)
If you know of a dealer with any (not usually found on the high street), please advise.
Or any cheap phone available in the UK, which clearly states it has passed EN 55024 (few phones have) Thanks.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 12:54:31 (GMT/BST)
I'v been just talking with my friend SP5DRH,he said QSL JW0PK should be in one week.Again fb condx yesterday with two new ones YS1RR and K2KW/6Y5,let's hope for opening today.73
Rys&SP5EWY <rtym@ippt.gov.pl>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 12:28:53 (GMT/BST)
DL0SIX: I'm afraid you misunderstood what happened with the OH0 and the station wanting him. A station broke in requesting the OH0 to go up 5. I simply made sure the OH0 knew someone wanted him up 5. I DEFINITELY didn't chase him away. If he had requested help I would always be more than happy to do so !
Bob VE1YX <cathie.billings@ns.sympatico.ca>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 11:58:11 (GMT/BST)
200 dxcc's..nice score indeed. Think G4FUF has reached the 200 a couple of weeks ago...maybe he's the first in central/west europe ??
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm@amsat.org>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 11:34:21 (GMT/BST)
Theo PA3HEN or qsl manager,please email me re call.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Friday, November 23, 2001 at 00:10:29 (GMT/BST)
Adrian G0KOM. Your after a tower? well there have taken 3 200foot deca masts down here today and a 350 foot tower down tomorrow, so off after a section or two, IO68, Any gud to you. :-) 73s
John GM7PBB <johngm7pbb.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 22:56:50 (GMT/BST)
Tom, I dont think anyone is surprised knowing Johan's Antenna system, but none the less, Congratulations Johan
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 22:44:11 (GMT/BST)
anyone know of a Tower for sale, Wind-up/tiltover, Tennamast, Versatower or whatever, e-mail me with Details
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 22:43:00 (GMT/BST)
200 DXCC countries in Central EU. My pleasure to report that ON4ANT has finally reached 200 countries on Six, probably as the first one in Central Europe. Together with 1000 grid squares this is an excellent achievement but not too surprising if you have seen a photo of his antenna. Congratulations Johan! Others to follow soon.
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 21:52:33 (GMT/BST)
Have a look at PY0FF:s webcam - cool semi-live pics plus audio....http://www.noronha.com.br/py0ffcam.htm
73/GD DX
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 19:57:07 (GMT/BST)
Very surprising to work 6Y5/K2KW after comming home from a hard days work! Thanks for new one!! And also congra to all others who was lucky today.
Bo OZ1DJJ <ox3lx@mail.dk>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 19:08:43 (GMT/BST)
Hi Freddy re your message on TY68F QSL I also was wondering if anyone had seen a card for the QSO's in August so I sent email on Sun to QSL manager F5MOO asking if cards had been sent or were being sent out and I await a response.
Norm G3NVO <norm@woodtech.demon.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 18:07:39 (GMT/BST)
Further to my recent note informing you that the RSGB VHF Convention will not be held at Barnsley I can reveal that the RSGB will in fact NOT be running the annual VHF Convention. "The RSGB believes that there is a need for more convention-style meetings where radio amateurs can discuss new techniques and other innovations in seminar-like events and that such events represent a better use of the RSGB's resources". The RSGB VHF Committee have been tasked to develop a VHF Convention along these line. The UKSMG have played an essential role in providing top-class lectures and attracting foreign visitors to recent VHF Conventions. What type meeting would you like to attend? What venues can you suggest? It may be possible to get sponsorship. This item will be discussed at the RSGB VHF Committee meeting on Saturday 24th.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asrbtinternet.com>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 16:01:24 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, someone has received TY68 qsl card for 2001 summer operations on Six?????? Why this big delay for europeans guys????? Best 73's
Freddy IW1DIM <iw1dim(at)amsat.org>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 13:31:01 (GMT/BST)
Jim(K4BI),just've checked the YO Callbook and didn't find any YO5VA. Best 73's de
Adrian / YO4FRJ <yo4frj(at)xnet.ro>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 09:34:29 (GMT/BST)
I was convinced I worked W7SO on Sunday, but it wasn't. Any ideas? Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <g3wos@uksmg.org>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 07:54:09 (GMT/BST)
PE1GNP: Yep, on cw i guess i could have mistaken a 0 for a 9, but not a five, even when conditions are marginal.. 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP <@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 00:50:34 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone help me by providing a QSL route or mailing address for YO5VA, who I worked
this past Sunday? Your e-mail with any info will be appreciated very much.
Jim, K4BI <n3ahi@ix.netcom.com>
- Thursday, November 22, 2001 at 00:38:29 (GMT/BST)
ref :C31HK , i havent yet got a response for a direct posted qsl, but i worked C31OF and had the qsl back within 10days from him , it was accepted for dxcc also .
before i go , has anyone a good route for 4L5O qsls , as thats one i cant get back .i think c31hk will return eventually, maybe he has large pile to deal with .gl 73
ian m0bcg <m0bcg@btinternet.com >
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 23:27:40 (GMT/BST)
Raj VU2ZAP: Tnx fer direct QSL :-) CUSN 73/GLDX
Rick SM7SCJ <no.email@nohost.com>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 22:02:25 (GMT/BST)
Anyone have a good address for C31HK. A qsl I sent to him a couple of months ago was returned today, unopened and marked
'refused'.Has he moved or is he just refusing to accept foreign mail. I know some people have got cards from him but this is the second time I've tried and no joy. Any ideas....
David MM0AMW <mm0amw@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 21:22:07 (GMT/BST)
I think your looking for W9LKJ who's in EN52 and he was a good sig in here today.
David MM0AMW <mm0amw qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 21:17:01 (GMT/BST)
Anyone have an e-mail address for PE1MJV pse?
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 20:13:34 (GMT/BST)
to steve G1INK many thanks for the help
enrico ik2gso <ik2gso2@libero.it>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 20:04:32 (GMT/BST)
Andy, you'r sure it's not K5LKJ?
PE1GNP <pe1gnp@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 19:23:30 (GMT/BST)
Any one know the grid square for K9LKJ pse? 73 de
Andy-GD0TEP <@qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 18:21:06 (GMT/BST)
Suffered a direct strike at 1640 utc. Assessing damage at the moment.73de
Paul zs6pjs <zs6pjs(at)pixie.co.za>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 16:44:07 (GMT/BST)
(21 Nov. 01 2 1609 UTC) Good opening to IO72..just worked John,GW3JXN, on 50.168. FINALLY...some DX.
Chris..N2NEH <n2neh@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 16:08:55 (GMT/BST)
DX Cluster is down here so; fyi HC8N 579 into IO70, lost him around 15 mins ago
Trev G3ZYY <Trev@southwestuk.demon.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 14:52:01 (GMT/BST)
HC8N in 3 days and 1 hr has made almost 1500 QSO's (812 CW + 685 SSB)
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 14:45:04 (GMT/BST)
5R8EE is:
Michael Hoaareau
POB 450
Tamatave 501
But send REGISTERED ( about $8.00 USD) . Per him.
My additional suggestion is to include some return postage $$.
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 14:11:53 (GMT/BST)
Due to install a new 5ele "q-tek" soon, any long term users offer any tips on extra weatherproofing etc before instalation. regards, john, gm1zvj........
john "gm1zvj" <j.hilton1@ntlworld.com>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 13:03:04 (GMT/BST)
Enrico the address is 95 PARIS AVENUE, WESTLANDS, NEWCASTLE,STAFFS. ST52QX as per their website:-
www.westlandelectronics.com 73
Steve G1INK <steveg@highpeak.gov.uk>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 08:44:24 (GMT/BST)
hi uk guys someone can help me.i need a full adress of westland eletronics ,newcastle ,not able to find it in yellow pages.thanks in advance.enrico
enrico ik2gso <ik2gso2@libero.it>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 07:17:30 (GMT/BST)
Will be on the 6 meter band starting at 1100 UTC
beaming to Europe
Arnie Coro CO2KK
Arnie Coro CO2KK <xxxxx@yyyy,zzz>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 06:14:15 (GMT/BST)
Leonids was fun on 6m here. Worked over 30 contacts between 3:30am and 5:00am on 19/11/01 (AEST). Worked VK1,2,3,4,5 & 7, plus YJ8. Heard ZL. More than half the contacts were over 1200kms, and all were on SSB (no one answered CW CQ's... weird!).
Scott VK4JSR <vk4jsr(at)50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, November 21, 2001 at 02:47:46 (GMT/BST)
PLEA RE SPLITS -- Would those ops working split please consider listening XMIT freq. on occasion for those of us using classic gear (e.g. TR-6s) w/out second VFO? Many tnx, WA9ETW
Mark -- WA9ETW <mlangen@execpc.com>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 19:20:57 (GMT/BST)
Was out of town, arrived home at abt 1415 saw reports of zs6twb/b being heard in USA , called and worked abt 14 stations through severe elctrical storm with nearbt strikes HI HI .QRN was was vey high . Sri if I could not copy your call and you missed ZS.73de
Paul zs6pjs <zs6pjs@pixie.co.za>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 15:47:30 (GMT/BST)
Andrea(IK5QLO),Joe-VK4JH is located in Townsville/VK and locator QH30JR.73's de
Adrian / YO4FRJ <yo4frj(at)xnet.ro>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 09:10:57 (GMT/BST)
Can any one tell me the call of the station from ek73 on 50.110 at 13.45z yesterday. I suspect it was yn9hau but can anyone confirm this.
Many thanks Don MM5AJW
mm5ajw Don <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 08:27:32 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have a QSL route for 5R8EE that actually works?
Howard WB4WXE <sinecosine@farmerstel.com>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 08:10:51 (GMT/BST)
Anyone has the 6 digit locator of VK4JH? I know that first
four are QH30. Thanks in advance.
Yesterday vy short F2 opening to NA from my qth hrd W5UN (!)and some other W5 but worked only K8LEE 599+ .
Andrea Ik5QLO <nospam@nospam.it>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 07:14:48 (GMT/BST)
Off to YN and TI 22/27th Nov - looking forward to listening to some different 6m DX! - will be RX only - sorry. Flo G4DMA/KL7, Anchorage
g4dma/kl7 flo bp41 <flohowell@hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 06:41:05 (GMT/BST)
HC8N is using a Kenwood TS-690 50 watts and a 7 element JHV M2 antenna and in 2 days had made over 900 QSO's
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Tuesday, November 20, 2001 at 04:30:07 (GMT/BST)
Tnx Neil JHC, will be around all day tomorrow looking for the HC* and any others that just happen to pop along :-)
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 22:11:57 (GMT/BST)
HC8N Online LogBook should be update it after their trip to Galapagos so don't expect any updates this days, they are planning to stay until the 28th and don't expect much or none activity during the CQWW CW contest, if propagation they try to monitor 28.885 ! GL
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 21:42:54 (GMT/BST)
If you hear the HC8N/b and there is no activity call this number + 593 9956 5940 that's the number from N5KO he's then in about 5 min. qrv on six!!!!
I did it also sunday afternoon, and he gave many a new country...... GD luck on six.
John PE9DX <pe9dx@amsat.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 21:16:21 (GMT/BST)
Great 6m ! F2 to main land of USA : no new ones but work/heard 11/15 US states: AL, AR, CT, FL, GA, MA, MD, MO, NH, TN, TX / ME, NY, OK, WI. Heard for first time HC8GR/b on 18. November when no activity was taken. Also heard XE. Work many guys in TX but no luck to go in XE. DXCC counter is now on #152. Best DX &GL .Tnx for QSOs.
Luci , 9a3hz <9a3hzipc.hr>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 20:44:23 (GMT/BST)
Great 6m ! F2 to main land of USA : no new ones but work/heard 11/15 US states: AL, AR, CT, FL, GA, MA, MD, MO, NH, TN, TX / ME, NY, OK, WI. Heard for first time HC8GR/b on 18. November when no activity was taken. Also heard XE. Work many guys in TX but no luck to go in XE. DXCC counter is now on #152. Best DX &GL .Tnx for QSOs.
Luci , 9a3hz <9a3hzipc.hr>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 20:44:22 (GMT/BST)
Is the online logbook of HC8N ( http://www.kkn.net/~hc8n/log_search.html) gonna be updated?
I was vy happy to work HC8N yesterday for a new one (#129). Also worked FM5WD(#126), TI2ALF(#127), HP1AC(#128) and HC2FG(#130)And lots more for new squares. I really need this working week for a rest now.....
Rinze PA5TA <pa5ta (at) amsat.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 19:41:47 (GMT/BST)
Hi everyone. I'm looking to purchase a yagi for 6 meters but can't decide. I'm considering the M2 6M5X or the Directive Systems DS50-5. I hear that the 6M5X is light while the DS50-5 is very rugged. Tnx, Mike
Mike KA2FIR <ka2firarrl.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 19:09:03 (GMT/BST)
Bands had been great !!!
HC8N so far over 700 QSO's in only 2 days !
Juan Carlos Munoz / TG9AJR <tg9ajr@itelgua.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 18:53:31 (GMT/BST)
Its not that they dont know Adrian
It satifies there ego's to keep wrkin
them again and again.(Dupes)
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 18:24:17 (GMT/BST)
VE2DFO in FN25 (Google search)#461 for me.
Engel - PE2ENG <ekruize@wxs.nl>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 18:01:26 (GMT/BST)
Ps: Adrain HC8N was 599 for hrs working mni Gs ..you need to get in shack 13-14z for the peak. 73
Neil G0JHC
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 17:53:21 (GMT/BST)
Looking for grid of VE2VRP please if anyone has?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 17:51:59 (GMT/BST)
Came in late today, did any G's wk HC8N
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 17:50:53 (GMT/BST)
HC8N --> EI5´9
oe3mws Fred <oe3mws@amateurfunk.info>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 17:48:32 (GMT/BST)
Sad to hear XE1KK saying to G,s that he had worked them twice before, I wish people would check who they are working before calling, makes it more difficult to those of us who need it for a new one, YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 16:00:45 (GMT/BST)
Hello!!Is there anyone of u six mtr ops who can tell me the
grid square for HC8N?? 73s de la2wka rene
Rene LA2WKA <la2wka@qsl.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 15:35:05 (GMT/BST)
Re latest Six News and Secretary's Page. Since publication it has been decided that the RSGB Convention will NOT be held at Barnsley. I expect to be in a position to update you next week.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asr btinternet.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 12:56:29 (GMT/BST)
Chris, Yesterday I worked a GI station at 1211z. probably everyone had their beams to the US!
Please beam this way and look out for me today.
Raj VU2ZAP <callsign@arrl.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 08:33:32 (GMT/BST)
I'm looking for e-mail address FG5FR,any help? Really great day yday with 4 new ones VP5,YV,FG5,HC8.73
Rys&SP5EWY <rtym@ippt.gov.pl>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 08:24:28 (GMT/BST)
Reg to G3WOS Abt biching I totely agree with you.....
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 07:54:56 (GMT/BST)
Will you guys PLEASE stop this personal bitching on this announcement page. I, and all other users, are completely fed up of it. We have had one of the best weekends on 6m for ten years but we have to read this? Come on! I've already taken the page down once, this time I'll take it down permanently. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos@uksmg.org>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 07:45:04 (GMT/BST)
Please need grid from VE2DFO. Tnx
Marko s52sk <s52sk@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 07:42:25 (GMT/BST)
Hi all Receaved Six News this morning good reading as usual
73s Good Dx ;-)
Edwin, MW1EWJ <mw1ewj@btinternet.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 07:27:49 (GMT/BST)
Sorry, forgot to mention that the first two contact with JA on Nov. 18 were made using 100w SSB and a vertical on this end. By then the beam had swung around so I switched to it. AMAZING! 73's and hope tmw is as good
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 04:43:23 (GMT/BST)
Great weekend. Best Six meter day ever:
FR1GZ(18470 km), ON, GW, EH, CT, F6, ZF, KL7, VR1, XV3AA(12600km), TG9, VP5, PJ2, TI, YN, JA, DU ...the whole world in in about a day. We'll talk about this one for a long time. .....Thanks for the Qs!
Chip N6CA <n6ca@ham-radio.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 03:19:07 (GMT/BST)
Mikey watch for the VK path it was real early today commencing at 21:43 with VE6TA DO33 and then jumped to KL7IKV in BP51:
vk3six <AT QSL.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 03:01:15 (GMT/BST)
Re contributions to this page, from 1992 VK3OT provided a complete data base (which Adam transfered to his pages) many audio recordings of beacons (check the author), articles for 6 news and bits and pieces, spent hours convincing you guys to turn your beams away from NA and towards VK, promoted UKSMG in VK extensively in ARA magazine, and in conjunction with VK5LP produced the 3000 plus data base of all known VK-EU qsos. And a DX briefing in 1998 on the way home to VK from KL7 via UKSMG thrown in for free. Dues what dues are they Adam?
vk3six <AT QSL.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 03:00:58 (GMT/BST)
WOW, WOW, WOW!!! BEST DAY ON 6 EVER!!! I slept in after watching the Leonids shower. Again ZF1RC got on
early to see if he could pick up a few new countries. At 1334 the band opened to EU. He reported that the band began to jump
back and forth between the E. coast of the US and EU. With signals being loud S9 and then fading out before shifting back and
forth. Then later the band was open to W7's and EU at the same time with strong signals, before it settled on W7's. He worked
DL, ES, G, LA, OE, OH, OK, OM, ON, SP, VE, VP5. Which included 3 new ones. Later at 2324 the band opened direct to JA's
with me at the mike. I heard also most of Central and South America, some Caribbean and W5's coming in. Also I was reported
in KL7 (which would have been a new one and WAS #50) but they could not break the JA pileup. Signals from JA were strong a
true S9 on the meter for about fifteen minutes and the opening lasted about a half hour. Pse check my webpage www.qsl.net/zf1dc for complete list of JA's worked. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 02:28:40 (GMT/BST)
Went to bed 0330 AM after observation of Meteor shower of Leonids.Got up 0830 AM (2330 utc) by the pile of ZF1DC on 110.TG9AJR, TI5BX, XE2EED, XE2DN, HC8N, PY2BW, ZP6CW and HP2CWB all good sigs. FB DX.
Han JE1BMJ <callsign(at)jarl.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 01:39:43 (GMT/BST)
What can I say? Another phenomenal day on 6m. 4 new ones too! OH0, YL, HR and my long awaited KH6 (K6MIO 1,000 TU's!!) What next? VK video heard here for very first time.AH8A heard very weakly. V73 and KH6 in for hours, tho never real loud. I could go on & on, but suffice to say I'm
finally impressed with 6m. Was pleased to see JX7DFA work some USA.....maybe some Canada next time Per? HIHI! 73 de Mike
ve9aa Mike <ve9aaAThotmail.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 00:49:40 (GMT/BST)
What a day! TIs 59, ZF1DC 59+, and TG9AJR 59 this morning. Where is V3 on 6? 73,
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok@jarl.com>
- Monday, November 19, 2001 at 00:31:23 (GMT/BST)
Help please! Today at 14.32z I heard a station who's callsign I was not 100% sure. But he was giving his Grid Locator Square as EK29. I checked the Cluster Spots to find W3UUM as being the nearest callsign to what I had heard. But the "spot" gave EL29 square. I then checked Buckmaster. It gave EM20. Oh dear, where do we go from here! Any help will be much appreciated. DXCC on 6m has now risen to 120 thanks to XV and YV.
David BRS 25429 <brs25429@ compuserve.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 22:15:47 (GMT/BST)
Frustration - XV3AA peaked 59 would have been easier for both ends if working split. Elation HC2N, HC2FG. Tomorrow? - It's a kind of magic!
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 21:22:02 (GMT/BST)
Anyone got an e-mail address for M0RDX. The one at QSL.net bounces.........john@yamaha...etc. Thanks in advance
Gordon gi6atz <gi6atzqsl.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 21:06:22 (GMT/BST)
Wow - what a day. Heard XV which I needed but stuck with 144MHz instead! 82 QSO's 19 DXCC best DX US5WU at 1900kms.
Good old Leonids! Back to 50MHz F2 tomorrow to catch the XV.
David Butler G4ASR <g4asrbtinternet.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 20:45:48 (GMT/BST)
Yes, tks Jose, missed the "M" out on my mail, have it now via the PY-call book. 73
Neil G0JHC
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 20:12:02 (GMT/BST)
Neil, maybe it's PY9MP? he's on GH13 and OK in HamCall. 73
Jose EH7KW <ea7kw (a) ure.es>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 19:21:27 (GMT/BST)
Whew great day on 6m. YL3AG(#91), 5B4FL(#92), KH6/K6MIO(WAS#50/DXCC#93) not bad for 1 year on 6m from USA ;-) Best 73, what awesome conditions these are! GL to all! And thanks for the awesome QSO's.
Tim N1RZ <n1rz(at)n1rz.org>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 19:12:12 (GMT/BST)
Worked today:XV3AA,JX7DFA,VE2DFO and HC8N.
Not too bad!!
GL es 73 de 9A3FT
Renko 9A3FT
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 18:56:36 (GMT/BST)
QSL info needed for PY9P (cant find at qrz or buck) wkd today in GH13, any offers please?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 18:43:53 (GMT/BST)
What a fine ***BINGO*** day today! (HI, sri I cannot help it, VST was again so moody today (see cluster spots), I have to reply to that hihi) XE1KK for a new DXCC and several USA stations, ufb!
What more to come..?
Vy 73, de Kees - pa7two.
Kees - pa7two <m5two@amsat.org>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 18:36:33 (GMT/BST)
For all the K/VE friends I put on www.sixitalia.org web site (infonews page) the list of 6m contact made the last November 16th from the Vatican (HV0A).
Congratulations to all NA guys that I able to work from HV0A. QSL via IK0FVC on cba.
Sergio, ik0fta <ik0fta@sixitalia.org>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 18:18:16 (GMT/BST)
Today fantastic opening starting with XV3AA up to 59+ in
JO23. After working P5/4l4FN on HF band opens to west
with TI5KD,HC8N who 1st put the beacon of and HC2FG. Also
thougt to work FM5WD but not sure because everybody in
Europe likes 50.110 . Have to buy some flowers for my wife because she did not see me this weekend.
73..have fun PA7MM
PA7MM <berthollander@wxs.nl>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 17:42:57 (GMT/BST)
What a day : 1st XV3AA frm OK45 than came the Leonides with superb Sigs on 2 , tham came K5JL and AA5C around 50.135 with 5/7-9+
Fantastic sigs dwn hr in JO41 sqre
Bob DG9YIF <dg9yif@gmx.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 17:22:00 (GMT/BST)
This was the best opening to Europe yet. Worked G, F, DL, HB9, S5, OK, OE, SP, 9A, I, EH. Just incredible. Many signals over S9. 73
Dale AA5XE <aa5xektc.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 17:01:42 (GMT/BST)
This is one of the very few times that I have posted on EU reflector.I enjoy reading whats happening on Amateur Radio and getting on air for a good chat and also experimenting With Radio & Electronics(the original Classification for AR in AU)with other Ops around the world.BUT frequently get pissed off when i see the same crap being posted by u same self oppinunated few that can not stand each other, and have to publicly air your egos on these forums.I as others would find it more satisfying to see u all put your efforts encouraging the HOBBY than having people think that we are all mad.Please rid your selfs of this anger and hatered toward each other and e-mail direct to each other if u cannot cope with what the other say's.Remember its a HOBBY for enjoyment and fun no pressure!!
VK8MS <allbandatocta4.net.au>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 12:58:17 (GMT/BST)
Hi 2 all 6m fanatics.Magic band or ...Heard for almost 2 weeks by 12-14h utc only VE1YX.No other north america stations unless friday when i copied VE1ZZ (& JX7DFA).Hope heard others dx as the CQWWDX CW approch especially the central america stations.73s & gl de CN8LI.
said cn8li <cn8li@yahoo.fr>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 12:18:01 (GMT/BST)
Strongest signals ever heard on six from my side since 1979 from the U.S. were the W4´s from EM50,60,70 yesterday peaking 59+40.
Really a pity (or a shame?) that there is no FP or 4U1UN on 6m during these fantastic days.
Joe, DL8HCZ in JO53
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 10:06:47 (GMT/BST)
A most amazing signal from XV3AA on 50130 KHz at 09.00z into IO93 square. A true 5x8/9. Surely it can't get any better!!
Some European signals coming through from the Leonids? - SP, 9A, S5, F and Italy. Have fun everyone. DXCC now 117 on the magic band with 600 grid squares heard.
David BRS 2429 <brs25429@ compuserve.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 09:31:07 (GMT/BST)
Sat here listening to the VK6RSX beacon on 304, first time I've ever heard it and first time I've heard VK this cycle. Magic band :-)
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvq@fatcta.clara.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 09:16:35 (GMT/BST)
OK David,I'll send tomorrow morning..GL
Rys&SP5EWY <rtym@ippt.gov.pl>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 08:05:49 (GMT/BST)
QSL for ZF1RC is DIRECT ONLY QRZ.com address is 100%. Never had a manager. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 07:45:42 (GMT/BST)
A mess with EU's in the DX window NOW!!! It's open to XV, but Eu-Eu is perhaps much more fun?!?!?!
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 07:20:37 (GMT/BST)
David /ZF1DC/ where to send QSL to Your Father ZF1RC ,directly to Caymans or to WA0RSF?
Thank him for QSO/new one!.73
Rys&SP5EWY <rtym@ippt.gov.pl>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 06:50:38 (GMT/BST)
Well some very nice fireballs from the Leonid meteors, when it was cloudy the very bright meteors were still making it through. When it was very bad I tuned to 55.250MHz Jordanian TV carrier? if thats what I think it was and used R_Meteor to monitor the meteors. Coffee and then wait for the East to open up.
John GM7PBB <johngm7pbb.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 06:01:24 (GMT/BST)
JA1ZYK/b on 50.0235 has been reported by OH6 yesterday. It is surprising. It run just 10W +-5% into Hen-tena (West-East beam) 20m AGL. As a manager of this beacon, I am happy to hear the report from EU. Its loc is QM05BR. On this morning I made 100 QSOs with W5-8s and W0s including K8CU, KD8U, K8MFO and W5UN. During W opening PYs and a LU also called me via Sc. JA-W path will extend to the east coast and will peak at Nov.20-Dec. Please stand-by W1-W4s. Now I am ready for Sp- or Sc-opening toward EU around 07-10z.FB DX, Sayonara.
Han JE1BMJ <callsign(at)jarl.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 05:53:00 (GMT/BST)
I talked my dad ZF1RC into getting up early today. He got up at 1130Z and the band was dead. At 1330Z I came in the
shack to see if anything was going on. I called CQ and was answered by VO1NE which was a good sign. At 1345 I worked
GW4VEQ then handed the mike back to ZF1RC. He worked many in EU including 11 new ones. In all he worked 9A, DL, GW, I,
OK, OZ, PA, S5, SP, SV, UR, VE, YU. He was very happy to be catching up to my country count after I overtook him about a
month back. Hope for more of the same tommorow(today). 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 05:08:29 (GMT/BST)
If someone in Europe and Africa can receive the signal from JA6YBR beacon on 50.017MHz, please let me know. You can get info of this beacon at http://ja6ybr.org/beacon/new/index.html FB DX from Shirow.
Shirow:HS0/JF6DEA es KE1EO <jf6deaja6ybr.org>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 04:12:51 (GMT/BST)
Its amazing, everytime we get a few good weeks of prop , whether it be e's or F2 everbody's opiniopn is polarized. Last summer it was use of 110 now its beacons. Should we not discuss this when band is dead and commonsense may prevail. Its a hobby guys everybody lighten up. In light of recent world events our problems are few.
73 tony
Tony EI7BMB <skydigital(at)ntlworld.ie>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 03:44:30 (GMT/BST)
Re the suggestion of Bob K1SIX to turn off beacons when it suits some individual....A bad idea Bob! Any beacon worthy of the name is a 24 hour operation in my view, else it becomes a"keyer". Placing beacons higher in the band is a lesser penalty to turning 'em off I reckon. "Better" beacons IS a good way to go though, including minimum erp (100W?) and preferably omnidirectional. However it may be difficult to compete with the erp's offered by the band I TV tx's unless we look at some new technology...
Don VK6HK <patndon@cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 03:20:50 (GMT/BST)
Smart Beacons, Yes! An effective beacon (100W + remote steerable yagi) that could decode CW, add it to a database and be freely available over a 2M packet link. That was the Smart Beacon proposal for VK3 several years ago which was innacurately referred to below. The FINAL site WAS agreed to by all, inc the WIA, and terms like "wipe out" is just RHETORIC. The beacon never eventuated and never "moved north" as it was never built in the first place, so how could it "wipe out" anything? A different beacon used on VK9WI Willis Island DXpedition (if that's what you are referring to?) was out of my control, as I was not even there. A learning exercise there and all subsequent DXpeditions used the main 6M rig, but in "beacon mode". Steve, VK3OT/VK3SIX/KL7SIX, it would be appreciated all round if you could please check the facts before using this forum to inappropriately air your dirty laundry. As a frequent user here, when are you renewing your membership?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 03:13:44 (GMT/BST)
No it wasn't you. As I said to Simon on N1RZ, I answered a general "CQ DX" (no geographic area specified) from a UK station and was told I wasn't DX. I didn't mean to open Pandora's Box! Comment was strictly tongue in cheek to indicate how spoiled we've become in the last few weeks-almost like we're entitled to these kinds of openings all the time! My personal feeling is that working across the Atlantic is working DX-perhaps not rare DX, but DX just the same. Anyhow, I hope no one takes the comment too seriously. I'm sure the UK and other western EU stations will continue to politely stand by when I call CQ for eastern EU stations just as they have (for the most part) in the past. 73 and good DX Chris
Chris W3CMP <w3cmp at aol.com>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 02:39:31 (GMT/BST)
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: "Smarter BEACONS"- We will require "quality beacons" more than ever in the future. This will be profoundly clear once the 250 kW ERP EA video shuts down and the others follow. It's only a matter of time. I stand to be corrected on this but It's my belief that Eu receives a big warning from NA via reception of that 250 kW beacon (and the other video) and this results in rare QSOs. Suggest telephone lines/ RF control to shut these beacons down (multiple control ops) during these RARE conditions. What we are witnessing now is the exception rather than the rule. Keep the beacons LOW, make the beacons effecient in terms of max ERP and min QRM, keep them LOW in frequency and simply turn them off when not useful. Best Regards (I have exceeded my bandwidth allocation until 2002)...
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 01:05:20 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #01-046 is now available at www.qsl.net/oz6om/
Matt OZ6OM <@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 00:29:08 (GMT/BST)
Correction- Highest- LOWEST frequency :-)
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 00:18:08 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to all that found me on 50.045 (in the beacon band) today. It's the highest freq I could find that was qrm free so I could pick out weak signals. Just about everything else was S9+ and QRM all the way up to over 50.350! Wow- what an opening. I'm exercising my "tuning arm" right now in preperation for tomorrow! Gud DX on SIX...
Bob, K1SIX
- Sunday, November 18, 2001 at 00:15:20 (GMT/BST)
FOOD FOR THOUGHT!! well why not put all the beacons to the top end of the band!! SO when ya here a beacon say in VK>ie 50.304 = 559 you know that the MUF will be better lower down say around 50.050 or less & q qso would be possible!! due to higher MUF hearing the beacon on the higher qrg! for if this seems a bit squiffy but late for me i know 73's de IO93 ps UFB condx tnx 2 xe 4 new dxcc.....Gary
m0ctp Gary <m0ctp#yahoo.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 22:44:35 (GMT/BST)
PS: You'd better hope the Eastern EU / Balkan guys are not called by half of W Europe when they call CQ DX or YOU will never work them ;-) 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 22:37:52 (GMT/BST)
W3CMP Chris. Was it me? I certainly said those words to MANY east coast guys Many times today. You are not DX to me never was never will be - we get lots of SpE and lots of openings G-W1,2,3. Dont get me wrong - always happy to work anyone but NOT when the band is roaring. I spent a lot of time looking and calling for W6, W7 etc thet ARE DX. Think how you would feel if I called you over the top of say C31 or HV ! Hope to work you and the zillion others many times in the coming Es season. 73 (400+ trans Atl QSOs yesterday & today)
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 22:28:46 (GMT/BST)
You are right Tony, not our pages and should not post here. After all 6M dxing is so serious these days and you don't need garbage. However I was taken by surprise. What CP advocating beacons to leave the low end? I was only trying to help. But obviously not required, after all he can manage to do it alone. Do you know that there was a proposed 50.051 beacon back a ways that polarised the VK3 6M fraternity into a blocking action because they feared it was going to wipe out the low end of 6M in Melbourne? Eventually this same beacon was put into service up North when a certain gentelan shifted qth, This same beacon had to be switched off due to the interference it caused on the low end of 6m? So any moves from any quarter to move beacons out, no matter how radical or from whom they come, should be lauded.
VK3SIX <at qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 20:45:39 (GMT/BST)
ref calling CQ DX. Might have been me! I was calling CQ DX Carib but some folk don't seem to be able to read past the CQ bit - annoying when trying to work TG and plagued by W1's esp when the band so wide open! Sorry! Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm@emn.org>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 19:18:03 (GMT/BST)
Hi folks, I'm told that the November Six News was posted today, Saturday 17th. Hopefully we won't have postal problems like last time. Hope you like it, anyway. 73
Chris, G4IFX <cdeacon at compuserve.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 19:08:51 (GMT/BST)
I now know the end is coming-I responded to a UK station's CQ DX and was told I wasn't DX! I guess a couple weeks of great conditions every 9-10 years will do that. It's been a blast from this side of the Atlantic-hope to be able to break through to some eastern Eu/Balkan stations tomorrow. 73
chris W3CMP <w3cmpaol.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 18:54:02 (GMT/BST)
WOW, what a day on the magic band worked W1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and a load of Ve's.Managed to work XE2HWB, but it was hard work with the pile up.And to top it off I had a load of W6's and W'7s answered my cq on SSB at the end of the openning with 59 reports.Lets hope it happens tommorow with some more new countries.
73's Good luck Daniel
Daniel MW1MFY <mw1mfy@hotmail.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 18:35:24 (GMT/BST)
Regarding the suggestion of reviewing the beacon band allocation, a couple of observations from here. Firstly the rapid rise in the number of low power consumer devices causes serious problems from 50.000 to 50.020, I have many to contend with with 7 spot frequencies having devices radiating over S7. Of course if we start to transmit closer to 50.000 we may start to cause problems to low power devices just below the band. Problem is not unique to six, just look at the bottom of 10m too. Perhaps we need a 'guard band' like the old days on HF. Food for thought.
Clive, G4FVP <g4fvp@ntlworld.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 17:46:56 (GMT/BST)
Apologies to the stations I did not hear. I consistently receive much better reports than I can give out and I don't think it is due to my rx. Has anyone else noticed a bias in signals going West as opposed to East? Perhaps a lot of people are running qrp these days....
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:49:41 (GMT/BST)
Re EK6AD. Still looking for surew fire way to get QSL - as are others that have mailed me. Have one costly awkward solution - any of you have ideas??
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:42:05 (GMT/BST)
To the stations in JA that didnt get me in the pile up;
I am qrv every day from Jp50ir.I am happy that i was the
first LA for many JAs.To those i made qso with,abt 15 before
the qrm/qsb was to heavy i say many thanks,cuagn.And a good
F2 to all of u six-ops.
Rene la2wka <la2wka@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:32:02 (GMT/BST)
To the stations in JA that didnt get me in the pile up;
I am qrv every day from Jp50ir.I am happy that i was the
first LA for many JAs.To those i made qso with,abt 15 before
the qrm/qsb was to heavy i say many thanks,cuagn.And a good
F2 to all of u six-ops.
Rene la2wka <la2wka@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:31:13 (GMT/BST)
Tony: Out of the 13 postings (excluding this one) 10 of those (or 77%) come from the one VK3. Who then has the diarrhoea do you think?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:23:02 (GMT/BST)
Are we sure that this is the UKSMG and not the VKSMG announcement page?
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:12:59 (GMT/BST)
My god there is two of me WA6FEJ GREGORY, STEPHEN J 1539 E HOWARD ST 44, PASADENA, CA 91104
VK3SIX <at qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 10:00:20 (GMT/BST)
Here are some callsbooks on my website http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/callbooks
and here is the pathfinder page.
and the rest http://callsign.ualr.edu/callsign.shtml if they dont work he is a pirate.
VK3SIX <at qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 09:56:04 (GMT/BST)
The VK3SIX beacon was at my own volition and cost moved a month ago to 28.293 and the relief at being able to beam thru it to Europe without modulating the band with keyed power line noise. the difference between 50 Khz and 183 Khz speration from 110 is unbelievable. Hopefully others will follow suit and clear out. Aussies are pretty thick on the ground there from 066 to 085. VK6 took the initiative and others should follow. VK3SIX is a purpose built site, uses VK3ALM/4CP keyers and has been on air almost continually for 10 years. 776 reports to date. 100 watts erp beaming in an arc BY/HL/JA/KL7/VE7/W7 it is better than many home stations running two yagis at 100 and 110 feet on 28 and 50 mhz. A 2c worth.
VK3SIX <at qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 09:50:15 (GMT/BST)
Neil: An excellent proposal that requires some serious discussion from within the fraternity. When was the last time any of you guys actually tuned around for beacons trying to PRE-EMPT an opening? Like 885, beacons are pretty much a thing of the past. Last time you went looking for a beacon was probably after you had already worked some DX which in turn was after you had been copying TV or some other out-of-band early warning. Besides, unless a beacon is comparible to the average ham station ie; 100W with minimum of 5 elements then what's the point? ... or do we like the hear the DX before those band-hogging beacons? Over crowding is not really an issue in sparsely (relatively) populated areas such as VK but I can see it helping in other regions that do not have our "luxury". Even if not a total clearout of beacons then a more realistic and sensible approach is in order with regards to both frequency and geographical allocation. For instance, I am amused by the shear number of beacons in the USA, mostly running flea power into modest antennas. What's the point? Beacons to indicate the presence of Es? How about a survey in Six News Chris?
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 09:34:32 (GMT/BST)
With band activity at the highest levels ever, isnt it time "we" looked at moving the beacon band from the bottom 80KHz of 6m, what a waste this part of the sprectrum is when its wide open. Wall to wall QRM 100-200 and a dead band below 50.080MHz. It would probably be a 10 yr project to get everyone to move and expensive, but lets get our act together for cycle 24 and move it somewhere above 50.400MHz.
I think Raymond XE1KK proved a point using 50075 yesterday, and to great effect.
PS: is there any news where/when the UKSMG Convention will take place in 2002 yet please?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 08:24:06 (GMT/BST)
To Steve VK3SIX ,thanks very much for that info.Though
I'm not sure where the qrz dx look up machine is!Hope to work you one of these days Steve on six.Thanks again Dave
G4GLT <NEWMANDildav@AOL.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 08:21:32 (GMT/BST)
VK2GJH: Why not giving the logs and QSLs to another person (or UKSMG)? Ever heard of a "QSL-Manager"? 73s Joe
DL8HCZ, Joe <info at dubus.de>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:48:53 (GMT/BST)
OH6HOW-@ 50023.5 JA1ZYK/B 5/9 !!! 0702 17 Nov
dx is up see ya!
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:07:11 (GMT/BST)
Yeah all you guys sending 4W6UN cards via Bureau Im not a member either and they are being unsorted and pulped..
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:05:24 (GMT/BST)
Horrr Jack san, qsl wa VK2GJH, coca wa Jan2002 skatimasu!! DOZO!
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:02:13 (GMT/BST)
VK8TM Terry in PG66 PO Box 1631 Alice Springs Australia 0871, all these addresses are on/in the qrz dx lookup machine.
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 07:01:22 (GMT/BST)
C21JH, T30JH, T33JH and T33JH logs dated from 1996 to 2000 will be CLOSED OFF by MARCH 2002. So if you need a QSL for either HF or 50MHz you had better send your request soon as the logs will be closed 01st March 2002 and put out for "recycling". Reason being that I have "retired" from the hobby and no longer have the time for amateur radio in any form. QSL requests, direct only, with self addressed envelope and return postage. Sorry, NOT a member of the VK QSL Bureaux. (Someone may like to translate this message into Japanese and pass on to the JA fraternity..tnx) Best 73 to all...Jack.
Mr Jack D. Haden VK2GJH <vk2gjh@yahoo.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:59:42 (GMT/BST)
Hey Jamie, TI5BX is Eduardo PO Box 159, Santa Barbara CP 3009 Heredia in gl EK70 ssomething.
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:59:21 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys,does anyone have the qsl info on VK8TM ?
I am looking for local qsos on 50.200mhz in the Midlands
as it is very quiet here some days.Best 73 DAVE G4GLT.
G4GLT <NEWMANDildav@AOL.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:57:14 (GMT/BST)
Hey Dale AA5XE, Ramon XE1KK, thanks for recent qsl cards for 6m contacts this year, and as part of the mutual admiration society. I always like to see guys who I have worked, work other great dx!!!
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:56:38 (GMT/BST)
Chip, for 10kc tuning you can have one of my old hearing-aide batteries! Good Hunting on Six!
Peter vk4apg <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:55:23 (GMT/BST)
Great XE1KK. SM7CMV sorry mised you other day worked SM6CMU again aftr 10 years. W5UN is EL29hk, JR6HI is PL36vi same as beacon and 7J6CCU Kenji Chibana 463 Kadena , Kadena Okinawa Japan 904-02
Steve VK3SIX <at QSl.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 06:52:26 (GMT/BST)
Ramon, Looks like you had a very good day. I could hear you on BS. I had lot of qrn & rain static but still managed to work some new ones. I knew it would open up to XE soon, just didn't expect such a big opening. CU
Dale AA5XE <aa5xektc.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 02:54:45 (GMT/BST)
One heck of a great idea who's time is long over due. see: http://www.ham-radio.com/n6ca/hi_spdCQ.jpg
CU 'til end of season 50.080-50.090
73 Chip
Chip N6CA <n6ca@ham-radio.com>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 01:32:22 (GMT/BST)
Some statistics from today opening:
Stations worked: 254
Countries worked: 22
New Countries worked: 19 (9H CT DL EA EI F G GI GM GU GW HB I LX OK ON OZ PA SP) May were 1st QSOs betwen XE and the country, i.e.: ON and PA.
Other counries worked: 3 (K VE XE)
First QSO 14:02 GMT
Last QSO: 16:35 GMT
Equipement: 6M7JHV by M2 and 100 watts from a FT-847
Ramon, XE1KK <xe1kk@xe1kk.net>
- Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 00:13:13 (GMT/BST)
VP5/K5CM grid is FL41..........I think!
Gordon gi6atz <gi6atzqsl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 23:30:53 (GMT/BST)
Yes I agree, good opening today. Need locators of these stations: JR6HI, VP5/K5CM and W5UN.
73, Ken
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 23:13:20 (GMT/BST)
What a brilliant opening today !!!
Managed 4 new dxcc VP5/K5CM, TI5KD, TI5BX, YS1RR, XE1KK and lots of N.Am stations.......
Never thought 6mtrs could be so good !!
73 de Jamie
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv@ *** ***>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 22:06:43 (GMT/BST)
Greatest opening to the Caribean ever here in south-east DL. Big wall of PA/G/North DL to get through, like some of you experienced with Italy. Took me 50 minutes to get ZF1DC who was S9, missed XE and TG during that. 73
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 21:06:24 (GMT/BST)
ON4ANT Ramon Santoyo V. Apartado Postal 19-564, Mexico DF 03901 mexico for XE1KK Grid is EK09 xe1kk@xe1kk.net www.xe1kk.net
vk3six <at qslnet>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 20:08:57 (GMT/BST)
P.S. Please do not give grids,names,qths,wx,operating condx,etc. It slows things down and causes others to miss opportunity. I was working 3 stns/min today. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 19:35:09 (GMT/BST)
BEST DAY EVER to EU. The signals were 59+40dB when I turned on radio at 1350Z. Worked DL, GM, G, LA, OK, OZ, PA, SP, SM, VO1, VE2, W7 which included 2 new ones (GM,OK). Thanks! Hope for more of same tmw. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 19:32:49 (GMT/BST)
great day on 6m ..at all started at around 10:45 with un5pr
then was quiet for a short while then the bomb went off... all freqs here were jammed not only with carribean stns but loads of g's and europeans as well and all while beaming 240 deg... what more could you ask for ..yes a very good day indeed and thanks to ti5bx and ys1ss for two new ones..
and poor bob (ve1yx) stuck up on the high end of the band hi ... 73 to all ...ray
Ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 19:11:52 (GMT/BST)
Some guys have all the luck....and time Ray...hi congrats on 6 new ones in a day. I'll be there tomorrow to catch the 3 of those I still need. 73
Dennis PA7FM <pa7fm@amsat.org>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 18:55:43 (GMT/BST)
Best opening ever here, and the day isn't over yet! Many thanks to everyone for all the fun, and especially 9A3FT, SP2OFW, GJ3RAX & ES1AJ (who called me! & was kind enough to stick with me until I realized his call really was "ES1AJ" & not "EH1AJ"!) for the new ones. To the LY station who tried with me, thanks. I'm really sorry I couldn't pull you through -next time I hope. Come on KH6/JA & etc....!!!!
Dave N3DB <callsign_at_radix.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 18:16:12 (GMT/BST)
Great openning today. Funny since a veak ago every day hrd 0x3vhf and ox3six beacon, but 2day no ox but first time vo1za at 50039.3
Worked 6 new large grid, 2 new countries up to 60 usa and 5 ve-vo station. I am really glad thanks all to work me qsl ok my grid JN76XI.Hope 2morrow will be same propagation hi.
Marko - S52SK <S52SK@YAHOO.COM>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 17:54:17 (GMT/BST)
Indeed lot of fun today. Thought last month was great but this beats it all. 6 new ones today (XE,YS,TI,ZF,HP,VP5) 2 new fields again and 12 new grids.....Have fun 2morrow when every six freak will be at the rig. 73
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa@50mhz.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 17:07:08 (GMT/BST)
A lot of fun working USA again, a lot of stations with small setup worked. I'm amased that every single opening new grids keep coming in. The west coast remains spotty however.
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 16:43:35 (GMT/BST)
Well after today's magic opening to central America I've now managed to work 101 countries, my 2nd 50
MHz DXCC, which together with No. 231 for G3SDL will look very nice on the wall. Think I need to take a
quick break in OZ to work the remaing 5 countries needed for a third 50 MHz DXCC. Can I just give one
only public yipeeee! Sorry!
73s to all and especially all the DX stations that have been active of late.
Dave EI3IO <EI3IO at connogue.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 16:19:42 (GMT/BST)
LEONID's 2001 - don't forget about it. If I right, the best time for Europe will be on Sunday 18th at 10.00 +- abt 30 min, with QTF 300. Lets look at http://www.vhfdx.de - DK5YA web site and related links. Cuagn
Jacek SP1CNV <pola@icmax.com.pl>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:42:22 (GMT/BST)
SORRY it should read XE1KK.Too much hast.73
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:35:18 (GMT/BST)
Has anyone the route for EX1KK please.
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:29:10 (GMT/BST)
The anti-spamming doesn't seem to work!
Colin, GW3RYR <c.morgan@wlv.ac.uk>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:28:16 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have e-mail address for K8WW - no response from the one in QRZ.com. Thanks
Colin, GW3RYR <c.morganwlv.ac.uk>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 15:25:55 (GMT/BST)
XE1KK worked for a first ON-XE qso on 6m, tnx Ramon for calling me ! see you next year at JKV BBQ
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 14:15:12 (GMT/BST)
Someone was selling a pair of Svetlana 250BM's sometime ago on here. Does said person still have em! I need a new pair please! If anyone else has a new pair for sale please email!
Anyone tried retrofitting 4cx400 vice 250b???
Simon GM4PLM
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plmemn.org.uk>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 12:06:03 (GMT/BST)
Re: Screws in M2 shorting blocks: Before installing my 6M7 stack, I replaced the hex-head screws with "regular" stainless steel machine screws, used Noalox on the threads, covered the entire screw and area around where it threads into the block with Liquid Tape, (which I've found to be very resistant to UV...important here in EL-98), and finally, blasted them with several coats of Rustoleum 7701 Crystal Clear Enamel. The Rustoleum product seems much better than Krylon...hope one or the other is available in the UK.
Good luck everyone!
Steve NN4X <nn4x@yahoo.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 11:54:20 (GMT/BST)
There is QSL info for G4DMA/KL7 on QRZ.com. You can get it with input callsign as "G4DMA/KL7".
Hiro JG3LEB <jg3leb(at)biglobe.ne.jp>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 11:02:29 (GMT/BST)
The other side of hamspirit:
A famous VE1.. working OH0 for a new one. QRG is VE´s.
VE1´s neighbour is asking two times gently if he allows to
work the weak OH0 on his QRG. He did not allow and suggested
to QSY up. Not possible? I heard this yesterday live on 6m.
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 10:48:57 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have QSL info for G4DMA/KL7 pse? If so pse e-mail- TNX & 73...
Bob, K1SIX <b_mobile conknet.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 10:16:20 (GMT/BST)
Have any of you kind ops out there ever used WSJT with an Alinco DX70? I am a total novice with Digital modes so any info to get me started would be appreciated.
Many thanks for the replies on the QSL route for UN6P
Best 73 Don
mm5ajw don <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 08:52:46 (GMT/BST)
Congratulations to OX3LX/OZ1DJJ for finally working OX on 6. When you visit OX3OX Ole I hope you will bring a yagi along.
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh**qsl.net>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 08:51:03 (GMT/BST)
re M2: During my recent /P ops I assembled and disassmebled my JHV 15 times on-site over a 2 1/2 week period without any dramas, albeit a pain in the wotsit! As it got dinged up a bit I have to re-build/repair some parts anyway, although the T-Match shorting blocks are OK for now. As I suggestion you can purchase these repair rods (which are used in conjuction with a butane torch flame) for repairing and fabricating aluminium (and other non-iron based metals). It is super strong and one of the suggested applications is for mending stripped threads. Fill in the hole with this stuff, then re-drill & re-tap. Don't have the name with me now but I'm sure your local hardware store will know about it anyway. I guess another alternative, one that might involve less mucking around providing you have a drill press, is to replace the shorting bars with similarly sized bits of aluminium flatbar and redrill to suit.
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 02:42:56 (GMT/BST)
Hi, W8 this morning since the last cycle. Hope more extended propagation this weekend. 73,
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok@jarl.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 02:11:02 (GMT/BST)
Thanks everyone for your helpful suggestions re.M2 antenna problem 73 Bill
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Friday, November 16, 2001 at 00:17:26 (GMT/BST)
Re Buro: Ray PA4PA I dont know how fast the PA buro is but the W2 buro while vy good is slow, & I dont know where the delay is coming from. I am not receiving most buro QSLs from June - December 2000, none from 2001. average is 1 year to receive & I wait till I have batch to return, so maybe 2-3 month delay in return. I think buro is vy good but if you want good service then send direct. I try to use buro for all but new countries
Bruce K2RTH <K2RT@aol.com>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 23:20:30 (GMT/BST)
Re: M2 Shorting Block: If you carefully drill out allen screws, you can then either retap, or tap and put screw from opposite side. Like VK3SIX recommended best to use external head screw like allen, and then coat with Krylon Crystal Clear lacquer(or equivalent). I coat entire antennas with 2 coats here, severe salt water enviorment, will prevent screw from loosening, while making it possible to remove, protect antenna too.
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH@aol.com>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 22:57:01 (GMT/BST)
RE M2 Antennas: I actually used lock-tite on mine during installation. This beast is up 35m and I do NOT wish to take it down. MANY have indicated failure or potential problems with the feedpoint/ matching blocks, etc. Many rumors also. An important topic & an excellent antenna. Here's a link with some info: http://www.conknet.com/~b_mobile/2MPIX.html Pse inform me of more reliable solutions and I'll attempt to add the information at b_mobile@conknet.com TNX!!
Bob, K1SIX
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 20:51:46 (GMT/BST)
Having said all that they are still worth the effort and even my 9 el continues to offer superb performance even with 100 watts into OZ and SM6 the other day, only qsos from S/W Victoria, over 600 kM from the other eastern openings. The new 11 el dipole is far superior and uses larger screws.
vk3six <at qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 20:48:24 (GMT/BST)
Yep M2 Tee matches not the greatest design. My 5 ele dipole was wrecked after two or three assemblies, cant get the dipole on the 11 element apart to ship it, so with my kl7six JHV I used flat head screws instead of the Allen wrench screws. Sounds too late Bill you have to cut the shorting bars off and get new ones from K6MYC unless you are very lucky.
vk3six <at qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 20:44:57 (GMT/BST)
Another short opening to EU today at 1430 worked OH then heard ES2CM calling CQ so worked for new one. Also heard GM0EWX calling W8,9,0's but never called for DX. Also heard TF4?? working W's but faded before I worked. So 2 new ones missed, but that's part of the game. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 20:33:54 (GMT/BST)
Neil: Ve3ZOQ Bernard FN25 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 20:10:05 (GMT/BST)
Looking for grid sq's of VE3WHS and VE3ZOQ, just in case they are out in the sticks. Any help appreciated.
Managed just over 200 QSOs today, inc 29 W0s. Band dropped out like a stone around 1615z after 4hrs of NA.
Congrats on your OX Bo, you deserve that one! 73 gd dx.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 19:51:45 (GMT/BST)
After so many years being ative from Greenland as OX3LX,OX2K,and XP1AB , I OZ1DJJ managed to have QSO with my very good friend Ole OX3OX in GP36 today, Thank you Ole and hope to see you around 1 dec. in Sisimiut(GP36).
Bo OZ1DJJ/OX3LX <ox3lx@mail.dk>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 19:44:51 (GMT/BST)
another busy day ... started hearing usa and bob (ve1yx) aprox 12:50 and it was uphill from there the band was quite hectic here for about 3hrs til about 3pm ... good to hear the u.s. getting it together with scandinavia and estonia..
and many thanks for the new one gus (hc2fg) i called cqdx and gus came back to the call... what a band!! roll on tomorrow .. 73 to all ...ray
Ray Gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 19:20:20 (GMT/BST)
SV1EN, thanks Nick for a very nice QSL ! You not only gave me a new country but also a new Zone, and of course grid. Hope to work you in the future. Best of Luck on Six meters ! 73 Bill
Bill W4TJ <w4tj@adelphia.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 17:45:26 (GMT/BST)
Just phoned the VY0HL´s wife. He will be QRV again in his
lunch break in about 2 hours from now. 73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 15:20:57 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to any Eu,s stn,s for qso,s during my stay in 9m6 land.9-th of November I worked 140 stations from Eu.I will start to sending qsl,s during one month.
Jerzy SP9EVP sp9evp@poczta.wp.pl
Jerzy 9m6evt <sp9evp@poczta.wp.pl>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 11:19:38 (GMT/BST)
Hi Guys.
Has anyone noticed a beacon on 50.155? very long Beeps, to put it blunt. I notice this everyday when RS15 Sat comes over, I get this on three different radios, so not just a sproggy. Have RS15 altered there tx freqs or does anyone have any other ideas of this.
John GM7PBB <johngm7pbb.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 10:14:01 (GMT/BST)
To Bob 9A3JI:OK for no.3.Yes but still waiting official licence!
Hope will come soon.
Good DX de 9A3FT
Renko 9A3FT
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 08:11:12 (GMT/BST)
Bill, you could try Plus Gas or Paraffin to unsieze the screws, or maybe a blow lamp if you're carefull. As a permanant replace the screws with ones made from 316 stainless. The threads are likely to be Unified rather than Metric, 73
Dave G4RGK <g4rgk@hdeng.freeserve.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 07:58:57 (GMT/BST)
Re 9a3ft: Thanks Renny. 9a3hz was little late with submission, so I'm the third holder :-)) QSL's finally arrived from ARRL, so WAZ submission is to be sent.
Btw, hrd you changed your callsign?
Bob, 9a3ji <9a3ji**ipc.hr>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 07:48:06 (GMT/BST)
tee match grub screws:
before assembly , put some "copper slip " or similar anti seize compound on the screw threads and also a little up inside the threaded hole .
also to stop water ingress to feedpoint connectors [n-type ,pl259 etc] coat after assembly with "battery terminal protector" which come in spray cans , this is used on car battery terminals and is silicone grease basically . with a stuck grub screw try placig allen key into screw and support behind shorting bar with piece of steel plate of another hammer and tap the allen key with hammer lightly , this sometimes frees up the thread a little , with wd-40 sprayed on it and backward/forward movement of allen key , it may free off after a bit , otherwise it means drilling the grub screw out and retapping hole , its usually 5mm grub screws , but being an american antenna it may be 3/16 " threads , GL 73
ian m0bcg <m0bcg@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 07:28:43 (GMT/BST)
North West W7 into EA7 last evening (1715-1810Z) for the 1st time ever. Realized the "EH" prefix is a pain!. 73
Jose EH7KW <ea7kw@ure.es>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 07:01:16 (GMT/BST)
Bill 'MFY: I've had the same problem but I guess I caught it early 'cos WD40 worked. "The ARE the weakest link". It seems to be a VERY common problem on an otherwise excellent antenna - perhaps it's time to ask M2 what they advise - it can't be just us that have the problem - it rains in CA as well! Presume you've already visited their web site http://www.m2inc.com/ 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 06:48:29 (GMT/BST)
Anyone had intermittency problems with T-match shorting bars on M2 Antennas?The allen screws on mine have seized up and all attempts to free them have failed.Is there a magic freeing agent on the market?I've tried heat,frustrating.
73 Bill gw3mfy
bill gw3mfy <gw3mfy@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 00:17:31 (GMT/BST)
Nice openings to the left coast yesterday and today, worked N6XQ and a few other W6's yesterday, with many W0's and a few W7's. Today the morning F2 to the East consisted of 4 hrs of in-band video and no dx. At lunchtime I worked HC2FG & VP5/K5CM for a new one (the HC8 beacon has been a good signal every day for the past week between 12:45 & 14:00z....hope condx still there when the CQWWcw contest team arrive!). Had a wonderful opening to W 1234567890 in the afternoon, several W6's in DM & CM squares, and also
VE 123459 (VE4CP & VE5UF, VE5LY in DO square). Great to see W7 & VE7 to OH, SM & ES last night via spread F & F2 link.
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 22:37:15 (GMT/BST)
Must be ON firstlist..not fistlist..hi...sri
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp@pandora.be>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 22:35:06 (GMT/BST)
Update of ON fistlist on: http://users.pandora.be/uba.nok/first.htm
73's Paul
Paul ON5PU <on9bgp@pandora.be>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 22:34:06 (GMT/BST)
A big surprise this morning, 48250 video 40db and a short opening to northern EU, 4 new ones (ES,LA,OH,SM) thanks !
my apologies to anyone i didn't heard, vy noisy band and fast QSB (+ i beam direct to local TV-2 in eu path). I'll keep trying for more... 73's
Paul yv1dig <yv1dig***amsat.org>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 21:59:28 (GMT/BST)
Hi all finally got back on 6m after 2 week break. Bad Storm here Nov.3rd and then Brother got married Nov. 10th so been hectic here. Blah Blah Blah. hihi. Anyway today at 1330Z band opened to N. Eu and worked LA, SM, SP, OZ, OH, PA, DL which includes 4 new ones for me. Opening was mostly S5 but not many on. Will be looking agn tommorow. CONGRATS TO ALL ON NEW DXCC's. 73's
ZF1DC David <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 21:24:11 (GMT/BST)
The good conditions on 6m recentley have given me dxcc+4 will have to sort out the cards now 73
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 21:10:51 (GMT/BST)
To 9A3JI:Congrats on DXCC award old man.Think you are 4th
holder in Croatia!Wish you good DX and min.200 cty hi.
73 ADIO de 9A3FT
Renko 9A3FT <renko.kirigin@st.tel.hr>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 20:23:11 (GMT/BST)
W1234567890 into IO91 this afternoon.The first time I have
heard W6 and W7,let alone worked them.
David G3FPQ <G3FPQ@hotpop.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 20:10:21 (GMT/BST)
another big US opening W123457890 in once agn
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 18:05:26 (GMT/BST)
VE2DFO is in FN25. 73s Joe
DL8HCZ, Joe <info at dubus.de>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 17:07:36 (GMT/BST)
Can anybody tell me the locator of VE2DFO ?
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 16:58:37 (GMT/BST)
OX3OX-Ole, GP36 report today one opening to EU working abt. 5 DL and around 100 QSO to NA, Ole using now 100W and Dipole.
Bo OZ1DJJ <ox3lx@mail.dk>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 16:54:40 (GMT/BST)
Claus try http://www.javaradio.com
Chris M0BOP <chrisslater-walker.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 16:41:28 (GMT/BST)
Claus, try this link as a starting point, its a list of web controlled receivers, there are probably links and information somewhere off these pages, I am thinking of the same thing when I get my ADSL link, for receiving only you understand , would be nice to control my radio from Work http://www.qsl.net/oe3mzc/receivers.html
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 13:28:17 (GMT/BST)
Help needed: Is there anybody with experience on a set-up that allows you remote access of your 50 MHz rig via the phone/internet. Sitting here at QRL it would be avfully nice if I could turn my PC into a 50 MHz TRX.
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh xx qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 12:24:06 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone explain to me why the W/VE QSL rate is the lowest there is? Are they just not collectors, isn't the buro functioning or what? End of beeing mr nice guy. If any of you guys from NA want a qsl this time you may sent first.
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa@50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 11:46:56 (GMT/BST)
QSL route for UN6P is direct via: P.O. Box 73, Temirtau, 472300, Republic of Kazakhstan, C.I.S. I got a swift response for a QSL last autumn. Ops name is Yuri BTW. 73
Clive, G4FVP <g4fvp@ntlworld.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 11:12:29 (GMT/BST)
9Q5EE was K1RH but that was a long time ago 1991
vk3six <at qsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 10:20:31 (GMT/BST)
UN6P is I believe via UN5PR.
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 10:12:24 (GMT/BST)
For those of you who managed to work XP1AB here are some pictures: http://www.plicht.de/ekki/travel/greenland/
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdhxxqsl.net>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 09:57:45 (GMT/BST)
Can someone give me the best QSL route for TA3BD please, Im not sure the usual sources are OK for this call
Many thanks
mm5ajw don <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 08:52:03 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone tell me the best QSL route for UN6P. Many thanks Don
mm5ajw <mckay@btinternet.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 08:33:44 (GMT/BST)
Sorry the call is of course 9M6/JA1HGY, and I got this info via email from JA1HGY himself. It was a bit late yesterday for me... 73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 08:04:47 (GMT/BST)
Joe, are you sure it's 9M6/JK1HGY because he has been spotted as 9M6/JA1HGY only.........
Ray, PA4PA <pa4pa@50mhz.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 07:59:57 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone have a QSL route to 5R8EE that actually works?
Howard Sine <sincosine@farmerstel.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 07:06:02 (GMT/BST)
G0RUZ, G0JHC, GM0EWX and GW4VEQ heard on Nov 13. GW4VEQ worked at 1706 utc with 559 signal! Got "QRZs" out of G0RUZ and GM0EWX. I was portable in EM18 running 100w and a dipole on a high hill top. High winds prevented putting up 3 el yagi.
Jon N0JK <n0jk hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 03:30:24 (GMT/BST)
9M6/JK1HGY etc were in OJ85BX. (sri...) Just got this info from JK1HGY himself. 73s Joe, DL8HCZ
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 23:23:37 (GMT/BST)
Wow VE7 - ES and still going. Expect KL7 to EU soon - but not for us southerners - I'm off to bed GN All!
Peter G8BCg <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 21:57:35 (GMT/BST)
NW7O has been visiting in EN60 this past week, back in Nevada next week....
Neil G0JHC
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 21:33:21 (GMT/BST)
(13 Nov. 01 @ 2100 hrs UTC) OOOPPPSSS...my mistake...N7BLS is in Oregon (Chris..N2NEH)
Chris (N2NEH) <n2neh@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 21:01:37 (GMT/BST)
(13 Nov. 01 2 2050 hrs UTC)Great opening all afternoon and now to Alaska..that's farther from me here in Eastern NY then it is from here to the U.K. Stations worked: (so far) N7BLS, KL7FZ, NL7ZW, KL0BK, AL7OC, KL7NO, KL7FH, & KL7HFQ
Chris (N2NEH) <n2neh@arrl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:55:03 (GMT/BST)
Hi friends. Could anyone give the Email adr of 9G5AN? mny tnx
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:54:06 (GMT/BST)
Last sunday (11-11-2001) in the middle of the US pile-up I just forgot to ask NW7O if he was in Nevada (as usual) or somewhere else to the East of the US. If you know where NW7O was last Sunday please e-mail me. (I also forgot to write down the grid). By the way I also worked W3TWO and W9LS in 21/10/2001, QRZ.COM shows W3TWO in Idaho and W9LS in California, any help to confirm this will also be great.
73 Jose CT1EEB http://www.qsl.net/ct1eeb
Jose CT1EEB <ct1eeb@mail.telepac.pt>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:50:01 (GMT/BST)
PS: Congrats to W7's working OH! WOW! Good stuff...
Tim N1RZ <n1rz(at)n1rz.org>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:22:20 (GMT/BST)
Great Eastern Eu stuff on these days....ES1AJ, ES1CW, ES2QN, ES4NG, LY2BAW. Heard YL2JN yesterday...Will be looking for YL2JN again the rest of the week....Also been searching for LZ, SV, 5B, 4X ;-)
Good luck to all with these AWESOME Daze on 6m! 73 Tim
Tim N1RZ <n1rz(at)n1rz.org>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 20:21:31 (GMT/BST)
OX3OX this afternoon (around 15ut) into JN59 working USA. Heard him weak, but readable. 73 & GL
Wolfgang - DJ3TF <dj3tf@darc.de>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 19:35:12 (GMT/BST)
N8XA: Hi Ax, please email me me the recording, it's quite possible I forgot to log you wrote over it or something, 73 Nick (replace the (at) with @ in my adr)
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 17:32:12 (GMT/BST)
ES Activity- Great to hear so many ES stations active on 6m! So far ES1AJ, ES1CW, ES2LN & ES2RJ in the log. Please raise that 6m activity from East Europe- We've just scratched the surface! TNX!!...
Bob, K1SIX
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 17:23:43 (GMT/BST)
Sorry for off topic but this is the only page I check regulary. Has anybody got an idea how to unlock the 1.8MHZ 10W limitation on TS870? A friend of mine bought the rig in ON and it came with this limit (guess 10W is max pwr on 160m in ON?). Searched the net but I didn't find anything except the software way which doesn't work. It seems that limit is 'hardcoded'. Which diode to cut then, heh?
Here's on topic: received my 6m DXCC (#370) the other day, missed some 10 new DXCC's due to work etc... Nothing new in 6m land... :-)
Bob, 9a3ji <9a3ji__ipc.hr>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 17:16:41 (GMT/BST)
Congrats AX!! I knew you would do it and you are 45 days ahead of schedule! TNX YL2JN for a new one and sorry to LA1NG for the confusion- hope I can work you soon! 73 & DX...
Bob, K1SIX
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 17:12:49 (GMT/BST)
Worked SM3GSK for #100 today I thought. But might be 99. BUT I MUST DIFFER with Nick 5B4FL. My recording SHOWS you giving my call Twice as -N8XA- and a report & I gave you a report and said my call again twice . Then you came back to my call & N8XA with a R. Either you put it in your log wrong or completely forgot to log it. IT WAS OK HERE.YOUR ROGER & MY CALL TOLD ME YOU COPIED OK. YOU WERE VERY BUSY AT THE TIME, so could have forgotten to log it? I worked you after N8BJQ had a R/QSL from you. Please check it out. I KNOW A GOOD CONTACT WHEN I WORK SOMEONE & THIS ONE WAS GOOD. YOU OK'd IT BY YOUR ROGER & MY CALL. TU 73 N8XA
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 16:49:37 (GMT/BST)
I am looking for a cct diagram for a BNOS 6m PA. 10w in 100W out. When placed in line signals are severly attenuated, so looks like a relay has gone AWOL but would prefer a diagram for reference before I "go in". Can anyone help with a diagram ? Has this happened on your PA ? 73
Steve M0BPQ <Stephen.bunting(at)kcl.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 14:47:40 (GMT/BST)
Please let me know UN9P QSL route. Thanks in advance
JG3LEB Hiro <jg3leb(at)mxp.mesh.ne.jp>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 13:52:24 (GMT/BST)
Was very happy to have ES1CW call me yesterday for a new one! (#111 now Chris/WOS if you're still keeping score).
Hours and hours of humoungous signals from ve7/W7/KL7/V73 (50-60dB/9)later,but no KH6's....maybe
tonight. :-)
ve9aa Mike <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 12:17:08 (GMT/BST)
Hi friends. Back home last night after 14 days in 8Q7. I made by far not as many contacts as last october. Nevertheless made some real fine DX never worked all the years before. For the first time worked 7Q7RM and 9G5AN. Also VK8MS and VK6JQ. Most interesting contacs were made with YV1DIG and YV5GRV followed a bit later by 9Y4AT and 9Z4BM with skewd haedings. And another very interesting happening: all the last years I nonly worked into JA6 and on the 9th nov got into JA1, JA2, JA3, JA4, JA5 JA6, JA7 via back scatter; qtf 130. Other stations worked were ZC4FL, 9V1,JA statiuonsvia SP, 5R8, FR5,OH7 (the only EU), UK9,5Bç, 4W/CU3, a lot of VR2,YB0, A45, UN6,EY8, D68,HZ1, UK9, IT9, EY8, 9M6,etc.A number of beacons where heard: VK6,P29, 9M2, HC8, TR0,YV4,9M6. All details will be in SIXNEWS. All together it was not succesfull as last october but the fact of working real fine DX was a fine happening. I do not know whether I will be in 8Q7 anymore. 73 Pierre
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 12:05:35 (GMT/BST)
Not much DX so far today :-). BUT - VERY HAPPY - 6m DXCC #398 AND HZ1MD card (TNX Mohamad) in mail today :-)
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 11:37:42 (GMT/BST)
I am still loking for the qsl of 9q5ee.
manager is k1rh says my log. is this right and is he still the manager? any info 73 Timon pa9kt
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt@bart.nl>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 11:33:56 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Dave.
Neil G0JHC
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 09:14:16 (GMT/BST)
Neil - W7CI email is wagners@hqasc.army.mil from the EME email list at nitehawk.com
Dve G4RGK <g4rgk@hdeng.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 08:50:35 (GMT/BST)
Looking for an email address for W7CI, nothing on qrz or Buck.
Any offers? Tks.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 08:26:16 (GMT/BST)
ES/OH/ into Qf VK3
vk3six <at qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 08:21:34 (GMT/BST)
Adam - assure you the shack is quite small (hi) if you could see my wall-paper you would want to hide it all (catch a glimpse at QRZ.com). The world locator map would measure 0.96m by 0.66m - quite small really (I can't believe I measured that! REALLY SAD) - but it is midnight and the band is closed at the moment) Have fun and hope to get your grid to colour in. Vy 73
Clive, G4FVP <g4fvp@ntlworld.com>
- Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 00:00:49 (GMT/BST)
Sorry couldn't hear everyone this morning. Noise very low here. Only sig/QSO was ON4GG on 20 second peak. Lots of W QRM. ALL of us So Cal six meter crazies will be looking everyday til season is over. Most run a KW and a big yagi and CW. I will hang around 080 unless you have a better freq in mind. 73 Chip
N6CA <n6ca@ham-radio.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 23:57:01 (GMT/BST)
Clive, you could always buy a 2nd grid square atlas & cut them both up and stick together to make a large wall chart! You must either have a very big shack or don't use your wall space to display awards & QSLs! Cheers
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 23:26:22 (GMT/BST)
At the bottom of this colored-in grid map is a link to GCM. Click on it do download software to create a grid map of anyplace in the world. http://www.conknet.com/~b_mobile/EastGrids.html As you can see by the example, coloring is possible. I use MS Paint to color the BMP then MS Photo Shop Editor to convert to a GIF to save a little on the file size. Best Regards...
Bob, K1SIX
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 23:04:53 (GMT/BST)
Strong but short opening from OH1 to USA just before
sunset.It last maybe 5-7min, but managed work eight stations
FN20/FM29 area.
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 22:17:38 (GMT/BST)
If you are interested in greyline propagation at six metres, there is a helpful real time grey line map at Fourmilab in Switzerland
useful for predicting the path to V73 (hi) 73
Clive G4FVP <g4fvp@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 21:50:15 (GMT/BST)
Charlie VR2XMT - a real thrill to work you today - a new one for me - I missed VS6WV in the last sunspot cycle. Also tnx to Liu BG7OH and VR2LC for f.b. QSOs. Tnx also to GM0PLH whose Cluster spot sent me driving home from work for the second time in 2 hours ! It takes me 7 mins. to drive home and all the time I'm thinking 'hang in there propagation'! Missed VR2KW whose CW was fading out. 73 from IO77WS.
Chris GM3WOJ <gm3woj(at)talk21.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 21:42:34 (GMT/BST)
This talk of Grid Maps makes me think that there must be a market for a wall map version of the ARRL world grid locator atlas. Perhaps someone can suggest it to ARRL. 73
Clive,G4FVP <g4fvp@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 21:23:16 (GMT/BST)
Great to work China, BG7OH, this morning after a phone call on my qrl from Timon PA9KT. Last 3 weeks almost every day i go home to work something new, but am i the only one who is working?? Every time i come home i hear big pile-ups and every time the same guys, is there no one working anymore those days??????? After the BG several VR6's where loud at my qth VR2XP, VR2LC and VR2XMT where worked by me so thanks also for the qso's guys!! I must say Johan 7MH the filters are working great in the 920!!!!!!!!! gd dx 73's John.
John PE9DX <pe9dx at amsat.org>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 20:45:04 (GMT/BST)
what a day , it took me all of two hours to calm down to a panic ... just a thought? are the hf bands as exiting as six? .. thanks charlie (vr2xmt) for dxcc #81 cant wait for tomorrow to come ... 73 all ..ray
Ray Gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 19:48:46 (GMT/BST)
W1234567890 opening this afternoon, first time I hrd all call areas
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 17:55:19 (GMT/BST)
Today big opening , worked 150 EU stations, 60 Gs. Happy to have PA, EI and GM for 3 new DXCC. ON4AOI asked me to look for BG7OH, I phoned him and he on air within a minute. He worked 7 new and now he has #104 , first DXCC six meter station in China. Congrats to Liu, BG7OH !!!
73 Charlie / VR2XMT
Charlie / VR2XMT <vr2xmt@amsat.org>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 14:56:50 (GMT/BST)
Peter KNU, tnx for the link to the US grid map, do you know of any similar available for EU
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 14:23:06 (GMT/BST)
Axel N8XA: I sent you an email yesterday - I worked 18 yesterday mostly 8s, but none of the calls resemble N8XA, very sorry to say...many of the signals were weak under the electrical, but I think I got the calls I worked pretty close, looking for you next opening 73
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 13:56:08 (GMT/BST)
5B4FL TNX #99, on 6 mtrs. 1 more to make 100, 1 more for insurance, 101 & then I can apply for DXCC. HI. Thanks 5B4FL. LOOKING for OY9, LA, SM,OH,OZ,OK,OM,CN,etc,etc, THANKS TO ALL that got me this far, so far. GOOD LUCK TO ALL. I'm listening 28.885 & Tuneing across 6 mtrs constantly. 73, N8XA
Axel N8XA
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 12:49:56 (GMT/BST)
Gary, There is a very good USA grid map which can be downloaded at icomamerica.com its only A4 size but nice and clear and in colour with the states. 73
Peter G3KNU <peter.jackson17@ntlworld.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 12:21:51 (GMT/BST)
Like London buses, nothing from Hong kong then two come along at the same time. Many thanks VR2LC and VR2KW for an exciting morning. 73
Peter G3KNU <peter.jackson17atntlworld.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 12:14:16 (GMT/BST)
TYPICAL! You wait 15 years for HK and then 5 come along in one go! VR2XMT, VR2LC, VR2KW (all wkd), VR2IL & VR2ZXP (hrd)
plus 4F2KWT and BG7OH (www.qsl.com). Still want XV3AA pse!
73 David G4ASR
David G4ASR <g4asr btinternet.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 11:58:13 (GMT/BST)
Game Over! Think not! just worked VR2LC, VR2XMT and BG7OH for 2 new DXCC. Thanks Guys and thanks SUN !!!
Cliff G1IOV <m5acu***hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 11:17:30 (GMT/BST)
P.S. Remeber old ZRO, Yah gotta make calls to get results. Better still find the On switch mate~!
vk3six <vk3six(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 10:19:10 (GMT/BST)
Hey Rotton O, Im getting old to, the first QSO at 0806 I sent a coupla dits and got a question mark back from OZ3K, thought id dropped a coupla characters there for a while, but nah he was legit, and so was I with 100 watts (yeah I know you'd like to see that!).
vk3six <vk3six(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 10:17:29 (GMT/BST)
RO radio will cross rivers!! FYI worked SM6CMU on 12-12-91 at 09:17 and again tonight at 08:27 and a coupla OZ's when calling a HZ. .... .. :
vk3six <vk3six(at)qsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 10:12:55 (GMT/BST)
Sorry about the messages below, i am over 45 years old, i forget things, cheers graham
GRAHAM VK6RO <vk6ro@NOSPAMhotmail.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:31:33 (GMT/BST)
GAME OVER!! Guess its more like "WAYNES WORLD" GAME ON I was hearing HC8bcn on 50.035 qsy'd to 28.885 asked for any central american stations QRV TI5KD came on qsy'd to 6m, i called for him on 50.110 but a pile up of W's answered my call. Eventually found him on 50.120 55>io93 tnx for #93 KEKO. Does anyone know where i can find a large size grid map of USA/CANADA (N America really) 73 Gary
GARY M0CTP <m0ctp#yahoo.co.uk>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:25:36 (GMT/BST)
GRAHAM VK6RO <vl6ro@_NOSPAM_hotmail.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:25:14 (GMT/BST)
VK6HK just worked OY9 faros Is.
vk6ro <atqsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:19:58 (GMT/BST)
FB SM6CMU and OZ4VV old friends worked with 100 watts and 9 el yagi 0825 thanks.
VK3SIX <at qsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 08:41:41 (GMT/BST)
OZ3K into Qf12 and HZ1 into Qf32
VK3SIX <atvqsl.net>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 08:01:36 (GMT/BST)
I don't want to hear that we Med-Area stations are privileged anymore ... (at least us in North Med area). I cannot complain of course, I had my load of new ones last month, but yes I'm very envy to see you central-N EU fellow
working F2 for hours with the band completely dead few hundreds of km south here hi.
I need the complete locator of VK4JH, anyone has it ?
Long live cycle 23 !
Andrea IK5QLO <no_spam@nospam.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 07:12:26 (GMT/BST)
The only Asiatic Russians we see are UA0MF worked every summer and a couple of others, there was also a sp ops by two different JA/UA groups about 10 yrs ago.Mni VK need UA0 even though its so close and many still need China.
vk4zg <atbigpond>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 03:06:34 (GMT/BST)
Game over? Guess so... CT1DYX into Kansas only 3 hours today. Pedro peaked up to 5 x 7 and made over 300 QSOs into W/VE.
Jon N0JK <n0JKhotmail.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 01:44:30 (GMT/BST)
Due to early arrivals the HC8N station will be QRV on 6 Meters
from 2300Z on Nov 17 to 1600Z on Nov 28. Trey, N5KO will
have a cell phone at the shack, thus we can receive calls
to alert us of propagation or comments regarding operating.
The Cell number is +593 9 956-5940 More info. at OZ6OM or the SMIRK web page. - Jon N0JK (will be at HC8N Nov. 20 - 26)
Jon N0JK <n0jkhotmail.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 01:35:59 (GMT/BST)
It was great to meet the JA T2T/T2SIX team on their Brisbane stop-over enroute back to Tokyo. Four very keen DXers that made 27,000 QSOs in seven days, so an excellent effort. Just a pity we didn't get to work them on 6M here:(
Adam, VK4CP <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Monday, November 12, 2001 at 00:54:18 (GMT/BST)
How is 6m in Russia? I mean is there really 6m lisenced
stations qrv and if so please info witch ones are
accepted by arrl?
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 22:16:27 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Philip and Mike for your replies. Phil, I found the flat blade screw driver had the edge over the cross-head! will try a hackshaw blade in February when I am next in 9H.
As for DX conditions well they have been should we say 5/9++ from here in Lancashire this last 3 weeks or so.
Just remembered my first ever DX contact was with FP/KA3B in 1988. I worked him using 2.5 Watts to a 3 element beam stuck up a tree! The screw driver would not load up!!
John, G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 21:18:41 (GMT/BST)
Only light game from OH1 area today,after whole day listenning got one qso with CU3AN,but it were new one #98.Very quiet signals heard from ve1yx,k1ki,
k1gun,k1tol and un3g.I would be QRV every day next two weeks
except next saturday when I visit ham meet in OH2. cul...
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt(at)sral.fi>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 21:17:09 (GMT/BST)
**-JW0PK-** Forgot to mention! JW0PK qsl cards will be ready around November 15th. They had quite some delay but they are still working hard on it. 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst@50mhz.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 21:10:31 (GMT/BST)
GAME OVER? Well I guess not. With so many new ones the last weeks it realy look like the previouse one. Spoke with my old buddy PA2HJS this afternoon. As Henk still is very interested in SIX he told me he realy doubt it is over yet. Don't forget #21 "did" three years for the peak. '79-'80 & '81 were the good ones. #22 did it on '89-'90 & '91 with a little in the spring of '92. When we add the eleven, or 22 years to those years we could have an excellent 2002 with some in 2003. Maybe this puppy isn't so bad as we all believed earlier. Henk HJS did a lot of work in the past and he think this cycle is far less intensive which make it an unreliable one. You can experience it knowing your fellow ham, only 20 kilometres away, working that DX station without you even hearing it. That's the difference but for hardcore sixers it is still a very interesting cycle. Honestly I never believed I would be able to work so many new ones.
With today's sixty NA qso's and YB in the log and hearing W7 in the early evening I am just as excited as I was in the previouse cycle. Have fun and pleasure, 73 :-)
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 21:04:55 (GMT/BST)
Game? Are we in a game? I worked A45XR and UK9AA last week 2 new ones, Nev 2QF got Canada and China for 2 new ones. We may not get 20 countries per week but we still get quality dx contacts from VK s/e from time to time and all worked from the home qth as well. Just cos you dont hear VK east on it doesn't mean we are not there and we don't give up easily like some of the Sunday drivers. If they dont get a dx station a week they don't want to play the game, if it is a game. Try living in the colonies where it takes 20 years to work DXCC, why would we bother, es with some of you whimps at the other end.
Steve <vk3sixatqsl.net>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 20:11:34 (GMT/BST)
Help needed - my trusty old TS680s has packed up on SSB and AM but CW and FM are ok . Anyone had this problem before ?? ( I have all the circuit diagrams ) .
73 all
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 20:06:53 (GMT/BST)
MW1MFY: Sorry, but 9G5AN log is not online. We are working on getting cards printed and will get those
out ASAP. 73, Arliss
Arliss W7XU <w7xu(at)dtgnet.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 19:48:38 (GMT/BST)
Charles, EI5FK, you're right, I'd better get the yagi back on its mast ... ready for the openings to southern Africa, starting on 17th Nov.
Colin GW3RYR / 7Q7CM <c.morgan@wlv.ac.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 18:34:40 (GMT/BST)
Only about 150 Qs in 20 Eu countries this morning. Looks like the game is over :-( 73 & DX...
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 17:44:25 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone give me the address for G1VMH , thanks Smitty
W4UDH <W4UDH@worldnet.att.net>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 16:52:24 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone please know where 9G5AN log can be found.
73's GD DX
Daniel MW1MFY <mw1mfy@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 16:14:24 (GMT/BST)
GW3RYR, Colin, hope u are wearing a headshield !! that rf cant be good for u.
Charles EI5FK
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 16:05:07 (GMT/BST)
Need address for LA9DI...is there a QSL address site for Norway??
K2SIX Dave <riptond@coned.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 16:01:26 (GMT/BST)
Great opening to the US this afternoon, it's been a long time since I've had a pile-up to work, must've been in the right place for the DX dust, nothing special here 50W to a 5 ele @ 30ft. Strange thing is the last time I worked so many US stations was also 11th November.....1989! Creepy eh?
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvq@factcat.clara.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 15:27:48 (GMT/BST)
Well, worked 20 W1,2,3/VE1,9/VO1/VY2 with a dipole today. Grid here is JN58SP for those who missed it. Game NOT over! 73...
Max, DK1MAX <dk1max(at)web.de>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 15:09:10 (GMT/BST)
ref game over comments - Indeed! - worked TI5KD and TI2ALF for country #80 today!
Simon GM4PLM <gm4plm@emn.org.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 14:36:55 (GMT/BST)
Just wrkd K1TOL, using 10W to an indoor dipole 0.5m above my head!
Colin, GW3RYR <c.morgan@wlv.ac.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 13:25:39 (GMT/BST)
Interesting to see the 'game over' comments on the cluster this morning: it probably is for JA/9M from western Europe, these paths are better late Oct/early Nov, BUT we should now see better paths westwards so more Caribbean/USA openings. And if ol' sol keeps going the JAs etc. will be back into Europe around February time, so don't despair, it ain't over yet.
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvq@fatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 10:58:54 (GMT/BST)
http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/Vktext.zip is the latest 2001 VK callbook for current addresses.
Steve <vk3six a.qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 09:17:06 (GMT/BST)
Hello, pse does somebody know how I can get my FT920 to receive downwards from 48MHZ? 73 de Hans
Hans Wilke, DK2PH <hanswilke@addcom.de>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 08:20:38 (GMT/BST)
HI John JJL nice to see you are still a ReaL HaM , and we have stopped using screw drivers in 9H
and switched to hacksaw blades they are more directive . When are going to see you in 9H again .
Good DX 73's Philip
Philip 9h1pa <9h1pa@amsat.org>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 07:45:40 (GMT/BST)
OZ50MHz DX Bulletin #01-045 is now available at www.qsl.net/oz6om/ You may use the link above. vy 73 de
Matt <oz6om(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 04:26:07 (GMT/BST)
You are a star Mikey, well done, finally, and North East too! I stand corrected.
Steve <vk3six@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 04:25:56 (GMT/BST)
Both OX 6M beacons loud into Kansas this morning from 1615 to 1700 utc and GM0EWX heard at 1629 utc. Many in the "blackhole" of the states looking for Europe, especially on CW. TNX!
Jon N0JK <n0jkhotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 02:32:27 (GMT/BST)
AFter moaning for years about never even HEARING Finland, let alone working one, I managed to bag 7 of them this morning-WOO-HOO!!! Also, I was wondering why Johns signal
not quite up to snuff. 500mW ! Yikes! 73 es GL DX.
Almost forgot. 2 hour opening to KL7 later for a bit of fun.
VE9AA Mike <ve9aa@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 11, 2001 at 01:26:03 (GMT/BST)
C'mon AX- If you don't have DXCC by now you have been "sluffing". You will exceed 100 by 31 December I have NO DOUBT. What a great surprise to see this active second peak!! GL & DX de K16...
Bob, K1SIX
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 23:23:42 (GMT/BST)
Had some QRP fun today. Worked VE1YX with 500mW on ssb and got a 5/9. Worked VE9AA on cw 500mW with a 579 report. Not quite as good as working an OK station some years back using 2W to a single AVO Meter test lead resting flat on the desk nor working 7Q7RM with 10W to a screw driver from 9H! I jest not, Neil G0JHC (9H3OX) used the same setup 10 seconds later and got a better report!
John G0JJL <johnsixmaniac.idps.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 23:12:14 (GMT/BST)
Only pings from the 9V's and UK9AA, BUT managed to work XV3AA in a 5 minute opening. Guess the skip was too long today ... Hope tomorrow will bring some more goodies. BTW, did this cycle get a late wake-up call or what ... ?? (In any case, better late than never of course)
Enno, PA5EA <cw@dx.nl>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 22:07:47 (GMT/BST)
Well, Steve, that's what 6m is all about, a life-long upgrade programme. Chris
Chris, G3WOS <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 20:04:20 (GMT/BST)
What a great week on Six! With just a unity gain Diamond V2000 collinear and 100W, I have worked XW, VO, VA3, VE2, K1, K8, 9G5 and S53. Today's opening to the US brought 59+ signals from K1GUN and YE1YX. Didn't manage to get K1GUN through the pile-up, but there's always a next time! Time to get a beam and work the weaker stations I think! Other IO91 G's hear the weaker F2 stations 56 before they are audible here!!
Steve Larkins G8SBF <slarkinsyfi.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 18:44:31 (GMT/BST)
Well, I'm back from the Falklands! Had a terrific time, even though the propagation was disappointing (I guess it was not disappointing for those lucky enough to work me!). I had two really good openings. The first allowed me into G, ON and PA working a total of 13 stations. The second was a real 6m blockbuster into the US encompassing all call areas with the exceptions of 6 and 7. My task is to now catch up on some of the DX I missed while away! I've managed HZ, XW, UK9 and 9V so far. Was about to work XV today @ s9 when it seems he had a power outage and went off. The question is, where to next? Chris
chris@uksmg.org <g3wos(at)uksmg.org>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 18:29:32 (GMT/BST)
Fantastic opening to Northern Eu with excellent signals. Glad to be a new one for you Vesa and to meet many in LA/SM and OH land for the first time on 6M. The highlight was working THREE ES stations within a few minutes in a big pileup when just a week ago I never worked ES. Great 6m conditions and great fun! 73 & good DX...
Bob, K1SIX
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 17:37:11 (GMT/BST)
Another day in the row with North American propagation. Thanks K1SIX for a new DXCC country 1422z. Also in the morning I worked 9M6JU 0837z and 9M6/JK1OPL 0840z as a new DXCC. 73 de Vesa OH3NWQ @ KP11WL
Vesa, OH3NWQ <oh3nwq(â)sral.fi>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 17:25:23 (GMT/BST)
spotty opening to NA this afternoon, but a pleasant surprise to get into W5 land, and snatch some rare
VE2/VA2 stations
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 16:57:58 (GMT/BST)
Of course I missed 9V1UV this morning so I hope for a new chance tomorrow. These stns heard here in JO75 around 8.30z :
73 Ken SM7CMV
Ken SM7CMV <kenth@kastanje.tomelilla.se>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 11:45:23 (GMT/BST)
Today there was a 15 minute opening to AS. I worked 9U1UV - OJ11VH and UN6P - MO60LC, both on SSB. 73 de Ben
Ben OZ1DPR <oz1dpr@get2net.dk>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 10:00:40 (GMT/BST)
08,15 utc and 2 9V stations being spotted!
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 08:15:24 (GMT/BST)
First day agn. with F2 conds after aurora.
Wkd. today nov 09.9v1uv & hrd. xu7aca.In afternone 18 qso to
K1,2,3 & VE
Vy 73 Jon
oy9jd <jon-dam@post.olivant.fo>
- Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 01:19:40 (GMT/BST)
9V1UV is running 10 watts and 4 element, I mailed him with extensive run down on what he might expect on the band from Europe, and from NA. I think he knows now there are distinct possibilities in working DX on 6m. I gave him this website as a reference too. So I'm pretty sure you are all going to work him now. He is very enthousiatic about the opening he had today..
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 22:01:16 (GMT/BST)
Please update all records. The old Pacific Rim pages and the links are dead and finished. The new downgraded pages are at: http://members.datafast.net.au/electronics/index.htm
Steve <vk3six(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 21:17:18 (GMT/BST)
As I understand it Bo 9M6JU Kazu (JA1RJU) and the JA gang are 10kM apart about 170 km from the resort where 9M6AAC/9M6BAA and 9M6EVT are operating from which is OJ85, so kazu is not there. I saw the grid flash by on OH2AQ last night maybe you can look it up there.
Steve <vk3six(at)qsl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 21:12:51 (GMT/BST)
Delighted to work 9V1UV this am for a new one. Only just got the confirmation as some folks think the best time to call is when the DX is still transmitting ;-)Thanks Selva, Thanks Johan! 73
Peter G8BCG/P <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 20:48:52 (GMT/BST)
Johan ('ANT ), can you email 9V1UV and ask him to be on over the weekend ?? 73 de Peter
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 20:40:30 (GMT/BST)
Today there was a 15 minute opening to Canada. I worked VE1YX and VO1TJM, both on SSB. 73 de Vesa OH3NWQ @ KP11WL
Vesa, OH3NWQ <oh3nwq[a]sral.fi>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 20:10:01 (GMT/BST)
Hi there,
anyone out there having the locators for 9M6JU and XU7ACA ?
Gd DX on SIX.
Bas SM3BIU <berndteric@swipnet.se>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 15:09:11 (GMT/BST)
9M6JU, 9M6/JA1HGY and 9M6EVT all in OJ85?????????
Bo SM7FJE <bn (at) aaaaa,se>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 13:53:39 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, have updated most of the recent firsts claims. Please check the list and send me any more. looking for G to 9M2, 9M6, J28, UK9, XE, XV, XW. GM to 9G, 9M6, HP, UK9, Xu, XW. GW to 9G, 9M, 9V, TG, UK9, XE, XW, YS. Thanks. www.g4igo.freeuk.com/
Ken G4IGO <g4igo at freeuk.com>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 13:06:16 (GMT/BST)
9V1UV came on the band after I mailed him a sked request. congrats to all that worked him !
johan,ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 11:10:49 (GMT/BST)
Way to go Bob, great contacts...
Kerry Rochester <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 11:08:05 (GMT/BST)
SP4MPB and SP6GWB worked tonight at 0732z and 0744z in RE57om My best DX yet, heard other very weak signals but no callsigns
Bob ZL3TY <b_mcquarrieminidata.co.nz>
- Friday, November 09, 2001 at 08:30:08 (GMT/BST)
(8 Nov. 01 2 1940 hrs UTC) Does anyone have an e-mail or QSL route for EA4ARR? TNX Chris(N2NEH)
Chris (N2NEH) <n2neh(at )arrl.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 20:43:08 (GMT/BST)
wanted grid locator to RN6AP.Please info via e mail tnx.
73 Avelino
ea8bpx Avelino <eh8bpx@navegalia.com>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 20:24:36 (GMT/BST)
Sigh, my email was two lines below, I dont know why I bother. I was just interested? Thanks for your input. When it opens to VK3 don't complain you can't reach anyone down here. We had A45 yesterday 5B4FL and VU2, excuse me for bothering you guys bye.
VK3SIX <at QSL.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 19:43:37 (GMT/BST)
Good to have the DX cluster back thank you CHRIS .
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btinternet.com>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 15:30:09 (GMT/BST)
VU amateurs all operate on 50.350 and that is the only place to work, spot and QSL them ;-) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 09:18:22 (GMT/BST)
Re: 9G5AN operation -- We made approximately 3,200 QSO's on 6m in 84 countries. We were located in
Elmina, locator IJ95ic (yes, it's okay to give your locator now!). Please QSL direct to W7XU. Special thanks
to Ralph, 9G1RQ and George, 9G1RL for their help. 73 and thanks to everyone for the QSO's --
Arliss (9G5XU, W7XU), Dick (9G5AN, K5AND) and Ed (9G5KW, W0SD)
Arliss W7XU, 9G5XU <w7xu(at)dtgnet.com>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 08:45:13 (GMT/BST)
Whats the deal with VU India can we now work them legally below 50.350 on ssb and cw please?
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:54:53 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday i worked YB5QZ and HZ1MD, #145 and #146, i hope today also new one on 6m
Hans DL8PM <dl8pm@darc.de>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:15:17 (GMT/BST)
Also into QF12 today EY8MM and UK9AA the....stans..
VK3SIX <VK3SIX@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:02:09 (GMT/BST)
LL93en to QF12/21/42 11,000 km plus 300 plus 300
VK3SIX <VK3SIX@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:01:24 (GMT/BST)
VK3DUT/AKK/AMK/SIX just worked A45XR Tnx Chris.
VK3SIX <VK3SIX@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 07:00:36 (GMT/BST)
A45 and VU2 into VK3 past hour stay alert
VK3SIX <Wakey wakey>
- Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 05:50:12 (GMT/BST)
Today morning, great and rapid opening F2 with ZL. I had qso with zl2tpy rf70 square. Tnx to Kerry who received my ssb cq. Good ear!!
Best 73 to all and enjoy on the Magic Magic Band. IK5RLP Claudio
Claudio IK5RLP <trestellemarinadigrosseto.it>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 22:13:48 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all....I've found 2 different locators for XU7ABY.. OK10 and OK22 ... I think that right one could be OK10 cause XU7ABY is a IOTA dxpedition. Anyone could help me ?
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)amsat.org>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 21:30:27 (GMT/BST)
Dave ZD8DB Re: ZD8VHF , message regarding beacon passed to Mike G3JVL . He will contact you .73 de Peter
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 21:04:22 (GMT/BST)
Fantastic F2! Today we have marginal opening in JN35, anyway I had
another new one with VR2XMT. Hrd also with strong signal, but not
stable, BG, YB5 and in the afternoon PY9.
I am a newcomer in six but in 10 month I complete DXCC with 115 Country!
.... now I cross fingers for QSL..!!
Silvio IW1AZJ <smrua@tiscalinet.it>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:45:40 (GMT/BST)
NO legal 6m activity from Mt.Athos so far.
Thinking for next summer...
Costas SV1DH <geten1compulink.gr>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:27:54 (GMT/BST)
What a FB day today the 7th Nov!Already at 05z full 48/49Mhz videos but only at 06z first VR2 sig accompanied by VU and LZ bsc.At 0620z VK4,EY,XW(new entity #205 and field #96).Later VK6,UR,UN,OM,OH and UK (as new #206).At 10z J2,JA,BA and 11z EH8,I(Es),VK8,VU,ET.Later 1230z D4,EH3,YU,PP8.At 1430z KP4,W4,so worked WAC in 5 hours... At 1700 FR,5R,ZS6,7Q,ET and 1930 5N,OD,3CVID,5NVID.A grand total 30 entities heard/worked, on 6 continents! and time is only 2000z...
73 and good DX to all during the next promising days.
Costas SV1DH <geten1compulink.gr>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:21:54 (GMT/BST)
Part from my logbook today:UK9AA,XW0X,XU7ABY,JE1BMJ,VR2XMT,
VR2LC,VK6JQ,VU2ZAP,PY9NM,D44AC etc.Not too bad,isnt it?
Gl 9A3FT
Renko 9A3FT
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:01:11 (GMT/BST)
Finally Gs worked DX stations!I remember times some of them crying
for some DX.BTW I am not geluos i can only said"well done guys".
Hope for some good opening like you have here in my area.
Worked today morning XU7ABY and need QSL route to his manager.
Any help?...tnx in advance...73 guys es good DX de 9A3FT
Renko 9A3FT
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 19:56:54 (GMT/BST)
Hi Guys, i'm off to IO52 and I will take a trip to IO41 on Fri, qrv from about 12.00 utc. I have wsjt(50.250) but please do not e mail me for skeds as I am leaving early morning thurs. I will not have cluster access so please do not try and send me messages this way. Back scatter or Aurora is probably the best bet as I will be looking for a US opening in the afternoon.
73 I hope to work all who need this rare square.
Tony EI7BMB <skydigital(at)ntlworld.ie>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 19:20:42 (GMT/BST)
Sorry, SV2ASP/A is the Monk Apollo, who is qrv from Athos on HF; I was talking about SV2DFA/A.
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 16:09:30 (GMT/BST)
SV2ASP/A was not qrv from Mount Athos. He gave the Locator KN00. His home QTH is KN10. Mount Athos is in KN20.
There has never been any 6m activity from Mount Athos so far. 73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 16:07:36 (GMT/BST)
Nice list Remi, I notice you have Mt Athos listed as SV2DFA/A ...are you sure this is correct? Do you have the qsl card? I worked him too during the Es season but was under the impression he was just at his holiday QTH in SV2. Can anyone else clarify.
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 15:09:51 (GMT/BST)
Hi to ALL. Just would like to inform that we (all 6 meters op's from LY) have worked 100 DXCC countries from
Lithuania at last. Small local holliday :)) You can see this list at http://www.ic.lira.lt/first50.html Thanks and
hope to meet you all on this Magic Band!
Remi LY2MW <r.vaicius@omnitel.net>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 14:57:27 (GMT/BST)
Hi 2 all 6m fanatics.Just worked HC2FG & heard 9Z4BM but he didn't heard me.May be next time.Also worked VE1YX Bob.73s & gl de cn8li.
said cn8li <cn8li@yahoo.fr>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 14:25:12 (GMT/BST)
XU7ABW is via F6BFH. 73s Joe
Joe, DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 13:24:36 (GMT/BST)
I'm trying to locate the qsl address for XU7ABW - can anyone help please .( QRZ does not list it )
73 all
Peter G3IBI <pascutt(at)tcp.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 13:06:01 (GMT/BST)
Re ZD8VHF beacon - It was built my Mike G3JVL many years ago ( forget how many but at least 15 years ) . He's no longer active on 6 but I'll try to get a message to him to see if he still has the cct diagram .73 de Peter
Peter G3IBI <pascutttcp.co.uk>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 12:29:37 (GMT/BST)
Graham (VK6RO)! In reply to your remark: actually I worked
four VK6-stations (remembered 3 when writing the message). The log is now in OH1 as I am already in the QRL/2 location (150 miles SE, near the Capital), and no station setup here.....Will pick up you and the other lucky one on the
next KP01-trip... 73, "Zaba" OG1ZAA/2 (KP20)...
"Zaba" OH1ZAA <oh1zaa(at)operamail.com>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 12:10:44 (GMT/BST)
Re 8Q7QQ: I spoke with Pierre this morning at 11:00Z on 28.885. He told me that he will go QRT on next sunday, and that he had some good propagation to Asia, but not much to Europe. We briefly tried on 50.173 CW with no success. He hears both the HC8 and the YV beacons every evening, so please spread around this info to operators in that area. 73
Tony I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 11:53:20 (GMT/BST)
ZD8VHF Beacon: Homebrew unit is in a very poor condition indeed, M57735 PA module is u/s (no spares on Island) and components/boards have suffered from many years of corrosion and overheating to add to the problems (as is lack of any circuit diagram!). I depart for a 4 week break back to UK this weekend - it's eventual return to service in some form is likely to be in the New Year therefore.
David Bones ZD8DB <bones@atlantis.co.ac>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 11:19:06 (GMT/BST)
Italy reported by ZL2TPY RF70 just now heads up EU
VK3SIX <info>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 09:33:34 (GMT/BST)
When i am on the site of n1rz and i put a message in the 6 meter chat box i get the following error on my screen.
alpha characters for only name please. What is wrong and what do i do to change it.
thanks for help in advance Timon pa9kt
Timon pa9kt <pa9kt@bart.nl>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 08:06:25 (GMT/BST)
OG1ZAA, if you worked 3 VK6 stations, you have worked about 50% of the total number of very keen 6 metre dxers in the entire VK6 area, only 3 more and you will have worked all the keen dxers in VK6, i missed you, and hope to see you soon on six from OF77XX Graham
Graham VK6RO <vk6ro@_NOSPAM_hotmail.com>
- Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 06:59:50 (GMT/BST)
Today rcv email from JE8KKX (also AH2K) with correct address:Nozomu Takahashi, 2-5, 5-chome 18-jo, Toko, Asahikawa, Hokkaido, 078-8358, JAPAN
Andreas DL9USA <dl9usa@t-online.de>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 22:14:31 (GMT/BST)
Thanks David, ZD8DB for efforts to revive ZD8VHF beacon. Much appreciated. Look forward to hearing it.de pj.
peter, vk4apg <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 19:40:15 (GMT/BST)
Seems only the U.K Is wrong on the locators in the FLYING HORSE call book
STEWART <gordon.reeve@btinternet.comS>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 19:06:04 (GMT/BST)
Regarding Grid locators the locators on the FLYING HORSE call book for the UK are wrong ,probably all of countries outside N.AMERICA are wrong I will check.73 GD DX.
STEWART G1HHO <gordon.reeve@btintrrnet.com>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 18:50:32 (GMT/BST)
Hello Calum, GM0EWX, I'm in FM08sc Charlottesville, Va. I really enjoyed our QSO ! Will be happy to QSL if you need me to ! GL 73
W4TJ Bill <w4tj@adelphia.net>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 17:26:04 (GMT/BST)
I was wondering if there are any recording of ZF1DC (me) that were made during the incredible openings to EU during the period Oct23-Nov1. Or if there are any JA's that have a recording of the JA-ZF opening on Oct17. I find it really interesting to hear what the other end sounds like. Please email either the sound file or a web address that I can go to and listen to the files. Thanks in advance. Sure hope the prop comes back soon. 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 15:52:11 (GMT/BST)
Buckmaster, qrz.com and e-mail are the perfect ways to seek locators. (I like the JA way! Never during a QSO!)
Bo SM7FJE <bn****aaaaa.se>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 14:09:00 (GMT/BST)
Re: Grids. I couldn't have agreed more with Jose. Well, I don't have much long haul F2 up here, but when conditions are marginal, why bother for the grids. I've experienced too many times stations ask for grid again, and when I've repeated it, they are gone. Instead they could have given the report and the qso would have been good. Sometimes it seems like grids are the most important thing in the world :-) My two cents...
Andreas, LA8AJA <la8aja(at)qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 13:40:34 (GMT/BST)
Grids: Long haul F2 openings to the West Coast or JA are very rare in most Europe and duration could be very brief. Many of the stations just dont exchange locator info during the pileup, they know they must be short. If you ask for it that's at least another two more changes, 10-20 seconds?, if signal is weak and/or QRM even more. Why worry taking grids locators? you are losing a precious time, maybe the last chance till the next 11 years and probably impeding some of them to get a new one. Just wait for the QSL if you are interested on them!. GL
Jose EA7KW <ea7kw(a)ure.es>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 13:15:15 (GMT/BST)
For sale: ZX6-5 5ele beam. Never unpacked - acquired 2nd hand Msq same day I ordered!!. £100 inc shipping UK mainland. e-mail me. 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bcg@qsl.net>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 08:49:55 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to all for the grid/call info below and via email.
Calum, I had a list like yours and found the best starting point was qrz.com and an email to everyone with an address, that should take care of about 90% of your list. 73
Neil G0JHC <carr.n@runshaw.ac.uk>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 08:26:53 (GMT/BST)
Please checkout http://www.qsl.net/ti2hmg/cocos.htm. I will be travelling with a team of 14 to Cocos Island from 17 Feb - 3 Mar. We will be active on 6 meters with an IC706/6ele/600w and hope to work as many of you as I can. We are looking for sponsers. Thanks.....Matt
KA0KKO <da1mh@compuserve.com>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 03:31:18 (GMT/BST)
After Sundays good opening to North America, In which I worked 190 stations, there are a lot of Grids that are not complete.
so far only 4 new grids, best dx AA7A DM43..I think.
Not certain about the following...
If you can help?
73s good DX
Calum GM0EWX <calum@borve.freeserve.co.uk>
- Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 00:08:20 (GMT/BST)
VE3OIL in EN93.
David MM0AMW <mm0amwqsl.net>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 23:36:02 (GMT/BST)
INFO: VE2GHT located near Montreal FN35
Claude VE2FK <duberger.miousse@globetrotter.net>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 22:38:44 (GMT/BST)
Some days ago i had announced that my group ( Turin Vhf DXers ) would have gone to S. Marino (T7) during the next weekend for ARRL 2m EME Contest and would have operated also 6m hoping in the F2 openings. Well, the S. Marino Telecommunications Ministry has denied the permission to us, declaring that the Six meters band would have been operated in the next days directly from they. I hope am true and send our auguries to all those people who still must connect T7 of being lucky. CU on Six from "simpler" coutrys in future....de Freddy and Turin Vhf Dxers
Freddy IW1DIM <iw1dim@amsat.org>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 22:03:39 (GMT/BST)
Can anyone help with 6m grids for: VE3OIL WB9JD and VE2GHT please?
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 21:11:03 (GMT/BST)
[OH1SIX-KP11QU] The Autumn-flu is hitting the beacons.
The OH3NLP/OH3BK/OH2MAT crew is working on the driver
stage of OH1SIX. Better antennsa (if needed) will be provided by OH1ZAA. Personally I have hopes for at
least two new beacons (in KP53 and KQ30; way up North).
Things tend to develop slowly if at all.... 73, "Zaba"
OG1ZAA (tomorrow /2)...
"Zaba" OG1ZAA <oh1zaa(at)operamail.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 20:05:19 (GMT/BST)
Listen on 50070 for SK3SIX Beacon in JP71 and spot it when you here it.Thank's 73/Anders
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 19:43:09 (GMT/BST)
ZD8VHF Beacon - Homebrew Tx found to be dead due to u/s xtal osc. Unit is in workshop at BBC Atlantic Relay Station and will attempt repair this week if we have suitable spares on Island.
David Bones ZD8DB <bones@atlantis.co.ac>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 18:43:23 (GMT/BST)
Yesterday was a complete B L A S T ! I was building a bonfire for the kidds in the field when my wife said I'd better go and turn down the radio, I was 50m away from the shack, and the ssb splatter could be heard in the distance....it took me 10 mins to calm down when I got to the shack, signals from NA were the strongest I have ever heard them on ANY band!. Some were 40 and 50db over S9, and most times my rx front end couldn't cope!. Finding a "clear" spot to call was impossible, as the opening had been going for at least one hour before I got in. Anyway, the following were worked between 16:45 and 18:02....184q's in 1.25hrs...21 W6's, 12 W7's, 5 W0's, 20 W9's, 25 W8's, 22 W5's, 10 VE3's, 5 XE's & rest were W1.,2,3,4 & VE1,2 & 9. KL7GLL called me in the opening, but he was only in FM18.....gave my ticker a turn tho!. 30 new grid/locator squares bringing my USA & Canada total to 160 squares. I was most most pleased to work Mexico for a new country, but I never dreamed of working XE's on the Pacific coast!. Earlier on the 4th, I hrd XW, several JA's, DU & of course the 9G. Today I hrd the XW, two JA's and N1RZ/K1SIX this afternoon. I've got my lead underpants on ready for the big solar storm which will hit later.....will be qrv on 2m & 6m for Au. 73 de T O N Y .. GW4VEQ
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 18:17:35 (GMT/BST)
Got the VK's I ordered yesterday (3x VK6). Also EX2T for a
new one. Couple of UN's, DU's and two sessions with JA's.
A relay problem kicked me out of the first session...
Tonight the magnetometer has been restless since 1545Z
(see http://www.sgo.fi/Data/allinone_e.html) ... Over 400
unit jumps on the Y-component generally indicate good
50/144 MHz Aurora...... 73, "Zaba" OG1ZAA/KP01
"Zaba" OG1ZAA <oh1zaa(at)operamail.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 17:31:52 (GMT/BST)
de OA6/N6XQ...Arequipa..It was frustrating hearing PY5CC work gobs of JA's and not hearing a peep out of any of them. Then I finally heard a weak SSB station on 110 and worked VR2XMT for a contact half way around the world. He was 52 to start and built up to 56 and was in for 30 minutes. I'll be on from Lima tonight where I have a good shot to Eu,USA and JA. 73
jack n6xq <n6xq@yahoo.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 17:15:58 (GMT/BST)
Claus, I fully understand your situation, my wife was in the shack yesterday when the opening started, sending e-mail, my 16 Month old daughter was trying to tune my Amplifier and stick sweets between the keys of my laptop, my wife got a bit fed up when I put the Headphones on and ignored her, she stormed out leaving my daughter screaming in the background, in the middle of my own pile-up (yes honestly) my daughter grabbed the notepad I was using and ripped the page up, and to top it all, the Neighbour arrived about 3/4 thru the opening to tell me I was killing his TV, so instant QRT for me, What a day :-)
Im still cleaning the sticky mess from the laptop keyboard
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 16:43:25 (GMT/BST)
Decided to free up Yesterday for the radio, much to the disgust of the YL. Stayed in the shack until 1600z, quiet all day and finally had to leave. Then the Band OPENS.
Is there no justice? Thinking of taking Tomorrow off work, what are the odds on propogation??
Alan, EI3EBB <Alan_Foley@bourns.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 14:41:25 (GMT/BST)
How do you handle a 3 year old, a 6 month old, piles of laundry, sunday dinner, XYL and a tremendeous opening on 50 MHz.
The kids can be kept busy by letting them play with dad's old Drake TR4C, and the laundry doesn't mind, but the combination of sunday dinner and XYL is a problem. Trying to explain that this only happens once in 11 years doesn't really count (she has heard it once or twice before). Any suggestions for good excuses or explanations are welcome. I did manage to work 19 W and VE stations, but I have run out of arguments if the band opens again tonight.
Claus OZ1FDH <oz1fdh xx qsl.net>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 14:12:35 (GMT/BST)
Sunday; 15 new grids in one day and a grand total of 901. I’m fit for the remaining 99...
Bo, SM7FJE <bn****aaaaa.se>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 13:47:34 (GMT/BST)
Re: Pierre 8Q7QQ:- In a QSO on 28885 Pierre advises that he will be looking toward the Carribean, North and South America each evening from 1600Z on 50.110. On 4th November he heard the HC8GR beacon for 2 hours but no contacts (as reported elsewhere) but also worked YV, D68, 9Y4 and 9Z4 stations around 1600Z plus. He will be active from 8Q7 until 11th November.
Don VK6HK <patndon@cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 12:29:41 (GMT/BST)
Good opening 2day...vk6jq vk6rsx/bcn 9m6us xw0x xv3aa vu2zap tr0a/bcn and ja1-3-5-6.Asfar for 2day...coming next Aurora??
Geert on4gg <geert.vandevelde@pandora.be>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 12:00:52 (GMT/BST)
PY0FM results: Great job that Peter worked 560 stations in 48 entities in 5 continents on October 22-30! No Pacific was unfortunately worked during the operation. Colored card is now printing so the card is expected to be issued for SASE stations by the end of November. Hope Peter's more DXs in next operation. Regards,
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok@jarl.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 11:58:27 (GMT/BST)
Hi guys, thanks specially to tim, n1rz wo was my 1st ever wkd USA-Stn on six. I'm on since 02/2000 and got some limited rig (IC706) and an HB9CV on a portable- glasfibre mast on the balcony just overlooking the rooftop.
Managed do work 2 VEs and 2 USA-Stns. Usually i've only big sigs on 42-44mcs from the usa but this the muf made it over the 50mcs barrier :-) 73s and DX on the magic band from jo31ol.
Dirk, dd3dj <dd3dj@50mhz.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 10:21:44 (GMT/BST)
A powerful solar explosion on Nov. 4th sparked an X-class solar flare and hurled a bright coronal mass ejection toward Earth. The expanding cloud will probably trigger strong geomagnetic activity when it sweeps past our planet on Nov. 6th or 7th. Sky watchers, even those living at middle latitudes, should be alert for auroras during the nights ahead.
John GM7PBB <johngm7pbb.co.uk>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 08:33:12 (GMT/BST)
A big THANK YOU!!!! to the 5 US and one Canadian station(s) that picked me up from the noise!
Quite a thrill to be able to work as far EM96
(W4MW) running a modest 4 watt (FT817) into a
3 el. about 8 ft above the roof (45 ft asl).
Hope y'all confirm. Fingers crossed for afternoon
openings (after work) this week and super F2 the weekend.
Robert PA9RZ <rvdzaal@epo.org>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 08:21:33 (GMT/BST)
8Q7QQ spotted the HC8GR/b today 04 Nov at 1706 utc. EI59 > MI59 short path almost 18,000 km. No live HC8N ops until after Pierre goes QRT.
Jon N0JK <n0jkhotmail.com>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 03:17:52 (GMT/BST)
Sure picked the wrong morning to drive south to help change 6 meter antennas...somehow managed to work MU0FAL & OZ4VV for #74-75 (THANKS!!!) and 6 others as the last hurrah for the old beam - sorry to the few who tried that I couldn't dig out from FM18ri (you were probably S9+20 at FM18su QTH), but as of 2030z that problem was in large part resolved. Good hunting!
Dave N3DB <callsign_at_radix.net>
- Monday, November 05, 2001 at 00:46:18 (GMT/BST)
N8XA Axel
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 23:40:31 (GMT/BST)
Yess it was extreme: XV3AA was 59 20minutes not that he heard me..JA DU VK OX3SIX via aurora then the W's strong
best heard was AA7A for the first time a real 7 so even cycle 22 did not produce that in JO33
updated www.qsl.net/pa0oos with some recordings
73 jaap
jaap van oosten <pa0oos@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 23:34:26 (GMT/BST)
Just worked 63 american and canadian stations in a beautiful opening. First qso at 15:50, the last one at 17:55. I'am sure I've missed many.Tnx for all the new squares 15 #! Ben OZ1DPR JO45IG
Ben OZ1DPR <oz1dpr@get2net.dk>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 23:12:21 (GMT/BST)
Hi all, Sorry if I have been missing some openings to EU but the antennas are cranked down and no time to spend listening as a result of Hurricane Michele. It seems that the worst is behind us after one full week of nasty weather. By Tue it appears that the skies could be sunny again and some thoughts will turn to the clean up around here. No major damages or deaths reported so far, luckily. I will be back on 6 asap. Only lost one antenna and it is for 20m so not that important right, hihi. GL to all and hope the band stays magic. 73's
David ZF1DC <zf1dc(at)qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 23:00:46 (GMT/BST)
While wondering the nice EU-USA prop, and waiting for our turn, x1 flare blasted all hope, but sudenly 8Q7QQ popped up from noise and called me. Thanks Pierre for country #82 and zone #28 on 6!. There is still hope for this cycle....
Paul yv1dig <yv1dig***amsat.org>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 22:54:00 (GMT/BST)
Why does six always open just as the XYL screams "Sunday dinner is on the table"? It happened last week when I was trying to work 9G for the first time, (meal ended up going to the dogs). This Sunday same happens again at 17z I'm given a choice of a Sunday roast or.....
The "or" ended up being 180 North Americans in all call areas. Thanks to the east coast for their total silence when calling for W6s etc.
Worked 12 Californian's in a 15 minute spell, highlight was having 3 XE stations break the W6 pile.
Have lost a lot of weight this past week, but have two very fat dogs!
Neil G0JHC <carr.n(at)runshaw.ac.uk>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 22:09:32 (GMT/BST)
WOW great Eu opening! 19 new Eu Grids, 1 New DXCC ES1AJ (Total now at 77 since Oct 27, 2000). Today 171 QSO's to Eu. Worked: DL,EH,EI,ES,F,G,GD,GI,GM,GW,LA,LX,MU,ON,OZ,PA,SM,SP. Really Awesome!!! Thanks to all. Also I want to congratulate Eu for creating such a well disciplined Pileup. Thanks to all the ops! Hope to hear you all again real soon! Feel free to stop by http://n1rz.org/ 73! - Tim FN44ei
Tim N1RZ <n1rz.org>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 22:04:40 (GMT/BST)
Gary M0CTP <m0ctp#yahoo.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 21:37:16 (GMT/BST)
I vote that the 6m fraternity "chip in" and help AX get that long sought after DXCC! Any "seconds"? Gud DX...
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 21:08:28 (GMT/BST)
WOW WOW, no not flutter. BEST 6 mtr opening to Europe in 11 or 12 years. 3 new ones ON, PA, & GD. worked with Amp. Some new grids worked also, only 5 wts , no Amp. Thanks to all. ONLY 2 more to go for DXCC. I need LA, SM, SP, OZ, etc. CN would be nice also, HI HI. THANK YOU. Ax N8XA.
N8XA Axel
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 20:51:56 (GMT/BST)
N7ET/DU7: Here ist his direct address:
Dale Law, N7ET/DU7 - Silliman University - 6200 Dumaguete City - Philippines
Tom DL7AV <dl7av@online.de>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 20:02:37 (GMT/BST)
Gary M0CTP <m0ctp#yahoo.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 19:35:44 (GMT/BST)
Good opening this afternoon wkd 27 yanks and 7 canadians quite a few new grids thanks guys.Best opening i have ever seen,strongest was N1RZ 59+40.Did'nt manage the west coast but theres always a next time.
Daniel MW1MFY <mw1mfy@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 18:34:06 (GMT/BST)
Nice opening today to W,VE .
Wrkd 24 stations, best being K9HMB EN52 and KE9I EN61, 7 nw grids in all , thks guys , cu in the next one, GL.
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv@*** ***>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 18:20:51 (GMT/BST)
Today, at 16:19 UTC, Region 9684 erupted with a significant class X1.03 (estimated 3B) solar flare. Near-relativistic velocity energetic
protons have already easily surpassed event levels of 10 pfu at >10 MeV. Protons at > 100 MeV are also very strongly impacting. This
event is one of the "hardest" proton events that we have observed in some time. A full halo coronal mass ejection has been confirmed.
Its velocity appears to be fairly high as well.
In plain dutch: shit, that might ruin F2 prop for a couple of days.
peter, pa1six <no@mail>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 17:57:28 (GMT/BST)
Just worked 48 american and canadian stations in a beautiful opening. First qso at 15:54, the last one at 17:22. I'am sure I've missed many. We had big sunnoise here in the beginning of the opening. Tnx for all the new squares! Rinze JO33GD
Rinze PA5TA <pa5ta (at) amsat.org>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 17:46:14 (GMT/BST)
What a great opening to North america: 42 OSO´s and 24 sq in USA and Canada
tnx GUD
soeren oz0jx <oz0jx@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 17:36:13 (GMT/BST)
Thursday's storm snapped off the front of the old antenna.
Damage replaced by new 6-element yagi at half height (18 m).
Sea reflection (East) gave good signals on XV3AA, DU's and
JA's this morning, but need another array at 36 m height
to improve over the old one. After working 9G5AN last weekend from KP41, got them now from KP01 as OG1ZAA...
Antenna was too low for the W-signals this afternoon
(also noisy azimuth; harbor industry)... VK's tomorrow?....
73, Zaba OG1ZAA ....
"Zaba" OH1ZAA <oh1zaa (at) operamail.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 17:23:58 (GMT/BST)
Re: IRCs 9H1XT John everytime I bring an IRC to PO it is an adventure, & this is vy busy main PO. Last time they wanted to give me only 34¢ first class postage not airmail 80¢. In general, USA guys pay attention, You can talk them into anything, i.e.(1) wrongly stamped IRCs on right, (2) no stamped IRCs, (3) USA wrongly stamped IRC(on right) to USPO, and even found (4) old type 13¢ IRCs. By the way, it is the PO who have made the errors in the first place, we paid real money for their foulups, so dont feel like you are getting something for nothing. 73, Bruce
Bruce K2RTH <K2RTH@aol.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 16:26:56 (GMT/BST)
Today for the third day having XW, XV, JA, DU, VK and 9G coming in. Not as good as saturday. Signals suffer from flutter and rapid QSB. Finally my planning was okay. I was home and the propagation was there, unless thursday was a bad one without propagation. This year broad 11 new DXCC's and 5 of them over the last week. Who said cycle 23 is a bad one? At least it is better than we all expected. What would happened if it was the same or better than the good old #22... Good luck and 73,
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 15:51:54 (GMT/BST)
Nice surprise this morning to work VK8TM and XV3AA
soeren oz0jx <oz0jx@qsl.net>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 15:11:59 (GMT/BST)
Peter PY5CC: Why not continue a bit further...to PY0S......!?!!!
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 14:44:22 (GMT/BST)
PY0F: Peter, PY5CC will be active again as PY0FM on November 20-29. QSL via JA1VOK. GL,
Hatsuo, JA1VOK <ja1vok@jarl.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 14:31:15 (GMT/BST)
Hi Bo. I am JE2OVG Aki.
Thank you for QSO on 6m yesterday.
I confirm N7ET/DU7 via buro.
JE2OVG <je2ovg@jarl.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 13:17:25 (GMT/BST)
To Nick 5b4fl: No Nick it is a problem for us hams. Very soon some clerk will have a lot of answering to do. IRC are valued to the CHEAPEST rate at the moment, even if it was bought for 1.3 dollars in USA or Japan.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 13:06:00 (GMT/BST)
I heard this morning 9m2to on 200 cw, JR6WPT on 090 539 lot of qsb, amd also first time the VK6RSX beacon up to 549.
I will call cq on 50.010 from abt. 0900 - 1100 looking for VK & JA
OY9JD Jon <jon-dam@post. olivant.fo>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 12:55:24 (GMT/BST)
Quiet this morning, a bit of video but no stations heard in IO81. XW0X Website at http://qth.com/dxshack/QRV-QSL-News/21-OCT-01.htm
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvq@fatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 12:21:28 (GMT/BST)
Does anybody have the QSL info for N7ET/DU7?
Bo SM7FJE <bn@aaaaa.se>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 12:06:26 (GMT/BST)
Another great opening this morning - very localised propagation here in IO77WS - wkd XW0X on CW at 0850, then heard him until 0940 approx. Wkd. JI1CQA/6 and JR6WPT at 0950, then heard JR6WPT until 1043 approx. - QTF for JAs 070 degrees. Wkd. VK8TM at 1014 but only heard Terry for a few mins.(a new country for him) Heard nothing from XV, DU etc..73
Chris GM3WOJ <gm3wojtalk21.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 11:06:29 (GMT/BST)
Re 8Q7QQ: I have not seen much activity from Pierre. Tried several times on 28.885 with no success. Propagation? Or fascinated by blue ocean waters?
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 11:00:17 (GMT/BST)
Hi Joe, how have you been? At the moment, it is NOT PERMITTED 50MHz operation in HS-land. And I am not sure XW0X has his shack in Thailand. FB DX from Shirow.
Shirow HS0/JF6DEA <jf6deaja6ybr.org>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 10:55:55 (GMT/BST)
This afternoon we had into perth, OH1SIX 599, OH, SM, EY8, UK9AA.
BUT only stations north of the Swan River in Perth [VK6HK]could work DX, us southerners did not work any.
So VK6HK was the big winner, plus a couple for VK6JJ who is an Easterner!!
I heard SM3BUI for about 20 seconds and that was it!!
We reckon the Swan river that flows through the centre of the city blocks the RF to us south of the river Perth stations, cheers Graham. in Blocked off OF77XX
GRAHAM VK6RO <vk6ro@NOSPAM_hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 09:35:52 (GMT/BST)
XW0X, Hiroo, stays in XW untill February 2002.
By the way Hiroo was the one getting XV3AAs station
ready for 6m. So many EUs have to thank him now for XU, XW und XV. He has also a shack in HS.... 73s Joe
DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 08:39:44 (GMT/BST)
XV3AA 59 at the moment in JO53 and running his pile-up bravely! He is 68 years old!
DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 08:30:27 (GMT/BST)
Hi Gents.Today I talked to Mr.Kuroda, XV3AA today. He said he made 30 QSOs with EUs yesterday and received over 40 e-mails. He is truly an old-man and not used to get piled-up. Please be patient. He said he will QRV today, too. GL.
Han JE1BMJ <callsignjarl.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 04:57:46 (GMT/BST)
Was nice to see the UK(etc.) gang in like gangbusters even before my first cup of coffee. Unfortunately, like 'VEQ said, it really didn't last long. Nothing else heard outside
extreme Western EU and G/GM/GW/EI....figures! It must be the weekend. HI! 7 3 es GL DX 6
Mike VE9AA <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 01:58:23 (GMT/BST)
Quick summary of today's qso's.....XW0X & XU7ABW on cw, hrd XV3AA but pileup was immense, and then he ran!...then wkd five JA's, then W1,2,3,4,8 & VE1,2,3,9. No sign of any Caribbean, or any VK's. Hrd but didn't call..... DU/GM4COK, 9G5AN, ZS6's & ET3VSC. W's were in & out most of the afternoon, and were very strong at one point, but not for long.
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 23:50:36 (GMT/BST)
Thanks to all responding to ZD8 beacon question....dct path?? opened to D44 yesterday from north VK4 for one & a half hours but not a trace in QG62...today maybe???!! Good hunting on six, PJ.
peter vk4apg <pjgardenatgilcomau>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 21:52:29 (GMT/BST)
Re: ZD8VHF Beacon - I live a couple of miles away from the beacon and it's definitely off air at present.
I'll try and get the key this week and have a look at it.
David Bones ZD8DB <Bones@atlantis.co.ac>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 21:10:39 (GMT/BST)
nice to work those this morning:
XU7ABW, DU1EV, XU7ABW,4F2KWT 3 new ones Dxcc #71 sience 1/6
nice to see the small-guns have chance also 100w 5 element
soeren oz0jx <oz0jx@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 20:54:14 (GMT/BST)
de OA6/N6XQ..finally arrived in Arequipa. The volcano is dead in the middle of the EU path ..sri..good shot to US/JA/entire pacific though. Put antenna vertical to cancel out QRN..last operations from OA6 will be morning of 5 Nov. Screwed around in Nazca to long to make the CP1 trip feasible..sri..Will operate from Lima OA4 until I leave evening of 7 Nov. hrd XE1kk bcn today at 1100am ..good sign..73 Jack
jack n6xq <n6xq@yahoo.com>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 19:18:05 (GMT/BST)
Nice to work XU7ABW and XV3AA yesterday morning for a new ones.
Tnx guys.Now in continue hunting for XW0X and others fm East hi.
Gl to all de 9A3FT Renko
Renko 9A3FT <renko.kirigin@st.tel.hr>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 16:54:55 (GMT/BST)
Wrkd DU1/GM4COK for #133 , thanks George....
Also hrd XW (booming sig), DU1EV and XU7ABW...
Not much prop here to the west tho...
CU Tomorrow GL
Jamie gw7smv <gw7smv@*** ***>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 15:29:58 (GMT/BST)
Hi all. Today I worked XV3AA who came back to my CQ! It seems to me that this OM doesn't like pile-ups because after I left him the QRG, he QRT'd after 1 or 2 more QSO's as far as I could hear...
73 de Frank, ON9CC
Frank ON9CC <on9cc@amsat.org>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 15:20:07 (GMT/BST)
To 9H1XT: IRCs are supposed to be accepted by Post Offices for postage to anywhere, and so be enough for returning a QSL - will Malta POs not do this? Are they not in the Universal Postal Union? (they usually will cash them for same as your postage to the most expensive country, like eg USA) BTW Cyprus will, as long as they are stamped on the left.
Nick 5B4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
USA - Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 14:35:33 (GMT/BST)
XP1AB 27/10 TOTAL: 107 QSO 12 DXCC 32 WW loc. 9A,9H,DL,EH7,I,IS,LZ,OE,S5,SV,UR,and YO 4 new first-OX not bad on 2 hours. QSL info is via OZ1ACB. XP1AB call sign is recall by Greenlandic homerule and will never ever be on air again!!!! read more on www.qsl.net/xp1ab
Bo OX3LX/OZ1DJJ <ox3lx@mail.dk>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 13:56:42 (GMT/BST)
Gigantic signals from XW0X this morning around 1030z into the UK, haven't heard anything that strong from Asia since 1991 when KG6DX and KG6UH/DU1 destroyed my S-meter. VEs also very stong earlier but condx going down now.
Darrell G0HVQ <g0hvq@fatcat.clara.co.uk>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 13:43:08 (GMT/BST)
On the subject of IRC. In Malta we are ripped off by the postal authority. We buy an IRC for about 50 cents, the equivalent of more than a US dollar. But cashing in recieved IRC's from hams requesting qsl cards they are valued at 16 cents each. A right and proper RIPOFF. Please dont send IRC to 9h. A dollar is a dollar. An IRC is a bit of paper worth next to nothing for us.
John 9h1xt <john(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 12:21:09 (GMT/BST)
OH1SIX 50.025MHz beacon is QRT for next two or three weeks
due exiter failure.Info fm OH1VR.
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt@sral.fi>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 11:52:00 (GMT/BST)
Re ZD8/b: Nobody in Med area have reported the beacon in months, therefore it doesnt work.
Jose ea7kw <ea7kw (at) ure.es>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 09:23:54 (GMT/BST)
Hello JA. I have received many JA QSLs now. Please use 1 IRC for return postage. Air mail from DL is 1.36 US-Dollar, so 1 USD is not quite enough. Though everybody will get my QSL. 73
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 07:40:16 (GMT/BST)
Mike: On Aussie Maps Chris is at the TOP of the globe ;-) 73
Peter G8BCG <g8bgc@qsl.net>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 07:32:35 (GMT/BST)
May be of interest: N7ET/DU7 is in PJ19 (!) according
to DU1/GM4COK. 73s Joe, DL8HCZ
DL8HCZ <info at dubus.de>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 06:55:49 (GMT/BST)
re: ZD8/B...I have no first hand knowledge (nor have I heard it myself lately, H O W E V E R, I do know it's been
heard in W1-land, NE USA and perhaps VE1 (not strong). If you guys check into n1rz.org you'll find this is just like
the "28.885MHz" of years past (only better, cuz you can look back instead of asking for a repeat. I listen on 28.885 every morning & night on my way to/fr work and ZILCH.
Internet has taken over (hi). I still like to use 885 in conjunction w/ Net. No DX for me this week (work work work) but did hear E30AN from the car on Wednesday morning. (no chance to break EU pileup(wink, wink) with vert & 90w.
Also worked G & GW. Heard for the first time the OY6SMC/B ---from the car at that! Now that it's the weekend, I'd like to finally work our friend Chris @ the bottom of the Globe.
Cheers to all!
Mike VE9AA <ve9aa(at)hotmail.com>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 02:08:54 (GMT/BST)
DX stations worked today - DU/GM4COK, N7ET/DU7, DU1EV, XU7ABW, FG5FR & FG5BG, several WP4's, VO1NG, K2RTH & W4SO and several ZS's. Hrd but didn't call VK6JQ, J28FF, VU2ZAP/MKP, 9G & the ET. Beacons from OX, TF & VK6 copied. Tried to call VK8MS, but failed for the second time to get through (third time lucky?). No sign of the V73 or the KH2....well, one has to be optimistic!.
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 01:24:55 (GMT/BST)
G4ASR: I knew it! I see you spotted me @ 0938. Bugger! I thought I heard a G in there. Trouble is when I would "QRZ G only" I still had I, OK and 9A coming back as well which drowned you out. What part of the "QRZ G only" didn't they understand I wonder? Pity, I still need: G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, and EI for new ones in your region. Thanks for trying though, and hopefully I can pull you out next time. Please call again if you hear me in the next few days! Same with HB9SNR... buried under the wall & another new one missed:(
Adam, VK4CP/P <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 00:09:17 (GMT/BST)
gave a cqdx call at 12:30 and straight back at me 59 was vu2zap..... this band will never cease to amaze ... pure magic.... thanks for the new one raj .. also heard du and hk
but no other qso's ..... yet? ... best regards to all
ray gm7nzi <ray@gm7nzi.freeserve.co.uk>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 23:17:02 (GMT/BST)
Have not seen spots for ZD8 beacon recently. Any update on its serviceability? thanks de pj.
peter, vk4apg <pjgardenatgil.com.au>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 22:41:51 (GMT/BST)
Further to the reception of the VE4/KG0VL beacon, grid EO27 on 27th Oct 01, VE4/KG0VL e-mailed the 3 spotters; GW4VEQ, MM0AMW and myself which I reproduce here (with permission) for its interesting 6m story. For those with an interest in 6m Auroral propagation a visit to Jeffrey’s website is a must for its good technical content and fb auroral photos, URL below. I have also sent Jeffery a WAV recording of the beacon as received in IO83, rst439. Should anyone else be interested in hearing it please e-mail me. Size is 867kb zipped:--->Good evening gentlemen,
Jeffrey here, VE4/KGØVL.
Having just received wind of the reception on the
EO26 beacon, I felt compelled to converse with the three of you.
It is with great astonishment that you fellows were able to receive
the beacon. I've been researching the aurora in Northeastern Manitoba,
Canada for the past five years. There has been nearly zero reports from
the USA and Canada since the beacon went qrv in 1999.
The system was derived as an auroral beacon, with three elements
and 100 watts with a qtf of 000. (due north at this longitude)
It produces daily (diurnal and nocturnal) auroral returns virtually
every hour of the day. (even at "high noon") Situated at nearly
70 degrees geo-magnetic, (PACE) it is beaming into some of the most
energetic auroral energies in North America. Thus is my proclamation
to it's reception.
Therefore, I would like to ask the three of you some questions if at all
Based on your reception of the EO26/b:
1. Can you please state your qtf (beam heading)
2. Exact time of reception
3. Relative qsb levels
4. Any odd irregularities (ie: doppler shift, excessive frequency width,
etc, etc)
With your reports, I shall correlate them with the local magnetometers,
other scientific data from the Canopus array.
I very much appreciate your time and information. I wish I could
have been
at the radio site at that time, but had previous duties. (plus the wx was at
stage II whiteout)
We've had blowing snow for nearly two weeks now. (at least winter is still
two months in
comming) (hi hi) Again, please remember that the beacon is beaming 000
Sorry, forgot to mention.
You can listen to the beacon, or look at
auroral photos from my website.
There are also many VHF auroral audio samples there.
(both ssb and cw au qso's from northern VE and KL7)
Thank you.
Good morning Tony,
thank you very much for the wav file of the EO26/b.
(firstly I cannot believe you spent all the time recording it,
and not on the keyer during such an opening!) (thank you)
Your ideas on the on the e-mail to the "like-minded" folk
sounds very good to me. I would truely appreciate any feedback
or comments in this realm. It seems I can generate little activity,
and just to have anyone (including yourself) seem the least bit
interested is a pleasant surprise.
I have hoped for a northern VE to G, SM, LA, or OH six meter au qso
for some time now, but have had little results. It seems the closest I can
get is receiving the OX3SIX/3 for hours on-end at S-9. Hopefully
someday, I will be at the "right place at the right time".
Again, I thank you very much, and hope to hear from you again.
73's & heaps of f2 to all
Tony G4CBW <g4cbwbtinternet.com>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 21:49:45 (GMT/BST)
XV3AA was here for 10 minutes. Worked when he was smashed by 3 milion SP's and other EU's. Missed VU and the rest.
Worked VK4's XU, DU, KH2 and the wonderfull XV.
Peter, PA2VST <pa2vst***50mhz.com>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 21:26:49 (GMT/BST)
And not to forget VU2ZAP Raj was 599 max here again
jaap van oosten <pa0oos@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 19:02:33 (GMT/BST)
Today KH2JU heard 3minutes several VK4 but hard to work behind a wall of better? situated EU's
XU7ABW was the strongest DX here long time 59 signal and working vy fast. Just where was XV3AA?? that would be a new one... he was not heard..
No Ja and not much video trash either
I am reconsidering my rf power ...a bit naive to think that i could compete with my allmost legal power ..
Also short FG5FR (sorry again qso..) and FG5BM but no sign of new ones like HP,TG,YS,HK here again
I am sure tomorrow will bring some more.. to some..
jaap van oosten <pa0oos@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 18:57:12 (GMT/BST)
thats life renko, normally cndx in 9a much better than in pa now we have some magic at last.
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 18:41:49 (GMT/BST)
Magic when you worked something.If not,more tragic.
Renko 9A3FT
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 18:29:24 (GMT/BST)
Hello, Any idea to get QSL card from the follow stations:
R3VHF, TZ6VV, GJ6TMM, 9K2USA(17/JUN/1994), 4L5O, EU1AA,
5A1A. Thanks you in advance. Jorge EH2LU
Jorge EH2LU <ea2lu@eresmas.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 18:28:01 (GMT/BST)
ok10 grid xu7abw
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 16:53:45 (GMT/BST)
Hi to all .. which is XU7ABW grid square ?
Tnx 73 de
Alex IW0GPN <iw0gpn(at)amsat.org>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 16:34:32 (GMT/BST)
Just in from 5R8FU: Kerry, thank you very much for ur information. I kept the radio going and was calling CQ every know and then. Between 12.28 and 12.47 Z I (just) worked 18 US stations. Quite a surprise, maybe even more so for them!73/Ake 5R8FU
Kerry Rochester <g0lcsxqsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 13:23:07 (GMT/BST)
A brilliant opening to the USA that included 0,1,2,3,4,5,8,9 and 160 QSO in just over an hour brought my 7 days of no propagation to an end. Long may it last! Listen on 117 for your next new country! Chris
Chris, VP8DBL <chris(at)horizon.co.fk>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 12:13:40 (GMT/BST)
Band seemed dead, but XV3AA came on (on sked freq after i emailed him) he called cq and it took 1 call to work him, what a relief, 6m is magic at times
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 12:07:17 (GMT/BST)
Last Evening I ran some Echo tests EME on 50.050. I actually had good results! My first ever EME heard...echoes were very clear, and many of them were returned. Heard Dashes, and "..1RZ" returned many times. I tried for about 15 minutes at moonrise. Anyone with a Large array who has elevation and interested in Working NH, USA FN44ei please let email me...would love to try it in qso sometime. I have a M2 6M9KHW and 1.5kw with pretty decent Ground gain I believe. My antenna does not have elevation however. My moonrise is the best time for me.
73, Tim / FN44ei
Tim N1RZ <n1rz@n1rz.org>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 11:41:18 (GMT/BST)
DU1EV qsl details on QRZ.COM not sure about N7ET/DU7
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 11:27:09 (GMT/BST)
Wow! Nice opening to G and most of Eu. Sorry if I didn't get your call, the qsb was very strong today. Hopefully we'll get a repeat tomorrow.
George DU1/GM4COK <gm4cok@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 11:09:47 (GMT/BST)
Hello! Please QSL info for next stations N7ET/DU7, DU1EV,
AH2K, UA1ZCG and V73UX , Thanks
Jari OH1XT <oh1xt@sral.fi>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 10:28:36 (GMT/BST)
There has been discussion of DU1/GM4COK/MM callsign on 25th October 2001. This is what George
wrote to me in email: "I was /MM on the ship cs Cable Retriever in Subic Bay.
My loc there is PK04dt, here at home it is PK04nq. I was running only 2W to a fixed dipole towards Europe!"
73 de Vesa OH3NWQ @ KP11WL
Vesa, OH3NWQ <oh3nwq(ãt)sral.fi>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 09:15:06 (GMT/BST)
G0DYD, that might apply to UK which is smaller than NT/VK8, however anyone who has watched the cluster will realise that the bulk of VK 6M ops are missing the DX conditions through no defficiency on their part. So do we all migrate 2000 kM or just sit and wait? Like 2 cycles ago the TEP zones are the place to be, but spare a thought for the other 100 VK ops who will never see Europe in their logs in a lifetime.
Steve <vk3six@qsl.net>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 06:49:04 (GMT/BST)
Tnx Tom DL7AV and Peter PY5CC for your kind remarks.
Being now at 204 entities I will try my best during this F2 season.
Costas SV1DH <geten1compulink.gr>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 06:43:06 (GMT/BST)
Hey Tom ( DL7AV ). What ??? Relax after 200 countries on SIX ? I'm getting more crazy after that, hi, hi. Congratulations to all for the great effort. 73s.
Peter PY5CC / PYØFM <PY5CC@50mhz.com>
- Friday, November 02, 2001 at 00:33:02 (GMT/BST)
Could anyone give me an idea how much a MMT 50/144 ( Microwave Modules 50 mhz transverter ) is these days, I am off to a rally this weekend and would like to know where to pitch the price. Fully working in excellent condition, 10watts out for 1w in multimode. Thanks please reply direct.
Martyn G6IVC <G6IVC(at)family-griffiths.fsnet.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 23:07:28 (GMT/BST)
200 countries on Six: May I lead your attention on the fact that within a few days difference, two European stations completed their 200 countries DXCC on Six, SV1DH and 9H1CG. Congratulations! Costas and Joe: Are you going to relax now? I bet you can’t. 73
Tom DL7AV <dl7av-at-online.de>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 22:32:01 (GMT/BST)
North v South...Interesting to note that this cycle is much more of a level playing field and independent of wether u live live in the North or south of England offering equal opportunities to all.Congratulations to all who have enjoyed the fantastic condx and a special mention to G0JHC.
Congrats neil on a magnificent achievent in working
183 dxcc from the North of England.
Ian G0FYD <g0fyd@mccabei.fsnet.co.uk>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 22:17:15 (GMT/BST)
ZL2TPY worked at 2015z today. Also heard was KH6SX around that same time but not worked. Also heard was ZL3TY .099 but not worked.
This morning I worked PJ2MI. This brings me up to #75 DXCC since last year almost to the day! GREAT cycle from FN44ei.
Tim N1RZ <n1rzn1rz.org>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 22:01:59 (GMT/BST)
Hello Friends....today was not a complete washout after the Aurora last night, granted the East-West F2 went South, and the band remained quiet for most of the day. Started hearing Africa at lunchtime, and the 9G was loud and proud on 106 for much of the afternoon. TU2OJ was also a good signal, and I was most pleased to work ET3VSC @ 14:30 for a new dxcc. J28FF was quite loud on .110 @ 15:00, and I had lots of in-band video @ qtf 125 at that time. Aurora set-in at 17:30z, and this evening I have heard lots of Au E signals, with TF, SM, OY and both OX beacons in here (1st time hrd both at once). I'll be listening for VE8BY bcn later......tnx to Don VK6HK for the cw report yesterday, I'll try and drag you out of the video qrn next time, and to Adam VK4CP/P for cofirming our qso. Hope the CME doesen't have too much of an effect tommorrow on the MAGIC band!
Tony - GW4VEQ <gw4veq@breathemail.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 21:40:43 (GMT/BST)
Would you like to have a WORLD square map ? It’s a map made with excel 2000, very easy to use. Send me an E-mail and I will send back the file (500 ko). 73
F8OP <f8op@wanadoo.fr>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 20:58:06 (GMT/BST)
About Pierre 8Q7QQ: I worked him Wednesday, when I was at the WSBA. CW on .110, I also heard him on 885 later saying he hadn't much propagation. So not to worry!
Nick 5B4FL ZC4FL <5b4fl(at)qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 19:13:59 (GMT/BST)
TONY Thanks very much for info gd dx
Daniel MW1MFY <mw1mfy@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 19:06:29 (GMT/BST)
We had a brief ragchew with Pierre HB9QQ on 50.180 the day before going to 8q7. He said that everything was set for the trip. I think that there simply has been no propagation.
John 9h1xt <johnscic(at)synapse.net.mt>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 18:42:40 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know something about 8Q7QQ? He was supposed to start the day before yesterday. Tnx
Tony, I0JX <i0jx@amsat.org>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 18:09:21 (GMT/BST)
de OA5/N6XQ..update..still in Nazca..worked 115 W/VE yesterday. Eu video was much weaker than the day before. I will not be in OA6 Arequipa until 3 Nov...QRT until then as I got kicked out of the airport QTH. Arequipa is in a valley with high mountains so the takeoff angle will not be as good as Nazca has been. Plan to be back in Lima on the 5th if I can get a ticket.Nazca is a nice place 73 Jack
Jack N6XQ <n6xq@yahoo.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 17:45:34 (GMT/BST)
Hi Daniel - download U.S.A. grid map from http://www.icomamerica.com/downloads/usgridsq.pdf
Useful and detailed graphic..have fun.
73 de iw9cer.com
Tony IW9CER <info@iw9cer.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 16:43:59 (GMT/BST)
Does anyone know where I can find a locator map of the U.S.A please.
Thanks Gd dx
Daniel MW1MFY <mw1mfy@hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 16:20:04 (GMT/BST)
VP8DBL running W 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,0 right now - GO Chris & TKS new ones!
Dave N3DB <callsign_at_radix.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 16:00:17 (GMT/BST)
Sri for below didnt realise it had already been posted
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 14:01:22 (GMT/BST)
Iain M0BCG, RE OJ0VR, this was posted on N1RZ chat page few mins ago
OG3NWQ/QRL Vesa > OJ0VR = OH1VR has now sent info to ARRL, so OJ0VR should be soon again OK for DXCC
Adrian G0KOM <ade@50mhz.org>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 13:47:55 (GMT/BST)
9G5AN just told me on 10 71 DXCC and +2250 QSO and they are still running! Activity in Africa makes the difference. Job well done Dick and Arliss !!
johan, ON4ANT <on4ant@arrl.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 13:25:29 (GMT/BST)
Thanks Bo I have the ic706 in the car now.. nil heard today
Jaap Van Oosten PA0OOS <pa0oos@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 13:25:08 (GMT/BST)
XW0X; 100W 4 el
Bo SM7FJE <bn****aaaaa.se>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 10:45:45 (GMT/BST)
info xwox: http://qth.com/dxshack/QRV-QSL-News/21-OCT-01.htm
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 10:38:07 (GMT/BST)
Hi Hiro XW0X what was your power/ant in the opening
yesterday? Or does anyone know t.i.a.
Jaap Van Oosten PA0OOS <pa0oos@qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 10:26:10 (GMT/BST)
A great day again yesterday !!
Wrkd XW0X, and then a great surprise was to work 2 JA's , what a 'magic band ' indeed !! Hrd about 3 more, qtf 50 deg.
Qrl now for a few days so gd lk to all...
Jamie <gw7smv***qsl.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 08:31:47 (GMT/BST)
Dear Friends,
I have today sent a copy of my OJ0VR license to ARRL.
I have been there at least 15 times and this is the first
time they are asking documentation. Funny thing is that
personally I have not received any inquiry from ARRL.
Next OJ0-pedition will happen latest on January 2002.
73 de Seppo OH1VR/OJ0VR
OH1VR <seppo.sisatto@kotiposti.net>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 08:14:24 (GMT/BST)
Surprised and happy to work ZK1AKX North Cook Is. Oct. 30 at 0202 utc on a Es - F2 link. Today PJ2MI was booming in for another new one. Will concentrate on working EU and Asia when at HC8N Nov. 20.
Jon N0JK <n0jk(at)hotmail.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 02:58:09 (GMT/BST)
Oops, an after-midnight typo on my last: was actually GW4VEQ - not GW4VEG... Sri Tony for the scare - you are in the log and recorded on MiniDisc! QUESTION: Do I believe Grid Squares that the VQLog database provides? I have noted a descrepancy in the subsquare compared to Buckmaster. Is VQLog data actual GL whereas Buckmaster calculates from lat/long (hence source of error)??? Or do a lot of people move QTH by only one square? How often is VQLog database updated?
Adam, VK4CP/P <vk4cp(at)bigpond.com>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 02:19:32 (GMT/BST)
...and BTW Tony GW4VEQ your sigs heard in Perth 339 yesterday calling CQ on CW around 50.105 ish at 0834Z. Much calling produced no result. Just on the fringes I guess! SM7FJE also heard but no contacts.
Don VK6HK <patndon@cygnus.uwa.edu.au>
- Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 00:33:16 (GMT/BST)
Welcome to the UKSMG Announcement Page! We hope that you enjoy this announcement and
chat page. Just click on the e-mail address to send a personal reply to an announcement or
post a message if you think others will be interested!
Chris Gare, G3WOS <chris(at)uksmg.org>
- Thursday, August 15, 1996 at 12:57:19 (BST)
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