Great strides in sporadic-E
achievements and theory have been made since amateurs
discovered this fascinating propagation mode in the
1930s. This review of progress and future Prospects
provides a practical guide for effective use of VHF
sporadic-E propagation.
of spectacular sporadic-E contacts made on the 50, 144,
and 220-MHz bands during the past half dozen years have
created considerable excitement in VHF circles. US and
Canadian 6-meter operators have long awaited the
opportunity to make 50-MHz E-skip contacts into Europe,
and the first two-way transatlantic 50MHz sporadic-E
contacts were made on July 11 1983, soon after British
amateurs gained access to the band. Most of the British
stations that made 5000km and longer contacts were
running only a few watts! Since then many stations in
Canada, on the East Coast and in the South and Mid West
have been treated to European sporadic-E openings.
Similar contacts between the East Coast and Hawaii (up
to 8000km) and the West Coast to Japan (7600km and
longer) are frequent enough to suggest even greater
possibilities for 6-meter sporadic-E.
Numerous contacts in the 2200 - to 3200km range made
recently on 144MHz prove that sporadic-E on the higher
VHF bands is not limited to the 2200km distance maximum
characteristic of "one -hop" E-layer propagation.
Stations as widely separated as St Paul Island (in the
Gulf of St Lawrence) and Florida have completed 2-meter
contacts over 2200 km into the Midwest and Far West;
during the June 1987 ARRL VHF QSO Party, several
extraordinary contacts over paths 2900 km and longer
were completed on 144MHz from Arizona and Nevada to
Georgia and Florida via sporadic-E. Many other examples
of contacts made over similar distances indicate that
conditions capable of supporting such contacts may be
more common than once thought. In spite of these
accomplishments, the longest 144MHz sporadic-E contact
was not made in North America, but rather is claimed by
Gyula Nagy, HG0HO, and Salvatore Patruno, EA8XS, who
united two continents over a 3865-km path on July 16,
Perhaps the most remarkable recent achievement came with
a report of the first 220MHz sporadic-E contact. In an
event long predicted and anticipated by amateur VHF
enthusiasts, and preceded by several near-misses, Bill
Duval, K5UGM, and John Moore, W5HUQ/4, finally broke
through a 1500km path from Texas to Florida on June 14,
1987, during the ARRL VHF QSO Party, Undoubtedly, this
feat will be repeated in the future as the popularity of
the 220-MHz band grows.
What is
Sporadic E?
(also known as Es) propagation is probably familiar to
many low-band operators as the summertime "short skip"
on 10 meters. It is also responsible for most of the
long-distance (600km and greater) contacts on the
6-meter band. Sporadic-E is a type of ionospheric
E-layer reflection caused by small patches of unusually
dense ionization. These sporadic E-layer "clouds" appear
unpredictably, but they are most common over the US and
southern Canada during the daylight hours of late spring
and summer. Sporadic-E events may last for just a few
minutes to several hours; a given event usually affects
only small areas of the country at any one time. During
June and July, signals propagated by means of sporadic-E
ionization may be heard on 50MHz for several hours a day
on more than half the days. Sporadic-E is observed on
144 MHz less than a tenth as often as on 50MHz. Signals
are often remarkably strong, allowing 50 and 144MHz
stations running 10 watts, and often much less than
that, to make contacts 1500 km and longer with relative
Phenomena related to
Sporadic E

1: Classification of sporadic-E propagation phenomena
geographic region.
closely related propagation modes are sometimes confused
with temperate-zone sporadic-E. Long duration meteor
scatter is often difficult to distinguish from true
sporadic-E. When the MUF is just below 50MHz, for
example, random meteors may elevate the MUF to a useful
level for a few tens of seconds at a time. At times,
such scatter simply evolves into solid sporadic-E
propagation and may serve as an early warning of E-skip
conditions. During especially intense sporadic-E
sessions, -scatter may be evident. -scatter
signals are much weaker than normal E-skip signals; they
may exhibit multipath flutter (a hollow,
from-the-bottom-of-a-barrel sound) or have a slight
echo. -scatter signal paths are usually well off
expected great-circle bearings, but focus on known
sporadic-E reflection centers. The expected
communication range via -scatter is short (in the
300 to 1100km range); thus, back-scatter may be useful
for making contacts between the normal tropo distance
and the shortest E-skip distances. Back-scatter contacts
maybe especially useful in "filling n" grid-square
multipliers on 50MHz during contests, for example.
Back-scatter has been observed on 144 MHz when the MUF
was in that range.
irregularities (FAI) is a newly discovered propagation
mode that may exist simultaneously with sporadic-E and
persists for an hour or more after all evidence of
normal sporadic-E has disappeared. FAI signals are
generally very weak and may easily be confused with
back-scatter signals. Signals propagated by means of FAI
have a rough, auroral quality; because of this SSB
communication via FAI may be marginal at best. To make
use of FAI, operators generally must point their
antennas northward - as is necessary with auroral
propagation - toward an existing or former sporadic-E
center. Distances up to 2000km have been reported for
FAI work at 144 MHz. Intense auroral propagation that
spontaneously evolves into sporadic-E in the northern
latitudes of the US and Canada is known as auroral-E
propagation. Sometimes this shift takes place over the
course of a minute and may be evident during a single
contact. A rough, raspy, auroral signal may be quickly
transformed into a strong, crystal clear signal. When
this happens, auroral-E has taken over. Another
characteristic of auroral-E is that it sometimes
supports communication over distances much greater than
would be expected for other types of sporadic E (up to
3200km), because auroral-Es clouds are typically higher
than temperate-zone clouds. Commonly observed auroral-E
paths include Alaska, the Yukon and the Northwest
Territories to the upper US Midwest and New England.
Auroral-E is observed far less often than
temperate-latitude sporadic E and primarily on the 50MHz
Geographical, Seasonal
and Daily Variations
2: Average occurrence of sporadic-E in the Northern
temperate zone as a percentage of time. The curves on
this graph are line of constant percentage. Note that
the peak period for sporadic-E is 0900 to 1100 during
June and July.
appearance of sporadic-E is related not only to time of
day and to season, but to geographical location.
Researchers have identified five distinct geographic
zones of sporadic-E occurrence based primarily on
seasonal and hourly characteristics. These zones are
shown in Fig 1. Within the northern temperate zone,
sporadic-E may appear at any time, but long-term
observations have shown that it occurs more often from
mid-May to mid-August than any other months, followed by
a less productive period from mid December to
mid-January. Mid-latitude sporadic-E also occurs most
often from 0800 to 1200 and 1900 to 2300 local time,
regardless of season, with a statistical peak at about
the midpoint of each time period. The daily and seasonal
probabilities of sporadic E over the US from May through
August are shown graphically in Fig 2. There are also
significant variations within the northern temperate
zone. Sporadic-E ionization occurs most often in the
western Pacific, China and South-east Asia, and least
often over the north Atlantic and adjacent portions of
the north-eastern North America! In the US, E-skip is
nearly twice as common over the South-west as over the
North-cast. Peak times for sporadic-E in the rest of the
world vary considerably. Like that of the northern
temperate zone, the major sporadic-E season in the
southern temperate zone occurs from late spring to early
summer (mid-November to mid-February in the southern
hemisphere). In the two auroral zones, sporadic E is a nearly constant phenomenon of the 8-hour period centered at noon regardless of the season, but it is rare at other times. In the two auroral zones, sporadic E is least likely to appear at noon, but it appears more than half the time in the 1800 to 2400 period with little variation throughout the year.
E-Skip and Solar
Fig 3: A comparison of
average planetary K index (Kp) values (A) and observed
daily minutes of sporadic-E signals heard on 50MHz (B)
during 1965.
relationship between the formation of temperate-zone
sporadic-E and solar geophysical conditions are still
debated. Most researchers have held that there is no
clear correlation between the sunspot cycle and
sporadic-E formation that compares with close
association between F-layer and solar conditions. Some
recent work has suggested that this may not be the case,
and that low solar activity, whether measured as solar
flux (sunspot number) or short term geomagnetic
conditions (planetary A and K indexes), are most
favourable for temperate-zone sporadic-E formation.
One analysis of the relationship between the planetary
K-index and sporadic-E, summarized in Fig 3,
demonstrates that observed 50MHz E-skip conditions have
occurred more often when the K index was low. When the
index was high, as during the geomagnetic storm of June
15 to 22, 1965, observed minutes of sporadic-E activity
fell off precipitously. The relationship between
sporadic-E ionization and the 11 year solar cycle is
less clear, but data from three long-term studies,
presented in Fig 4, suggests that sporadic E may peak
during solar minima.
Causes of Sporadic E

Fig 4: Relationship between the
solar cycle (solid curve) and the occurrence of
sporadic-E in the northern temperate zone. The three
studies of sporadic-E
occurrence shown here used different criteria and are
not directly comparable.
The cause
or more likely the multiple causes of sporadic-E are
still being pursued by researchers. Ten distinct types
of sporadic-E, and at least nice different theories of
causation, were listed in the review of what was known
about sporadic-E in 1959. The classification of distinct
types has been retained, but since the 1960s, the wind
shear theory has gained more acceptance than any other
in explaining temperate-zone sporadic-E formation. In
its simplest form, the windshear theory holds that
gaseous ions are accumulated and concentrated into
small, thin, patchy sheets by the combined actions of
high-altitude winds and the earth's magnetic field in
the E region of the ionosphere. The resulting sheets, or
sporadic E clouds, may attain the required ion density
to serve as a reflecting medium for VHF radio waves.
Recent work has emphasized the role of long lived ion
and magnesium ions (thought to be the result of meteor
evaporation) in the formation of sporadic E clouds.
Sporadic E clouds observed by rocket-borne instruments
and back-scatter experiments have been found to be 50 to
100km in diameter, 2 to 4 km thick and 95 to 115km in
altitude. The results of one such rocket experiment are
shown in Fig 5. Although most research has confirmed a
close association between wind-shear and sporadic E, not
all aspects of the sporadic-E phenomenon can be
explained, including its diurnal and seasonal
The Classical 'E' Skip
Fig 5: Electron density
as a function of altitude across a sporadic-E cloud.
Based on the results of an Aerobee rocket flight in
May 1962.
wind-shear theory is consistent with classical
description of temperate-zone E skip derived from
observations of amateur VHF communications and specially
designed experiments. In the classical model, sporadic-E
reflections are assumed to be specular (mirror-like) and
associated with a single E cloud that lies midway along
a given radio path at an altitude of about 105km. See
Fig 6. At this altitude the maximum possible
single-reflection (single hop) distance computes to
about 2200 km, The highest frequency reflected back to
the surface of the earth, the MUF, varies from 20 MHz to
at least 220 MHz. At the MUF, the angle of reflection is
greatest, the single-hop distance is longest and signal
strengths are greatest. As the signal frequency
decreases from the MUF, the angle of reflection
decreases, the resulting signal path is shorter and
signal strength is relatively less. At some critical
frequency signals transmitted straight up will be
reflected straight down (zero angle of reflection). The
classical model also describes a relationship among MUF,
signal frequency, angle of radiation and resulting path
distance that can serve as a very useful tool for quick
evaluation of sporadic-E conditions. These relationships
are presented in Fig 7 and can be calculated more
precisely if desired. The minimum MUF of a single
sporadic-E reflector can be determined when the
frequency and path distance of any observed contact are

Fig 6: Relationship
between path distance and sporadic-E MUF. For a
E-cloud with a 144MHz MUF, the path distance at 144MHz
will be a
maximum single hop distance of about 2200 km. As the
is decreased from the MUF, the path shortens. At
50MHz, the
expected path length will be about 650 km. At the
frequency (0.188 x MUF) - 27MHz in this case, the path
decreases to zero (that is,
a signal transmitted straight up will be
reflected straight down).
Consider a
50MHz contact between stations in Memphis and
Indianapolis, 600 km apart, shown in Fig 8. What is the
minimum possible MUF of the cloud that is supporting
that path? Refer to Fig 7 and read up from 600km until
you reach the dashed line corresponding to 50MHz. Then
find the MUF by interpolating between the solid curves
for 144 and 200MHz. In this case, the MUF is something
over 144MHz - say, 160MHz. The process can be taken one
step further to estimate the likely distance that could
be spanned on 144MHz using the same E cloud as a
reflecting point. Follow the imaginary 160MHz MUF line
up and to the right until it intersects the dashed line
that corresponds to a signal frequency of 144 MHz. This
intersection corresponds to 1800 km on the horizontal
scale. Such an analysis strongly suggests that a 144MHz
path from Minneapolis to Tallahassee or any other 1800km
path with the same center point - should be possible.
Fig 7 also reveals another curious relationship: the MUF
is about 5.3 times the critical frequency (zero on the
horizontal distance scale).
This classical analysis works well in many practical
applications, and it has enabled many alert operators to
anticipate 144 and 220MHz sporadic-E. It may also be
helpful to keep in mind that the sporadic-E MUF often
climbs very rapidly, but reaches 144MHz only one-tenth
as often as 50 MHz. The sporadic-E MUF exceeds 200MHz on
rare occasions. Because the VHF amateur radio bands are
widely spaced in the radio spectrum, monitoring between
the amateur bands such as TV Channels 2 to 13, FM
broadcast or aircraft navigation aids, may provide more
precise indications of actual conditions.
Multiple-Hop Paths and
Other Complications
Fig 7: Relationship between
path distance, frequency and MUF for signals
propagated by means of sporadic-E clouds at an
altitude of 105 km.
classical model may help to explain single-hop paths,
but what about sporadic-E contacts longer than 2200 km -
the maximum single-hop distance (assuming an Es-layer
altitude of 105km)? The classical model requires that
such paths be completed by hops via at least two E
clouds spaced at just the right distance to complete the
path. Further, each cloud must exhibit the necessary
MUF. Longer paths, such as those from the East Coast to
Europe or even from the Midwest to Hawaii, require an
even trickier cloud arrangement because at least three
hops are necessary to complete them.
Numerous reports of 144MHz contacts in the 2200 to 3200
km range appear to challenge the classical explanation
of long-path E-skip propagation. The primary difficulty
lies with the distance between hops. Although such
contacts exceed the normal 2200 km maximum for normal
single-hop propagation, they are significantly shorter
than 4000 km, the expected double-hop path supported by
E clouds with MUFs just under 144 MHz.
A classical two-hop, 2500 km contact at 144 MHz would
require that two Sporadic-E clouds with MUFs in the 200
MHz range exist simultaneously about 1250 km apart! This
coincidence seems quite unlikely, as even one cloud
exhibiting an MUF of 200 MHz is exceedingly rare.
8: A 50MHz E-skip contact between Indianapolis and
Memphis (600 km) suggests the existence of a
sporadic-E reflection point over western Kentucky (at
mid path).
participants in 144 MHz contacts in the 2800 to 3200 km
range have heard or worked stations at intermediate
distances. This is evidence that multiple hops may be
responsible in such situations. In other cases, there
has been no evidence of intermediate hops. Lack of such
evidence does not preclude the existence of intermediate
hops, of course. In some cases, it has been argued that
there were simply no stations active at intermediate
There are
other possible explanations for sporadic-E propagation
beyond the one hop range. Sporadic-E clouds higher than
110 km could support contacts over longer distances (a
cloud at an altitude of 150km would lengthen the
single-hop range to 2500 km), but there is little
evidence that sporadic-E clouds form at altitudes higher
than 120km. E-skip paths may be lengthened by extended
tropospheric enhancement or unusually high station
elevation at one or both ends of the path, but it is
unlikely that these factors explain more than a few
particular cases.
Tilted E clouds may provide a more promising solution.
Rocket soundings of the E-layer have revealed that some
clouds do not lie in parallel to the earth's surface,
but are tilted a few degrees, and sometimes as much as
30 degrees, from the horizon. Such tilting could allow
reflections at frequencies greater than the normal MUF,
creating paths in the 2200 to 3200 km range. Fig 9 shows
this possibility for two clouds that exhibit the
necessary orientation.

9: Proposed explanation for observed 2200- to 3200 km
contacts that behave as if propagate via a single
reflection paths.
Distances longer than normal single reflection paths
might be possible
by means of reflections between tilted E clouds. The
MUF of the
sporadic-E clouds along an earth-cloud-cloud-earth
path need not
be as great as that for the cloud in a single
reflection, earth-cloud-earth
path because the reflection angles required to bring
signals back to the
earth are less than for earth-cloud-cloud-earth model.
A 220MHz E-skip contact has
been completed, and three and four hop 50MHz contacts
are common enough to no longer be surprising. What is
left to achieve? It is apparent that a transcontinental
144MHz contact is possible. The claimed 144MHz distance
record of 3865km is greater than the distance from Los
Angeles to Charleston, for example. On June 14, 1987,
the North American continent was nearly spanned on 144
MHz when James Fry, NW7O/7, in Southern Nevada, hooked
up with James Poore, KD4WF, Savannah, Georgia - a
distance of 3165km. Undoubtedly, an actual trans-North
American 144 MHz contact will be completed in the near
Transatlantic 144 MHz contacts are likely as well. Most
of the 50MHz US-Europe contacts have been in the 5000km
range, suggesting at least three hops, but a careful
choice of location in North America can easily reduce
the distance to the two-hop range. Newfoundland and
Ireland are separated by little more than 3000km, and
the distance even from Dublin to Prince Edward Island is
less than 4200km - just within the 4400km limit of
ordinary two-hop E-skip contacts.
After 50 years of experience with sporadic E, it seems
reasonable to conclude that radio amateurs have
experienced nearly everything possible for this
propagation mode. Recent accomplishments prove that a
great deal remains to be discovered about the
unpredictable world of Sporadic-E.
News issues
40 & 41,
Jan & April 1994